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Posts posted by SegFault

  1. 5 minutes ago, Miyukii said:

    Quick question..

    Do you just play on surf only or any other server cause I have never seen you in game or even recognize your alias.


    I've seen her many times on tgh and ff2

  2. I think one of the key ideas that's being missed here is the voice channel in game (AFAIK) is more or less mono channeled. Because there is no depth of sound (aside from client side mic quality and positioning), every ones mic is leveled equally on output (unless I'm totally wrong, and there is a way to boost someone else's mic on the user side) meaning that its almost impossible to discern between two people talking. that means that both conversations get absolutely trashed. Also, from my experience, limiting the number of people on mic at a time is a key element in assuring our servers can be correctly monitored. When there are multiple people on mic its easier to camouflage yourself to be able to mic spam or harass others and go unidentified by staff which can cause tremendous issues and create an unsafe environment for some players (ex, slurs or threats)

  3. -1 while your attitude has improved significantly since you became active, you neglected advice on becoming what I'll call helpful. Youve gone from being toxic to just kind of spammy which isn't much better for showing your ready to be staff. I say give it another month or 2 to try and show us you're truly ready to make the best calls you can as staff

    Also, I highly recommend becoming active on other xG servers to learn the rules and meet more of the community

  4. 12 minutes ago, TBOHB said:

    I'm just putting this out there but he has a history of hacking. By hacking i mean on the 4th of this month. Not sure if this is helpful at all.

    While he does have a vac ban, I don't feel it's fair that we make decisions based on that ban in source bans b/c it's not our server and there's no demo to prove it

  5. I would say -1 for right now. I'm going to be honest here and not put in any bias but my feeling on the matter are that you came in and had a VERY rocky start with me on surf. You showed a great lack of maturity and a very poor attitude towards staff and our rules. That being said you did whip into shape quickly after the first few days and have become much better as a community member.  My personal opinion is wait for another month and then re submit an application as long as everything is still going well. A:9 M:4-8

  6. Hey guys, many of you may know a guy named ABlueSkittle123 from our surf servers. He has contacted me and asked me to write him a temporary goodbye letter and summarize why he's going to be MIA for a while.

    So the general gist is due to some family sickness he is has moved to Romania for a while to be with his grandparents while he can. This came up very suddenly last week and he was on a plane out of the country the next day so he didn't get the chance to say goodbye. He's sad to be leaving for a while but should be back towards the fall. He doesn't have much access to outside communication while hes there but he can be contacted via discord in case of an emergency.

    Everyone wish him and his family the best of luck! 


    As skittle would say: BRB deepthroating my mini waffles, and @Caleb956 don't bind that

  7. +1 A:8 M:9 good player, fun to surf with, very friendly. Wore tags not knowing about the membership process so i instructed him to create an application. judging by lack of issue or note about that speaks for his acceptance and place in the community ?

  8. Me, shwash and nutty have all talked about meeting up in Chicago, id be down as long as someone could put me up for a night or 2