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Everything posted by Vector

  1. that's evidence that warrants a perm? How is that even disrespectful are kidding me? you mean that's not shit posting by saying " XD I WON AN ARGUMENT EVEN THOUGH I GRAVE DUG" you guys grave dug the damn thread that's all i said but then you guys tried to justifying instead of making a new thread which would keep it update and make is less confusing. you guys still didn't do this. Also you said "kypari don't insult them, that makes it look like they are right" that shows that you didn't even consider your own side of the arguments problem. you are only saying that so that it justifies your reason of the argument on the age requirement which wasn't even the point of conversation. you never told ME, i even called you out on your bullshit about rabid and proceeded to ignore me and remove me from your friends list on steam. which is rude (when you yourself say you want civil conversations in xG and talking something out). @Brian? another person who hasn't even been here on the forums for a long ass time and hasn't even done anything wrong. What are you talking about?? first of all, when i talked to you, you were against ohstopyou's extension and didn't understand why the ban was extended. now you're saying it's justified? That doesn't make a lick of sense, and again no one told me of this agreement. Also this extension is still not justified because i haven't done a single damn thing wrong when my ban was extended. He can speak for himself. He also said in my fucking ban protest that he doesn't read my comments and showed straight up bias that all my comments were nothing but shit posting malicious post etcetc How can you possibly use this as a justification of extending my ban when the PERSON WHO EXTENDED MY BAN doesn't even give a shit about me. You mean 2 at the time of the extensions were CLs that means they are of equal rank of the other CLs who were not informed? Regardless you guys didn't even tell diabeetus, penguin, or Lee. I had to find out myself when i noticed the ban. If i didn't see that i would probably see my ban stand when my ban should be up at September 23rd. taken out of context? in the same sentience you talk people who haven't changed and are not fit for the community. that is straight up talking about a perm, so out of context? no that's a lie. Seriously? Blaming others again for making a logical decision that is different then your own? You talked about unbias opinions and fair treatment for all but you are infact doing the same exact thing you do not want. You are upset that there are people who do not see what's a big deal to you, isn't a big deal in reality. That's not cherry picking. Kitty? Dude she wasn't even here either she wasn't on the servers or forums. She is already forum banned. you were talking about people who haven't changed and aren't good for this community but you gave two people who don't even do anything on forums nor in game? what are the reasons for bringing these people up??? when did i say that was a problem? i said that xG is so fucked that we have people who think showing members of Child pornography is funny and not a big deal when you show multiple people actual child pornography
  2. But seriously the problem is that there is no communication anymore. There are people doing things behind each others backs. Dethman in the chat i had with him was that he wanted me permed again but he also mentioned rabid and a few others. The problem is that now everyone is too damn sensitive (talking about myself). @diabeetus himself wrote in his goodbye thread that now there are higher ups that are gunning me down so i get permed for petty things. This also scares me that the moment because if @DrLee leaves i am going to be permed and have zero say in it. And the same goes to rabid and these "other people" dethman talked about. People hold grudges here that it's so bad people are being banned and permed for such small reasons. And what's worst? this clan is so fucked up that we just recently banned a guy for child pornography, and not shady ban but the guy actually posts child pornography. Don't just say "oh well if you don't like it, just leave" That's not the point. if you people keep going on like this, xG is gonna fucking die and at this point i wouldn't be surprised. the fact we have obvious bias and people speaking behind each other backs (see @Ohstopyou perming me again for no reason and not telling me or the other CLs.). I ask for an explanation for his actions but of course he doesn't acknowledge. HE said so himself in teamspeak. He even said to me that he doesn't read my comments and believes i won't change in my ban protest. The higher up situation is so bad that i don't see a recovery.
  3. yeah baby use that mouth to your advantage ;)
  4. Vector


    we lose another good one :(. to bad people thought you were nothing but a bias guy who still had a hard on for Counter Strike. Good luck in everything bro. "Vector - lol dude you are absolutely fucked. There are people gunning to get you permed over some pretty minor things." i've known this for months but i'm not going anywhere ;) we still got our puppet masters @Chrono @Tsuchikure @ThePenguin @Bleed @DrLee
  5. You expect me to read all that shit?
  6. Vector


    is xG turning around? cross your fingers.
  7. the word triggered triggers me.
  8. i haven't looked too closely at forums who is this kid and why should i give him an ounce of my time? give me the TLDR please.
  9. Vector

    Unban Me

    oh shitttt +1
  10. Vector


    yeeeeeeahhhh muh boy +1
  11. lol fuck off kiddo. first you make seppuku threats, then proceed to advertise another clan (by the way, whoever thought that giving pm to people of other groups is an idiot.) then proceed to black mail higher ups because you were shit at your job and because you abused and NOW you're making a member submission saying people make mistakes when this whole scenario started what? like a few hours ago? i fucking hate kids. #OldVectorIsBestVector
  12. don't be jealous that your clan is dog shit compared to us xD
  13. good to know you care so much about xG.
  14. Unban me and I can moderate @Bleed ;)
  15. idk who you are. Also, this is a member protest. you are applying for him to get kicked out of xG. Admin abuse thread is what you want. Also you don't need to work hard for mod or admin. you literally just need to ask and more then likely you'll get it. Also you don't need to "take screen shots for a living" to get abuse, all you have to do is press F 12 or something. it's not hard lmao. so what's the point of this thread if you have no proof of anything. close this @kbraszzz @Moosty @diabeetus @DrLee @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin
  16. do you REALLY, like legitimately think he is 100% serious? do YOU HONESTLY think he supports the murders of over 6 million individuals? the kid is an edgy 14 year old. stop being overly dramatic. also perm him? jesus christ people, you're handing out perms like candy. The guy has been banned twice for the same reason and if you guys really want to ban him, make his ban a week. but after that if he continues, then go ahead and perm him.
  17. didn't you mass abuse and then lie about your mom dying?
  18. Fistful of Frags - Steam Charts
  19. uh? what? my ban protest was serious. if you're talking about my old mod submission then yeah sure. however i was responding to all of those posts who -1 very fairly and maturely. i even say in my OP that i want it to be serious. Bach's probably doesn't fully understand why he was demoted which is why he posted "i was only demoted for the teamspeak thing" So first of all why don't you explain his demotion in clear detail so he can fall back on something. Get off your high horse and stop thinking everyone is so immature when you're in a clan filled with 16 year olds. Can they be immature? yeah. Can we be immature? you bet your ass. A lot of people really feel that either A. bach does deserve moderator or B. doesn't deserve it. I'm going through the thread and most of these posts are fairly valid with a few here that are unnecessary.
  20. asking someone if they suck is instigation and doesn't have any sort of justification. you openly admit to starting it which sylux retaliated (which i do not reconmend). @Flareon read ryuu's last comment. I'm not saying syluxx does not have a history (i don't really know him so how can i protect someone i hardly know?) also Seriously? this is making you look worst and worst brah. just learn from your mistakes and that maybe a thread like this will go better in the future if you unfortunately have to make a new one.