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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from gryfons in Vector   
    It's this CLs opinion that Vector has indeed chilled out since he became unbanned, and all of the positive support from the community shows we are indeed ready for him to once again regain his membership. Thank you all for the support, and allow me to be the first to formally welcome Vector back into xG. Thread closed.

    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
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    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.
  2. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Vector   
    Been a long time coming. Good to have you back.
    Here's an official +1 from a CL, for whatever that's worth. =)
  3. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Hype in Tgh Map Requests   
    As per four months ago. >.>
  4. RIP
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Blizzard in Tgh Map Requests   
    As per four months ago. >.>
  5. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tgh Map Requests   
    As per four months ago. >.>
  6. F!$k Off
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Tgh Map Requests   
    Houseofchaos doesn't work sadly T.T
  7. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [poll] Remove Or Keep Trade_nimbusland On Trade Gaming History   
    I just saw the thread. I haven't even had time to remove the map. >.>
    Rejects may have removed it, but I'll put it back up until the 2 week period is over.
    EDIT: Just checked NFOServers. No idea what you are all on about. It's still there. >.>
  8. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from lilbleed in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  9. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kitsune in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Owl in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  11. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Matsi in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  12. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from TotallyNotGryfo in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I've been silent through this whole thread, but I felt the need to respond to this one.
    It's completely fine to dislike people. But instigating issues with the people you dislike doesn't really account for maturity. The issue isn't that there are problems surrounding you. The issues the higher ups have is that you seem to perpetuate those problems by refusing to drop them and insisting you have the final say.
    Matsi, you're a good guy, but you're very stubborn. You never feel you're in the wrong when an issue arises. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes there are certain circumstances you honestly did not play a part in. But other times, when you are being a direct cause of the issues surrounding you, all we see is deflection and placing the blame on everyone else instead of retroactively trying to work your problems out with the people involved.
    I'm not part of the CS:GO division, but I can understand the hesitance to promote you. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am not giving a -1 or a +1, but rather trying to provide constructive criticism as I see it, from the viewpoint of a CL. Everyone knows you are capable of doing the duties as a mod, but it's the combatantness they are hesitant to put up with.
  14. Optimistic
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Remove Trade_nimbusland   
    If only we had a plugin that allowed players to not be damaged. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    I mean, if that's something you guys don't want players to be doing, it's fine. I just saw the rule and was like "Wat?"
    Whatever you guys wanna do, I'll support it.
  16. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Fair enough. Any other possible admin promotions? Just trying to get a feel of opinions. =D
  17. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in > Basic Introduction Thread   
    Welcome! I hope to see you on the TF2 servers!
  18. Useful
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kitsune in Krusty Krab Unfair Protest   
  19. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    See Bello's question.
  20. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Staff Application Rules Redux   
    Yup, but it should be known that they need our support, so sticking it in the rules should probably be done. :D
  21. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    I'm sorry, but I can't find the logicality of bringing someone back into our community who was literally destructive to the integrity of our servers. That seems like something that just screams "No Forgiveness Zone" to me.
    After giving heed to the council of the community's members here, DarkWolf6052 will not be unbanned from any of xG's services.
    Thread closed. If another active CL wishes to interject their points, the thread may be reopened.
  22. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Rabid in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    I'm sorry, but I can't find the logicality of bringing someone back into our community who was literally destructive to the integrity of our servers. That seems like something that just screams "No Forgiveness Zone" to me.
    After giving heed to the council of the community's members here, DarkWolf6052 will not be unbanned from any of xG's services.
    Thread closed. If another active CL wishes to interject their points, the thread may be reopened.
  23. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in What The Fuck, Brain? Very Bizarre Dream I Just Had Involving Xg.   
    Christ. Earlier today, I took my family to a public zoo. I live in Arizona, so you can guess that it was pretty damn hot. Anyways, when we got home, I had a pounding headache and a terrible stomach pain, most likely stemming from light dehydration. I slammed a bunch of water, popped an 800mg Ibuprofen, and crashed for a nap. I then proceeded to have what I can only describe as the most fucked xG fever dream to have ever be dreamt.
    To start, the dream began with me opening up Steam and having a ton of missed messages from a person I had never seen before, which was odd, because I didn't add this individual as a friend. His name was all in Russian, and when I copy and pasted it into Google Translate, it came out to "I will fuck your life".
    Anywho, this dude was pissed because apparently somehow, I had been sending him trade request after trade request, trying to ask for his expensive CS:GO knife. All the trade offer would be is his knife on his end, and a cheap-ass TF2 taunt on my end.
    The guy was infuriated. He continued to say that he was going to report me to SteamRep for attempted scamming and was absolutely livid. I kept telling the dude sorry and that I had no idea this had happened, but he wasn't having any of it.
    This is where things get crazy. The dude, in my dream, began talking about xG. He told me he started researching my clan, looking into every aspect of it, and started saying that if I was a leader, the clan must be super shady and he was personally going to see to it that it would be shut down. I wasn't worried about it, brushing it off as empty threats, but then he started sending me personal information about all of our members. Names, addresses, phone numbers, all sorts of shit. I dismissed it all as fake info and just kept trying to reason with the dude. Then, he posted my name, my address, and my phone number.
    I was shocked. I asked him how he found my info, and he said that @Hachi linked to him my YouTube account when he posed as a super fan or something. From there, he was able to analyze based on geographical location and find out exactly who I was. I quickly looked through the names he had posted, picked a random number, and called it. When the person on the other line picked up, I found out it was @Rhododendron.
    After a quick shock and a fast explanation of what was going on, he instantly went into "Oh Shit" mode and started asking for specifics. I gave him the Steam Account link of this dude and he blocked the guy on every service we offer. But the dude kept messaging me about communications he had with other members. @Moosty defended me as being a genuine dude who would never scam anyone. @Vector tried trolling the hell out of the guy but failed. And so on and so forth. He sent me proof of all these conversations via screenshots.
    At this point in my dream, I was visibly shaken. Then he dropped the bomb on me and let me know that this was all a ruse. He was setting me up to get SteamRep banned. He had an insider in xG who had access to my Steam Account, which is how they were able to fake the trade offers. I lost my shit and somehow was able to get EVERYONE in xG into a meeting....in real life.
    Well, apparently in this dream world, xG has a headquarters or something, and we all convene there every weekend. I called a meeting, PeeWee Herman style, and started going over evidence.
    I presented a PowerPoint presentation with all of the screens I could take, as well as my deductions. I had a serious suspicion that the culprit was @kbraszzz because he secretly hates me or something. But before I could find out for sure....
    My kids woke me up.
    What the fuck, brain?
  24. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vector in What The Fuck, Brain? Very Bizarre Dream I Just Had Involving Xg.   
    Christ. Earlier today, I took my family to a public zoo. I live in Arizona, so you can guess that it was pretty damn hot. Anyways, when we got home, I had a pounding headache and a terrible stomach pain, most likely stemming from light dehydration. I slammed a bunch of water, popped an 800mg Ibuprofen, and crashed for a nap. I then proceeded to have what I can only describe as the most fucked xG fever dream to have ever be dreamt.
    To start, the dream began with me opening up Steam and having a ton of missed messages from a person I had never seen before, which was odd, because I didn't add this individual as a friend. His name was all in Russian, and when I copy and pasted it into Google Translate, it came out to "I will fuck your life".
    Anywho, this dude was pissed because apparently somehow, I had been sending him trade request after trade request, trying to ask for his expensive CS:GO knife. All the trade offer would be is his knife on his end, and a cheap-ass TF2 taunt on my end.
    The guy was infuriated. He continued to say that he was going to report me to SteamRep for attempted scamming and was absolutely livid. I kept telling the dude sorry and that I had no idea this had happened, but he wasn't having any of it.
    This is where things get crazy. The dude, in my dream, began talking about xG. He told me he started researching my clan, looking into every aspect of it, and started saying that if I was a leader, the clan must be super shady and he was personally going to see to it that it would be shut down. I wasn't worried about it, brushing it off as empty threats, but then he started sending me personal information about all of our members. Names, addresses, phone numbers, all sorts of shit. I dismissed it all as fake info and just kept trying to reason with the dude. Then, he posted my name, my address, and my phone number.
    I was shocked. I asked him how he found my info, and he said that @Hachi linked to him my YouTube account when he posed as a super fan or something. From there, he was able to analyze based on geographical location and find out exactly who I was. I quickly looked through the names he had posted, picked a random number, and called it. When the person on the other line picked up, I found out it was @Rhododendron.
    After a quick shock and a fast explanation of what was going on, he instantly went into "Oh Shit" mode and started asking for specifics. I gave him the Steam Account link of this dude and he blocked the guy on every service we offer. But the dude kept messaging me about communications he had with other members. @Moosty defended me as being a genuine dude who would never scam anyone. @Vector tried trolling the hell out of the guy but failed. And so on and so forth. He sent me proof of all these conversations via screenshots.
    At this point in my dream, I was visibly shaken. Then he dropped the bomb on me and let me know that this was all a ruse. He was setting me up to get SteamRep banned. He had an insider in xG who had access to my Steam Account, which is how they were able to fake the trade offers. I lost my shit and somehow was able to get EVERYONE in xG into a meeting....in real life.
    Well, apparently in this dream world, xG has a headquarters or something, and we all convene there every weekend. I called a meeting, PeeWee Herman style, and started going over evidence.
    I presented a PowerPoint presentation with all of the screens I could take, as well as my deductions. I had a serious suspicion that the culprit was @kbraszzz because he secretly hates me or something. But before I could find out for sure....
    My kids woke me up.
    What the fuck, brain?
  25. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in What The Fuck, Brain? Very Bizarre Dream I Just Had Involving Xg.   
    Christ. Earlier today, I took my family to a public zoo. I live in Arizona, so you can guess that it was pretty damn hot. Anyways, when we got home, I had a pounding headache and a terrible stomach pain, most likely stemming from light dehydration. I slammed a bunch of water, popped an 800mg Ibuprofen, and crashed for a nap. I then proceeded to have what I can only describe as the most fucked xG fever dream to have ever be dreamt.
    To start, the dream began with me opening up Steam and having a ton of missed messages from a person I had never seen before, which was odd, because I didn't add this individual as a friend. His name was all in Russian, and when I copy and pasted it into Google Translate, it came out to "I will fuck your life".
    Anywho, this dude was pissed because apparently somehow, I had been sending him trade request after trade request, trying to ask for his expensive CS:GO knife. All the trade offer would be is his knife on his end, and a cheap-ass TF2 taunt on my end.
    The guy was infuriated. He continued to say that he was going to report me to SteamRep for attempted scamming and was absolutely livid. I kept telling the dude sorry and that I had no idea this had happened, but he wasn't having any of it.
    This is where things get crazy. The dude, in my dream, began talking about xG. He told me he started researching my clan, looking into every aspect of it, and started saying that if I was a leader, the clan must be super shady and he was personally going to see to it that it would be shut down. I wasn't worried about it, brushing it off as empty threats, but then he started sending me personal information about all of our members. Names, addresses, phone numbers, all sorts of shit. I dismissed it all as fake info and just kept trying to reason with the dude. Then, he posted my name, my address, and my phone number.
    I was shocked. I asked him how he found my info, and he said that @Hachi linked to him my YouTube account when he posed as a super fan or something. From there, he was able to analyze based on geographical location and find out exactly who I was. I quickly looked through the names he had posted, picked a random number, and called it. When the person on the other line picked up, I found out it was @Rhododendron.
    After a quick shock and a fast explanation of what was going on, he instantly went into "Oh Shit" mode and started asking for specifics. I gave him the Steam Account link of this dude and he blocked the guy on every service we offer. But the dude kept messaging me about communications he had with other members. @Moosty defended me as being a genuine dude who would never scam anyone. @Vector tried trolling the hell out of the guy but failed. And so on and so forth. He sent me proof of all these conversations via screenshots.
    At this point in my dream, I was visibly shaken. Then he dropped the bomb on me and let me know that this was all a ruse. He was setting me up to get SteamRep banned. He had an insider in xG who had access to my Steam Account, which is how they were able to fake the trade offers. I lost my shit and somehow was able to get EVERYONE in xG into a meeting....in real life.
    Well, apparently in this dream world, xG has a headquarters or something, and we all convene there every weekend. I called a meeting, PeeWee Herman style, and started going over evidence.
    I presented a PowerPoint presentation with all of the screens I could take, as well as my deductions. I had a serious suspicion that the culprit was @kbraszzz because he secretly hates me or something. But before I could find out for sure....
    My kids woke me up.
    What the fuck, brain?