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Everything posted by Vector

  1. @@kbraszzz it was on the jailbreak server, so i'm assuming you mass freekilled then left.
  2. +1, very nice on the trade server and see him on, would be a great addition.
  3. you were a great co-leader sad to see you go.
  4. it's okay, i'll watch the TF2 div while you're gone
  5. Finally, someone from gaming history joins the forums. Welcome!
  6. i'm so fucking ready. training montage, GO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-WHW-QNswE
  7. -1 i was there at the time and i was one of the one who got killed. and you clicked it on purpose, it was completely intentional. you also said some bull shit saying oh i didn't know it would kill everyone and that i will soon get unbanned. Also like diabeetus said, you rage quit xG saying we are dieing and decided to make your own community.
  8. Vector


    we saw that area, and we tried to put in another map that is less trolly however we keep getting the missing map error. we have a lot of great maps we want to add but that fucking error screws us up. help pls.
  9. it will just cause mass confusion. -1 it's fine the way it is.
  10. regardless of the situation at hand, in my opinion i really don't believe calling chrono a fag and banning him for over ANOTHER grey area in the MOTD, Speed has voiced his concerns about chrono in the past and i feel that there (whether chrono knows or not) is some sort of grudge. Speed most of the time is a very nice and chill guy (#Coolguy) so i don't feel like the whole situation is being told. When speed gives his input on the situation then i feel something can be done. regardless if speed is in the wrong a slap on the wrist seems fair and no demotion necessary.
  11. Vector


    well how are morbias and lava giant part of the server? they aren't gaming history, however are great maps. Abstract has a pokemon part of the map and is a bit random. also i got rid of the skin a little while ago. also if neon didn't want people to use their maps, why would they open it up to the public on a popular site in which anyone can use their maps? perhaps someone could shed some light on that situation.
  12. Vector


    So on the Trading gaming history server there are some maps that the people on the server and i, wish to be removed. one of them is Minecraft rivers, while the map looks nice, the rain and such makes tf2 run with slower performance in pretty much every area of the map whether you have a decent computer or not. Another map the should be taken out IMMEDIATELY is Peach's castle. the map is spawn camping paradise where a pyro with a back burner can destroy a hole team in just a second: Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot Last map that should be removed in skyloft. the map just looks incredibly ugly and despite what the map tries to recreate, it looks like a bunch of broken parts of maps thrown into one. Now some maps i think we should add are: GAMEBANANA: trade_abstract2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) ^ Abstract looks pretty cool hang out as there are multiple areas (like realms) TF2 Maps : pkmn saffroncity b3 - TFmaps.com ^ Saffron city. this could be added to golden rod city server (if they were up to the idea of an RTV system) or it we make it the pokemon map for the trade gaming history server as it looks really cool. GAMEBANANA: Trade_Minecraft_Neon_v63_xmas (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) ^ minecraft neon. while it looks a little bit like realms, most people love realms on the server and it seems to be very interesting. We would LOVE to have some new maps and strongly recommend adding them. @@African @@Origins @@MuffinMonster @@Brian @@Nomulous @@Lawliet tagging notable staff members.
  13. show us your titties.
  14. we going to war now nigga. see you guys on the battlefield #freepaulie #freebryce #freeminecrack #freeslippy #freeadam we will relieve these prisoners from the terrible overlord.
  15. +1 paulie was just doing it for the holidays! my Christmas present to him is to be unbanned
  16. that you would accept my love damn it. peace mate.:duckiijr:
  17. you don't like me? fuck u too nigga