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  1. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Lottamos in ScottNi   
    proved that he can activly moderate in minecraft as I have witnessed him many times enforcing rules. My main concern would be people scott has grudges with or him not moderating to much cause he has to split his time between the two servers.
  2. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Shox in ScottNi   
  3. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to ScottNi in ScottNi   
    ??? Nah I said I've only played with you a couple times. I know you are childish memebeno. Im not dumb
  4. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to MineCrack in Official CS:GO 1v1 Tournament!   
    im in
  5. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Dannypicacho in ScottNi   
    I guess it's my time to shine.
    Before I start, I'd to let you guys know that activity and ability to play JB correctly does NOT mean someone is fit for moderator. If that were the case we'd promote everyone who's been on for a decent while and knows how to play.
    ScottNi is definitely a special case in xG. He's a generally fun person in most cases but can also show signs of immaturity or just not being ready. Through this TEDTalk writing I will explain the three things you should keep in mind about Scott before coming to a real decision, and maybe I can change some points of view. Firstly, we'd have to talk about Scott's impact on the community, we'd have to talk about his maturity, and his readiness to handle leadership. Scott has the potential to be a great staff member but does not clearly present it.
    To start us off, Scott is usually an enjoyable person. There hasn't been major troubles with him since Goldfish. But even coming from me, Scott has some serious issues with goldfish and did not show even the slightest bit of kindness when around him. Scott plays a lot of 10mans but in the case when it gets toxic, he often contributes to the toxicity rather than helping. While he usually doesn't start the problems, he sure doesn't fix them and a lot of the times causes them to continue further and build up more toxicity. Scott has made friends with the majority of the community as well as joining in on memes, them being annoying or not. Scott has definitely shown his involvement with the community, but not his commitment.
    Scott has issues with maturity. He doesn't showcase his best behavior and often has problems with certain members. He also doesn't react kindly to random people who don't like him. Scott has shown that one of his major weaknesses is his immaturity and while there are attempts to improve, nothing is achieved. Scott also doesn't seem to own up to his mistakes and instead tries to play it off or just make an excuse. When receiving criticism, Scott often pulls the hypocrisy card or shifts blame. This minecraft stuff that's been going on shouldn't be disregarded since it is key evidence displaying Scott's personality. If he acts this way on other servers chances are he's not going to put on a mask on xG. I assume we wouldn't encourage fake personalities solely on our servers while also representing the xG community outside and being intolerable. Scott needs to improve on his overall maturity and how he acts around the public of our servers.
    Donald McGannon, a broadcasting industry executive in the mid 1900's, once said "Leadership is an action, not a postion". This is a perfect example to use here since it seems like Scott doesn't have much interest in moderating servers, but more for the position you stand in. I'm not saying he is power hungry or would abuse, the problem here is that I've seen too many of these examples where someone is just tired of getting freekilled and being too lazy to get evidence. Another issue here is that due to either his wardening skills, his voice, or his overall personality, it doesn't seem like the semi-new community likes him much. With the moderator position you will get less disrespect and can act on the people who don't like you, which is not at all what it's about. Moderating is about leadership and readiness to voluntarily commit your devotion to the community. The willingness and eagerness to help out when needed is what it's about. The ability to not play, but moderate carefully when needed. I just don't think Scott shows visible signs that he is ready.
    In conclusion, Scott hasn't shown enough maturity or readiness to be a moderator in the community. He may have a decent reputation in the clan but just doesn't show the leadership skills or the maturity to join us in the roster yet. I believe Scott will one day soon be ready but for now he just hasn't got it in him. One day Scott could make a great moderator and he definitely has the potential but just overall does not show enough that we can see. I will not be +1ing this moderator application due to the fact that Scott does know clearly present his potential to be a moderator.
    Unfortunately, a "neutral" does nothing and gets nothing done. In this case I am going to have to go with a -1. Scott's overall maturity and presented moderator-friendly skills do not convince me that he is ready to join the CS:GO XenoGamer staff roster.
    -1 for mod
    -1 for probationary mod. I don't feel like probationary mod is the way to go. I believe someone should apply when they are truly ready to join the staff as a full mod and shouldn't have to prove themselves worthy or whatever. 
  6. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to Lottamos in Which Coding Language Do You Like The Most?   
    I like coding in blocks?
  7. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to ScottNi in [applicationformfield_7] - [applicationformfield_6]   
    Counter-Strike Offenders In-Game Name
    :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK Offender's Identity
    STEAM_0:1:121656956 Ban Type
    Communications Ban Explanation and Evidence
    He was spamming a shitload in CSGO Jailbreak Not to mention i already gave my repeat several times you can see by his message i can still ask. Also throughout the day as a guard he has had a bind asking for a repeat hitting it 5 or 6 times around. This is just one instance but you can look at the chatlog around this time period it was constant chat spam with him. At one point in voice chat he told me its not spam im not repeating the same message. or some bullshit like that.
    Sep 16, 2018 2:00:19 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix it is Sep 16, 2018 2:00:17 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK no Sep 16, 2018 2:00:14 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:12 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat pls Sep 16, 2018 2:00:11 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:11 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK idc Sep 16, 2018 2:00:10 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:10 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK i can still ask Sep 16, 2018 2:00:09 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:08 am - "Klappstuhl" JunkheyX i like cheese Sep 16, 2018 2:00:06 am 62 0rr ☆WhiteStar☆ Me again Sep 16, 2018 2:00:06 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:05 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 2:00:03 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat please Sep 16, 2018 1:59:59 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat Sep 16, 2018 1:59:57 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat Sep 16, 2018 1:59:53 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat Sep 16, 2018 1:59:52 am 67 [xG-Rep] [xG] CatTrix repeat Sep 16, 2018 1:59:51 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK repeat Sep 16, 2018 1:59:47 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK ur not my warden Sep 16, 2018 1:59:42 am 58 :C9: ✪D3stroy3D-2FlicK ur not my warden\
  8. Are You Insane
    MinerTeddy reacted to Brady1780 in Brady1780   
    I said I've been here longer than you Danny so don't act like I can't handle the powers because you were saying how I'm not ready to be admin which is why I am leaving it up to lithium to decide not you ?
    And plus this application is not a meme i take admin very seriously on the servers.
  9. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to garrettb3939 in garrettb3939   
    Aegean said i didn't have to show my face in the picture 

  10. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to ScottNi in FailedGameplay   
    -1 He isn't too great at the rules mostly plays warden and the game breaks into chaos. (edit) also, I find it very unfun when he is a fellow guard or a guard when I am a prisoner
  11. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to garrettb3939 in garrettb3939   
    Counter-Strike In-Game Name
    garrettb3939 Identity
    STEAM_0:1:450528294 Ban Type
    Server Ban Information
    Let's try this again.
    Proof of donation: https://xenogamers.com/donate/
    I was told by Aegean that i didn't have to show my face, just needed my username and the date.

  12. Useful
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from lilbleed in Brady1780   
    -1 nuh uh
  13. Winner
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Brady1780   
    -1 nuh uh
  14. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Pepper in Shox   
    +1 actually has the super big gay
  15. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Shox in Brady1780   
  16. Agree
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Shox in Brady1780   
    -1 nuh uh
  17. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Dannypicacho in instead of replacing surf with TTT   
    24/7 100_traps dedicated server
  18. Thinking
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Dannypicacho in instead of replacing surf with TTT   
    Where's my CSGO RuneScape and Scoutknivez?????
  19. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to char in Darrth   
    +1 Defenatly deserves this! He is very active and a very nice guy, knows rules and would be a great mod!

  20. Boring
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Thorax_ in Lottamos   
    -1 bad speling
  21. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Lottamos in Lottamos   
    In-Game Name
    lot_of_mos Division
    Counter-Strike Previous Member
    No Identity
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198213090049 Age
    16 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    58 hours Reason for Joining
    I play jb a lot and I want to get involved so that I can help more (like unspecific rules) 
  22. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Dannypicacho in BLASPHEMY   
    Recently, my best friend braddy one thousand seven hundred and eighty got a forum signature and it is SLANDERING ME!

    I would like to let you know @Brady1780 is a big stupid dummy head and you shouldn't trust him, I was only repeating what another legend said.

    stupid big dummy head I am in fact NOT a retard!!!
    Brady is just jealous because I speak more languages than him.
  23. Agree
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Genocide in ScottNi   
    @Bot for a witness on clouds
    @char was freekilled
    @Genocide was a CT on clouds
    CT_Slay3r or however it is spelled witnessed a large amount of issues as well.
    In regards to the swapping and banning, I was just being an idiot with the command and swapped on accident. The 2 day team ban was intended and, as I have explained, was the result of many complains regarding freekilling, baiting, and inexperienced wardening. I (verbally) told CTs multiple times to look at the rules, elaborate better on their commands, and to stop baiting. @Bot also used all chat to make a notice about CTs killing many Ts early on in the rounds and stated that they must be clear with their orders.
    That means you likely baited for a quarter of your playtime? On Nexzoid you also started as a CT, got swapped to T through autoswap for the guard ratio, and then got re-swapped to CT due to an error.
    That's still baiting. Throughout the maps you, again as I have said, ran near/adjacent to groups of terrorists.
    You didn't go down and rules for the dive context, actually. You only stated that "we are taking the first three Ts to the cyan pool," without having stated that we must dive, so we just ran to the cyan pool and froze. The freekill was handled by Bot, but the main issue is how consistently you've had close encounters with your back turned to Ts.
    For the first incident, I repeated in all chat that it was a freeday and slayed you for freekilling a T who was out. You literally said "Let's thin down the numbers a bit" and killed a T, along with ShiftyKeki, while those terrorists were obeying the afk freeze order. You also fail to mention that I gave verbal warnings on baiting and armory ledge camping, told you not to instruct a T to break down a vent (the plywood on summer), and called out your favoritism during a game of four corners.
    I repeated multiple times on Nexzoid the reasons for which you were banned, listed instances of your baiting, freekilling, and rulebreaking, and literally gave you the link to the forums for your protest. As I have stated, 2 days was fairly lenient for what I observed in spectator for the entire duration of summer jail and while dead for clouds. Usually for minor rule breaking, an hour or more is sufficient for a newer player to the server to become more familiarized with the rules. However, with the warnings provided and amount of complaints/incidences, I used my judgement to issue you a 2 day ban.
    Edit: Also, baiting does not always result in a knife death (hence why you make it to LR), but you still did a large amount.
  24. Make xG Great Again
    MinerTeddy reacted to Lithium in ScottNi   
    The ban will stand, 2 days is fairly reasonable for multiple rules broken. Also, banning after the fact is perfectly acceptable, and chat logs show he explained it immediately.
    As @TheSupremePatriotsaid, if you aren't totally familiar with the rules, maps or jailbreak in general, try to stay off CT and use these 2 days to try and become a little more familiar with the rules.
  25. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to ScottNi in ScottNi   
    Ok look if it wasnt clear my biggest problem with this ban is that it took place an hour after what had happened and after that things get blurred i was apparently blamed for lots of mos a different player while on clouds aswell i was called out for armory camping which was not me and you can check logs i even said in chat multiple times during summer jail that my fellow guards shouldnt be armory camping look i would not nearly be as mad as i am if you banned me in summer and said i needed time to review the rules or whatever. Also i dont know this for sure but you might have been confusing me in newzoid for the warden who was having free days every single day because thats when you banned me.