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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to SupremeWolf in My Donator Powers Struggle   
    Get this man his title. I paid for that title.
  2. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in My Donator Powers Struggle   
    While we're complaining about things that should be there that aren't there....
    I STILL don't have my custom Chickun title in orange letters. It was removed ages ago and I haven't seen it since. =(
  3. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in Hero Of Hyrule - Team Fortress 2   
    This is a refresher. We rarely get threads from people who are actively seeking a Moderation position. I can honestly say that Hero of Hyrule definitely hasn't gone unnoticed. Deliberations will be made and this will be considered for our next Promo Demo.
    Thanks for showing your enthusiasm Osiris! We will keep you posted!
    I'll leave the thread open for other comments and opinions from the other Admins and Mods.
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in In Regards To "death Threats" And "encouraging Suicide".   
    That was addressed as another concern, and I can assure you that if our Mods and Admins make sure to follow correct procedure, we will NOT have another blunder like that again. But you are right, that last thread was a huge mess. We are aiming to avoid things like that in the future.
    Also, you are 100% correct. Death Threats are a HUGE issue. However, telling someone that they should kill themselves isn't a death threat. It's disrespect. That doesn't mean it isn't severe, but it isn't as severe as threatening to track someone down and murder them, which is what is textbook definition of an actual Death Threat.
  5. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Death Threats   
    Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.
    There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.
    So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.
    @Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.
    We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.
    So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.
    In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.
  6. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in Death Threats   
    Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.
    There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.
    So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.
    @Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.
    We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.
    So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.
    In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.
  7. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Rhododendron in Death Threats   
    Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.
    There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.
    So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.
    @Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.
    We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.
    So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.
    In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.
  8. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Matsi in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm only stopping in to say that this was ALL handled 100% correctly, by our mods, admins, and the DMs following up with the thread.
    That said, this was of the utmost silly levels. I can't believe this thread. Is it real life?
  9. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm only stopping in to say that this was ALL handled 100% correctly, by our mods, admins, and the DMs following up with the thread.
    That said, this was of the utmost silly levels. I can't believe this thread. Is it real life?
  10. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Flareon in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm only stopping in to say that this was ALL handled 100% correctly, by our mods, admins, and the DMs following up with the thread.
    That said, this was of the utmost silly levels. I can't believe this thread. Is it real life?
  11. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Jpie112 in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm only stopping in to say that this was ALL handled 100% correctly, by our mods, admins, and the DMs following up with the thread.
    That said, this was of the utmost silly levels. I can't believe this thread. Is it real life?
  12. Optimistic
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblin in I Don't Get On As Much As I Want To Anymore....=(   
    So, over the past few weeks, some of you may have noticed that my activity levels have reached an all-time low. Well, I just wanted to post this as a bit of an update as to why that is.
    As many of you are aware, my wifey is very much pregnant again. It's getting pretty damn close to her due date, and these days money is pretty tight when it comes to our budget, so this has led to me seeking out employment over the summer while I am out of school. Said job is absorbing pretty much all of my free time. If I'm not at home taking care of my child and wife, or I'm not at work busting my ass, I'm usually sleeping.
    That being said, I obviously don't get to game nearly as much as I was during the school year. I AM still pretty active on forums, dealing with issues that crop up every now and then, but my in-game and my Teamspeak activity have taken a dive.
    That isn't to say that this is permanent. For the remainder of the summer, I may or may not be able to immediately answer calls for Admins in game, and I may not be on Teamspeak to talk with you guys, but I am available on the forums, as I am making sure to check here at least 2-3 times a day. So, if ever you need me, it's probably best if you send me a message through the forums, as that's where I'll most likely respond.
    Sorry that it's come to this, but as you all know, family is the utmost important priority. Gotta do for them first.
    Hopefully I'll have time free up and I'll be able to gallivant once again with you spergs on our beloved servers. Message me if you need me! :D
  13. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Finnian - Team Fortress 2   
    I always laugh internally for a good 5 minutes when I see posts like this.
    You're not sorry for what you did. You're sorry you got caught. You've been teambanned for your inappropriate actions and now you are upset because you lose out on those privileges.
    This is what we call a "Lesson hard learned." Perhaps if you'd been so adamant as to read the rules before you went on your tirade it would have never gone so far. Even Ohstopyou had contact with you amidst your rulebreaking, but still you persisted. And now we're suppose to say "Aww shucks, give him a second chance." just because you took the time to make a forum account?
    I have no qualms about keeping you banned. None whatsoever. It's players like these that even make our servers require moderation to begin with. What, you think that just by graveling on the forums and saying that you've learned your lesson will revert the ban? I don't think so.
    You're not banned from any other xG service. I checked. Your ban from Blu team on our Jailbreak server stays in place. Continue to be active, show some maturity, and contribute to our community here, and we can reconsider down the road AFTER you show initiative.
    Thread closed.
  14. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tsuchikure in I Don't Get On As Much As I Want To Anymore....=(   
    So, over the past few weeks, some of you may have noticed that my activity levels have reached an all-time low. Well, I just wanted to post this as a bit of an update as to why that is.
    As many of you are aware, my wifey is very much pregnant again. It's getting pretty damn close to her due date, and these days money is pretty tight when it comes to our budget, so this has led to me seeking out employment over the summer while I am out of school. Said job is absorbing pretty much all of my free time. If I'm not at home taking care of my child and wife, or I'm not at work busting my ass, I'm usually sleeping.
    That being said, I obviously don't get to game nearly as much as I was during the school year. I AM still pretty active on forums, dealing with issues that crop up every now and then, but my in-game and my Teamspeak activity have taken a dive.
    That isn't to say that this is permanent. For the remainder of the summer, I may or may not be able to immediately answer calls for Admins in game, and I may not be on Teamspeak to talk with you guys, but I am available on the forums, as I am making sure to check here at least 2-3 times a day. So, if ever you need me, it's probably best if you send me a message through the forums, as that's where I'll most likely respond.
    Sorry that it's come to this, but as you all know, family is the utmost important priority. Gotta do for them first.
    Hopefully I'll have time free up and I'll be able to gallivant once again with you spergs on our beloved servers. Message me if you need me! :D
  15. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in I Don't Get On As Much As I Want To Anymore....=(   
    So, over the past few weeks, some of you may have noticed that my activity levels have reached an all-time low. Well, I just wanted to post this as a bit of an update as to why that is.
    As many of you are aware, my wifey is very much pregnant again. It's getting pretty damn close to her due date, and these days money is pretty tight when it comes to our budget, so this has led to me seeking out employment over the summer while I am out of school. Said job is absorbing pretty much all of my free time. If I'm not at home taking care of my child and wife, or I'm not at work busting my ass, I'm usually sleeping.
    That being said, I obviously don't get to game nearly as much as I was during the school year. I AM still pretty active on forums, dealing with issues that crop up every now and then, but my in-game and my Teamspeak activity have taken a dive.
    That isn't to say that this is permanent. For the remainder of the summer, I may or may not be able to immediately answer calls for Admins in game, and I may not be on Teamspeak to talk with you guys, but I am available on the forums, as I am making sure to check here at least 2-3 times a day. So, if ever you need me, it's probably best if you send me a message through the forums, as that's where I'll most likely respond.
    Sorry that it's come to this, but as you all know, family is the utmost important priority. Gotta do for them first.
    Hopefully I'll have time free up and I'll be able to gallivant once again with you spergs on our beloved servers. Message me if you need me! :D
  16. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in I Don't Get On As Much As I Want To Anymore....=(   
    So, over the past few weeks, some of you may have noticed that my activity levels have reached an all-time low. Well, I just wanted to post this as a bit of an update as to why that is.
    As many of you are aware, my wifey is very much pregnant again. It's getting pretty damn close to her due date, and these days money is pretty tight when it comes to our budget, so this has led to me seeking out employment over the summer while I am out of school. Said job is absorbing pretty much all of my free time. If I'm not at home taking care of my child and wife, or I'm not at work busting my ass, I'm usually sleeping.
    That being said, I obviously don't get to game nearly as much as I was during the school year. I AM still pretty active on forums, dealing with issues that crop up every now and then, but my in-game and my Teamspeak activity have taken a dive.
    That isn't to say that this is permanent. For the remainder of the summer, I may or may not be able to immediately answer calls for Admins in game, and I may not be on Teamspeak to talk with you guys, but I am available on the forums, as I am making sure to check here at least 2-3 times a day. So, if ever you need me, it's probably best if you send me a message through the forums, as that's where I'll most likely respond.
    Sorry that it's come to this, but as you all know, family is the utmost important priority. Gotta do for them first.
    Hopefully I'll have time free up and I'll be able to gallivant once again with you spergs on our beloved servers. Message me if you need me! :D
  17. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Flareon in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Thinking over it, I actually agree with Kypari. Perm does seem pretty heavyhanded. 3 days to a week is my final verdict.
  18. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Thinking over it, I actually agree with Kypari. Perm does seem pretty heavyhanded. 3 days to a week is my final verdict.
  19. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in An Unfortunate Goodbye   
    Awww....Perhaps we need to have a Boston Tea Party in Moosty's keyboard.
  20. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Fallout4 Hype Spookster - Team Fortress 2   
    User has been permanently banned from all xG servers.
    We do not take suicide and/or death threats lightly here. Nor do we care for staff impersonations. We know this individual isn't an admin because the Steam ID has been cross-checked with that of all our current admins. Unless, of course, it's an alternative account, but whatever.
    If the user wishes to appeal the ban, they may do so in the appropriate forum.
  21. Informative
    Scootaloo reacted to Ohstopyou in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    TL;DR Solution:
    Xerses, act like an adult since you are 17. You have a temper, learn to control it. We installed !calladmin, so use it to solve your problems.
    Ace and Jesp, spawn camping on maps that require a teleport out of spawn is illegal. Also, if you are going to record someone, don't act like a dick after you catch them. Just upload the video. Taunting them afterwards doesn't exactly make you look too good or help the case.
    Everyone hug.
    It's clear that both sides were in the wrong, so this will be a final warning for both parties.
    Let it be known for everyone:

    Suicide or death threats will result in a PERMANENT BAN.
    Camping a spawn that requires a teleport to get out of is against the rules!

    This matter is closed, please stop bickering. If there are any more problems after this point, make a new ban request! https://xenogamers.com/applications/3/respond
  22. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from LucehMcellion in Selfie Sunday   
  23. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    Death threats are NOT to be taken lightly, regardless of any instigations or anything of the like. I'm advocating for a permanent ban. I don't care what rules are being broken. Telling someone to kill themselves is NOT okay and we have no place for ANY individual who would do so in our servers. You don't verbally assault them until they stop. You get a mod/admin to fix the issue. For Christ's sake, we just put into place a bot for this very reason.
    That being said, we DO have to also deal with the fact that this individual was clearly spawncamping in a spot where it is unallowed. This is a blatant breach of the rules that have been set regarding spawncamping a teleported exit. If it pleases the other DMs, I'm moving to ban Xerxes for his heinous comments for a lengthier time, up to and possibly including a permanent ban, and administer a minimum of a 24 hour ban on those responsible for camping the teleport exit.
    I don't know how many times we have to repeat the same rules before people understand. It really is starting to become quite irritating. -_-
  24. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from diabeetus in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright, it's 1:00am and these comments have me all pissed off when I should be asleep, as I have to be up in five hours.
    First off, I'm pretty damn sure that when the DMs put a rule into place, it's put into place and everyone abides by it. Spawncamping has always been a touchy issue in our servers, but the rule about teleporting spawn camps was established quite a while ago when we had an issue with one of our mods breaking a camp without permission. We ironed out a lot of the details behind the rules when that happened. How it didn't make its way to the MOTD is beyond me, but that doesn't give everyone the green light to ignore the new rules.
    That being said, I'm fully aware of the incoming "I didn't know it was a rule" claims that are about to be made, and because of the mess ups on our behalf, you're gonna skate by on this one. But HENCEFORTH, I have personally made sure the rules on spawncamping have been clarified in the MOTD, and EVERYONE will abide by them.
    Also henceforth, if members have complaints or are needed to give input on a situation, there will be no more anonymous nonsense going on. You have problems to solve? Log in and handle them. I'm tired of the "keep me out of it" nonsense. No, if you're going to be part of this community, you're going to discuss things like a big boy.
    Xerses, after reviewing the video again, even if you're intentions were not ill-conceived, you seriously set off a bad vibe to the point where someone escalated a complaint against you. I'd highly suggest you be more careful with your choice of words. I'll discuss this further with the other DMs and post our conclusion when we have time to deliberate.
    Until now, nobody is getting the axe. We will reopen the thread when a decision is made.
    ~Thread closed. (Temporarily)
  25. Useful
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Rejects in Finnian - Team Fortress 2   
    I always laugh internally for a good 5 minutes when I see posts like this.
    You're not sorry for what you did. You're sorry you got caught. You've been teambanned for your inappropriate actions and now you are upset because you lose out on those privileges.
    This is what we call a "Lesson hard learned." Perhaps if you'd been so adamant as to read the rules before you went on your tirade it would have never gone so far. Even Ohstopyou had contact with you amidst your rulebreaking, but still you persisted. And now we're suppose to say "Aww shucks, give him a second chance." just because you took the time to make a forum account?
    I have no qualms about keeping you banned. None whatsoever. It's players like these that even make our servers require moderation to begin with. What, you think that just by graveling on the forums and saying that you've learned your lesson will revert the ban? I don't think so.
    You're not banned from any other xG service. I checked. Your ban from Blu team on our Jailbreak server stays in place. Continue to be active, show some maturity, and contribute to our community here, and we can reconsider down the road AFTER you show initiative.
    Thread closed.