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  1. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Forest in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    People tend to dislike any threads that are self-oriented. For example, any thread(s) that ask(s) for the opinion of the community on certain subjects such as whether or not you're a good Member, or in this case, whether or not you are capable of being a Staff member.
    Another thing you should avoid is being 'kiss-ass' like. Intentional or not, you'll be labelled someone who just says something to receive praise. Things such as obvious or otherwise blatant scenarios should also not be re-explained as most will react negatively (IE. pointing out obvious things). Speaking of which, don't ever go back on something you said as you will end up making yourself look like a fool. Stand by what you did/said and take it upon yourself to accept the responsibility, for example, you'll notice that you received a lot of negative criticism when you mentioned that you were "joking" in regards to this thread, when in all likelihood you weren't.
    As you use the forums you'll develop a better understanding of what you should/shouldn't post or when you should/shouldn't post. Don't let any trolls discourage you from being open on the forums, but also understand that this is the internet and things are likely to get heated fast :coffee:
  2. Smelly
    Izanagi reacted to Tomahawk in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    Im just curious
  3. Smelly
    Izanagi reacted to Tomahawk in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    I seem to have made people very annoyed or angry. Seeing as this is my first thread, I have more to learn about his forum and what to do and not.
  4. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Fink in Best Jb Mod   
    Please stop. And there is no such thing as a jb mod. You are all just mods.
  5. Agree
    Izanagi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Best Jb Mod   
    @kbraszzz let's not have another princess thread.
  6. Ding!
    Izanagi got a reaction from Bach in Xg Strange Level Up Server?   
    No. Those servers are cancer and there are already too many of those to compete with.
  7. Smelly
    Izanagi reacted to Tomahawk in Xg Strange Level Up Server?   
  8. Smelly
    Izanagi reacted to Tomahawk in Xg Strange Level Up Server?   
    I have noticed these strange level up servers are very popular amongst some scrublords who like to cheat.. Why not boost popularity with this?
  9. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Barmithian in Xg Strange Level Up Server?   
    no. you dishonor your family when you go on strange level up servers
  10. Sad
    Izanagi got a reaction from IAmLegend in --   
    Well, that's your issue right there, you're playing League.
  11. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Moosty in Goldeneye Door Troubles   
    Also, people should +1 @ColdEndeavour on his member app. He made a map exclusive to our servers and is not annoying or a kid.
  12. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Jailbreak|| New Default Map   
    Just RTV.
  13. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to DrLee in Atariman1000 - Team Fortress 2   
    Also, we do keep records of the bans. Just the bans.xenogamers.com is currently down. #PostingInClosedThreads
  14. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to kbraszzz in Atariman1000 - Team Fortress 2   
    OP will not be Unbanned
  15. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Rhododendron in Something Needs To Change With Tgh Restarts.   
    I'll look into it later tonight.
  16. Funny
    Izanagi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Jbc47   
    +1 nice and active. =)
    Makes good jokes too.
  17. Informative
    Izanagi got a reaction from Moosty in Boss Duck - Team Fortress 2   
    You uploaded the file name. Upload to imgur and post.
  18. Disagree
    Izanagi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Thunder   
    -1, user is not very mature, but very active.
  19. Like
    Izanagi reacted to Hidingmaster in Smelly   
    Its being taken care of through conversation. Bonk, expect to see a conversation to get your side of the story in the next 24 hrs.
    Closing because of imminent popcorn worthy fighting.
  20. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Dark in Spawn Camping: Yay Or Nay?   
    That doesn't sound good at all. Giving administrators the power to make subjective decisions outside of the rule set is just nonsensical. Admins should only follow a set of written rules and that's it. Hell that just sounds silly to begin with; "Spawncamping is allowed but it's not if an admin doesn't like it."
  21. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Redheards in Jb Donator Perk Ban Vote   
    i don't think flame arrows shoud be allowed too gives that a person an advantage
  22. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Jpie112 in Jb Donator Perk Ban Vote   
    I don't like resize me because they cant rebel or get Lr, so what's the point of being there? Just "Hey look, im small" REBEL PEOPLE.
  23. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Forge in Jb Donator Perk Ban Vote   
    Incorrect, the saxxy cannot backstab and I myself have tested it as a sniper, you can only backstab with it when you are a spy.
    Overall no one has abused their powers so it seems like someone's over-reacting about a situation that has not occurred yet. I'm fairly sure most the donators (including myself) play it safe for the pure reason of possibly losing their powers so honestly you're worked up over something that probably won't happen.
  24. Agree
    Izanagi reacted to Matsi in Jb Donator Perk Ban Vote   
    I do not see the point to this thread.... it's already been stated that you aren't allowed to abuse these powers... thing slike monster spawning are only allowed with a vote or for LRs and you aren't allowed to attack anyone or win LR while resized or any of those things that give you an advantage.... as for the saxxy... I think it's only overpowered when you use it as a scout.
  25. Like
    Izanagi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Gg Brazil   
    Germany. @BelloWaldi should be pretty hyped.
    Seriously, they got a victory stolen. Definitely should've won back then. @Yu_Narukami