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  1. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Floppy in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  2. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Bach in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Welcome back to the darkside.
    You, @Moosty and I can officially be shitlords like the old days again.
  3. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vacindak in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  4. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from mrnutty12 in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    I actually agree with this post. I really do.
    Before anyone gets up in arms about my stance on it, I honestly feel like this is a responsibility that definitely doesn't need to be stretched across more than 3 or 4 people at max. And I think that it's part of the reason I don't see much motivation in myself to actually get out and do more than I already do. And @DrPepperPhreak raised a good point about my activity and how I am not very active on the forums. I won't lie, I haven't been. I haven't been active in a LOT of the different roles around xG, because I feel satisfied in where we have come to. I feel like I have done quite a lot of work and have put xG in a place where they no longer need me.
    I don't want it to sound patronizing or sound like I'm claiming sole credit for our clan or anything like that, but I have weathered quite a few storms since I became staff here in xG. Through tough times and happier times, I've made a lot of memories here. But that being said, I simply don't have the drive to keep it going. As I said in my last lengthy post, I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses either. I'm just going to face facts: I find the desire to even play TF2 anymore dwindling more and more each and every day.
    The more I analyze it and the more I dissect the issue at hand, I keep ending on the same point: Perhaps it is time for me to hang up my coat and retire from my position. Not because I disagree with how anything is being managed, not because I dislike anyone or have any ill feelings, but more because I feel that all of the things I wanted to accomplish for this clan have been accomplished. When @Aegean came back, I knew things would be in excellent hands, so I have no remorse for leaving. We're honestly overcrowded in the higher ups, and I know deep down I don't do much anymore. I won't kid myself and be blunt. So maybe it is for the best if I called it a night.
    I love this clan and I love its members. That's mostly what is driving me to this conclusion. It isn't fair of me to hold this position if I am not going to be as active as I used to be, and between two kids, a steady career, and all of the other interests I have going on in my life, there simply just isn't much time for the clan. It isn't anything personal, it's just the truth.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tsuchikure in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    I actually agree with this post. I really do.
    Before anyone gets up in arms about my stance on it, I honestly feel like this is a responsibility that definitely doesn't need to be stretched across more than 3 or 4 people at max. And I think that it's part of the reason I don't see much motivation in myself to actually get out and do more than I already do. And @DrPepperPhreak raised a good point about my activity and how I am not very active on the forums. I won't lie, I haven't been. I haven't been active in a LOT of the different roles around xG, because I feel satisfied in where we have come to. I feel like I have done quite a lot of work and have put xG in a place where they no longer need me.
    I don't want it to sound patronizing or sound like I'm claiming sole credit for our clan or anything like that, but I have weathered quite a few storms since I became staff here in xG. Through tough times and happier times, I've made a lot of memories here. But that being said, I simply don't have the drive to keep it going. As I said in my last lengthy post, I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses either. I'm just going to face facts: I find the desire to even play TF2 anymore dwindling more and more each and every day.
    The more I analyze it and the more I dissect the issue at hand, I keep ending on the same point: Perhaps it is time for me to hang up my coat and retire from my position. Not because I disagree with how anything is being managed, not because I dislike anyone or have any ill feelings, but more because I feel that all of the things I wanted to accomplish for this clan have been accomplished. When @Aegean came back, I knew things would be in excellent hands, so I have no remorse for leaving. We're honestly overcrowded in the higher ups, and I know deep down I don't do much anymore. I won't kid myself and be blunt. So maybe it is for the best if I called it a night.
    I love this clan and I love its members. That's mostly what is driving me to this conclusion. It isn't fair of me to hold this position if I am not going to be as active as I used to be, and between two kids, a steady career, and all of the other interests I have going on in my life, there simply just isn't much time for the clan. It isn't anything personal, it's just the truth.
  6. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to Aegean in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    CM's should literally be active in discussions with the community as a number 1. This means being on servers, forums and teamspeak occasionally and actually managing the community lol. Make threads, share ideas, ask for ideas etc. It's always better to have more than 1 person to start these kinds of discussions every once in a while so we don't remain stale.
  7. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from jaygoki in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    This doesn't really help. -_-
  8. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aczel in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from lilbleed in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    This doesn't really help. -_-
  10. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  11. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    This doesn't really help. -_-
  12. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from lilbleed in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  14. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  15. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from jaygoki in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  16. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aegean in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    Strange. I have been kicking around this very issue personally for quite some time now. It's weird that I was literally logging on to address my inactivity when all of a sudden I'm tagged in a post about that very topic.
    I don't think anyone here will question my integrity or how much I absolutely love this community. I've been a huge part of this clan for well over something like three years now, and I slowly rose through the ranks until I became CM. As the DL of the TF2 Division, I constantly had my hands FILLED with stuff to get done. Most of which revolved around servers and policing them to make sure people are behaving. The biggest part of my responsibilities involved making sure the servers were running, there were no hiccups, and all of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes with making sure the servers are operational (such as managing plugins and maps and whatnot).
    Shortly after I became CM, all of that....went away. I was constantly busy, constantly working on projects, and constantly monitoring bans and problems within the TF2 division. Once I was promoted to help manage the clan as a whole, there was this sudden and jarring shift of me doing absolutely nothing. I'm not kidding. I feel like I do absolutely nothing around here. It feels like all I am necessary for anymore is to help with discussions on Promos and Demos (Which I don't really even input very much into as it is) and making sure they get posted at the correct time. My other responsibilities include confiding with the other CMs when huge issues arise and discussing workarounds, but that hasn't really happened since I became CM.
    And lately, because of all of this doing literally nothing, I've begun questioning my usefulness as a CM. I'm not really so sure that this many CMs are even necessary, considering the workload of the CMs isn't nearly as heavy as the workload of the Division Leaders, at least for TF2. (I can't speak for CS:GO, I don't have the appropriate experience there.) And because of these empty feelings of not accomplishing anything, I have seriously been kicking around the idea of stepping down.
    I can't try to pretend that I have an excuse other than there simply doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. While it's true that I teach, have two kids, and am generally pretty busy in my day-to-day life, my night life is usually spent at my computer, so there is no reason for me to not be able to log on every so often. I try to make a point to do it once a week, if just to check how things are going, but maybe that isn't enough. Sure, I can log onto the servers once a week or so, help regulate any rulebreakers here and there, and occasionally smash everyone with the hammer plugin, but that's all it has come down to for me. Vexx raised the point of not having any support from the CMs, but the funny thing is there is literally nothing more for me to do than I am already doing. I monitor the Promo Demos, I interact with staff and answer any questions they may have, and I do my best to resolve conflict within the community. On an outward perspective, that really does seem like I'm not doing anything, and the truth of it is that I'm NOT!
    But, it isn't out of laziness. It isn't by choice. I didn't choose to do nothing with this position. It's just that there's nothing for me to do. And I hate this feeling of being idle. I've stopped playing TF2 almost entirely since I stopped contributing to the servers. Ever since it stopped being my direct responsibility, I see no reason to even play the game anymore. In a weird way, I think xG was the reason I even kept up with TF2 in the first place. You guys have made this my internet home, and I wanted to repay the favor by making xG as awesome as possible. I guess I succeeded, but by being put into the role of CM, it has completely killed my ambition to keep playing the game.
    There are times that I sorely miss being the DL. Back when I was in that position, I was super active in the community. All of our regulars knew who I was. I talked and communicated with so many people. But ever since CM happened for me, the communication has slowed to a trickle. I went onto TGH a few nights ago and barely recognized anyone in the server. And I hate that feeling.
    So at this time, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not doing anything, because I truthfully am not doing anything, outside of the very simple tasks laid forth for me to monitor Promo/Demos and to help with staff questions. That's literally it. There are no expectations of me to do anything else, and I guess I've let that govern what I do in a day.
    And if there's things that I am missing that the TF2 division wants me to accomplish, I simply ask that they communicate those things with me. Am I needed to help with server stuff? Is my presence online required at any given time? I'm on Steam A LOT, so it should be as simple as sending me a quick chat message. But I literally hear nothing. This is the first I've heard of any of the divisions having any issues with my activity. T.T
    I want Vexx to know that I took no offense from his post. I actually agree with it. Why should we have so many CMs when there is so little for them to do? Perhaps we need to reassess how many CMs are necessary, or find other things for them to do. Silence manages forums, so that much is covered. TF2 servers are under great maintenance between the leaders of the TF2 division. CS:GO is covered by the leaders of the CS:GO division. So where does that leave me? What am I expected to do?
    Well, I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of doing nothing. =(
  17. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from LucehMcellion in Selfie Sunday   
  18. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:
    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.
    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)
  19. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Rhododendron in How Much Do You Know About Computers?   
    P versus NP problem - Wikipedia
    I demand an answer.
  20. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Suggestion: Bring Back Surf_mesa_tf2   
    Yeah, as Supreme said, the map is on the server, just not in rotation. And due to the high amount of policing the map requires by our staff, it's probably best to keep it that way and only play on it when there's active staff online. =(
  21. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Suggestion: Bring Back Surf_mesa_tf2   
    Yeah, as Supreme said, the map is on the server, just not in rotation. And due to the high amount of policing the map requires by our staff, it's probably best to keep it that way and only play on it when there's active staff online. =(
  22. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Surf And Weapon Abuse   
    I'm confused.
    Was the complaint not that people were cheating in surf to reach the end, using weapons that gave an advantage? Yet if we remove those weapons, we'd be upsetting regulars who come to our surf server...to do combat?
    I don't understand. Do you want this to be a surf server or a combat server? You can't exactly do both and complain that there's imbalances when specific classes can reach the end with their weapons.
    IMHO, this server should have ALWAYS had a focus on the surf and not on combat, but any time I try and suggest changes to make it such, they automatically get shot down.
    I'm not quite sure what exactly you guys want. >.>
  23. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Surf And Weapon Abuse   
    I'm confused.
    Was the complaint not that people were cheating in surf to reach the end, using weapons that gave an advantage? Yet if we remove those weapons, we'd be upsetting regulars who come to our surf server...to do combat?
    I don't understand. Do you want this to be a surf server or a combat server? You can't exactly do both and complain that there's imbalances when specific classes can reach the end with their weapons.
    IMHO, this server should have ALWAYS had a focus on the surf and not on combat, but any time I try and suggest changes to make it such, they automatically get shot down.
    I'm not quite sure what exactly you guys want. >.>
  24. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Surf And Weapon Abuse   
    Is it not possible to implement a plugin similar to what JB has, that would restrict the use of specific weapons for certain classes?
    I know ReSurfed has a plugin that prevents you from using certain weapons on each class. For example, if you try to go Soldier and you have ANY RL equipped that does knockback, it simply doesn't allow you to switch to that weapon slot while spawned in game.
    That would surely fix it, right?
  25. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    It takes a village to raise a child.
    We'd all have a part in ensuring he knows what is expected of him.