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  1. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Fraggot in Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Would have been better to just slay for camping ganja, unless he was slain for stuff already that session. +1 for unban only if it's the only rule he broke that day.
  2. Friendly
    Hidingmaster reacted to diabeetus in bro.   
    I was summoned?
  3. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Chris shall be inactive!   
    Actually dark... is it really fine???? ARE YOU SURE?
  4. Informative
    Hidingmaster reacted to Kyoko in Activity Drop   
    School is here, and I have cross country right after so I wont be on a lot.
    @@Gkoo gimme dat knife
    @@Hidingmaster PRAISE JEZUS
    @@DarkWolf6052 gimem yo diick
    @@John Dead Nigger Storage
  5. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to John in Eden - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright, I guess this has been open long enough. I'm sorry Eden but I am changing my vote to a -1. You're a good guy, but we need to start leaving these as permanent. As it was said you did go into this knowing full well the consequences.
    I'm going to close this unless anyone else disagrees. As the Division Leader, a Co-Leader, Gkoo, and myself, as well as multiple others are -1ing the unban.
    I would also like to really start here in leaving all intentional mass freekills permanent. @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster for your input later in TeamSpeak.
  6. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from PolarCoded in Its been fun...   
    but its about time i take a break from this place and focus on the more important things in life. I have 2 jobs and will be taking 20 credit hours this semester, which starts thursday. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate to take care of and I just don't know if I can dedicate the time in the near future. Plus, there is a lot of stuff going on here that I just don't want to be associated with, its not my job to argue over dumb things, its my job to make this place a fun thing for everyone. Goodbye.
    @@DaddioDoug Good luck with life.
    @@DarkWolf6052 You know where to reach me, its been real yo.
    @@Gkoo I <3 you a little, in a bro kind of way.
    @@John I don't know what to say to you, i missed you though.
    @@CyanNovaa Don't leave me alone.
    @@Chrono Thanks feg.
    @@Forest Don't catch on fire chap.
    @@Superkiller67 You've been a big help, thanks.
    And to everyone else.. too lazy to tag. Azmatic, payturr, minecrack, unit, dirtyd, orange (<3), meowmix, rpx, shadowspy, meganrobin, sepzeroh, the list goes on. You are all great people and make this place what it is.
    By the way, ill be back in like an hour or so, just wanted to let you all know that ill be gone for the next 60 minutes. Back to the usual grind soon on here.
    Oh and in all seriousness, I'll be a little less inactive since school is actually starting, but if need anything help just message me on steam or the forums since i check them at least once a day at work. And you all thought I was leaving, sorry to crush your hopes. #demotejohn
  7. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Funny how you conveniently didn't show where you called him a "fucking new mod" who is bad... I don't understand why everyone tries to hid their side of the rule-breaking, like we wont find it.

    And he did apologize to you, then you turned around and said that to him. Accidents happen, I'm confused by the purpose of this thread other than to show someone made a small error, apologized for it, then because you can't be mature about it... you then disrespected.
    -1' alt='> -1'>
  8. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrSaturday in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Funny how you conveniently didn't show where you called him a "fucking new mod" who is bad... I don't understand why everyone tries to hid their side of the rule-breaking, like we wont find it.

    And he did apologize to you, then you turned around and said that to him. Accidents happen, I'm confused by the purpose of this thread other than to show someone made a small error, apologized for it, then because you can't be mature about it... you then disrespected.
    -1' alt='> -1'>
  9. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Lemons in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Funny how you conveniently didn't show where you called him a "fucking new mod" who is bad... I don't understand why everyone tries to hid their side of the rule-breaking, like we wont find it.

    And he did apologize to you, then you turned around and said that to him. Accidents happen, I'm confused by the purpose of this thread other than to show someone made a small error, apologized for it, then because you can't be mature about it... you then disrespected.
    -1' alt='> -1'>
  10. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to MineCrack in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    With the logic you used, I don't blame him for calling you a fucking idiot.
  11. Smelly
    Hidingmaster reacted to Rhododendron in Taking a break   
    That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
    I'm sawwy mashta
    Now do my bidding:

  12. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from iRpx in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    If he loved the community and servers so much... Why did he dig himself into such a deep hole. Hindsight can be a real bitch sometimes.
    Until I see you drastically improve in-game I won't change my vote. And I'm not talking one day or one week, I'm talking a month or more of mature behavior and respect.
  13. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to Gkoo in Teamkilling as a Prisoner   
    We want to remove the rule completly.
    I want teamkilling to be allowed without it being slayable.
  14. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGStumpy in Activity Drop   
    Good luck. Oh and its tomorrow, not tomarrow.. just in case you have a vocab test tomorrow.
  15. Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Activity Drop   
    Good luck. Oh and its tomorrow, not tomarrow.. just in case you have a vocab test tomorrow.
  16. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from John in Activity Drop   
    Good luck. Oh and its tomorrow, not tomarrow.. just in case you have a vocab test tomorrow.
  17. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Kyoko in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  18. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from snakeboyeric in Teamkilling as a Prisoner   
    I dont see any reason to not allow teamkilling, if you are stupid enough to fall into someone elses trap than you should be killed. Plus, teamkilling is fun, funny, and makes the rounds go faster.
  19. Funny
    Hidingmaster reacted to xGShadowSpy in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@iRpx I'm rating everyone here, not just you.
    <20:49:33> "Rpx": keep rating spamming plz
    <20:49:40> "Rpx": based god got banned for 2 days for it
    <20:49:47> "Rpx": little dick faggot
    <20:49:54> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    Not bothering with a screenshot, dont feel like dealing with that, think if its fake if u must
  20. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster reacted to Shadow1226 in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    and btw I don't harrass john, john never has a problem with me, if you don't like the rules then I suggest leave xG you fucking rtard
  21. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to orangejuice in !boom   
    my abortion?
    MY ABORTION! oh and +1 on the bombs as it might raise the population if not help keep it up untill we get hub back it might even get more members and more donations rolling in too
    oh and johns dumb thats only like a page
  22. Smelly
    Hidingmaster reacted to orangejuice in xG Roflmao61 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +0/-0 for now as there were atleast 2 freekilled as i was one of them i was looking down i saw half of darks spray under me imo it was a valid ban and was disscused between me @@DarkWolf6052 @@John and @@GanjaMonster i personaly would have done it for a day or two but they agreed apon a week so this is just my opion ima leave it as is for now i may or may not change my opion later on
  23. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to orangejuice in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 you got slayed for camping as i was gunna slay you my self but john beat me to it , then u carryed on about it john gaged u then u went into admin chat then u got kicked boohoo
  24. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to Snoopy in Snoopy - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Eff this Incorrect format. I'm not about to go hunt down the three and tell them to change the format. I'm not a patient man, I have the vote...not in the right format
  25. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Snoopy in Snoopy - Counter-Strike: Source   
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    -Closed upon request ;) @@Forest , promote to member on forums.