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  1. Friendly
    SegFault reacted to Caleb956 in Bring back old rtd/friendly   
    1000% yes to this, even though I've spent a lot of time working on the new plugins getting them to work together, it's clear that the wide view is that people enjoyed the old plugins better.  I fought for sticking with the original rtd in the first place, glad this is being brought to attention.
  2. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in MOUSE   
    I don't see why it's not
    Also, this is completely inappropriate. If you feel this is true provide evidence and make a ban request. We are a community that welcomes new players and accepts them into the clan if they fufill certain requirements. Absolutely DO NOT say that he has no place here without a valid proof and reason
  3. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Genocide in MOUSE   
    I don't see why it's not
    Also, this is completely inappropriate. If you feel this is true provide evidence and make a ban request. We are a community that welcomes new players and accepts them into the clan if they fufill certain requirements. Absolutely DO NOT say that he has no place here without a valid proof and reason
  4. Winner
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in MOUSE   
    EDIT: Merged all the posts together for sake of different-ish comments on all of them...ugh
  5. Losing It
    SegFault got a reaction from Topaz in MOUSE   
    EDIT: Merged all the posts together for sake of different-ish comments on all of them...ugh
  6. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Genocide in Report Scammers   
    Welp if we are reporting scammers now, @Brady1780Scammed @SegFaultout of the knife HE said he'd trade him if he unbanned himself from the sever. Am i wrong?
  7. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Genocide in Goodbye :)   
    Somebody go to his house and break his computer - we will never have a scum like Brady on the server again. 
    I mean... what? Awh have fun in Florida
    It’s very crowded..
    Take as long as you like in Florida...
    As LONG as you LIKE 
  8. Optimistic
    SegFault reacted to Dannypicacho in Goodbye :)   
    don't come back have fun
  9. Like
    SegFault reacted to Dannypicacho in Am I Way Too Talkative   
  10. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Owlknight_ in Am I Way Too Talkative   
    I mean on the servers, yes, very. From what I've seen, you don't tend to read chat that often, but you do talk a lot on mic, I'd say a 9/10 for how much you tend to talk. Also you sometimes talk over people, so you should keep an eye on when people are talking.
  11. Random
    SegFault reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Report Scammers   
    Any random girl profile with some random girl name ( like Marie or Jessica) and has a link to her social media. Those Phish links children. Don't click them just block the account and go on with your day.
  12. Friendly
    SegFault got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in thiccwill754   
    Your membership application has been accepted and you are now a member of Xeno Gamers!
    You can now add the [xG] tag to your in-game name!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed below. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get more involved in the community and qualify for Staff?
    Here's how!
    1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link !
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to keep yourself informed on things happening within the community and for your voice to be heard!
    3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here.
    For a list of our server rules and guides, click on the appropriate division:
    [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]
  13. Thinking
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    @Dannypicacho should i go double or nothing with @Brady1780 that ill top frag for a new knife AND gloves?
  14. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from -Diphikult in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    @Dannypicacho should i go double or nothing with @Brady1780 that ill top frag for a new knife AND gloves?
  15. Useful
    SegFault reacted to QueenOfHearts in Selfie Sunday   
    He never asked, i just decided to not delete it and send the wrong message, I def do not find it funny
  16. Disagree
    SegFault got a reaction from Jadow in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    @Dannypicacho should i go double or nothing with @Brady1780 that ill top frag for a new knife AND gloves?
  17. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Lithium in I'm back, forever   
    You can also click the "following" button on the thread to set what notifications you want.
    Either way there's no reason this thread needs to be open anymore.
  18. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in I'm back, forever   
    Click on your profile icon on the left hub, go to account settings, notification settings and then uncheck what you deem necessary.
    I'm pretty sure that'll stop email notifications.
  19. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in I'm back, forever   
    The issue we had was that he did not learn from his mistake, like at all. He quite literally repeated the same thing when reapplying for member. Let me put it like this:

    1. Applies for something (member in this case)
    2. Makes a mistake (in this case it was reapplying too early after his childish forum tantrum.)
    3. Get's upset and believes himself to be the victim.
    4. Get's called out for what he did wrong, almost all the time in a pretty respectable and productive manner.
    5. Throws another fit because he can not get what he wants.
    6. Leaves in a ridiculous manner.
    Now I realize two times does not exactly establish a trend, but it was like watching the remake of a shitty movie. I don't mind you making the argument that some people were rude and their input was not exactly productive, but that does not seem to be the point you are making. So let me emphasize this.

    He brought all of this onto himself and learned nothing from it.
    That is my take on this, and frankly I hope this is the end to this sad, salty story.
  20. Gross
    SegFault reacted to Dannypicacho in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    Doesn't have to only be one
    Also okay guys how about this, if you let me play I'll first pick @SegFault the teamkiller. 
  21. Informative
    SegFault got a reaction from MJP in I'm back, forever   
    @DepressedNeonNepp, if you do re apply for member, keep in mind:
    If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have
    5 positive vouches of which at least 2 must be from a Higher Up (Division Manager or higher) for your application to be accepted.
  22. Not Funny
    SegFault reacted to MJP in CS:GO 10 man with only TF2 Players   
    Lol I’ll play @Dannypicacho because I’m obviously better at bopping than you.
    @hongkongatronyou obviously don’t get the joke lel
  23. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Topaz   
    Forgot to add, afaik, doesn't go onto alts to mass like @Brady1780 does
  24. Thinking
    SegFault got a reaction from Tekk in Selfie Sunday   
    @Tekage apparently some sort of consent was given by both parties first. Trust me, I had the same reaction
  25. Feels Bad Man
    SegFault reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in DepressedNeonNepp   
    I'm signing out and never coming back. Have fun this is probably the last you'll ever hear of me