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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in A (bad) Sketch   
    Bowtie is where it's at
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Tomahawk in Which Games Should I Get If I Get A 3ds?   
    No love for Link Between Worlds :(
  3. Like
    Forest reacted to ArminArmout in Which Games Should I Get If I Get A 3ds?   
    I KNEW I was forgetting a good game! lbtw is my favorite zelda title. toma you have to get it.
  4. Creative
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in A (bad) Sketch   
    I made a bad sketch.
    (it's sideways for some reason)

  5. Informative
    Forest reacted to Aegeann in Diamond 3 Quinn Main, Giving Tips Or Any Help On League   
    IGN: KingAegean
    I want to practice on my analysis so if you have any questions about league (climbing soloqueue, champs, map pressure etc) or want personal help, feel free to message me here or add me in game. Remember, I'm not at the highest level but I'm still top 3000 (0.3%) of all players in NA
  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Mogs - Counter-strike   
    Offending player's banlist: Xeno Gamers
    Just going to outright say that the ban reason ("are you fuking retarded") is way out of place by the way, especially from a Higher-Up.
  7. Like
    Forest reacted to Hamsterman23456 in New Jb Last Ct Music Suggestion   
    Lithium plz you're ruining my Positive Rating/Negative Rating Ratio :(
  8. Informative
    Forest reacted to Matsi in My New 3d Printer   
    I have both PLA and ABS plastic, the PLA is a little bit flexible, the ABS things I have made are solid as hell, I was actually making a flashlight mount for my M&P40 picatinny rail and forgot that abs shrinks a little as it cools so it was too small, it too a lot of force to break it and even then it only cracked.
    Here's a video of a guy testing some ABS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wa__KCm_T0
    It broke at 250 lbs of weight
  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    So, before this becomes a shit-storm, I'm just going to throw some deterrent down and remind people that these are all just opinions. I think I speak for most people when I say we don't want to hear some aggressive keyboard action coupled with heavy intensive breathing (keyboard warriors) from either side.
    Just.. Keep it civil guys. This doesn't have to turn into a flame war over who is right/wrong. Would strongly suggest a Higher-Up monitor this thread every now and then to prevent any mishaps, or to outright close it (assuming @SnowyMinion is alright with it) since it was relevant to an essay that was being written which to my understanding is no longer happening thus making this an unnecessary thread about ethical opinion in a Gaming forum (which isn't inherently bad, but topics such as this tend to be blown out of proportion every now and then). Assuming people are capable of having a proper discussion without things escalating out of control, there may not be any harm in this. That being said, keep in mind that it's difficult to determine the tone of what someone is saying, but don't assume or take it in a hostile manner right off the bat.
    Thought I'd post this just in case :)
  10. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    time to do gmod for it.
    might fail. though.
  11. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Regarding Recent Disrespectful Behaviour   
    It [disrespect] isn't going anywhere. I would strongly suggest focusing your (anyone in general in a position of power) efforts on something more constructive and meaningful that can effectively yield results. No offense, but it's a lot of wasted effort because it likely won't change anything.
    As previously mentioned by others, this is the 6365546th thread that has been made in regards to disrespect. You can't just eliminate it, and it's unrealistic to think you can. However, that being said, by no means should you just give up altogether. It's great to address these sort of issues at hand, but to post a thread that explicitly states that it will not be tolerated will literally have no effect (given its current track record), as was the case with the many other threads before this one. Before long it'll simply wither away and like previously mentioned, a new thread will sprout up with the same content.
    All that aside, I agree with Vector; this issue revolves around xG as a whole, especially with Staff who are not leading a good example for our players. I've noticed several Staff members who fall under this category (just from CS:GO alone) and to be frank, if it has to be me, I'll start recording demos (across TF2 and CS:GO) of the aforementioned Staff who are not properly representing XenoGamers the way they should be. Change starts when you take matters into your own hands, posting a thread isn't nearly enough.
    After all, you know things have gone wrong when the time calls for xG to monitor its own Staff for behavioral problems.
  12. Creative
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
  13. Drunk
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Hello, Friends!   
    You are the most British person I know(all hail eternal cl forest:hail:).
  14. F!$k Off
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.
    That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).
  15. Like
    Forest reacted to Gluxon in Name Athruns Ak-47 Fn Aquamarine Revenge   
    The Dolphin Lore, The Jabberwocky, Jawz, Bruce, The Leviathan, Ikaroa, Jasconious, Namazu, Undyne. (Lots of mythology based names)
  16. Creative
    Forest reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Ksplayer's (bad) Gmod Gallery   
    so far.

  17. Creative
    Forest reacted to gryfons in Special Events For Holidays.   
    Thats the spirit bleed! Other ideas are like on halloween we could give each t a random candy bar and different bars did different things(its like a free !rtd). Or like on the 4th of july or new year's eve we could make certain guns(like awp or deagle) shoot fireworks. They are just ideas. I think it might be a fun twist.
  18. Creative
    Forest reacted to DemonicDisaster in My First Animation!   
    Finally did one! I'm really proud of it ^^

  19. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    If you're teacher is asking this, the correct answer is their own opinion.
  20. Ding!
    Forest reacted to shwash in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    So you're being asked to discuss on your interpretation of feminism, then shift focus to your idea on femininity compared to the stigmata that are associated with beauty and femininity?
    If this is an essay, I would just use your opinion on the matter. That is if you are asking this for a Gender Sociology class. If this is for philosophy, your teacher marking you down for an
    incorrect answer is a logical fallacy because no one is right or wrong. At that point , you are filling a useless questionnaire. What was I talking about?
  21. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    I feel like your teacher could've put it in a more.. User-friendly way, for a lack of better words. Especially since there's so much controversial discussion over the opposite end of the spectrum regarding feminism.
    Anyways, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is, everyone has different concepts and/or perceptions of beauty. To most this is typically based on the appearance of someone, to others it could revolve around their personality. Sorry if this isn't very helpful, it's a very broad topic that requires a little more detail to answer what you're looking for exactly.
  22. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.
    That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).
  23. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Aegeann in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.
    That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).
  24. Like
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto   

  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Facebook Coverphoto   
    So, along the lines of this suggestion, it occurred to me that it would just be easier to post an official "XenoGamers' Fanbased Coverphotos" thread in Gallery or something along those lines.
    People could submit whatever creations they make at a chance of having it set as xG's FaceBook Coverphoto for a pre-determined amount of time with a rotation being made monthly(?). Thoughts?