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  1. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Chrono in Mega And His Fetishes   
    @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed @@Hidingmaster @@Rin_Okumura
  2. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Chrono in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    rip malware
    >be me
    >be on css
    >tell them to guncheck freeze
    >kill 2 smartasses thinking they can face to the right instead of directly away
    >get banned for a day instantly no questions asked by someone who clearly has an issue with me
    >be me
    >start a shitstorm
    >day passes, smartass still has a problem
    >DMs support being a smartass, say it is ok
  3. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Matsi in Onyxraptor - Counter-strike: Source   
    You can donate to get unbanned one time: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
    I suggest learning the rules before doing so so that you don't get banned again any time soon. :)
  4. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Charles in Who Is Worse Jacob Or Me   
    Wheres the Tim in this vote?
  5. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DCook in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    For a mute/gag it tends to be, for example if someone was racist, "!gag whoever" then I would say "No racism please." Same goes for anything else. I mute or gag and right after I state the reason or tell them not to do it. They stay muted/gagged for one round and then I unmute/ungag them. Simple as that.
    @@Matsi the mute isn't the warning, it's to get them to stop what they're doing and listen to the admin. You have to warn them/explain why you muted/gagged them.
  6. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to LeToucan in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    From mega, who is too lazy to post this himself
  7. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGStumpy in Xg Dayz Standalone Server!   
    not rich or white enough to buy dayz q-q
  8. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGStumpy in Xg Videos?   
    oh yeah man cant wait to see the swag ass 360 ladder stall YY double hammy no scopes you'll be pulling off. #NoScopeMontages #swag #420
  9. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Chrono in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    This thread is seriously a clusterfuck of 2 groups who clearly don't like each other. This is pretty sad. I honestly feel as if I should have just gone through this thread and banned almost every single person that posted in here.
    That being said, yes, the week long ban was wrong. You did not follow the proper procedure, it should have been a warning and then a day ban. HOWEVER after that day ban got placed, stumpy would probably have protested in the same manner, in which then you would be able to post a ban request to have the ban extended from 1 day to 1 week, taking in account the new evidence from shoutbox. Stumpy was in the wrong to directly insult you, and he should know better, but it's the internet, and if you want to go about taking offense to the extent most of you furries within xG do, to the word "FurFag" then I never want to hear it out of another one of your mouths. if you want to take offense to it, then I want to go around and even if you are talking within your own group, ban you all for a week each time. It's the same logic around the word "nigger" if you want to say it, you are in turn accepting that you are saying something offensive to others. but if someone else says it, you better damn well not take offense to it.
  10. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DCook in Stumpy   
    +1 Blatant disrespect of a staff member, and complete disregard for this community's rules.
  11. Smelly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGStumpy in Stumpy   
    +1 Blatant disrespect of a staff member, and complete disregard for this community's rules.
  12. Smelly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Haxx in Stumpy   
    +1 Blatant disrespect of a staff member, and complete disregard for this community's rules.
  13. Smelly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Stumpy   
    +1 Blatant disrespect of a staff member, and complete disregard for this community's rules.
  14. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DCook in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   

  15. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to DeathGod in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    try being normal on the internet. im serious @furries @bronies
    here is a diagram of 2 things normal people like.
  16. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Well considering you have a -1 from all CS:S Staff Members, as well as input from a Co-Leader, I'll just go ahead and deny this.
    You won't be unbanned, wait out the week ban.
    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  17. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Tsuchikure in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Alright, first off, i don't think it should have been a week unless it was some serious-ass offenses, or it was being done again after a previous ban, nor do i think freekillings have anything to do with SERVER bans unless, like forest said, they fled to avoid a punishment.
    -I.G.- Disrespecting, even after a warning (If one was even given) is not a good thing to do excessively, especially when you know you could likely get banned for doing so.
    -Forums- Disrespecting, trolling, whatever the fuck other people thinks you're doing right now, does NOT help at all with this protest. In fact, it makes it much worse for your case, and imo seeing your posts afterwards, i think it's just an intentional, troll post.
    Overall, if Stumpy's current attitude stays, i'm just gonna -1 this thread, likely closing it.
    Your ban should probably stay or get shortened to at most a day or two, with an added forum ban for repetitive trolling on servers & forums
    Also, because some people are friends, or like the same things, does not mean they will be biased. We all think you should not be unbanned, and most likely have a forum ban aswell.
  18. Disagree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Haxx in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   

  19. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to xGShadowSpy in Attn: Map Specific Rule   
    Should be allowed for the Ts, invis nade is like the Infinite Deagle on avalanche, its a weapon(in this case, a nade) that is giving them a boost., Ts should be able to use it for rebelling, not during LR and stuff though.
    I agree with restricting it for CTs.
  20. Ding!
    MrJeeblez reacted to GanjaMonster in Jailbreak Maps - Updated Or New   
    add some maps @@DarkWolf6052
  21. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to LeToucan in Engineering Thread   
    goml dmt.

  22. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Unitato in Dj_audible_swag   
    +1He's a very active part of our community already. He's on CSS almost every, if not every, day. He's fun, not annoying (like some members, *cough* @@Bleed @@DrLee ), and deserves membership.
  23. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DCook in Grelden - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm still a bit confused. Did -you- actively see him break any rules/have evidence provided by someone in the game such as a screenshot or demo? Because if you didn't, you can't teamban him since you never got proof.
  24. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to xGShadowSpy in Active Mistake   
    >.> This is what, the 2nd or 3rd "sorry" thread, and for the same thing? Forums ban pls? #BusinessManWasLessRetarded
  25. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Theneva in Active Mistake   
    Why the aren't you banned again?