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  1. Like
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    While the ruling for "Guncheck Freeze" is that you are to be facing away, this does not over-rule the fact that you told Ts to face cells beforehand. Unless you specified a direction before the initial order, the Ts are to face the direction you gave.
    To clarify, if Ts are given a Guncheck Freeze order, then they are to be facing away from cells unless a direction was specified; in which case they are to be facing the direction that was specified (in this case, facing cells).
    The reason we don't allow this sort of thing is because it would be considered tarping (giving an order that contradicts itself) which is only to be done after 3 minutes have passed. That being said, seeing as this was an accidental case of misunderstanding the rules, I think the Higher-Ups should consider a shortened ban from permanent and that the rule be updated with the whole "unless a direction has been specified" since this isn't the first occurrence of this.
  2. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1 no cheating is a loose sort of rule, basically if they say to do a game and you cheat, the warden can either kill you or pardon you and have you restart from beginning or restart game in whole. really up to him/her.
    as far as LR goes, it is a slay for either side so if a T says "off here, furthest, must jump" and then says nothing else and CT jumps and throws in mid air as was heavily implied then the T jumps off walks to wall and drops deagle in gun toss, the T would be in the wrong and should be slayed. if a CT does it because the T didn't really explain well or he is trying to troll, either slay or abort the LR and warn him/teamswap him.
    #2 secondary theoretically should be swapped back to knife ASAP but with auto swap it sometimes works out a little funky and people may not realize, in general unless he is shooting/staring at you to line up a shot he should be warned and asked by name to drop the pistol and given a few seconds for mic to register and him to safely move away from any stack (also in general if a CT asks a T to drop a gun and they move forward so they don't pass it which makes them a rebel automatically even though the order was to be frozen, being asked to drop a gun takes precedence and he/she should not be killed. any "hitler" that kills a T for that should be slain and swapped immediately.)
  3. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SniperNoSniping in Selfie Sunday   
    Fresh in the morning
  4. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to X_AR in X_ar   
    In-Game Name:

    X_AR Active Division:

    Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: X_AR Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    10-15 hours Age:

    13 Reasons for Joining:

    I play on the server a lot and I think I want to become a member of the server. I see dedicated people with the clan tag [xG] and I realized that I'm dedicated. So I wanted to get a membership.
  5. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Selfie Sunday   
    Fresh in the morning
  6. Like
    Forest reacted to Bone in Legend Of Zelda Related Remixes   
    Though it's not really a remix, this one's great
  7. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Selfie Sunday   
    Fresh in the morning
  8. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Selfie Sunday   
    Fresh in the morning
  9. Friendly
    Forest reacted to Charles in Darkrp And Ttt   
    Okay ty. :3
  10. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Charles in Inactive Staff   
    Well, if the CS:GO Higher-Ups wanted to (and I mean really wanted to) they could look into setting up a schedule/timetable for Staff. Now, I know that this already sounds like a terrible idea since this isn't exactly a job and no one's being paid for it, but hear me out:
    This obviously wouldn't be some mandatory timetable like you would see for work. It would merely be a schedule to refer to that highlights the hours in which Staff activity is at its lowest or its highest. After the schedule itself has been established, then Staff can determine the problem areas (or in this case, problem hours) where Staff activity is most needed. Simply put, check with all CS:GO Staff and determine what days/hours they [roughly] can regularly hop on Servers and compile it into a nice schedule or something.
    At this point, it's just a matter of a capable Staff member to take up the torch at that time to do some moderating during their own time for that particular period. The only times in which this wouldn't really apply would be during downtime (Server activity) or late at night.
  11. Agree
    Forest reacted to Majestic_Narwha in Inactive Staff   
    yea, I've made this argument myself. staff are only on there if they need to be asked to come because a problem is already happening. A moderators job is to moderate obviously right? You cant exactly moderate something if you're never there. they shouldnt have to be asked because a problem happened, they should be there to PREVENT the problem from happening in the first place. that is their job.....
  12. Ding!
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Darkrp And Ttt   
    Bring Back Darkrp
    It's Time For A New Gmod Server...
    It's already been discussed, TTT is almost ready, though it needs staff and people to populate it, Dark RP is questionable, as I don't think it's worth it.

  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Legend Of Zelda Related Remixes   
  14. Informative
    Forest reacted to Majestic_Narwha in [xg] Gryfons - Counter-strike   
    I know my vote doesnt mean jack but watever
    gryfons minds his own business and doesnt start problems/mic spam or nothing. He's one of the few non trolling underage people who are on jailbreak.
    I personally think he could do it
  15. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1 is still the same as CSS, just shortened wording, but it should be "Unless a direction is specified.
    #2 No cheating is basically a broad word for dont do anything that isn't fair. seems fine to me and is up for discretion, however pretty common sense things are like Ts not specifying their rules for gun toss and saying "I didn't say you had to x y or z" which should be a little more cracked down on.
    #3 hidden spots are basically vents that dont go to other areas. they just hide guns.
    #4 essentially if you aren't immediately swapping off of it or dropping it as ordered/by free will then it is considered rebelling to have your primary out.
    #5 by childhood game it is referring to the game you may have played in elementary school if ur le merican, where someone was simon and you told all the other kids what to do and if they didn't they lost. or a teacher would be simon and you got like candy or a soda or something. not the electronic game where you touch red, red green, red green yellow, red green yellow red, red green yellow red red.
  16. Informative
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1: I still enforce it as "Facing away unless otherwise specified" like it used to be, and have not been corrected on this yet.
    #2: Could add "No Healing(KnifeFight,S4S,etc.), no Bhopping/Rocket Tossing(Gun Toss), stuff like that.
    #3: I don't let people camp hidden spots ( i.e hidden wall on blackout, Awp hole on VIP, Scout window on Razor, but I generally just warn them and give them more time than if they were in a vent.
    #4: I'd be OK with "Primaries may be out for 3 seconds before being deemed a rebel, unless pointed at a CT" and I'd rather the Secondary rule stay the same.
    #5: Should add examples of Tarps in Simon Says so they know what it means. I.e "Jumping is restricted. Simon says jump" *Ts who don't jump die as Simon didn't say it was restricted."
  17. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to gryfons in [xg] Gryfons - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    [xG] Gryfons Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:81536908 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    1 month to 1 1/2 months Age:

    15 Experience:

    If minecraft counts, I've been moderator on two different servers for 7 months each before the servers went down because of bugs in the game and not enough players. Information:

    I love playing on these servers. I think I'm mature enough to be a moderator even though I am not 16 years of age. I play on the servers when there is a lot of people on and when there is not a lot of people on. I know the rules and I have read the admin handbook. If you think I should wait a while before putting on an application, I will and there will be no hard feelings. Have a nice day! :)
  18. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    Hey guys, I noticed during the last time I played on the CS:GO Servers that there were a few things that stood apart as possible issues or things that could be clarified or given a deeper meaning in the rules. I'll try to keep my best to keep this basic and organized, so without further ado:
    1. Gun Check Freeze

  19. Like
    Forest got a reaction from mobinblack in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    Hey guys, I noticed during the last time I played on the CS:GO Servers that there were a few things that stood apart as possible issues or things that could be clarified or given a deeper meaning in the rules. I'll try to keep my best to keep this basic and organized, so without further ado:
    1. Gun Check Freeze

  20. Like
    Forest got a reaction from gryfons in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    Hey guys, I noticed during the last time I played on the CS:GO Servers that there were a few things that stood apart as possible issues or things that could be clarified or given a deeper meaning in the rules. I'll try to keep my best to keep this basic and organized, so without further ado:
    1. Gun Check Freeze

  21. Informative
    Forest reacted to Makr6e6 in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Femininity (or the feminine) is basically physical and cultural traits we associate with the female sex.
    As for feminism, it's always been this sort of opposite to far right conservatism, and christian fundamentalism.
    Personally I understand why it as movement exists and why it's still relevant today (raised as a roman catholic pole).
    Though I think it, as a political movement, is disingenuous, hypocritical and a threat to important liberties & truths.
    Things like due process; innocent until proven guilty, the criminalizing of expression or speech, legal definitions of rapes, etc.
    Then there's the egalitarian clap-trap of "50/50" (equality of outcome). Ironically you don't see these people complaining
    when the males are falling below that standard. You also won't hear about getting more women (50/50)
    in "undesirable" occupations. Simply because people are hardwired with a traditionalist mindset (chivalry or benevolent sexism).
    Westerners have this mythology of the past. That the collective known as "women" have had it bad, and "men" have had it good.
    The meme of the cavemen pulling their unwilling brides by the hair. No matter how untrue that is. That type of thinking
    removes the individual, and collectively puts (dare I say) "privileged" men in the same basket as your average and disadvantaged.
    Feminists whom aren't of the man hating persuasion. Tend to be feminists because 1.) it's trendy to masturbate ego via la "I'm a good person" 2. Whom wouldn't advocate for more privileges FOR THEMSELVES? and 3. Chauvinists and the religious view women as baby making machines, and sandwich vendors. "BECUASE FUCK YOU, THIS IS HOW GOD INTENDED IT. GOD DAM IT!!"
    Annnyyywaaays, before I disappear. I don't think beauty is "subjective". Sure there's personal tastes and odd kinks.
    BUT a lot of what we find beautiful. Is tied to what's familiar and (sexually) attractive for making copies of ourselves.
    I don't see how anyone could argue that it is subjective. When things like diseases and oddities are naturally repulsive.
  22. Like
    Forest reacted to Cookie_Master in Cookie_master - Counter-strike   
    I killed 3 rebeling Ts before I left but if i did tr to freekill someone the i apologize ill tr not to do it again
  23. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    Hey everyone, I'll be posting here in the thread to update the winner of the month for submissions, just as a placeholder! So you can expect these posts monthly (depending on when a winner's submission has been selected). The original post will also be updated with the winners as well as their submissions!

    Winner of March 11th, 2016 - #1

  24. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    Hey everyone, I'll be posting here in the thread to update the winner of the month for submissions, just as a placeholder! So you can expect these posts monthly (depending on when a winner's submission has been selected). The original post will also be updated with the winners as well as their submissions!

    Winner of March 11th, 2016 - #1

  25. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Goblin in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    Hey everyone, I'll be posting here in the thread to update the winner of the month for submissions, just as a placeholder! So you can expect these posts monthly (depending on when a winner's submission has been selected). The original post will also be updated with the winners as well as their submissions!

    Winner of March 11th, 2016 - #1