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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō #Urotsukidō


    well there went that theory....

  2. @Matsi what sort of thread were you trying to make? What was the exact title and post content? I need this to fix the error.

    Donator Perks Guide | Xeno Gamers


    I managed to get it to work by deleting "#Urotsukidō" out of my name in the part where i copy pasted some chat, my guess is the hash tag


    Tho it doesn't make sense that it let me type #Urotsukidō in here.... but deleting it from the other post made it finally go through.... perhaps it was because it was there multiple times...

  3. Basic Donator

    Anyone can achieve the basic Donator status via donating 5 Keys or 9000 credits.

    Basic Donators will have this tag in there username while they are on a server.


    Being a basic Donator gives you access to the following commands.


    • !colorme {color}

    Dropbox - colorme.jpg

    Use this to change your player model tint.

    Available Colors: random normal black red green blue yellow purple cyan orange pink olive lime violet lightblue silver chocolate saddlebrown indigo ghostwhite thistle aliceblue steelblue teal gold tan tomato

    • !rocketme

    Dropbox - evilrocket1.jpg

    Dropbox - evilrocket2.jpg

    Use this to launch yourself into the air and explode(suicide)

    • !glowme

    Dropbox - glowme.jpg

    Use this enable glowing circle (similar to a engy portal glow) above your head, colored dependent on team red/blue

    • !nofallme

    Toggle if you take fall dmg.

    • !stunme {duration}

    Dropbox - stunme.jpg

    Stun yourself for the defined amount of time

    • !gstunme {duration}

    Dropbox - gstunme.jpg

    Stun yourself for the defined amount of time as if scared by a HHH ("YIKES" appeared above your head)

    • !bonkme {duration}

    Dropbox - bonkme.jpg

    Stun yourself for the defined amount of time as if hit by a sandman ball

    • !evilvisionme

    Dropbox - evilvisionme.jpg

    Similar to drugged, your vision does a weird zoomed PoV like thing...

    • !timebombme

    Dropbox - timebombme.jpg

    Enable a timebomb on yourself (10 second countdown and then you suicide *explode*)

    • !burnme {duration}

    Dropbox - burnme.jpg

    Catch yourself on fire for the defined time

    • !freezeme {duration}

    Dropbox - freezeme.jpg

    Freeze yourself in place for the defined time

    • !drugme

    Dropbox - drugme.jpg

    Toggle drugs on yourself causing your screen to randomly change tint and tilt

    And 1000 Hub credits!


    Upgraded Donator


    Anyone can achieve the Upgraded Donator status via donating 8 keys or 124600 credits.

    Upgraded Donators will have this tag in there username while they are on a server. [u-Don]

    Being a Upgraded Donator gives you access to the following commands.


    • !kson {amount}

    Dropbox - kson.jpg

    Sets the number shown as your killstreak in the scoreboard

    • !freezebombme {0/1}

    Same as freezeme but with a 10 sec countdown first

    • !firebombme {0/1}

    Same as burnme but with a 10 sec countdown first

    • !eviltrailme

    Dropbox - eviltrailme.jpg

    Sets a fire and smoke like trail on you at about your shoulder

    • !fart

    Makes you make fart noises randomly along with random chat messages

    [sM] ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi fed ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi a fat Burrito!

    ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi: Phew! I think I have sprung a leak!

    ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi: Gah! That one didn't even smell!

    ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi: Chewy...I think I could eat that one!

    [sM] ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi gave ᵡᴳḽᴹ Matsi some Pepto Bismol!

    • !firearrows

    Your arrows cause enemies to light on fire/burn

    • !resizeheadme Known not working
    • !resizeme

    Dropbox - resizemesmall.jpg

    Dropbox - resizemelarge.jpg

    Allows you to resize your player model larger or smaller

    • !skeleton @me (ONLY FOR SNIPER!)

    Dropbox - skeleton.jpg

    Turns you into a skeleton

    • !robot @me

    Dropbox - robot.jpg

    Turns you into a robot

    • !gimme {weapon index} For now


    • !outlineme

    Dropbox - outlineme.jpg

    Toggles player outlines (outlines that allow players to basically see your health based on their color: green/yellow/red)


    And 3000 Hub credits!


    Super Donator


    Anyone can achieve the Super Donator status via donating 15 keys or 27000 credits.

    Super Donators will have this tag in there username while they are on a server. [s-Don]

    Being a Super Donator gives you access to the following commands.


    • !Unusual Weapons only

    Dropbox - unusual.jpg

    Lets you add "unusual" effects to your weapons

    • !saxxy

    Dropbox - saxxy.jpg

    Gives you saxxy as melee weapon

    • !gpan

    Dropbox - gpan.jpg

    Gives you golden pan as melee weapon

    • !gwrench

    Dropbox - gwrench.jpg

    Gives you golden wrench as melee weapon

    • !vote

    Allows you to make a vote usage: !vote "this is the question" "option 1" "option 2" "option 3" "option 4" "option 5"

    if no options listed it will default to yes or no for the options

    • !powerplay (Crits and godmode)

    Dropbox - powerplay.jpg

    Makes you glow like an uber, and on fire.... gives you crits and godmode

    • holyarrows Is constantly on!

    Dropbox - holy arrows.jpg

    Yellowish glow to your arrows AKA "sunbeam"

    • !raffle

    Used to perform a raffle(The server will automatically pick someone from the added names)

    • !raffle_assign

    Used to add names to the raffle (targeting is like any other admin cmds, @all would add everyone tot he raffle)

    • !raffle_remove

    Used to remove names from the raffle (targeting is like any other admin cmds, @all would add everyone tot he raffle)

    • !raffle_cancel

    Removes everyone from the raffle

    • !raffle_list

    Lists all the names currently added to the raffle

    • !spawnhatman

    Spawns Horseless Headless Horsemann at your crosshairs

    • !spawneyeboss

    Spawns Monoculus at your crosshairs

    • !spawnmerasmus

    Spawns Merasmus at your crosshairs

    • !spawnskele

    Spawns a skeleton at your crosshairs

    • !slayhatman

    Slays all HHH

    • !slayeyeboss

    Slays all Monoculus

    • !slaymerasmus

    Slays all Merasmus

    • !slayskele

    Slays all skeles

    • !buildingcolors

    Dropbox - buildingcolors.jpg

    Opens menu for you to choose a color to have all your building be tinted in

    • !shield [Trade Servers Only]
    • !shield2 [Trade Servers Only]
    • !betheghost

    Dropbox - betheghost.jpg

    Turns you into a ghost (right click to disappear/appear and hold left click to pass through walls)



    Use !vote before spawning any of the bosses.

    The vote must have 70% wanting the boss to be spawned.


    And 10000 credits!

    Uber Donator

    Anyone can achieve the Uber Donator status via donating 20 keys or 36000 credits.

    Uber Donators will have this tag in there username while they are on a server. [uber-Don]

    Being a Uber Donator gives you access to the following commands.


    • [Trade Servers Only] !noclip @me

    Dropbox - noclip.jpg

    Toggle noclip on yourself, allowing you to fly around and pass through objects

    • !makemegift (If you use this in an objective gamemode, do not abuse the god mod attached to it)

    Dropbox - makemegift.jpg

    Turn into a giant rotating present

    • !fakegift (NOT ALLOWED ON JB SERVERS)

    Dropbox - fakegift.jpg

    Spawn an ammo box

    • !bemerasmus @me

    Dropbox - bemerasmus.jpg

    Turn into Merasmus (Jarate=bomb, press reload to pull out bombinomicon and spawn a bunch of bombs in all directions from you)

    • !behhh

    Dropbox - behhh.jpg

    Turn into Horseless Headless Horsemann (use "call for medic" to make a *BOO* taunt)

    • !hsay {message}

    Dropbox - hsay.jpg

    Message to all players shown as a "hint" at the bottom of the screen

    • !tsay {message}

    Dropbox - tsay.jpg

    Message to all players shown as a "title" in the top left corner of the screen

    • !csay {message}

    Dropbox - csay.jpg

    Message to all players shown as "console" in the center of the screen

    • !msay{message}

    Dropbox - msay.jpg

    Message to all players shown as "menu" to the left (requires player to press 0 to close)

    • To be added at a later date.

    And 13000 Credits!

  4. I spent an hour and a half making this thread.... and it wont let me create it, it errors every time


    The following error occurred:

    Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xC5\x8D' for column 'hashtag' at row 1

    1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 317
    2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
    3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
    4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1624
    5. XenForo_DataWriter->_insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1613
    6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1405
    7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenMods/HashTags/Model/HashTags.php at line 115
    8. XenMods_HashTags_Model_HashTags->saveHashTags() in XenMods/HashTags/XenForo/Search/Post.php at line 10
    9. XenMods_HashTags_XenForo_Search_Post->_insertIntoIndex() in XenForo/Search/DataHandler/Abstract.php at line 238
    10. XenForo_Search_DataHandler_Abstract->insertIntoIndex() in XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php at line 760
    11. XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_insertOrUpdateSearchIndex() inXenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php at line 739
    12. XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_indexForSearch() in XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php at line585
    13. XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_postSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1409
    14. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in MetaMirror/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage/Post.php at line 24
    15. MetaMirror_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_Post->save() in XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion.php at line 477
    16. XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion->_saveFirstMessageDw() in Brivium/Credits/DataWriter/Discussion/Thread.php at line98
    17. Brivium_Credits_DataWriter_Discussion_Thread->_saveFirstMessageDw() in XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion.php at line426
    18. XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion->_postSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1409
    19. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/ControllerPublic/Forum.php at line 679
    20. XenForo_ControllerPublic_Forum->actionAddThread() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
    21. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
    22. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/xeno/public_html/xenforo/index.php at line 13

    please halp!

  5. I strongly disagree with you on the donation stuff... 20 keys for the highest level isn't "too much" and for people who cant afford that they can get a lower tier, and gradually upgrade over time... I think it will be stupid to lower the prices because then everyone will have it and it wont be worth having.


    "focused too much on money" LOLWUT?! You obviously have never been in a clan that makes you pay per month to have admin! xG is as far from focused on money as a gaming community can be.... and if you think that offering bonus stuff for donations is focused on money than you should take the time to figure out how much it costs to run all the servers that xG has...

  6. -1 Known troll and disrespectful


    I think this should also be closed solely because the OP only says: "unban me faggots."

    I have never seen anyone allowed to proceed with a ban protest that didn't follow the instructions of what they needed to put in it, why does ribbit get special treatment? @Chrono @Bleed @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Cristo

  7. with this, it sounds like you joined the server after things were spawned, after a vote had been done. this statement makes matsi's statement of there were votes highly likely, since you said you joined into something already a clusterfudge at your spawn.


    Did you ask if there were votes prior to joining? probably not, and are just making the abuse thread because you didn't like what you joined into that everyone else was having fun with.



    @hide_yo_chest was there when I did it.


    I made the first vote to spawn bosses, they vote like 83% yes so i spawned a bunch of things all over the map, they killed everything and asked me to spawn more, I made another vote "more bosses?" which passed with like 90% I spawned a whole bunch more, people said that was too many so i slayed them all and spawned less along with waves of skeles. I made several more votes when everything started to die because they still wanted more, each one passing with 85-100% voting yes, I did things like put them in little hiding spots like behind the door to the radio room and stuff... this whole thing went on for about 30-45 minutes during which I also made votes asking if every was having fun with this which around 100% voted yes.... then kart and some guy named ryu came in and ryu started slaying everything. Some of the people that were enjoying the bosses stated that they wanted to go back to killing the other team instead, so I made another vote that only got 50% and yet some of the others still asked if I would spawn more, I said no the vote has to pass with 70% or more. some people went around in friendly mode killing off the rest of the skeles and then I went over to jailbreak with Hide_yo_chest and spawned bosses there for him and I after making a vote that passed 100% on the empty server with just him and I.

  8. Made like 5 votes, they kept wanting more... so I kept spawning things until they said they didn't want it anymore at which point I made yet another vote that still half the server wanted more bosses but a few new people that joined did not, and so it fail by like 2 votes, and I stopped and even tried to slay the remaining skeles.

  9. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    {S>1 Unusual} xG|Super Bidoof☭

    Steam ID:



    I've been active for a while on Jailbreak one late night I mass free killed and got banned from blue. I think I should be unbanned because I've never been banned any XG server or ever banned from blue. I always follow rules as well as I can when I'm on blue, and this was just a slip up.

    you mass freekilled? that's not very much detail... did you do it on purpose, on accident... were you muted while giving orders.... wtf happened?

  10. I feel as if there is a long running inside joke I don't know

    It's not really... it's just retarded people doing what they do best :P


    I got a rust server for xG after asking permission to start a div for it from Rhododendron, but whenever I tried to populate it a bunch of people would whine about it and say it wasn't an official div and call me "power hungry" and shit... so it's basically just my own private rust server :)

  11. Is using the cmds on JB like nofall and turning your outline off on blu aboose?


    Seems like being immune to fall dmg would be since it would let you also do thing slike rocket jumping without dmg...


    Turning off your outline lets you pretty much hide to get LCT so I think that's also pretty lame.



    Clarification please? @Nomulous @kbraszzz

  12. Omg now 4 more, :)



    An example of the template:


    Decision: attachFull15587


    Why: Hes a good person, he respects others, he does what he can to enforce the rules, hes contributing to the clan by posting ideas on how to make the servers better.


    Maturity: He tends to talk when its not really needed but stops when someone asks him to, he doesn't contribute to trolls when they are on the server, he keeps his cool most of the time


    Activity: Hes active on RPG surf, and jailbreak, he is also active on the saxton hale server


    INCLUDE A NUMBER SCALE FOR ACTIVITY AND MATURITY, 1 BEING ON THE LOW END (immature, not active), 10 BEING ON THE HIGH END (very mature, very active)




    If you don't want to write it that way, you can make it something like this:


    "attachFull15588, serbian does not know the MOTD very well. Even though he is very active on the jailbreak server, he has been CT banned for freekilling too much. He also mic spams, talks over warden almost every round, and is not respectable with people he plays with."


    That would be a relevant vouch. We are not asking you to write a paragraph, summary, or essay describing the player, you just need to include the necessary parts in order for your vouch to count.



  13. I do not see the point to this thread.... it's already been stated that you aren't allowed to abuse these powers... thing slike monster spawning are only allowed with a vote or for LRs and you aren't allowed to attack anyone or win LR while resized or any of those things that give you an advantage.... as for the saxxy... I think it's only overpowered when you use it as a scout.

  14. wait, did he mass freekill? I haven't watched the demo yet! :mad:

    if he massed, not only should his membership should be removed, he needs to be punished. #banrequest

    I already permed him and the other guy with him from blu. :)

  15. #tagging

    @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin @diabeetus @Gawd @snakeboyeric @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed and anyone else I missed that might want to take a look :)