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Everything posted by Ohstopyou

  1. Congratz to everyone! You deserve it! Edit: Btw, whoever is changing their permissions around, please stop. You're moving them to the wrong sourceban groups. I've got it :) Edit 2.0: New TF2 staff, you don't need to post your STEAM IDs. Most of you were already in the database because you were donators. Your new powers have been applied!
  2. +1 His name is actually Dahk Chawklate. He's very active on PKMN and JB1, and he helps populate our pub servers. A: 8/10 M: 8.5/10
  3. +1 Holy fuck please yes finally. Extremely active on JB, PKMN, Saxton, and TGH; very calm and level headed; and he is perfect moderator material. WE NEED YOUUUUUUUU [MEDIA=vine]OpY6enTJT9j[/MEDIA] A: 10/10 M: 9/10
  4. You have to be a member for over a month before you can even make a mod application. Not to mention, you must be 16 to make a mod application. ~Closed
  5. Exactly. So before you -1 him because he's 12, actually consider what he has done and how he acts. I think it is very sleazy that we would take his money and time, but not allow him a CHANCE at getting in. Like Scoot said, we aren't just accepting him off the bat; he has to go through the same process as everyone else. Final notes: Stop derailing the thread; keep any new posts on-topic. If you seriously think I'm just letting random people in or bending rules for no reason, you need to reevaluate what you know about me.
  6. Our staff roster has completely changed. Most of our staff are younger, as most of the TF2 member base is younger, but we do take maturity into account when adding and removing staff.
  7. You aren't a member, and you have to be a member for over a month before you can even make a staff submission.
  8. Alright, this is going to be a longgg explanation. I'll just start from the beginning so that everyone can have a refresh on what has been/is going on. This all started six months ago, back in July/August, when I had been getting more active on Jailbreak. Rules were changed, new plugins were added, etc. Normally this wouldn't be a problem for people because I don't grill everyone for not knowing the rules/changes, and I give people time to acclimate or learn them. Since work had begun on the servers (and even before that if you check source comms), Sirflash has been nothing but a nuisance, troll, and instigator. Over the past six months he has consistently fought with staff (myself included), tried to loophole rules, trash talked other players, and numerous other things. That was, until around 2-3 months ago, when I gave him an ultimatum. I told him, and I quote: "If I ever catch you loopholing, fighting with staff about anything, trolling, instigating arguments, or anything that would be detrimental to our playerbase or servers, YOU WILL BE BANNED FOREVER." Nearly every single staff member that has played on Jailbreak has reported having a problem with him. You can see that he has had a mute or gag nearly every single week for the past SIX MONTHS: I have even had to come on the server numerous times to solve disputes between him and my staff. So, enough is enough. I have been overly gentle with you for the longest time. I have asked you easily over 100 times to stop acting like a child and just play the game, yet here we are, three months later, and you still continue to fight with staff and loophole rules. I have had enough of the constant fighting, and I will not tolerate it anymore. -1 I'm going to be tagging staff and ex-staff that have had to deal with him in the past. I want you to put any staff related problems with him on the record so we can finally end this constant conflict. @Rejects @Marceline @Diamonde @Dethman @Kart @Liekos @Hachi @ChickenPanda @Matsi @lik202 @Fiery8022 @kbraszzz Has been aware of these problems for this entire time. ----------------------- P.S. - The proof you provided only shows that you were loopholing the rules and fighting with me again.
  9. Le moost, we need 13 because of the new rules.
  10. Here is your DL vouch. Active on JB daily, knows the rules, goes warden whenever possible, very responsible. +1 A: 9/10 M: 8.5/10
  11. I'm handling him and beefalo on a case by case basis. I'm not just +1-ing random people. I said yes to both of them because they are both friends, have been on the server for over a year, have donated to support us, and seriously care about the servers and rules. I see absolutely no reason to prevent them from getting in... With the last age limit we had, I let two 15-year-olds in (they were a year under the 16-year-old rule), and we have had zero problems with them! Heck, they are even on the path to getting mod. So long story short: Get over it. Y'all have the power to +1 or -1 as well, either use the power you have or move on.
  12. If we can have a janky system where all you have to do is sing a stupid song and eat a slice of pizza to get unbanned; I'm sure we can let a mature 12-year-old in that wants to support the community. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmDhdmgYbaQ
  13. +1 Can confirm he has been around for a while. Just recently upgraded to uber donator! Is active on Jailbreak and PKMN and is a pleasure to have on the servers. A: 9/10 M: ?/10
  14. I'm trying, pls. https://youtu.be/WBXncmnxmAg https://youtu.be/nYpq51DA9tY?t=5m41s
  15. Jailbreak Last Ct Music Suggestion Thread
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM_C5Tutbro&ab_channel=BrittanyVenti
    1. Goblins


      The best thing is that I've played GTA V with this chick.
    2. Egossi


      chick as in an actual chicken, right?
    3. Ohstopyou


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. This was not closed, but I assume bans were put in place. ~Closed
  18. If someone sees him, they should let a staff member know. ~Closed
  19. This is old, and I realize that, but there is no evidence. User is not banned. ~Closed
  20. Most probably a one-stop troller. If we see him again, we will take action. Thank you for the report. ~Closed.
  21. User is not banned. Insufficient evidence, and this does not appear to be a death threat. ~Closed
  22. User is banned but no one posted about it. ~Closed