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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Forest reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in ...   
    The only division that actually made this clan fun and where it all started. #Rip
  2. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Ban Request: Mrjeeblez   
    why are there screenshots of screenshots??
    fucking retard @MrJeeblez
  3. Informative
    Forest reacted to Hype in How Do You Remember Xg Members?   
    Remember who that person is.
  4. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in New Leader?   
    Being Leader is over rated :coffee:
  5. Disagree
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in New Leader?   
    To be fair you've been here the longest other than silence, but I'm not too far behind ;).
    I recommend @Forest for leader, I mean, he's already eternal Co Leader anyway
  6. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Chrono in New Leader?   
    Being Leader is over rated :coffee:
  7. Informative
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Yo Where's The Jailbait Server At   
    Another super secret server is being worked on right now. After that, I'll start working on jailbreak.
  8. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Goblin in New Ways To Handle Micspammers?   
    Way I see it, if they aren't mature enough to handle access to a mic, then they aren't mature enough to be hanging out on xG Servers.
    I personally don't see a reason to add more times for Staff to memorize when handling these sorts of cases when it can simply be remedied by the usual procedure of warning, mute, kick, ban. It's more taxing to Staff to have to determine what form of mic spam it is, and then having to determine the appropriate procedure for that particular mic spam in my opinion.
  9. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in New Ways To Handle Micspammers?   
    Way I see it, if they aren't mature enough to handle access to a mic, then they aren't mature enough to be hanging out on xG Servers.
    I personally don't see a reason to add more times for Staff to memorize when handling these sorts of cases when it can simply be remedied by the usual procedure of warning, mute, kick, ban. It's more taxing to Staff to have to determine what form of mic spam it is, and then having to determine the appropriate procedure for that particular mic spam in my opinion.
  10. Sad
    Forest reacted to Chrono in D&d   
    sorry about the MIA spent last weekend in hospital, then this week been super sick
  11. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Fink in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    There are pretty much 2 types of people in this clan.
    1. The overly sensitive people that cry and make ban threads when they get insulted or criticized in the slightest, but don't realize they in fact, instigated most fights they were in.
    2. The edgy people that like to offend others to be an "epic troll," and make fun of people for being losers, even though most of them are socially awkward or in fact, also losers.
    basically you're all hypocrites and losers.
    there's like a small amount that don't act like this.
    im a loser and i used to act like number 2 all the time on the forums, so i cant really judge.
  12. Salty
    Forest got a reaction from Hype in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    It doesn't matter whether or not anything happened out of it; if the intention was to gain an advantage in any way, it's abuse.
  13. Ding!
    Forest reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  14. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in Secrets That No One But The Whole Internet Will Know.   
    I don't trust anyone here enough to open any of these. Fudge secrets. :coffee:
  15. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in I'm Tired Of This..   
    not be on their servers. :^)
  16. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    It doesn't matter whether or not anything happened out of it; if the intention was to gain an advantage in any way, it's abuse.
  17. Informative
    Forest reacted to Scootaloo in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    Thanks for that Dethman, but since this is the first DOCUMENTED incident we've seen, I think we can safely give Flareon an official warning about his actions.
    Flareon, it's probably best to ensure that if you are engaging the enemy team AT ALL, don't have any active commands that could potentially give you an edge to the fight. Make sure things like resize commands, low gravity, speed, and the such are all reset before actually fighting and trying to affect the enemy teams. Also, that goes for God/Buddha mode too. Since this is your first offence, I don't think any drastic measures will be taken, but should it happen again, there will be a possible ramification you'd face, up to and possibly including demotion.
    If this is sufficient to the other DMs/DLs, I think we can close the thread and move on. Flareon has received his warning, and should he receive his warning and change his actions, I feel no further punishments need to be given at this time. Just don't let it happen again, yeah? Consider this a probationary period of sorts where you'll be monitored for any additional wrongdoings.
    @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz
    If sufficient, we can close the thread and be done with it.
  18. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    It doesn't matter whether or not anything happened out of it; if the intention was to gain an advantage in any way, it's abuse.
  19. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in Why Isn't There A Sticky Thread For Rules?   
    Still think that section should be organized into sub-categories for each Division.
  20. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    It doesn't matter whether or not anything happened out of it; if the intention was to gain an advantage in any way, it's abuse.
  21. Informative
    Forest reacted to Jesp in Xg:m| Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    xG:M| Red Eevee Staff's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: xG:M| Red Eevee Evidence:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBBwbEIF9aA Further Information:

    xG:M| Red Eevee / Flareon used his ability to set his own gravity in a combat situation as the evidence shows. Both the start of the video and the image in the evidence section make it clear it was not a RTD result, and that it happened on the PKMN Trading Center server.
    Nothing was said by him prior to the incident about the spawncamp or sentry itself (hence the lack of evidence about what happened before), the first moderator-exclusive action was the combination of lowered gravity and constant sapping in a situation where it would otherwise be impossible to do what he did.
    From my understanding of the rules spawncamping is allowed and only admins can deem a spawncamp unbreakable. Red Eevee is not an admin, and no admin had deemed the spawncamp unbreakable prior to the incident above.
  22. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Gorillabot3000 in Why Isn't There A Sticky Thread For Rules?   
    Still think that section should be organized into sub-categories for each Division.
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Why Isn't There A Sticky Thread For Rules?   
    Still think that section should be organized into sub-categories for each Division.
  24. Informative
    Forest reacted to PatPeter in Please Remove The Veteran Kick On The Rookie Friendly Server   
    I'm level 72 in Nuclear Dawn, and I love this game. I finally got friends of mine to play with me, and lo and behold, there's a popular NA server!
    Steam Community :: Screenshot :: The only server I can play on...
    But when I try to join it, it kicks me, saying that I'm too high a level. :(
    Nuclear Dawn is a dead game; we shouldn't have servers kicking the players who were most loyal to Nuclear Dawn. If you want to stop veterans from turning off rookies to the game, force them to only play one class, like Support Medic/Engineer or Stealth Assassin/Saboteur.
    I know this was done in an attempt to get more players playing Nuclear Dawn, but all it's done is isolate the existing playerbase. The only other ND server I can play on is this [NDix], and this server has a great many quirks of its own.
    Please consider removing the veteran kick from the rookie server, thank you.
  25. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Waimalu in Contest: New Rating Icons   
    I approve of this message.