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  1. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Ohstopyou in Extreme Makeover: Jailbreak Edition / Gub's Guide To Jailbreak   
    I hope you realize that the current, public JB plugin is outdated and not maintained :]. It's even worse off than the one we are using now. I just disabled the broken commands for the current JB plugin and it's working...somewhat.
  2. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Well Shit   
    Fuck man, thats tough. Hope stuff goes better for you down the road.
  3. Sad
    Goblin reacted to Dethman in Well Shit   
    OK, as some of you have already kinda know. Me and my parents are in probably the worst state we have been in since probably early september of last year. Me and my dad do not like each other at all and for this is the reason I am making this thread. On Sunday me and my dad got into a very heated fight that ended up getting him detained for about 5 hours. I left my house 4 hours later that very morning and about 2 hours later i come home and I noticed all my stuff was on the side of the road (we live in the country side). I found out my dad had come home and tore my room completely apart and destroyed the bathroom next to my room. He then left a note saying I had 3 hours to collect it or else he would burn all of my stuff (i did not take anything into my house since i thought my friend was coming over to help me move my stuff but he never came ;-; ). I did not believe him since i could never in my wildest dreams believe that my dad would do such a thing but shit you not, he burnt EVERYTHING. From my desktop, family photos, work i had to do for school and my boss, bed and much more. Now my old room is nothing but an empty tan room with nothing in it. All i have is some shitty mac laptop that can barely run tf2. I don't have the funds to buy a new desktop right now but i think i will just take out a $2,000 loan or take it out of my bank account and buy one. Until then i will probably not be on steam nor teamspeak as much and I am considering taking 2 weeks to figure things out. I will be staying at a friend of mines house until my mom or brother can get my dad to cool his shit and that might end up in charges being pressed.
    Anyways this is an inactivity thread. I will probably be on steam (but away 99% of the time) and check it every now and then but don't rely on me answering right away. If you have any questions about the Minecraft server or division, talk to me on steam, start a conversation on the forums, or just make a thread and i will probably answer. If not, kirito aka kyoko aka Kotirik can solve or try to solve your problems.
    Also I want to apologize if I have been acting really retarded or got salty with you for nothing, I hope you can forgive me
    If i don't do anything for 2 weeks xG wise (besides lurk the forums) then all i have to say is that it was a damn good run and i hope to see you soon.
    @Hachi @Marceline @Rejects already know what is going on.
    @Kyoko @Rhododendron @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou (bae) @kbraszzz @Moosty
    I swear to fucking christ if someone breaks the fucking MC server while i am gone and i comeback to it broken i will kill someone. Probably Kirito <3
  4. Disagree
    Goblin reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in How To Deal With Being Frozen In Ff2.   
    Most of us know that freezing and unfreezing a player makes them unstuck.
    So why don't we just give everyone access to that command? These is nothing to lose. In fact, we only benefit from it since first-timers will just look for a different FF2 server if they find one with bugs.
    The only reason I play on this server across the damn sea is because I'm part of this clan, otherwise I'd just play on Lethalzone for less bugs and better ping, which is what I was doing earlier.
  5. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Forest in New Ways To Handle Micspammers?   
    Way I see it, if they aren't mature enough to handle access to a mic, then they aren't mature enough to be hanging out on xG Servers.
    I personally don't see a reason to add more times for Staff to memorize when handling these sorts of cases when it can simply be remedied by the usual procedure of warning, mute, kick, ban. It's more taxing to Staff to have to determine what form of mic spam it is, and then having to determine the appropriate procedure for that particular mic spam in my opinion.
  6. Like
    Goblin reacted to Chrono in Well Shit   
    Financial security is a fickle bitch. As a tidbit of advice 1) Do not ever take loans, always pay upfront full cash value for things; that means saving money and not doing fun stuff that costs money to in turn get the thing you want sooner. Let alone the fact they would not give a kiddo a loan, for something like that. small loans never work, and those loan commercials are all scams with legal backing (ridiculous interest rates, right to take your families shit in the case you dont have enough collateral, as well as charges/jail time)
    2) solve your shit with your dad, family is family. you can work through everything, given time and effort. you have to put it in, because he is probably not going to. think: what did you do to piss him off? when it comes down to it, you will probably end up needing him some day (soon™)
  7. Funny
    Goblin reacted to KendrickLlama in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    I forgot one the best one
  8. Informative
    Goblin reacted to Nomulous in Extreme Makeover: Jailbreak Edition / Gub's Guide To Jailbreak   
    I'm busy for the next couple weeks (which some people know), and what I told Kbraszz and Ohstopyou is to use a SM jailbreak plugin as a holder while I get this stuff back together. I have to learn what SourceMod changed in functions and calling server variables and what extensions are used now. I haven't been up to date recently so I'm trying as fast as I can. @silence the stuff in the SVN (source) would be the best to use to try and update for now, would make the best sense, I'll upload LCT later.
    Honestly I'd never ever figure out that being in my last year of highschool for the last month would be this busy. It's hectic, but my summer is free.
  9. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from StarmiX in Extreme Makeover: Jailbreak Edition / Gub's Guide To Jailbreak   

    Now, this is a story all about how my jailbreak got flipped-turned upside down. Now I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how jailbreak got railed in the anus.
    In Jailbreak 1, started and raised, on the Casurina is where I spent most of my days.
    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool.
    And shootin some rebels outside of my armory.
    When a couple of staff who were up to no good, started creating a bunch of stupid rules in my neighborhood.
    I made one little abuse and MuffinMonster got scared
    I begged and pleaded with him day after day
    Eventually he let me keep moderator but took all my powers away
    He gave me a kiss and he gave me a warning
    I went back on jailbreak and said "GOD THIS IS BORING"
    Mod class? yo, this sucks ass.
    All these admins drinking sh*t out a champagne glass.
    Is this what the people of xG live like?
    Hmmm… This sucks dike.

    So I left xG after all the animosity on jailbreak as that was my life on this clan for the longest time , seeing it go to shit really bugged me, plus I wasn't really interested in being in a clan anymore thinking college would prevent me from playing my shize.
    A couple months later I came back to xG after realizing my life really didn't become too hecktic.
    I got even more into the servers than I had previously, however I found jailbreak had become a steaming pile of poop.
    Alot of the old jb regulars left, jb2 was completely fking RIP, and there was something called "DONATOR PERKS" and little pieces of sh*t (@Choritos) were running around doing retarded things i didn't understand.
    Basically My 1st Life In xG:
    But anyways enough of my life story, as a Vet. of 2013 jailbreak days I've seen the line in the sand and I've been trying to find out who I am.
    Reasons I'm Making This Thread:
    My Baby, Jailbreak 2, went RIP
    Today, Jailbreak is run-down, mistreated, and filled with hooligans (Kind of like Baltimore)
    None of the threads being created based towards jailbreak have seen much results. :(
    Jailbreak is overall dying, it has lost alot of it's magic, it isn't really fun anymore, and many TF2 Staff would definatley agree with me.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    (Please Note These are Only Suggestions I'm Not Trying To Come for Your Life or "Play A Leader")
    -Things to Consider

    Do not call constant wardays and freedays. Do not repeat the same game from the previous day.

    This rule is wonderful, 10/10 I'd kiss it sensuously on the mouth, however, I still feel games can become repetitive day after day after DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY. Literally, once a guy runs out of ideas for warden they just keep doing the same sh*t and this rule becomes completely ignored. Of course, This seems only logical as jailbreak only offers a limited amount of games, the one way we could address this is by brainstorming *NEW GAMES* that are not usually played or are completely new. (These games can be map specific)

    (Don't be afraid to try something new) Such as:
    "Creeper Forest" at Minecart (Not Really sure what to do here but test some things out and I'm sure we can think of something :^) )
    "Defend the Exit Day" at Chretien (All blu's must go to the prison exit to protect the jail's good name and prevent those edgy little red inmates from escaping by killing them on sight) (Shoot the Damn Friendlys Too :^)) (Blues Cannot Leave the General Exit Area)
    "Mann-Cannon" at Casurina (Reds must shoot themselves into the crater) (BASEJUMPER NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED)
    "Theater Days" at Everyplace with a Stage (Reds Must Re-Enact a Movie Scene, Play, or Musical Depending on The Warden's Orders, those that are not listening to the warden are KOS)
    Or brainstorm new ridiculous things like…..
    "Rock Paper Sicssors Competition" (If All of Blu Team Has Access to this Taunt)
    "Gladiators of Fallgame" (All blus except 2 (preferably the warden and his trusty sidekick) will jump into the fall game with the reds in order to inact a melee battle to the death until a final red (if possible) is left standing, if the blu fighters fail then I guess that sucks for you and now you are down a couple guys and you should probably continue fallgame.) (This game is best played with the same restricted # of REDs as Pokemon)
    (***CREATE YOUR OWN NEW GAMES***) (As long as they abide by rules within reason)
    (I will add any ingenious games that I see work well or sound awesome to the list above)
    ….ORRRR by
    Being a Smarter Warden/BLU:

    By this I mean:



    Don't Be Afraid To Play More Than One Game A Day (It's never fun when the first game of the day is the last, try to cram as many games as you can into one day while being organized and productive and everyone will have a fun experience.)


    Don't Let Reds Think You Are A Fragile Weak Little Butterfly Bitch (I mean being a tight butthole strict-fag is one thing but being a "Lazy Daisy Suzan" is what really makes all those anoying little bad at the game rebel-fags come out of their cells the very second you declare "Out of Cell Rebel". If you notice a warden that is rather sucessful or notice a scenario where reds did not win the round try to repeat precautions that were taken upon that day.)


    Don't Act Like A Jackass (Joking around and acting like a dumbass is one thing, but being a dick or acting absolutely "pants over the head retarded" towards your fellow Blu's and your RED peers is one sheer fire way to get no one to like you, plus REDs are WAAAY more likely to Rebel if you are a d*ckhole.


    Be Clever (If you are going to take warden, at least try to be original, don't be that one loser that ends every single day with "OUH OIMA GONNA TYPE A QUESTION IN CHAT, and the first one to answer with their full name, phone number, and address gets Lr.")


    Be Attentive (Pay attention to EVERYTHING thats going on around you, you never know when a sneaky little RED will come up and shank you to death)


    "Stick Together Team" (You know that one little F*ckboy BLU that always runs around the map not helping the team out or dipping out when shit starts going bad? Yeah, don't be that little coward jabroni piece of sh*t because you can run on for a long time, but sooner or later the REDs will cut you down. However those that stand together as brothers and sisters in arms are more likely to kick RED's ass."


    Be Fun ( I cannot stress this enough, Jailbreak is all about having a good time and getting a good laugh in. Lets face it, Playing Jailbreak makes you worse at TF2, why not embrace it and have fun while sucking at the game? Don't be afraid to smile a little :) )


    "REMEMBER: No Employee Wants To Be A Choritos"

    Being a Smarter REBEL/RED

    And By this I mean:



    Be Cunning (Listen to a warden VERY carefully, especially if you wish to rebel. By listening to commands you can easily plot a course or plan of rebelion (or use MLG tactics) to foil his plans. Attempt Kill BLUs When You Have The Upperhand or when you know you are definately goin to kill that Sonovabitch and/or actually get away with it without dying. Or you could be extremely cunnin and watch your fellow REDs die as you get LR :^) )


    You are Legion (If you see one of your buddies rebel don't be afraid to hop in and join the chaos! There is most definately strength in numbers and there is a hell of a lot of you.)


    Don't Be an Asshole (Being an Asshole is one sure way to make everyone hate you, I shouldn't have to describe the qualities of an asshole for you.)


    Have Fun. (Thats the Point of the Game.)


    Last Requests/LRs Suck These Days.

    So, you wanna foil those silly BLUs yet again by requesting a Pixie Caramel for your lr eh? Well...
    Lrs have severely been tonned down over the years by rules, now I'm not saying "EUHHH LEMME KILL ALL BLUES NOW AND HAVE A FREEDAY FOR MYSELF AND MY BUTTBUDDY MERVIN MCTITTYMONGER TOMORROW!" is an ok thing.
    Nor am I saying "Oh lemme kill y'all with valve rocket launcher then we'll do deathrun tomorrow" is a good thing either.

    -2 Lrs Rule-

    This rule is kinda iffy.
    Now... I know what your Thinking
    "Oh but Goblin, 2 lrs is POOP idea. Y U tink this rule suck FGT?"
    Well its not that this rule sucks, its actually a good one.

    However for some reason people associate things such as: "Invisible Melee Warday" as 2 Last Requests…
    Do you have to be that much of a jewish-faith individual?
    What the hell are you? That sh*tty jew genie people hope they don't rub out of a lamp?
    "Turn invisible huh? Well there goes your first wish, pal."

    C'mon man, I would hope that is not the case.
    Stuff like this completely takes the fun out of an LR. I for one believe that wierd last requests such as this one should be legal, however must be approved by a staff member with the proper powers to execute such a day, It brings the insane non-sensical fun back to jailbreak, instead of the DULL DULL DULL BORING BORING BORING same thing every day type of shize.
    -Blues Not Involved In Lrs-
    Oh so you BLUs don't want to participate in Lrs because it ruins your lifestyle?
    OH WELL BOOOOHOOOO! Lets just make a completely Un-Fun Rule that doesn't allow REDs to have fun for once, while you guys ruin thier lifestyles.

    I hate this rule with a fiery passion and believe that it never should have been on the server. Simply because it doesn't permit the funnest/funniest lrs of them all, such as getting blues to play games with the reds (or making the Blues preform a Musical Piece of art.)
    As a matter of fact it states right in the Jailbreak MOTD that when you give your LR-

    "You can choose to play it with the blues of the current round, or the reds (and possibly blues) of the next round."
    This only proves that these rules suck camel c*ck and should be altered to bennefit the Extreme Makeover of our Beloved Jailbreak Servers 1 & 2.

    Play Jailbreak

    Staff, Members, Non-Members I encourage you, Just Play Jailbreak.
    You will hopefully not regret it after following some of the simple steps I have listed above.
    I also do hope that Jailbreak once again becomes a huge staple for all members of the Team Fortress 2 Xeno Gamers community, and I would love to see Staff having fun and crazy events here again.
    Maybe one day Jailbreak 2 will ascend from the ashes. :(
    Please I Beg of You, Don't Let the Jailbreak Flame Die Out.


  10. Disagree
  11. Like
    Goblin reacted to Fink in Extreme Makeover: Jailbreak Edition / Gub's Guide To Jailbreak   
    Can we have some input on this thread
  12. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Fink in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    There are pretty much 2 types of people in this clan.
    1. The overly sensitive people that cry and make ban threads when they get insulted or criticized in the slightest, but don't realize they in fact, instigated most fights they were in.
    2. The edgy people that like to offend others to be an "epic troll," and make fun of people for being losers, even though most of them are socially awkward or in fact, also losers.
    basically you're all hypocrites and losers.
    there's like a small amount that don't act like this.
    im a loser and i used to act like number 2 all the time on the forums, so i cant really judge.
  13. Sad
    Goblin reacted to Chrono in D&d   
    sorry about the MIA spent last weekend in hospital, then this week been super sick
  14. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from BashinBolshevik in Secrets That No One But The Whole Internet Will Know.   
    [spoiler=]I hanky-pankied a girl I had over in the shower while my parents were in the other room. My excuse when they asked why the shower was running while she was over was "I felt dirty so I made her wait while I took a shower." kek.
  15. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Goblins in Need Good Names   
    Goblin (because it's the best name)
    I don't know man. Just search "edgy names." I'm sure you'll get results.
  16. Sad
    Goblin reacted to Muzzle in Prostitution   
  17. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Marceline in Prostitution   
    You're goin places gub
  18. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from Tomahawk in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  19. Sad
    Goblin got a reaction from Dethman in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  20. Sad
    Goblin got a reaction from DrLee in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  21. Friendly
    Goblin reacted to Haruka in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  22. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from Bach in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  23. Funny
    Goblin got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
  24. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Moosty in Hi I'm Baby Bonnie Hood!   
    Hey welcome! What do you need to know about the tf2 div?
    I'm a Division Manager/ bad Highlander coach/ lazy stoner
    @kbraszzz doesn't want to be roped into this
    @Rejects is lagging
    @metalslug53 is bae
    @Ohstopyou is a cutie pie
    @Insane can't even trickstab fite me m8
    The trade servers are a clusterfuck, but our clusterfuck
    Don't go to jailbreak 2
    Do we still have a deathrun server?
    Come on teamspeak if you actually want to meet people
    Seriously I don't even know what happens in jailbreak 2 anymore you shouldn't go there
    @Bach is probably going to BM you but he's great.
    Id say that's a pretty good starting guide.
  25. Friendly
    Goblin reacted to Dethman in Prostitution   
    I get fucking star wars, car ads, youtube, and single christians.