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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Looks fine to me.

    Just one question however, @Vixen what are the "some issues" you were talking about with the third one?

    Oh shit I remember Pretence. Going way way back. I never minded it much and though it was fun but we had lower standards of map back then.


    I remember two major problems


    1. Faint cloudy memories of a teleporter section or somethimg of the like on the indoor portion being super glitchy and near impossible


    2. The lighting in the main courtyard area was cancer. Just bright, obnoxious red. This was by far the main complaint



    There were other cool mini games if you jumped over walls....



    Just remembered, the main mini game was pokemon. I remember good times but it being a super campable teleport spawn. We removed it before that rule came into affect though.

  2. +1 I remember when we would party on clocktown for 12 hours a day for an entire summer in 2k13, then like a month after he got mod he dropped activity entirely. Then like 9 months later, after I was permed and unbanned and finally got mod, he came back. And since the tf2 higher ups (I think it was brian and nom) completely forgot to remove his powers, they just grandfathered him into mod and we were in the same promo demo. And eventually, after a fanfic where we do some bdsm fudge, we both ended up as DM.


    So basically we're on that Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers fudge.


    A 1337

    M m3m35

    also I swear I meant M 7 A 8 but my phone autocorrected

  3. -1



    A more recent example of the letting loose bit was probably this:


    Division Manager Bach : wow I really can not stand your accent

    Division Manager Bach : Im not sorry but Im muting you

    Division Manager Bach : holy fudge

    gh0sta has joined the game

    Confused Melee Player left the game (Confused Melee Player timed out)

    >> t00n goomba stomped (つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ !

    Division Manager Bach : he makes me want to kill myself

    Division Manager Bach : hes worse than bonfire


    this is copy paste. I'm not doubting you, but a screenshot would be way better.

  4. +1 I remember when we would party on clocktown for 12 hours a day for an entire summer in 2k13, then like a month after he got mod he dropped activity entirely. Then like 9 months later, after I was permed and unbanned and finally got mod, he came back. And since the tf2 higher ups (I think it was brian and nom) completely forgot to remove his powers, they just grandfathered him into mod and we were in the same promo demo. And eventually, after a fanfic where we do some bdsm shit, we both ended up as DM.


    So basically we're on that Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers shit.


    A 1337

    M m3m35

  5. +1 I've seen you grow from a young cringefest to a slightly older cringefest.


    And when we had the town of Salem night I missed you and your complete inability to play that game without ghosting.


    A 7

    M lol "9"

  6. I actually agree with this post. I really do.


    Before anyone gets up in arms about my stance on it, I honestly feel like this is a responsibility that definitely doesn't need to be stretched across more than 3 or 4 people at max. And I think that it's part of the reason I don't see much motivation in myself to actually get out and do more than I already do. And @DrPepperPhreak raised a good point about my activity and how I am not very active on the forums. I won't lie, I haven't been. I haven't been active in a LOT of the different roles around xG, because I feel satisfied in where we have come to. I feel like I have done quite a lot of work and have put xG in a place where they no longer need me.


    I don't want it to sound patronizing or sound like I'm claiming sole credit for our clan or anything like that, but I have weathered quite a few storms since I became staff here in xG. Through tough times and happier times, I've made a lot of memories here. But that being said, I simply don't have the drive to keep it going. As I said in my last lengthy post, I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses either. I'm just going to face facts: I find the desire to even play TF2 anymore dwindling more and more each and every day.


    The more I analyze it and the more I dissect the issue at hand, I keep ending on the same point: Perhaps it is time for me to hang up my coat and retire from my position. Not because I disagree with how anything is being managed, not because I dislike anyone or have any ill feelings, but more because I feel that all of the things I wanted to accomplish for this clan have been accomplished. When @Aegean came back, I knew things would be in excellent hands, so I have no remorse for leaving. We're honestly overcrowded in the higher ups, and I know deep down I don't do much anymore. I won't kid myself and be blunt. So maybe it is for the best if I called it a night.


    I love this clan and I love its members. That's mostly what is driving me to this conclusion. It isn't fair of me to hold this position if I am not going to be as active as I used to be, and between two kids, a steady career, and all of the other interests I have going on in my life, there simply just isn't much time for the clan. It isn't anything personal, it's just the truth.

    Your choice and I respect it bby.


    But it does lead us to another issue, and I ran into it to. Once you get a steady job going and in some cases college too people tend to get less time to game. CM's need to be the more mature members, but most members that are IRL adults have trouble finding the time. We need a balance unless we want xG staff to be a revolving door of high schoolers.

  7. I got two things to say. After I say this thread is valid AF


    1. Both scoot and kb were given staff and rose theough the ranks because of their judgement, not coding ability. Dealing with community issues and not server issues is their forte. If we don't have many community issues, they don't have much to do.


    2. I'm fine with CM being a role that uses their proven superior judgement and maturity in the community when major issues arise, and I'm fine with them doing more. We just need to be more clear about what xG sees the role as.

  8. Gonna +1 to remove, gonna preface my essay with I'm drunk, lowkey high, and high key biased, gotta keep it 100.


    Fuck Cyberpunk. It leads to nothing but bitching about the map. The music is spammable and half the songs are cancer. For anybody who has issues with sensory input, including myself on a lesser scale, it's a living hell. The spammable lights in the disco can be a bane to epileptics everywhere. "But can't you just avoid the disco?"


    "OF COURSE NOT YOU PUNK BITCH!" These spawns are random, and don't care if it's enemy only areas you're spawning in, there's literally no escape besides leaving tbe server.


    The bitterness I feel in my heart when I play this map convinces me I could kill another person. It would need to be a damn good reason but it couldn't be any harder on me than cyberpunk.


    Also when I said half the music was cancer, I meant dead tf2 memes from 2011, not even (insert your god here) could save us.


    Even the people that want the map to stay know in their heart that it sucks.



    Sponsored by Evan Williams it's cheap and shitty and will get you drunk.


    Inb4 unmonetized for alcohol reference

  9. Ayy. So ya, I'm stepping down to member. I'm being alot more social living with my old Roommate and going out more, and have been working 30-40 hour weeks pretty consistently. I'm barely getting 22 or 23 hours a week to game, and 20 of that being tf2 has just made gaming feel like work and not fun again, which is why I went DM inactive and stepped down as admin in the first place. I want to play overwatch and CS:GO and DayZ and stuff but can't because my time is required to be spent here. I came backto staff because the servers were almost unmanageable while I was on, and I wanted some semblance of order while I played. so I reapplied for mod.


    But now that @Vexx and @Vixen are mods, and they're way more active than I am with a comparable amount of time being active on the server historically. I'm kind of redundant as mod right now. Plus the Higher up roster is looking much better now than it did when I reapplied so I'm pretty confident the servers will be fine.


    I still care about the servers though, especially tgh, and I'll still be around. I can still have opinions on changes here on the forums. Which I'm gonna need because I'm gonna crusade against the "don't complain about being killed" rule because it's already being taken too far. But I once let someone kill me 107 times in a row without fighting back just to prove a point that he would get bored and feel bad after a while so I'm the right guy for the job.


    I'll still be around, and fairly active, I just don't feel the need to be mod anymore. I'd rather just play whenever instead of being required to and having to plan it out. It takes the fun out of it.


    I was honestly mostly inactive for almost a month and was going to just fade off into inactivity and get demoted, but then last promo demo Cycle I put the work in to get 20 hours and it just felt unnecessary. Staff were on and answering calladmin, and while I had used to be on mostly late west coast/early morning europe time now that I work nights I was on at the same time as everyone else. So I'm just going to do the classy/selfish thing and step down to member and free up a mod slot for someone who has more time/desire to put into it.


    I might even after all these years actually donate for powers, and get back what was taken from me as staff (buddha and noclip mostly tbh)


    It wasn't fun the second time, not gonna lie, but it was real.







    @Bello @Goblins @Rejects @Scootaloo @kbraszzz @mrnutty12


  10. I would be so down with getting rid of cyberpunk. And had I made the post Lan did I wouldn't have been so polite about it. I've hated the map since it's been here and I haven't even attempted to hide my dislike for the map. I think that besides abstract, which was bad for similar reasons, it's the most unpleasant map that has been in the rotation since I've played on N64tress/TGH. I would prefer it gone, as I think it makes the server worse, and while I'm sure some people have reasons for liking the map/wanting it to stay, and a few of those may even be halfway decent. I just don't care, I don't think a good enough reason exists to keep the map. And I would be happier if I never had to play it again