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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. First....


    Killed 4 people in 5 seconds and then left 2 seconds later

    Xeno Gamers - Player Events History


    second.... This guy is now evading the ban on his newly created account

    Xeno Gamers - Player Information


    Same profile pic same name, level 0, friends with himself, and even says "backup account" lololol


    requesting this account STEAM_0:0:87576489 to be banned as well for the evade, ip ban if possible...


    @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Bleed


    Thank you and have a nice day akhaosllc.com_wolfie.gif.8dd475e0ab8ba90446b5d852494f9e78.gif

  2. -1. While we're at it, let's ban the soda popper and the axtinguisher too. They give unfair advantages to blues as well.



    Well heres the thing about that matsi. There is more than 1 person on blu. And i HIGHLY doubt that everysingle person is a class such as pyro/soldier but without a shotgun. It is the entire blu vs 1 red, even if he is rocket jumping, and you cant melee fight him, then i would bet theres a sniper that can bodyshot, or a heavy who can spray, or someone with a shotgun. The base jumper IS balanced and shouldnt be banned



    I'm not saying it's unfair for the blus... I am saying that it is unfair for the blus TO HAVE... as a RED you cannot kill a blu that is using it if you dont have ammo... when the blu gets into melee range they have a very good chance they are going to oneshot you with the shovel, so if you don't kill them in one hit before they hit you, you're ded....



    Also... you CAN use it without ammo, I have seen reds jump off the top level of cells on mlcastle and parachute all the way into medic... the shit is OP and shouldn't be allowed on JB... lots of other things... like the scout multijump and some heavy weapons are disabled, I think the base jumper should be as well.

  3. I disagree. It's just like goomba stomping: You can't attack it with or without ammo.

    You can fire rockets while "flying" and you get crits from the shovel while using it.


    it's unfair because you cant attack the blue until he is in melee if he gets in melee he can 1shot you with the shovel. And you can chain rocket jumps so that you never touch the ground.

  4. Maybe he thinks his ban is like a hair style?


    A permanent wave, commonly called a perm or "permanent", involves the use of chemicals to break and reform the bonds of the hair. The hair is washed and wrapped on a perm rod and waving lotion is applied with a base. This solution creates a chemical reaction that softens the inner structure of the hair by breaking some of the cross links within and between the protein chains of the hair. The hair swells, stretches and softens, then molds around the shape of the perm rod.


    Those only last about a month :rolleyes:

  5. I was on my friends list yesterday and I happened to see a couple of my friends with the SNG tag and I was curious. Does this mean that they are back or people just forgot to change there name. It's the little things that matter

    I believe several members of sng continue to wear the tags in "tribute" or something like that.

  6. Ok so the round goes... near the beginning the warden says "all taunts equal kill" later on in the round he starts to play Simon Says... during Simon Says he says "Simon says taunt"... what do you do?


    If you taunt, do you get killed for taunting while "all taunts equal kill"??

    If you don't taunt, do you get killed for not following Simon's order??

  7. Ban wasn't for killing afks or people that taunted... The warden said we were going to have a mic check(his only order) and then you opened the cells without his permission, making it a freeday because there were no orders, at which point you and that other fool, Wh4t 4 Qu4ck He4d, proceeded to massacre anyone you saw, including people in their cells until speedy backstabbed you all.


    Dropbox - blackonion.mov

  8. 1.The warden can't tarp with the a phrase like "You WILL be pardoned" But he can tarp with a phrase like"You COULD be pardoned"

    2.Yes the warden can tarp like that.

    All of the above can only happen after 5:30.

    It may be beef n' fixinish but it's easy to avoid.


    so saying "first one across lives" and then hitting the button IS a tarp?

  9. 1. When the warden says that a rebeller who escaped can come back to get pardoned, can he kill him after 5:30 because of tarping? He said that the guy is pardoned if he comes back but he still kills him. Much people are doing that because of "tarping".

    People always do this on CSS/CSGO and said "I said you COULD be pardoned if you came back, never actually said you WERE pardoned"

    Personally I dislike it when it happens, but I don't know if it's allowed or not on tf2. They DO need to make sure they word it right to make sure they aren't actually pardoning the person...

    2. The warden says in DEATHRUN:"First one to go through the trap gets to live.". But he activates the trap to kill the poor red that went through.

    I've seen this a LOT even from staff, and from what I was told it isn't "tarping" because you aren't tricking the red into rebelling... just lying to them and tricking them into dying to the trap. I don't have a problem with this and it makes deathrun go faster.

  10. How to Target

    General targets:


    • name - Exact name match, or partial name match (if the partial string is unique).
    • #userid - If userid is numeric, the player will be targeted by their userid (found via the "users" command).
    • #steamid - Matches by Steam ID. If you use colons (:), you must enclose in quotes. Otherwise, you can use an underscore (_) instead. Examples: "#STEAM_0:1:4433", #STEAM_0_1_4433
    • #<name> - Exact name match after the # sign.
    • @all - All players (available on most commands).
    • @Bots - All bots (available on most commands).
    • @alive - All alive players (available on most commands that accept alive players).
    • @dead - All dead players (available on most commands that accept dead players).
    • @humans - All non-bot players (available on most commands).
    • @aim - Current player the admin is directly aiming at.
    • @me - Target self.
    • @!me - Target everyone but yourself.

    Note that name matches occur last, "magic targets" (such as # and @) are processed first. This means that "@all" will target @all players, even if there is a player named "@all". You should target "#@all" instead.


    Counter-Strike only:


    • @ct or @cts - All Counter-Terrorists
    • @t or @ts - All Terrorists

    Team Fortress 2 Only:


    • @red - All RED team members
    • @Blue - All BLU team members