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  1. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Caleb956   
    -1 cuz he smells like Ow (lel)
  2. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in See Ya In A Bit   
    You really don't need to make a thread about going inactive for a few days, specifically if you are a member.
    I'd recommend creating inactivity-threads just if you need to take an extended amount of time off (e.g 1-4+ weeks).
  3. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to lilbleed in Teamspeak Community Channels   
    Are you stuck in 2015? your memes are outdated.
  4. Like
    Tomahawk reacted to Egossi in Teamspeak Community Channels   
    I officially claim the channel named "Egossi's Channel"
  5. Winner
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Aczel in An Open Letter To Xenogamers.... And 2000th Post Special   
    I know what im watching... but, Why am I watching this? is there a purpose? does the relate to the answer of life
  6. Ding!
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Forest in Halloween, What Are Your Plans And What Would You Like From Xg?   
    Im down for the monster mash @Forest
  7. RIP
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Kypari in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    Im just curious
  8. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Tsuchikure in Halloween, What Are Your Plans And What Would You Like From Xg?   
    Just, this time with a different one.
  9. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Hushpuppy in Halloween, What Are Your Plans And What Would You Like From Xg?   
    are you suggesting hat day? but for the whole loadout?
  10. Like
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Halloween, What Are Your Plans And What Would You Like From Xg?   
    I'll be going to Youmacon to slay some weeb poon.
  11. Sad
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Stepping Down   
    I see that OW playtime you've got there, lmao
  12. Winner
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Aczel in Tf2 Or Roleplay?   
    this is the kind of shit that happens when I go inactive for a few weeks?
  13. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Scootaloo in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:
    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.
    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)
  14. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Bach in Tf2 Or Roleplay?   
    I'm gonna say what everyone is thinking. What the fuck is wrong with you
  15. Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to Egossi in Tf2 Or Roleplay?   
    I feel bad because I was there
  16. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    That's not really a legit reason to try and remove the map..
  17. RIP
    Tomahawk reacted to Giraffes in Possible, Possible Need To Step Down.   
    @Tomahawk dont worry my dad is wayyy worse
  18. Like
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Possible, Possible Need To Step Down.   
    Alright, man. Good luck in school, and I'm sure you'll be able to get mod again. It just won't take so long this time.
  19. Sad
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Possible, Possible Need To Step Down.   
    I'm writing this on my phone so the grammar might be absolutely shite

    So School's around the corner and with it my parents decided to pull something that might as well say rip to my activity needed to keep being a staff Member.
    Long story short, My parents decided to Ban Me from gaming at all during the week so I can "focus on my school work" to do better n school and whatnot. Which is fucking retarded because I'm doing fine in school.

    And that only leaves me with 2 weekends to get 20 hours of Tf2 in. Every 2 weeks. And I seriously Doubt I'll be able to play that much during the weekend Either.
    But, I did put "Possibly" in the title, twice. Because I'm still trying to convince my parents to get me at least an hour a day. Then I'd be fine.
    So I'll post again to see whether or not I'll be able to keep my activity up or not by the time school starts.

    The fact that I'm entering my senior year in high school and I still have gaming restrictions piss me off but whatever fuck me over like that.
    So yeah just a heads up
    @Rejects @Bello @Goblins @mrnutty12
  20. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in Possible, Possible Need To Step Down.   
    Alright, just keep us updated. :)
  21. RIP
    Tomahawk reacted to Moosty in Stepping Downerino   
    Ayy. So ya, I'm stepping down to member. I'm being alot more social living with my old Roommate and going out more, and have been working 30-40 hour weeks pretty consistently. I'm barely getting 22 or 23 hours a week to game, and 20 of that being tf2 has just made gaming feel like work and not fun again, which is why I went DM inactive and stepped down as admin in the first place. I want to play overwatch and CS:GO and DayZ and stuff but can't because my time is required to be spent here. I came backto staff because the servers were almost unmanageable while I was on, and I wanted some semblance of order while I played. so I reapplied for mod.
    But now that @Vexx and @Vixen are mods, and they're way more active than I am with a comparable amount of time being active on the server historically. I'm kind of redundant as mod right now. Plus the Higher up roster is looking much better now than it did when I reapplied so I'm pretty confident the servers will be fine.
    I still care about the servers though, especially tgh, and I'll still be around. I can still have opinions on changes here on the forums. Which I'm gonna need because I'm gonna crusade against the "don't complain about being killed" rule because it's already being taken too far. But I once let someone kill me 107 times in a row without fighting back just to prove a point that he would get bored and feel bad after a while so I'm the right guy for the job.
    I'll still be around, and fairly active, I just don't feel the need to be mod anymore. I'd rather just play whenever instead of being required to and having to plan it out. It takes the fun out of it.
    I was honestly mostly inactive for almost a month and was going to just fade off into inactivity and get demoted, but then last promo demo Cycle I put the work in to get 20 hours and it just felt unnecessary. Staff were on and answering calladmin, and while I had used to be on mostly late west coast/early morning europe time now that I work nights I was on at the same time as everyone else. So I'm just going to do the classy/selfish thing and step down to member and free up a mod slot for someone who has more time/desire to put into it.
    I might even after all these years actually donate for powers, and get back what was taken from me as staff (buddha and noclip mostly tbh)
    It wasn't fun the second time, not gonna lie, but it was real.
    @Bello @Goblins @Rejects @Scootaloo @kbraszzz @mrnutty12
  22. RIP
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Thunder   
    User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the allotted time.
    Please try again in 30 days.
    - Closed.
  23. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Vector in The Cringe Thead!   
    i saw this last night and i couldn't believe what i was watching.
  24. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in Staff Specific Plugin Suggestion   
    I have added the plugin to all servers.
    Type /stealth in order to use it.
  25. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Kypari in Red Eevee - Team Fortress 2   
    wait Whyte's back? oh cool