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  1. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    The way I see it, if we aren't punishing the whiners, that's our staff not adequately doing their jobs.
    People whine because they see it as an inconvenience. You want to know the true inconvenience? Maintaining a server and providing a plugin to alleviate an issue, when we can simply ignore a secondary solution altogether and not provide a plugin and just tell the whiners "Sucks to suck." But no. They get pissy any time they have to type /friendly to prevent deaths, all because it gives their player model an opaque shading.
    Fuck that. I hate having to pander to the loudest of those bitching. I'm going to put my foot down here and now and remind ALL of the TF2 staff that it is AGAINST THE RULES for people to be complaining about dying whilst not using the friendly plugin on our server. Our staff is to use the default warn>kick>ban process if the complaints stay up. I'm not going to be the only person in this community that upholds the rule. It's there for a reason, and if players can't take the time to type in a simple command, but can take all the time in the world to bitch about dying in our servers, THAT'S the real problem here.
    The way I see it, we shouldn't have to cater to the loudest minority. We have a well established ruleset that ALL of our patrons need to follow and ALL of our staff needs to enforce. If I had it my way, the friendly plugin would be gone completely and complaints would be met with swift action, not pandering and hand-holding. But that's just me and I'm sure there's a ton of people out there would would disagree.
    I know the friendly command isn't the most functional plugin on our servers, but this isn't an issue with "I don't use it because it's bad." It's an issue of "I don't use it because I don't want to be inconvenienced." So enforce the rule, we'll work to fix the clipping issues, but spawncamp rules are staying how they are.
    That all being said, I am 100% okay with our Admin+ staff taking initiative to break camps. If a camp has been going on for a long duration (I'd say 10 minutes or longer) and it's actively affecting the flow of the server, break the damn thing. This is me empowering you to do so. If anyone complains about it, I'll have your back. But we don't need to completely rework our rules on the matter. We just need to begin reinforcing the rules already set in place.
  2. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    The way I see it, if we aren't punishing the whiners, that's our staff not adequately doing their jobs.
    People whine because they see it as an inconvenience. You want to know the true inconvenience? Maintaining a server and providing a plugin to alleviate an issue, when we can simply ignore a secondary solution altogether and not provide a plugin and just tell the whiners "Sucks to suck." But no. They get pissy any time they have to type /friendly to prevent deaths, all because it gives their player model an opaque shading.
    Fuck that. I hate having to pander to the loudest of those bitching. I'm going to put my foot down here and now and remind ALL of the TF2 staff that it is AGAINST THE RULES for people to be complaining about dying whilst not using the friendly plugin on our server. Our staff is to use the default warn>kick>ban process if the complaints stay up. I'm not going to be the only person in this community that upholds the rule. It's there for a reason, and if players can't take the time to type in a simple command, but can take all the time in the world to bitch about dying in our servers, THAT'S the real problem here.
    The way I see it, we shouldn't have to cater to the loudest minority. We have a well established ruleset that ALL of our patrons need to follow and ALL of our staff needs to enforce. If I had it my way, the friendly plugin would be gone completely and complaints would be met with swift action, not pandering and hand-holding. But that's just me and I'm sure there's a ton of people out there would would disagree.
    I know the friendly command isn't the most functional plugin on our servers, but this isn't an issue with "I don't use it because it's bad." It's an issue of "I don't use it because I don't want to be inconvenienced." So enforce the rule, we'll work to fix the clipping issues, but spawncamp rules are staying how they are.
    That all being said, I am 100% okay with our Admin+ staff taking initiative to break camps. If a camp has been going on for a long duration (I'd say 10 minutes or longer) and it's actively affecting the flow of the server, break the damn thing. This is me empowering you to do so. If anyone complains about it, I'll have your back. But we don't need to completely rework our rules on the matter. We just need to begin reinforcing the rules already set in place.
  3. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from bagggel in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    TF2 General MOTD
    It's not an "unspoken rule". It's been in the ruleset for a long time now. There's absolutely no spawncamping whatsoever on maps with teleport exits.

    As for the other suggested new rule, sorry, but no. If people don't want to be spawncamped, they can use the !friendly plugin. That's why it's there.
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    TF2 General MOTD
    It's not an "unspoken rule". It's been in the ruleset for a long time now. There's absolutely no spawncamping whatsoever on maps with teleport exits.

    As for the other suggested new rule, sorry, but no. If people don't want to be spawncamped, they can use the !friendly plugin. That's why it's there.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Reptile in Possible Change To Spawncamping Rule?   
    TF2 General MOTD
    It's not an "unspoken rule". It's been in the ruleset for a long time now. There's absolutely no spawncamping whatsoever on maps with teleport exits.

    As for the other suggested new rule, sorry, but no. If people don't want to be spawncamped, they can use the !friendly plugin. That's why it's there.
  6. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Alright. I have the list. I'll post them up later this evening (Early for all you guys :D)
  7. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Yuppers. As soon as he comes on, discuss it with him and come to a decision.
    To me, it's looking like Goblins is going to be our new DM. Whatever we decide, let me know by Sunday and I'll handle Promo Demos this week. ^-^
    (@kbraszzz, sorry I've been slacking. T.T)
  8. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Yuppers. As soon as he comes on, discuss it with him and come to a decision.
    To me, it's looking like Goblins is going to be our new DM. Whatever we decide, let me know by Sunday and I'll handle Promo Demos this week. ^-^
    (@kbraszzz, sorry I've been slacking. T.T)
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from lik202 in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   
    This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.
    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)
    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   
    This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.
    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)
    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  11. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Bone in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   
    This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.
    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)
    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  12. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   
    This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.
    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)
    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in [xg]:m Snowy - Team Fortress 2   
    This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have.
    Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =)
    No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  14. Dislike
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training.
    We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff.
    Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers.
    As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.
  15. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm not going to comment because people get put on tilt when I give input.
    EDIT: Srsly tho, Moosty back pls. We need more of that Oof love.
  16. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I guess it just comes down to phrasing. In my original post, the way I worded it made it seem like I was going to assume complete control and give Bach his powers back without the council of the rest of the TF2 higher ups. For that I apologize. You all should know I would never power-trip like that and take matters completely into my own hands. This is a team effort and I wouldn't make such decisions without the consent of everyone on team.
    My bad for making it seem like Bach was getting let back in Scott-Free. @Bach, get that activity up and I will talk it over with the rest of the division about getting you back in staff position.
    (Better @BelloWaldi?)
  17. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I guess it just comes down to phrasing. In my original post, the way I worded it made it seem like I was going to assume complete control and give Bach his powers back without the council of the rest of the TF2 higher ups. For that I apologize. You all should know I would never power-trip like that and take matters completely into my own hands. This is a team effort and I wouldn't make such decisions without the consent of everyone on team.
    My bad for making it seem like Bach was getting let back in Scott-Free. @Bach, get that activity up and I will talk it over with the rest of the division about getting you back in staff position.
    (Better @BelloWaldi?)
  18. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I guess it just comes down to phrasing. In my original post, the way I worded it made it seem like I was going to assume complete control and give Bach his powers back without the council of the rest of the TF2 higher ups. For that I apologize. You all should know I would never power-trip like that and take matters completely into my own hands. This is a team effort and I wouldn't make such decisions without the consent of everyone on team.
    My bad for making it seem like Bach was getting let back in Scott-Free. @Bach, get that activity up and I will talk it over with the rest of the division about getting you back in staff position.
    (Better @BelloWaldi?)
  19. RIP
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm not going to comment because people get put on tilt when I give input.
    EDIT: Srsly tho, Moosty back pls. We need more of that Oof love.
  20. RIP
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm not going to comment because people get put on tilt when I give input.
    EDIT: Srsly tho, Moosty back pls. We need more of that Oof love.
  21. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm not going to comment because people get put on tilt when I give input.
    EDIT: Srsly tho, Moosty back pls. We need more of that Oof love.
  22. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training.
    We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff.
    Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers.
    As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.
  23. Dislike
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training.
    We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff.
    Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers.
    As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.
  24. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Liekos in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Moderator positions are for us, the higher ups, to measure if a user is fit for a staff position. It's Admin in training.
    We KNOW Bach does his job well. His only problem is activity. Hence why I said if he becomes active again, he may once again join the staff.
    Moderators are basically apprentices vying to become Admins or higher. Bach is no apprentice. He knows his shit and does a hell of a good job maintaining civility in servers.
    As I said before, if he becomes active again and puts forth initiative, I think we should promote him immediately. He has nothing else to prove, other than he actually wants to return to help. Should he be able to do that, we should be happy to welcome him back to staff, as we are hurting for more coverage in servers.
  25. Not Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in [xg] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I'll make you a deal Bach. If you can log 20 hours of TF2 this week, we will chat about putting you back to Mod. Continue the activity and we can have a srs talk about upbumping you in the roster, because Lord knows we desperately need more staff. T.T
    You kick ass at staff stuff and keep everyone in line. The issue is just the activity. And I'm sure everyone in the thread will agree. <3
    EDIT: Please note I said we'd talk about giving him MOD back. Bach as DM? FUCK no. Not right now. May 3rd hype. XD