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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. I'm an edgy scout who ruins fun because i don't like random crits?


    I don't like that people who want to keep it the way it is, are judging people who don't want crits as some sort of try hards that ruin fun. That's all i'm seeing in this thread. That's not fair. Again, i don't see why we can't get rid of random crits when we have no weapon spread.

    Lol you being an edgy scout has nothing to do with random crits, you're just an edgy tryhard scout. Own that ish.




    I just don't see how people even notice this enough to think it's a problem. It might just be me but I just fight if I want to and can hardly notice the difference between normal kills and crit kills (except the obvi headshot/backstabs) I legitimately don't even see a noticeable difference.



    But that's probably cause I play mostly on blu, where chances are you're spammed down so hard and instantaneously that you can't tell what killed you.

  2. All the people saying it's annoying and immature so we should remove it, are even more annoying and immature for getting triggered by lennies but I digress.....


    Actually no I don't lol WTF is this, we've been here before, and Lennies are still here so I'm predicting a repeat win by the memers.


    Since when is TGH North Korea? with this and the random crits it seems like people just want a quiet DM server without chat, or fun.



    If these goes through and xG still wants to be honest, change the name to DMGH, traders won't be hanging around, and neither will us filthy casuals.





    Lol edited for -1

  3. You nerds need to lighten up and have fun.


    If you get rekt by a random crit, then it's lolgg. Just RESPAWN. Have fun. It's a trade server. Clocktown=/= Nuketown there's no need to be the stereotypical edgy scout ruining the fun (@Vector lub u bb) Nobody is thinking any less of you because you got layed out by a crit on a trade server. Just laugh it off.



    Also just putting it on tgh seems odd, if we remove random crits do it everywhere. There's no need to nitpick JUST tgh everytime.



    And If we do it, it should be a trial, like @Shadower said. It's gonna be controversial either way. Might as well know for sure.



    But this is rambling, so in the immortal words of Randy Jackson:



    "It's gonna be a no from me dog"


  4. My Name is Moosty and I'm the Heavy and/or Medic that you need/deserve.


    Steamid: STEAM_0:1:63865975



    I was the leader of our bad steel team and wasn't the worst player on the server a single time as heavy OR medic after two seasons. Was a member of the lowest ranked iron team of season 11 with swoosh. Pick me up tho.

  5. Listen I really think we should bring back Minecraft Skyloft. It was the special kind of terrible that goes full circle to being great. There was a lot to do, and I remember so many good times. And if we're going to make the case that pretence, abstract, that hotel map and the other minecraft maps should be on the server, then it's well within our standards.

  6. I was fighting a random dude on a clocktown server but the server crashed, I tried to rejoin but it took me to our clocktown server. But, the second I joined, the map changed to the old, snipery boat spawn having, wall clip and texture missing delfino plaza. (I would tag their forum names here but you'll just have to guess what their names were back then/whether they still exist) Tacoj, TwoZeroFour, Lingo the dingo, Priggles, Giggy, Ghost_Ryder, and Overvisor, were all there the very first time I joined the server. I was there for six hours and didn't do shit. And loved it.... this was the third day of that summer, and I spent on average 9 hours a day there the rest of the summer. I was in a new town and didn't know anyone, and barely left the house.




    Then long story short I made a forum account when the server kept screwing up on minecraft Skyloft (RIP SWEET MEME PRINCE) and had to make a bug report. The rest is history.

  7. LOOOOOONG story short, for those wondering. There was arguments and toxic shitstorms on forums between her and the community for months, for a multitude of reasons.


    The higher ups eventually had enough and gave both sides an ultimatum + minor bans that the directed hostility/insults would stop, no exceptions, or it would be a permanent ban.


    Things were awkward and people were on edge for like a month, but there was a peace.



    Then on a thread about some plugin we were thinking of adding things got a bit heated and she broke her end of the agreement



    Hiding followed through on the ultimatum, banned for decades



    Like I said earlier I support the unban, just wanted to give a quick background to those who weren't there.

  8. I always have thought that the "How to get unbanned" challenges were mainly focused at getting yourself unbanned from the servers. I agree with you not being needed.



    Only the people that were around back then knew what she did. If the people know that she has changed from what she was a couple years ago, then it should be fine.



    Not a higher up anymore but I do want to add, I used Mine on a forum ban, and so did forge. Yeah we were being children over a two week ban to spite kitty, which should be taken into account here, but most of the people who've actually followed through on a how to be unbanned challenge did it for a forum ban.

  9. Ok, my opinion is obviously relevant here....


    Lol I said it back then and I'll say it now, I'm a grown man and don't need to have super intense beef with teenage girls on the internet. You DID cross a line, but so did I in the pursuit of being petty about it, and just altogether caring way too much about spiting someone who was effectively a child, so I just want to be clear that I'm not holding any grudges, and probably didn't even ever care as much as it seemed like I did at the time.


    I haven't really interacted with you since, so I don't know whether or not you've changed, but two years is plenty of time.



    As for the app, I do have to be a little bit petty and say that I, for one, welcome back our cyborg princess





    And oh yeah I almost forgot....











    +1 has a mic

  10. +1 it was the best jb map, it was the only map I would ever stay longer on than just fixing an issue, it was a glorious race to set the song off before getting sniped, and as for the real map, I remember that huge wide open room with the cover on the edges and relatively easy to get into armory making rebelling more... interesting

  11. I've had some personal disagreements in the past with kit, some rather heated and over mic, but honestly those only escalated because he genuinely cared about the server and felt I was doing/had did something to the detriment of the server. If I were to imagine the stereotypical "we disagree on a ton of shit but I still respect them" type of person, it would be kit.


    So yeah +1


    A 5

    M 9

  12. +1. It won't stop spawncamping at all (tgh proves this) and as for the argument that this gives an advantage to red team snipers in goldenrod, that may be true, but blu has an advantage now, and this is a very sniper friendly map, and if you have to be more creative than standing behind a fence and aiming down a corridor to snipe successfully, I say that's a good thing.



    The protection won't last as long as five seconds sounds. For context, the blu spawn on clocktown was one of the main reasons we added it to tgh, and depending on how close you spawn to the door, if you hold w unimpeded the second you spawn, the protection only lasts until either the ledge at the end of the tunnel or barely after you hit the ground going over it. If you strafe and they miss one shot the protection should be up by the time they can fire again, you'll just have to get good. It should make the server more fun and fair for everyone

  13. Just because we haven't had a x10 server, doesn't mean it will magically be effective and popular when we do. We've tried every other popular gamemode, and it's never just happened. If we want a server to work, we either need it to happen organically, or because people put the effort in. We've changed so many servers with no heart or accountability in the process and it doesn't work. If we plop some new game modes on a server, we need staff willing to go out of their way to be there when it's empty, and put the work in when it sucks. We should have certain staff hat have a certain time requirement on new servers, or double time served if it's spent on our less populated servers. Some sort of incentive ro actually get staff there, because staff there is the best way for a population to grow.


    Otherwise, without incentive or accountability, vix and vex will just go back to tgh, and x10 will stay empty, and the cycle continues. (Only singling you guys out because you're in the thread)

  14. I'm going to have to disagree with you about that moosty. If there's anything I've learned, it's that the players make the server. Every server kinda draws its community around a few players because they're interesting or fun to be around. I wouldn't blame maps or bad plugins or anything on a server dying, it's just the community lost its interest. With so many other games out there and more releasing every day, you can't exactly expect all tf2 servers to keep a stable population after this long. It's been proven that we can populate any server if we just get a few people in it, those may being a select few personalities. If the whole "maps make the server" concept were true, TGH probably would've lost a lot of population when Nimbusland was removed. Besides, there's nothing wrong with trying something new at this point, it'll at least give a bit more variety to us.

    I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying a strong community isn't what keeps a server going, because it obviously is, the communities on our trade servers have been nurtured and cared for by people passionate about them, and that's why they're so strong. It's also why the only times our other servers have consistently rivaled them, which would be both jb1 and saxton hale at their respective peaks, is because staff and a community of regulars built it.



    The point I'm trying to make here, is that all that text up there isn't going to happen if we throw x10, or dodgeball, or S L E N D A H, or anyother gamemode onto a server like we've done tons of times in the past. It doesn't work. People will lose interest, but that's not even the issue.


    Tf2 as a game isn't dying, but it's pretty stagnant. People have the servers they like, and rarely have reason to change. We throw a mode on a server and we're instantly going to be competing with servers upon servers hosting that same gamemode, who have months if not years of community building as a head start that we don't, and we'll be competing for the same players, it won't work. Not even us being committed will work, just look at rotation history. People loved it, people cared, we would spend hours trying to populate it every week. And outside of one or two glorious nights, we wouldn't get more than 10-12 people tops. Atleast half of whom would be from xG. And it died pretty quick.



    We've had these same problems with inactive servers for years, and trying the same thing over and over isn't going to get us anywhere. The way i see it we have three wotkable options that keep the tf2 div alive:



    Option 1: just settle on some game modes that we like, and let the inactivity happen where it will, we're still here now aren't we?


    Option 2: *ominous pipe organ plays* we downsize the div. This would need to be a higher up choice and I'm not even going to start thinking about what the right number would be etc, but this is still viable.



    Option 3: Get creative and ready for most attempts to fail. If we aren't going to outcompete established communities for their population, which we aren't, we need to build our own, from scratch. Start with something different, that a few members and a staff member or two care alot about, and take a chance. If you fail, you fail. But if you succeed, that community will be so much stronger than it would be if you plopped in a gamemode or plugin and hoped. Because like @Vexx said, it isn't the plugins and maps that make a community, it's the players.


    We don't need to bring something people already like to them in a different place, we need to bring them something they didn't know they wanted going in. That's how you build a strong community.

  15. Hear me out but a friendly server with pony and minecraft maps would be lit AF.




    But honestly, if I could offer a real suggestion, if I learned anything in xG it's that if you want to build a population on a server the server should be simple, Like one or two maps tops simple. Our trade servers are the Perfect example. Our most consistently populated servers over the course of the tf2 division by far, and for most of their lifespan they had a combined two maps, Clocktown and Goldenrod city. And when tgh almost died right before and while I was DM I was a big supporter of the controversial decision to go back to 24/7 clocktown to save the server, and it worked. Now tgh and poke trade are still our most consistently populated servers, and the map pools have grown. So if I had to give some advice, I'd say pick a really cool, expansive, interesting map with lots of things to do, that people are actually passionate about playing on, base a server around it, and work from there until you have an actually good server that people spend their whole day on.



    Tl;dr: I've been here a long time, and we've done this throw some plugins on a server with no passion for the mode behind it and just hope population appears a bunch of times. It's only ever worked with ZF, and youtubers + good timing was the perfect storm.


    We have a way better track record with starting simple and working outward than we do with throwing all our hopes on dreams at a server and hoping it sticks. Just stop the cycle it's kind of depressing.





    As an example/suggestion, taking hyrule off of tgh and putting it on it's own server would draw more population than minimum 3/4 of the other ideas in this thread. You guys shouldn't be looking for modes, you should be looking for maps.



    This rambled, sorry, I've just seen this exact thread with the exact level of fake urgency at least six times, it wears on the soul.