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  1. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Steam Ruined Trading   
    Jesus christ why are you all so thick? You can turn off the goddamn email verification. I did it the other day.
    Just go to privacy settings.
  2. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Lets go back   
    Renakane. @Colorparty. @Ohstopyou @me rip saxton hale old days. <3
  3. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Rabid in Lets go back   
    Forest's name use to be tree, but he bloomed into a full forest, If that is not proof of people growing idk what is.
  4. Informative
    ChickenPanda reacted to Cr1TiKaL in Heads up to everyone that plays on tf2 servers from me   
    Hey, so I changed my steam name from Skullwan to Cr1TiKaL so this post was just a warning to all that I have a different name now in-game. Also it was a heads up so if people are confused as to who the guy called [xG:M] Cr1TiKaL is I promise you he isn't a random impersonating a mod its just me.
    So uh, yeah. Just a heads up so you guys don't flip shit when you see me on the tf2 servers.
    #ripskullwan #supCr1TiKaL
  5. Sad
    ChickenPanda reacted to Snipes in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    So cooly left xG. Now i'm going too, sorry for getting your hopes up by saying i was back and then leaving the next day. I have more reason than just "cooly left". I always felt i was treated more as a mexican terrorist child, ( @FoRgE ). I never want to be the stupid little Arabian hooker boy. I really do love all of you (except for @Hachi , no offense but your a full on attention whore.) Like really, i super love @BelloWaldi @ChickenPanda @Ohstopyou @RinAoi and of course @CoolyCooly tons. Please don't be offended by the gestures of anger that may seem to be imbued in the way I'm writing, or by my shitty ass grammar.
    And please don't be offended if i remove you, I just need to distance myself from tf2, and I've decieded only to keep some of my friends who would talk to me as if I was another human being. And not to say everyone i remove wouldn't, as aforementioned I just need some distance from the clan. I sincerely hope all of you understand my decision to leave and can respect it without stirring shit up.
    It was fucking amazing to meet all of you in the past year or so since I've started playing on the servers, and I wish everyone the best course of life from this point forward. hachi your a cunt
  6. Friendly
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I've pocketed Sylux on Pokemon. He's a godly soldier. @Moosty
  7. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Sylux in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I've pocketed Sylux on Pokemon. He's a godly soldier. @Moosty
  8. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Tekk in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I've pocketed Sylux on Pokemon. He's a godly soldier. @Moosty
  9. Disagree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Flareon in I'll be back later   
    We'll miss you.
  10. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I've pocketed Sylux on Pokemon. He's a godly soldier. @Moosty
  11. Sad
    ChickenPanda reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bye   
  12. Informative
    ChickenPanda reacted to Vaporeon in To Clear Things Up   
    At first, I was unsure why I was demoted. I thought I had been doing a good job at enforcing the rules, with one or two blemishes, but nothing demotion-worthy. I conferred with Bach and Kbraszz, and this was the answer I got.
    The other day, I gagged about three people and banned one more for disrespect, specifically towards furries and bronies. I had warned all of them, but they all continued making insensitive remarks. Apparently, there was a miscommunication and I was called out for "gagging those who disagree with me". I talked to Bach on the matter, and he didn't seem to want to discuss. I personally feel that this was an extremely trivial reason to demote one of the division's most active moderators, but that's not my call. I'm not trying to start an argument, or beg for my position back, but there were some who were confused as to what happened, and I wanted to clear it up. If I'm going to be demoted, then so be it, but I don't want people thinking that it's because I abused the role. Thank you for reading this, and I hope I'll continue to be a valuable part of the XenoGamers community.
    @BelloWaldi @Kypari @Tekage
  13. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Mlcastle   
    I have met multiple people who have issues with the map. I haven't seen it often, but it does happen. It's not a vast percentage, so I say keep it.
  14. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Snipes in Here we go again   
    Sorry for the people i didnt tag, next time ill just tag cooly
  15. Ding!
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from diabeetus in Complaining like the kid i am   
    I suggested this awhile back, and someone mentioned you're allowed to wear an [xG-Rep] tag if you're in the group.
  16. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in Did This Division Die?   
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous let's revive xG YouTube yeah?
  17. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Did This Division Die?   
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous let's revive xG YouTube yeah?
  18. Friendly
    ChickenPanda reacted to kbraszzz in Stardestroyer56 - team fortress 2   
    Looking at the ban the reason is 1440.
    Meaning he was trying to ban for a day.
    So you're unbanned.
  19. F!$k Off
    ChickenPanda reacted to Rabid in Buggeroff?? f*ckyou   
    @Nomulous @Rhododendron
    i swear to god i don't give a f*ck who did it but f*cking change it back, The rating F*ck you was changed to bugger off F*CKING CHANGE IT BACK YOU F*CKS I DID NOT SERVE OUT A MONTH LONG BAN TO COME BACK TO THIS BULLSH*T
  20. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Haruka in Mr_ragingturtle   
  21. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to Dethman in Confession and apolgizeing   
    I needed to make this so i can get somethings off of my chest and explain why i am so immature. I am about to share something really sensitive about me and you guys might have mixed feelings. if you feel like this is bullcrap well i wish it was too, but sadly it is not. This story will explain why i am so immature and why i get really angry or bi-polar when they say certain things.
    If you think this is an attention whore act well you should really reconsider. I am not the one to try to be attention seeking.
    It all started when i was in 8th grade and it was during Christmas break, i was in a relationship with some girl for 14 months and i thought it would go on forever at that point. Well.....she ended up breaking up with me and my life started to spiral downwards from their. about 2 months after the break-up i was really heart-broken still and my "friend" noticed it and told me to do something that i have regretted ever since. He told me to do heroin for the pain and mistakenly i did do it and got highly addicted. For around 3 years i was a user up till the day my dealer died from an OD on pills. After his death i was really down and really wanted my high but never got it. My grades were going to shit and my parents lives where going to shit, my dad got addicted to pain meds and my mom could not handle me anymore and decided to stop taking care of/talking to me. I decided one august day to find a new dealer. That day i bought a whole shit ton for around $200 and injected it all. I had almost killed myself from an overdose on heroin and was only saved because my doctor shot an extra thing of adrenalin into my chest. I woke up and realized that heroin was not worth my life. I went cold turkey after that and luckily did not get sucked back in to the world of addiction. As a result of this though, my life was still socially bad. I decided that i should act stupid to be cool. My life is starting to turn around for the better and i have realized that my immaturity needs to stop, it is not making anything any better. My dads addiction is still bad but he has been checking into rehab a lot. My mom and i have actually been getting along now. In general, my family is actually becoming the family we have not had in about 5 years. I would like to apologize to everyone that i have been a douche to. And thank all the people who actually dealt with my immaturity and still actually talked to me even though i was annoying.
    This community has always been great to me. This community and 2 of my IRL friends are the only ones who know about my homosexuality. I feel like i needed to explain why my immaturity was so bad. This is what i was talking about yesterday in teamspeak but i decided to say the full story here. Again thank you guys and i apologize for all my misbehaving and immaturity.
  22. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Haruka in Hypnosis   
    +1 seems like a great guy
  23. Friendly
    ChickenPanda reacted to Hidingmaster in Hidden Source Rules   
    Closed just for you.
  24. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Moosty in Confession and apolgizeing   
    can confirm i'm impressed. quitting heroin cold turkey is right up there with childbirth in things that are excruciating
  25. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Kypari in Mendacity   
    More people need to +1 this ;-;