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Reputation Activity

  1. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to Owl in Xg, How Have You Been   
    css got shut down entirely, csgo doing pretty well for itself now
  2. Informative
    Forest reacted to SolairefAstora in Inactive Staff   
    I think that would help quite immensely, and I would suggest to put something on the xG website or something that says if staff are on the server. I may not be active much, but when I get on there's usually already staff on, and I would like to moderate during a time when I'm needed, and not when other staff is on the server.
  3. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from jaygoki in Announcing Albi's Pizza, The New Xenogamers Cs:go Community   
  4. Disagree
  5. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Announcing Albi's Pizza, The New Xenogamers Cs:go Community   
  6. Agree
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Forum Game   
    Huh, the end of this game is looming.
    Could that mean a new beginning?
  7. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Majestic_Narwha in Complex - Counter-strike   

    Two wrongs don't make a right. That being said, it's understandable that you want to take matters into your own hands, but we do have rules set in place. Players who freekill because the other player "deserved it" are not exempted from the rules. If you see someone breaking the rules, the best thing you could do is report it to any Staff who may be online at the time or [as Bello mentioned] record any other instances of rules being broken with a demo (or any 3rd party software such as Fraps) and post a Ban Request form.
  8. Agree
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in I'm Sorry, Sorry To Everyone.   
    Don't do it again. You won't get another chance. If you can't control yourself you need to discuss this with a professional. Just wait until it's legal bruh.
  9. Like
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Update Thread   

    New multitarget filters for admins. Should make it extremely simple to ban name change hacks or whatever its actually called.
    @namechanger targets the person who changed his name last.
    @mostnamechanges targets the person with the most name changes on the current map.

    [*]Added new connect and disconnect information printed to everyone's console.

    <name> (dis)connected [#userid, steamid]

  10. Drunk
    Forest reacted to Forge in Forum Game   
    Hold up guys, I have an important question...
    Why does @Forest think he's a Canadian?
  11. Creative
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Creating New Jailbreak Map!   
    In title
    I am making a jailbreak map!
    It's called...
    wow much self-promotion much wow

    This is my first map, so I *might* ask some questions.
    [spoiler=Progress]outside cells
    in cells design (red/blue engineers are spawn)

    How do you think so far?
  12. RIP
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Forum Game   
    Get them thoughts outta ya head,
    Isn't past your nap time? Go to bed.
    ps frick you @Forest I was waiting in line at Wendy's and it was all I could think of for the last one D:
  13. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    Regardless, I still think Trump's a tool.
    Thank god for Canadian living.
  14. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Forum Game   
    You dun fukt up, the rhyme was with xD you lout.
    But did you know that xD is the second best clan around?
  15. Agree
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in I'm Sorry, Sorry To Everyone.   
    It's alright, just deal with your stress properly, try to relax. If csgo creates more of that stress, just take a short break, recollect youself, then play again.
    Hope you get through all this.
  16. Creative
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    Great, I smell it too; it's kind of concerning.
    Though I think the problem can be remedied with a nice drink.
  17. Creative
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Found This Cool Thing That Turned My Avatar Into 0's And 1's   
    Was bored, searched image to text image, found a website, put my avatar in, and got this as a result.
    TEXT-IMAGE.com :: Convert
  18. Informative
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Rule Change (effective Immediately): Player Names No Longer Need 3 Consecutive Typable Characters.   
    At the current time of posting, this change is for TF2 only. If the CS:GO division would also like to implement this rule, we can move it to xG News. ^-^
  19. Like
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Forum Game   
    Well I guess that is something you can infer
    But I am pretty sure this wont last long
  20. Like
    Forest reacted to ChickenPanda in Forum Game   
    Just to see if xG can rhyme.
    In this thread, autism will occur.
  21. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Makr6e6 in What's The Point Of Saying "praying For"?   
    I don't doubt that people use it sarcastically or with a some-what hostile intention, but I actually was referring to its use when people are being genuine and sincere with it in a meaningful way.
    It's a well-known and often used phrase that [i'll agree] has sort of lost its translation in this day and age, but I don't think that it should be treated in a negative aspect, even if the one receiving the "prayers" is agnostic/atheist/etc. When someone typically says it during times of struggle or what have you, it's meant to be taken in an empathetic way. Sure, a lot of people will argue "what can I do with your 'prayers'?" but it's the thought that counts, right?
    At the same time it's near impossible to determine who is being genuine about it or not, and I can see what Scootaloo is getting at. For instance, a large amount of people who say these sort of things outright on say, FaceBook or Twitter are typically just trying to gain a positive image. While this may be the case for the majority, it by no means suggests that everyone is doing it for that purpose. Think of it this way: they may just be "giving out prayers" for the less fortunate as a way to boost their public status, but at least they're raising awareness in regards to it.
    All I'm trying to get at here is that it's just a phrase, albeit one that has lost its translation but is still a general phrase that [nowadays] means "I'm hoping for the best for you".
  22. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Rhombi - Garrys Mod   
    You were banned by Bess way back in CS:S for reason other, at the time Ban disconnected player Other was the only option really there for mass freekill and leave meaning you have been a CT on our jailbreak server, freekilled 3 or more people, and immediately left the server.
    @Stickz if you would like to unban him by all means its up to you, this is the only ban on record for him.
    @Rhombi please keep in mind that second chances are just that and dont come lightly in that if you are permanently banned again, don't expect another protest to go so well.
    link to ban: Xeno Gamers
  23. RIP
    Forest reacted to Moosty in What's The Point Of Saying "praying For"?   
    Praying for people spending their time in this thread.
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Sce_bitmare - Counter-strike   
    While it's great to see Members taking an active interest in supporting the Servers by catching rule breakers I do have to agree with what has been said in this thread.
    First off, it is incredibly unfair and disrespectful to continuously berate and insult the current Staff of the CS:GO Division in the manner of which you are exhibiting, especially provided that you have been consistently doing so for the past week or so and that you are in turn applying to be a Staff member. It's understandable that you may be upset with their activity, but as a reminder, people do have lives and people do have certain obligations to other things. As previously mentioned, this isn't a full-time job. They aren't being paid to do this, and by no means should they feel obligated to be on 24/7. For reasons such as this, it's why more Staff are being recruited but it does take time to select appropriate candidates. That being said, they cannot dish out punishments against rulebreakers for anything they did not personally witness, which brings me to my next point.
    If a Ban Request is going to be submitted, then it should include evidence that is either in the form of a screenshot or demo (depending on the severity of the rules being broken). You of all people should know that Xeno Gamers (those representing it) prides itself in being unbiased when dealing with rule breakers. Regardless of how many people "saw" it happen, our Staff cannot act on it without physical evidence, otherwise this opens up a case-by-case jurisdiction system that we do not need to be put in place (when dealing with mass freekillers and the like). The only exception to this is if a Staff member personally witnesses the perpetrator breaking rules. This isn't a case of trust, it's a case of what's fair and just.
    To conclude, the last thing I wanted to bring up, while irrelevant, is your attitude. I get that you want to see Xeno Gamers' Servers thrive and to punish rule breakers where necessary, but being at the throat of our Staff as well as replying in such a hostile tone such is the case with the following (highlighted in red):

    demonstrates that you aren't as co-operative as you could be, nor does it demonstrate that you are capable of replying in a calm or collected tone. I strongly suggest a change in this general attitude, because it really is starting to look like it's getting out of hand.
    To clarify, I personally have nothing against you, these are just things I've noticed as of recent and I thought it would be best to mention them. It's not my intention to start an argument or anything of the sort, and if there's anything that needs to be discussed feel free to message me at any time.
    -1 to the thread at hand due to a lack of evidence (as well as the request to have the thread closed from Narwhal himself)
    ~Closing with my British CL Powers.
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Chrono in Sce_bitmare - Counter-strike   
    While it's great to see Members taking an active interest in supporting the Servers by catching rule breakers I do have to agree with what has been said in this thread.
    First off, it is incredibly unfair and disrespectful to continuously berate and insult the current Staff of the CS:GO Division in the manner of which you are exhibiting, especially provided that you have been consistently doing so for the past week or so and that you are in turn applying to be a Staff member. It's understandable that you may be upset with their activity, but as a reminder, people do have lives and people do have certain obligations to other things. As previously mentioned, this isn't a full-time job. They aren't being paid to do this, and by no means should they feel obligated to be on 24/7. For reasons such as this, it's why more Staff are being recruited but it does take time to select appropriate candidates. That being said, they cannot dish out punishments against rulebreakers for anything they did not personally witness, which brings me to my next point.
    If a Ban Request is going to be submitted, then it should include evidence that is either in the form of a screenshot or demo (depending on the severity of the rules being broken). You of all people should know that Xeno Gamers (those representing it) prides itself in being unbiased when dealing with rule breakers. Regardless of how many people "saw" it happen, our Staff cannot act on it without physical evidence, otherwise this opens up a case-by-case jurisdiction system that we do not need to be put in place (when dealing with mass freekillers and the like). The only exception to this is if a Staff member personally witnesses the perpetrator breaking rules. This isn't a case of trust, it's a case of what's fair and just.
    To conclude, the last thing I wanted to bring up, while irrelevant, is your attitude. I get that you want to see Xeno Gamers' Servers thrive and to punish rule breakers where necessary, but being at the throat of our Staff as well as replying in such a hostile tone such is the case with the following (highlighted in red):

    demonstrates that you aren't as co-operative as you could be, nor does it demonstrate that you are capable of replying in a calm or collected tone. I strongly suggest a change in this general attitude, because it really is starting to look like it's getting out of hand.
    To clarify, I personally have nothing against you, these are just things I've noticed as of recent and I thought it would be best to mention them. It's not my intention to start an argument or anything of the sort, and if there's anything that needs to be discussed feel free to message me at any time.
    -1 to the thread at hand due to a lack of evidence (as well as the request to have the thread closed from Narwhal himself)
    ~Closing with my British CL Powers.