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Reputation Activity

  1. Not Funny
    Tomahawk got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in We Are America   
    what? don't mind me, carry on.
  2. Smelly
    Tomahawk reacted to SnowyMinion in Mauk_   
    @Goblins Close. Has been 30 days
  3. Optimistic
    Tomahawk reacted to Reptile in Meme-ing Awayyyyy   
    Reminds me of a vacation my family almost took to a cabin up in Canada, sad that it never happened.
    Have a good time Toma.
  4. Informative
    Tomahawk reacted to RinAoi in Meme-ing Awayyyyy   
    While your out at a lake cabin, I'll be meming at anime expo, LA <3. Have fun, Toma.
  5. Friendly
    Tomahawk reacted to Kitsune in Meme-ing Awayyyyy   
    We'll miss you, Tomahawk. Have a happy vacation, and don't forget the marshmallows! =)
  6. Friendly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Kitsune in Meme-ing Awayyyyy   
    thursday to Sunday (30th to the 3rd) I'll be gone to the lake our cabin is at. There's no wifi so I can't even access the forums. Ayy lmao
  7. Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to Matsi in Leaving   
    I played jb2 once... 5 minutes later I banned everyone on the server and then went back to jb1 :)
  8. Smelly
    Tomahawk reacted to Caleb956 in Leaving   
    I'm leaving jb2 now everyone have fun :afro:
  9. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Rejects in [poll] Remove Or Keep Trade_nimbusland On Trade Gaming History   
    As per this thread, it is known that the Blu team is heavily spawn camped by the Reds on this map, The thread had votes on both sides of the spectrum (remove or keep).
    This Poll will stay up for 14 days and when it closes whichever side gets the most votes the map will be kept/removed, The decision of this will be final
    Please keep the discussion clean
    @Bello @Goblins @Moosty @TheSupremePatriot @Vexx @Vixen @Kitsune @Vector @BananaShoes @Tomahawk @SnowyMinion
  10. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Vector in [xg:m]vexx - Team Fortress 2   
  11. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Suiperblade in Remove Trade_nimbusland   
    The map is basically is just a long corridor that red camp preventing the blu form exploring the map, there's a lot of spot near blu spawn where engie can turtle nest and there's even badly made collision spot allowing engie to get to unreachable spot and put their building in place they shouldn't be able without noclip.
    If you play the map as a blu, you're screw
  12. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    Well, it's here.
    The map-pack below contains the following:
    trade_enjucity_a1 alpha
    trade_koganecity_b1c beta
    --- and then some ---
    Also, it contains the original VMF files so anyone can edit the maps that have been packed in the archive. You'll have to extract the additional resources from the BSP files provided.
    TF2 Map Pack.7z
  13. Disagree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Clickbait-y Leaving Thread...   
    Reported for clickbait
    Have fun mrnutty13 (I put a 13 on purpose, what you gon' do 'bout it?)
  14. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Bone in Snowyminion - Team Fortress 2   
    I was, so I can add context
    1. Funny how you only recorded after you got muted. You know, after you were telling the entire server to vote mute a guy just because you didn't like his voice, then proceeded to get muted for calling him a "faggot" over mic
    2. The guy who was using slurs was gagged by me shortly afterwards, so yes it was taken care of
    3. The guy getting slapped sure is strange, considering I was there when this happened and my chat wasn't spammed with the usual "[sM] Player was slapped". Me and Snowy were the only Mods on and neither of us did so
  15. Bad Spelling
    Tomahawk reacted to Tourten in Snowyminion - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    SnowyMinion Staff's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:122068103 Evidence:

    Mutes me when i'm talking about the whole server mute thing where there is a vote mute thing and that some players are lazy to mute someone themselves and then I get muted for "slurs and disrespect" when I did not say a single slur in fact some one else was cussing up a storm in chat and nothing was done about it then i jest see my buddy Parrthurnax getting spam slaped and I have videos on both and unlike last time this time I have Solid proof and witnesses ! Btw the audio is a bit quiet so ill fix that for the future

    The Files are to big for the side so i placed them in my dropbox
  16. Informative
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in Psa: We Updated The Admin Handbook!   
    Good Morning TF2 Staff, your designated Führer here with a special announcement regarding recent events.
    As we promote people, we advise you read the admin handbook to understand what your responsibilities are. I just want to remind you all of the standard protocol.
    [spoiler=An explanation of the WKB-System]How to make a proper punishment
    Some staff members sometimes ask themselves "Should I kick this guy?" or "Should I ban this guy?" or maybe even "How long should I ban this guy for?" These are very good questions to ask yourself before you actually do the slaying, kicking, banning or whatever it is that you are doing. The process usually goes like this for someone breaking a minor rule:
    Warn, then slay (sometimes optional), then kick, then ban.
    When you get to the point where you have to ban them, make sure to use your common sense for how long the ban should last. Don't permanently ban a guy for mic spamming. Ban him for about an hour to week depending on how badly they did it, if people told him to stop multiple times, etc. However, using the WSKB approach isn't always required. For certain situations you can instantly ban for situations like:
    -Majorly intending to troll the entire server. (A day ban)
    -Hacking (Permanent)
    -Mass freekilling (Permanent CT ban)
    -Mass freekilling then leaving the game (Permanent)
    -Taken from the admin handbook: Everything You Need To Know [admins, Servers, Handbook, Etc.]
    Additionally we added two new exceptions in order to make moderating easier:

    Important: Following protocol for punishments are important (Standard: Warn > Mute/Gag > Kick > Ban)! You should follow these steps as it is the best way to handle issues. However there is times that you can skip a few steps. For example: If a player is breaking multiple rules (ex: exploting and spamming), then you are able to jump to kicking the player from the server. If the user returns to the server and resumes doing what he was doing to get kicked for, then you should follow up with a ban.

    Majorly intending to troll the entire server will result in an immediate day ban.

    Your hosts @BelloWaldi and @Goblins signing out.
    Tagging all staff members: @Rejects @Goblins @BelloWaldi @Caleb956 @Fiery8022 @Diamonde @XHina_sanX @lik202 @mrnutty12 @TacoSmasher47 @ArminArmout @BlankThePervert @Bone @Jon_N64 @Moosty @NitNat @SnowyMinion @TheSupremePatriot @PyroBunny @Vexx @BananaShoes @Tomahawk
  17. Smelly
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Rubid1um   
    Tomahawk Tomahawk For Mod!?
  18. Not Funny
    Tomahawk got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Rubid1um   
    Tomahawk Tomahawk For Mod!?
  19. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Owl in Later Nerds.   
    at least I'm still in your signature
  20. RIP
    Tomahawk reacted to ChickenPanda in Later Nerds.   
    stepping down from social media. staying member in case I decide to actually come back one day.
    @Rhododendron I would suggest @TheSupremePatriot considering he's pretty determined and excited about it. if he's still willing, obviously.
    if you care about the reason, you can keep reading. if you came for tl;dr that's all.
    When I started playing WoW, I thought it would be a fun thing for a couple of xG members to do, and we could all play together and raid, specifically in the upcoming expansion. I dozed off and kind of did my own thing while everybody else stayed behind and only raided on the raid days that I set. I got way ahead of everybody, and I'm now raiding mythic (the hardest difficulty) and I get really into the game and serious about it. I simply don't have the time or motivation that I used to for the clan, but I still love everybody here. Not going to tag anyone, you know if I enjoy your presence or not. if you want the link to my guild's discord, message me on forums and I'll give it to anyone that I particularly like. If you want to play wow, you're welcome into my guild, and you may raid with us if you have the desire for it.
    wtb wow division.
    dj darkfoot out.
  21. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Egossi in Gta V Pc?   
    We also have a strict offroad policy, if you decide to go on road we'll get together and shoot you
  22. Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to SnowyMinion in Gta V Pc?   
    ... Yea get it so Egossi can run you over for no reason and drive off road and crash into trains...
  23. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Gta V Pc?   
    I'm down to play. You just have to hit me up. Egossi, Bello, and I usually have a blast playing GTA V.
    You can add me if you want: Propane Sales
  24. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Egossi in Gta V Pc?   
    yeah, i have it for the ps3 as well, i bought it the day gta 5 came out
    it's honestly better in almost if not entirely every single way on PC
    its fun to get together with your friends and play it, @Goblins @BelloWaldi and I play it from time to time, we also played with @SnowyMinion @Bone @Skitters @Insane @FoRgE Gayporneon (idk his forum name) and a few others in the past a lot so yeah buy it and we'll play it
  25. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Goblins in Pyrobunny - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't believe anything else needs to be said.
    As Bello had provided: Use !friendly if you don't want to be killed. Any complaining could result in a gag/mute. It was a five minute gag as well. No reason to get all flustered.
    Don't complain about being killed when there is !friendly. Think about your punishment before you jump the gun and cry "abuse".
    - Closed