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  1. Sad
    Forest reacted to Ohstopyou in Unfortunately, It's Time.   
    Hey everyone. For the last couple months, I've been contemplating my experiences in xG. I've come to the conclusion that I am not exactly happy with what is going on in the TF2 division and I no longer have the time or ability to worry about it anymore. Unfortunately, due to real life circumstances, I feel it is time that I step down to member. Most of you who know me personally will understand why. If you don't, I'll explain it. My Uncle was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma about 6 months ago and we have been searching around for bone marrow donors. Turns out, I'm a match. I'm going to fly out to him next week and donate my marrow. Concurrently, I have to figure out college and my career.
    I know I haven't exactly been myself during these past few months, and I apologize again if anyone was upset by it. Stress has a way of affecting people that isn't very pretty. However, before I step down, I want to thank some people:
    Rhodo and Kbraszzle: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to improve the TF2 division. I feel that I have been able to improve the overall quality of our servers.
    Hachi, Chicken, and Whyte: Even though we had a rough patch a couple months ago, thank you for being great friends. I miss all of the memes and laughter that we shared, and I wish you the best.
    Bello: Good luck with TF2, it's your baby now :)
    Rejects: It's up to you to hold the standards now. I believe you can do it, bud! :D
    TF2 Staff: I appreciate all of your hard work so far. We have made a difference, not just in our community, but in other communities as well. I'm glad I could call some of you my friends, and I hope you'll stick around! (y)
    CS:GO Staff: I wish you guys the best. I know that you lost a DL as well. I hope you'll keep the steady growth that you have accumulated over the past couple months.
    To everyone else: Have a great Friday and a fun weekend! IT'S SPRING TIME, WOOO. :LOL:
    A few final notes:
    If any of the staff need advice, feel free to contact me still. The same goes for you too, Bello and Rejects.
    @Rhododendron don't forget to demote me to member. You keep forgetting about other higher ups and they still have powers </3
    Forest for coffee lord 2k16.
  2. Creative
    Forest reacted to DemonicDisaster in Posting This Evveerryyywheerree   
    Drew a thing for @Colorparty!

  3. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    I agree completely, I'll spam this thread with replies if I must.
    Though in the end it looks to be the end of the line.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from KSPlayer1337 in Forum Game #2   
    Complete shot in the dark, but I'm going to roll with #2 since it sounds like an achievement.
    #1 I prefer the Xbox One over the PS4
    #2 The most recent game I've completed is Final Fantasy VII
    #3 I was a Co-Leader for a year
  5. Like
    Forest reacted to realBelloWaldi in Forum Game #2   
    You've been co-leader for more than one year.

    Nice one but you do not even own this game on steam. :cool:
    Therefore is has to beeeeeee #1:

    #1 The first xG server I joined was CS:S Jailbreak in late 2011
    #2 I am 14 years old and the youngest DM in xG's history
    #3 When I have holidays I usually stay up until 6 AM to play with my American Steam friends.
    EDIT: Since I completely fucked up right there, if you get this one right and we aren't close friends I'm gonna donate 5$ to XenoGamers myself!
  6. Sad
    Forest reacted to Egossi in Legend Of Zelda Related Remixes   

    still havent played a single legend of zelda game
  7. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Oden in Dealing With Hackers/scripters (message To Everyone On Any Server)   
    Solid advice, though if there is a blatant hacker online they'll most likely be called out [in public chat] by randoms or anyone who doesn't have any common sense to begin with :coffee:
  8. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Jadow in Dealing With Hackers/scripters (message To Everyone On Any Server)   
    Aiight here's a thing about hackers you call them out they'll try hiding it so here's what you do.
    1. If you know there is a staff on undercover or not Go into team chat and do @(NameOfHacker) is hacking or is whatever hacks you think he has
    2. If there are no staff on and you have one in your friends list steam message them about it if they can't get on they'll message another staff about it.
    3. If there are no staff on and you don't have one in your friends list type "record hacker" in console then upload it onto a website of any kind and post it here
    If you don't know how to open console go here.
    One the final note don't call them out it'll only makes it slightly harder for staff to make sure that they are (if they are)
    Thanks c:
  9. Agree
    Forest reacted to Lithium in Dealing With Hackers/scripters (message To Everyone On Any Server)   
    Good points on most of that - but to go further, even if there ARE staff on, record a demo (this goes for staff members too - record demos if you think they're hacking). More evidence is better.
  10. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from jaygoki in What Should I Name My Dark Souls 3 Character   
  11. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from Barmithian in What Should I Name My Dark Souls 3 Character   
  12. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Wasnt Gonna Make One   
    For what it's worth, you did a great job of stepping in and building up the CS:GO Division during it's lengthy time spent in the dark. Sure there may have been times where your methods would butt heads against others opinions, but the fact remains that you did infact do your best to support and aid the CS:GO Division in its growth and that much shows. It's really a shame to see that you'll be taking your leave, and more-so a disappointment that the Higher-Ups decided to demote for inactivity when it was evident that you had obligations to fill outside of Xeno Gamers.
    Props to you, as our lives definitely take priority over the clan (no offense to xG as a whole). I just wish that a temporary suspension of powers was dealt as opposed to a straight demotion as it is hardly fair to be demoted when someone has, as mentioned earlier, certain obligations to tend to outside of xG. Really wish that your resignation didn't occur on the grounds that it has.
    That all being said, congratulations on the job promotion as well as moving on up in life with a new place to call your own. Hoping you overcome most (if not all) of life's shitty obstacles m8 :coffee:
  13. Sad
    Forest reacted to Sgt.Xranth in Sgt.xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    It seems trying to ask for forgiveness was too much. It's obvious that nobody is going to believe that I've matured, no matter how hard I try. If that's the case, then fine.
    I retract my ban appeal. Please close the thread. I no longer wished to be unbanned. Consider this my farewell to this community.
    Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Also, I'd like to again apologize to all those i offended. I know I was toxic back then, and if the majority of you do not want me to come back, I'll just disappear. I do not expect any of you to forgive me, so i hold no hard feelings. See ya.
  14. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Sgt.xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    While he does seem genuinely repentant in what he has done, it doesn't excuse the fact that he had (supposedly) broken a multitude of rules. However, be that as it may, if these instances of rule breaking revolve around him being on the Blue side, then I don't see why the permanent Server Ban being lifted isn't being considered at the least while the team ban remains effective.
    Though, even provided the aforementioned information, it may be completely irrelevant as it's somewhat apparent that the main reason he's Server banned is his attitude/behaviour, which I personally cannot vouch for or against as I am not familiar with the whole ordeal.
    That all being said, it should be noted that the player is trying their best to plead their case here. Whether or not it's genuine is a whole other story, but it's unfair to completely rule out the possibility that he has in fact changed. The replies have been nothing but civilized and respectful from him and I don't see why he is being treated so poorly in this Ban Protest, even given his past history. Troll or not, the worst that can happen if he is unbanned (Server, not Team) is that he will harass people again, in which case all you would have to do is permanently ban him from the Servers again and be done with it once and for all. At this point, it really just looks like Staff are hung up on his past actions and refuse to give a second chance because of some personal vendetta.
    @Sgt.Xranth while it may be similar to the Ban Protest you linked in your original post, the context of the bans are no where near the same. On one hand, the other player mass freekilled and fled (with no history [that I'm aware of] in terms of general attitude/behaviour) while you have been accused of denying LR and mass freekilling afterwards; abusing hide and seek mid round; disrespect; evading a ban with alternate accounts; and other counts of general rule breaking. Some people are more likely to receive a second chance depending on their history with Xeno Gamers, while others aren't so lucky (though I honestly don't condone unbanning those who intentionally mass freekill to begin with).
    Mind you, this is all just personal opinion from a neutral party who has nothing to go on besides the information provided from threads that relate to this player and his ban history. I do not play in the TF2 Division, and with that being said I won't leave a vouch on whether or not the player should remain Server/Team banned. I'll only provide my input and opinion on the whole situation, as I do with other threads before this one and hope that Staff take a careful consideration to both sides without any sort of biased nature.
  15. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Forum Game #2   
    Well, your Profile states that you're based in Germany so I'm going with #2. Rank page also shows some lovely play time for the CS:GO Jailbreak Server and as for Staff in our Garry's Mod Division, well, you're a DM for the TF2 Division as said in your Steam Page. I may have overdone this, but I wanted to be thorough.
    #1 I am 5' 8" in height without shoes.
    #2 One of my favourite bands is the Foo Fighters.
    #3 My favourite video game series is The Legend of Zelda.
  16. Disagree
    Forest reacted to OneGlove in Forum Game #2   
    I don't know anything about most of the people here which makes me sad, so I'll guess 3.
    I am one of the most albino gingers ever
    I am mostly active on the CS:GO xG servers more than any others
    I am known to be mature for my age
  17. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Sirflash in Sgt.xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    While he does seem genuinely repentant in what he has done, it doesn't excuse the fact that he had (supposedly) broken a multitude of rules. However, be that as it may, if these instances of rule breaking revolve around him being on the Blue side, then I don't see why the permanent Server Ban being lifted isn't being considered at the least while the team ban remains effective.
    Though, even provided the aforementioned information, it may be completely irrelevant as it's somewhat apparent that the main reason he's Server banned is his attitude/behaviour, which I personally cannot vouch for or against as I am not familiar with the whole ordeal.
    That all being said, it should be noted that the player is trying their best to plead their case here. Whether or not it's genuine is a whole other story, but it's unfair to completely rule out the possibility that he has in fact changed. The replies have been nothing but civilized and respectful from him and I don't see why he is being treated so poorly in this Ban Protest, even given his past history. Troll or not, the worst that can happen if he is unbanned (Server, not Team) is that he will harass people again, in which case all you would have to do is permanently ban him from the Servers again and be done with it once and for all. At this point, it really just looks like Staff are hung up on his past actions and refuse to give a second chance because of some personal vendetta.
    @Sgt.Xranth while it may be similar to the Ban Protest you linked in your original post, the context of the bans are no where near the same. On one hand, the other player mass freekilled and fled (with no history [that I'm aware of] in terms of general attitude/behaviour) while you have been accused of denying LR and mass freekilling afterwards; abusing hide and seek mid round; disrespect; evading a ban with alternate accounts; and other counts of general rule breaking. Some people are more likely to receive a second chance depending on their history with Xeno Gamers, while others aren't so lucky (though I honestly don't condone unbanning those who intentionally mass freekill to begin with).
    Mind you, this is all just personal opinion from a neutral party who has nothing to go on besides the information provided from threads that relate to this player and his ban history. I do not play in the TF2 Division, and with that being said I won't leave a vouch on whether or not the player should remain Server/Team banned. I'll only provide my input and opinion on the whole situation, as I do with other threads before this one and hope that Staff take a careful consideration to both sides without any sort of biased nature.
  18. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Sgt.Xranth in Sgt.xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    While he does seem genuinely repentant in what he has done, it doesn't excuse the fact that he had (supposedly) broken a multitude of rules. However, be that as it may, if these instances of rule breaking revolve around him being on the Blue side, then I don't see why the permanent Server Ban being lifted isn't being considered at the least while the team ban remains effective.
    Though, even provided the aforementioned information, it may be completely irrelevant as it's somewhat apparent that the main reason he's Server banned is his attitude/behaviour, which I personally cannot vouch for or against as I am not familiar with the whole ordeal.
    That all being said, it should be noted that the player is trying their best to plead their case here. Whether or not it's genuine is a whole other story, but it's unfair to completely rule out the possibility that he has in fact changed. The replies have been nothing but civilized and respectful from him and I don't see why he is being treated so poorly in this Ban Protest, even given his past history. Troll or not, the worst that can happen if he is unbanned (Server, not Team) is that he will harass people again, in which case all you would have to do is permanently ban him from the Servers again and be done with it once and for all. At this point, it really just looks like Staff are hung up on his past actions and refuse to give a second chance because of some personal vendetta.
    @Sgt.Xranth while it may be similar to the Ban Protest you linked in your original post, the context of the bans are no where near the same. On one hand, the other player mass freekilled and fled (with no history [that I'm aware of] in terms of general attitude/behaviour) while you have been accused of denying LR and mass freekilling afterwards; abusing hide and seek mid round; disrespect; evading a ban with alternate accounts; and other counts of general rule breaking. Some people are more likely to receive a second chance depending on their history with Xeno Gamers, while others aren't so lucky (though I honestly don't condone unbanning those who intentionally mass freekill to begin with).
    Mind you, this is all just personal opinion from a neutral party who has nothing to go on besides the information provided from threads that relate to this player and his ban history. I do not play in the TF2 Division, and with that being said I won't leave a vouch on whether or not the player should remain Server/Team banned. I'll only provide my input and opinion on the whole situation, as I do with other threads before this one and hope that Staff take a careful consideration to both sides without any sort of biased nature.
  19. Like
    Forest reacted to OneGlove in Forum Game   
    All this salt, it just might make someone cry!
    Someone is certainly fanning the flames here.
  20. Like
    Forest reacted to Haruka in Forum Game #2   
    Can the next forum game be I spy :X3: >3
  21. Agree
    Forest reacted to ChickenPanda in Forum Game #2   
    I'm going to go with:

    This is false.

    This is also false.
    Which leaves you living in North America (#2) as true!
    1. I have an extra tooth.
    2. I tend to play more of a support/healer role in most video games.
    3. I main a paladin in World of Warcraft.
  22. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Wasnt Gonna Make One   
    For what it's worth, you did a great job of stepping in and building up the CS:GO Division during it's lengthy time spent in the dark. Sure there may have been times where your methods would butt heads against others opinions, but the fact remains that you did infact do your best to support and aid the CS:GO Division in its growth and that much shows. It's really a shame to see that you'll be taking your leave, and more-so a disappointment that the Higher-Ups decided to demote for inactivity when it was evident that you had obligations to fill outside of Xeno Gamers.
    Props to you, as our lives definitely take priority over the clan (no offense to xG as a whole). I just wish that a temporary suspension of powers was dealt as opposed to a straight demotion as it is hardly fair to be demoted when someone has, as mentioned earlier, certain obligations to tend to outside of xG. Really wish that your resignation didn't occur on the grounds that it has.
    That all being said, congratulations on the job promotion as well as moving on up in life with a new place to call your own. Hoping you overcome most (if not all) of life's shitty obstacles m8 :coffee:
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Duke in Wasnt Gonna Make One   
    For what it's worth, you did a great job of stepping in and building up the CS:GO Division during it's lengthy time spent in the dark. Sure there may have been times where your methods would butt heads against others opinions, but the fact remains that you did infact do your best to support and aid the CS:GO Division in its growth and that much shows. It's really a shame to see that you'll be taking your leave, and more-so a disappointment that the Higher-Ups decided to demote for inactivity when it was evident that you had obligations to fill outside of Xeno Gamers.
    Props to you, as our lives definitely take priority over the clan (no offense to xG as a whole). I just wish that a temporary suspension of powers was dealt as opposed to a straight demotion as it is hardly fair to be demoted when someone has, as mentioned earlier, certain obligations to tend to outside of xG. Really wish that your resignation didn't occur on the grounds that it has.
    That all being said, congratulations on the job promotion as well as moving on up in life with a new place to call your own. Hoping you overcome most (if not all) of life's shitty obstacles m8 :coffee:
  24. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Wasnt Gonna Make One   
    For what it's worth, you did a great job of stepping in and building up the CS:GO Division during it's lengthy time spent in the dark. Sure there may have been times where your methods would butt heads against others opinions, but the fact remains that you did infact do your best to support and aid the CS:GO Division in its growth and that much shows. It's really a shame to see that you'll be taking your leave, and more-so a disappointment that the Higher-Ups decided to demote for inactivity when it was evident that you had obligations to fill outside of Xeno Gamers.
    Props to you, as our lives definitely take priority over the clan (no offense to xG as a whole). I just wish that a temporary suspension of powers was dealt as opposed to a straight demotion as it is hardly fair to be demoted when someone has, as mentioned earlier, certain obligations to tend to outside of xG. Really wish that your resignation didn't occur on the grounds that it has.
    That all being said, congratulations on the job promotion as well as moving on up in life with a new place to call your own. Hoping you overcome most (if not all) of life's shitty obstacles m8 :coffee:
  25. Sad
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in Wasnt Gonna Make One   
    But I'm out. Needed this past month because of a huge job promotion and move to a new house.
    I am disappointed.
    Removing most of you from my steam friends, if you see me on after an hour, I must like you.
    Wont be on the server at all.
    Best of luck to everyone