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  1. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Owl in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    girls dont exist
  2. F!$k Off
    Shadower reacted to Forest in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Women who are convinced that all men are chauvinistic. Hence, feminazi. I joke, I just had a pretty bad time with a feminist back in University that has left a bad taste in my mouth for any/all feminists. Unfortunately I've seen far more radicals in terms of feminism and they tend to give feminists a bad name/stigma.
    That being said, I'm all for equality and the like and I personally don't have anything against feminists. I just don't appreciate it when people proclaim their opinion to the point of sounding entitled (not that all of them are the same or anything).
  3. F!$k Off
    Shadower reacted to Goblins in What Do You Think Femininity Or Feminism Means?   
    Feminism is basically just the advocacy of women's rights compared to the grounds of men's rights. Basically equality between male and female.
  4. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Vector in Regarding Recent Disrespectful Behaviour   
    This is the like the 10th god damn thread about bullying, toxicity, and all of that bull shit. If you guys are so against bullying, this thread implys you were lenient on it before when you already said you weren't going to stand so why make another thread? Also, you people need to realize that bully will never go away and especially on the internet, especially in f2p game, especially with the already terrible community of TF2 (not just xG). There isn't really anything you people can really do without you guys already trying. You also need to a thicker skin, especially if you're a staff member because you're gonna get shit no matter what you do, and even then, having tougher skin is better because you learn not to take what fat neck beards say on the internet have to say. Am i saying not report it and just forget it? No, but at the same time you gotta learn to take shit and not take it personally. Also the TF2 div have (or had because i haven't been around awhile) some of the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet, if you want this shit to stop, you gotta start with yourself and lead by example, stop huddling together in the tf2 teamspeak channel and trash talking other players not apart of your clique. Also, i see staff do nothing when people get shit on, especially when it comes to the damn trading. Every time i go on the servers and start fucking around killing people, i get shit for killing friendlies and many players do to, and the admins don't do anything. This is also bullying people, something you guys say you are against. i have asked the higher ups to have a code that advertises the !friendly plugin but that (from last i have been on) has not been implemented. Some people don't even know this INCREDIBLY USEFUL plugin exists. Also if you have a problem with another xG member, don't be such a fucking pussy and talk shit behind their backs. Tell them directly what they are doing wrong and why it upsets you or other players. Also, this isn't just for the TF2 division, this also extends to the CSGO div, if you see an admin breaking rules especially a DL breaking rules and you're pissed off about it, fucking do something about it, and if the higher ups, including the CLs don't do anything, it's time to leave because this place won't change with that sort of attitude. I now forget what i had to say because it's 1 am and im tired playing vidya.
    Good Luck.
    EDIT: Also answer the damn !calladmin plugin.
  5. Disagree
    Shadower reacted to Giraffes in Who Do You Think Will Win The 2016 Us Election   
    The only reason I don't want Bernie to win is because, socialism does not work. We can not just make everything free and raise taxes.
  6. Funny
    Shadower reacted to Chiraq in Chiraq - Forum   

    Forum In-Game Name:

    Cringe/Johnson Steam ID:

    No really needed here Ban Type:

    Communications Ban Information:

    So this is my third account. All of my other ones get banned for being an alt account of DasMowski but I'm not an alt of him. I'm just a real person trying to join your forum but all of my accounts get perma banned within 24 hours. Me and Dasmowski are friends from school and he recommended me to join. Why would he make alt accounts in the first place? He has no reason to and it makes no sense but nazi mods ban me for no reason everytime. They have also IP banned our school which is ridiculous considering my reasons for account bans are not accurate. On my first account I trolled a bit which is fair but a perma ban for that is insane and on my second account I literally did nothing wrong and was banned almost immediately.
  7. Like
    Shadower reacted to Rejects in Some "small" Changes   
    So I've made some "Small" changes :
    To VSH/FF2/Hale I have added :
    Playpoints back to Hale since it still works perfectly fine (homing bonk and fly-blasting is still disabled)
    Blitzkrieg back to Hale to compensate for playpoints
    I have also Removed :
    Explosive Projectiles due to huntsman snipers/rescue ranger engies and crossbow medics from jumping around and delaying the round
    No Self Damage from Hale due to the explosive projectiles plugin causing excessive round delay
    Spells from Hale due to spell spam ie 3 people with the monoculus spell can use it 3 times causing a lot of lag
    To Jailbreak #1 I have added several songs :
    (I'm embedding the videos in spoilers to save space)
    Take on Me by a-ha : [spoiler=Video Link]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914
    Jump - Kriss Kross : [spoiler=Video Link]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010KyIQjkTk
    That one song by George Michael : [spoiler=Video Link] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ
    Cooking by the Book Remix - [spoiler= "Video Link"]Lazy Town ft. Lil Jon : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5KxZ5Lc_YA
    PEPSI ☆ MAN : [spoiler= "Video Link"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_9SsX7HJhE
    And last but not least the most overused piece of music ever
    Royalty Free Ukulele : [spoiler= "Video Link"] Royalty Free- (Carefree Ukulele) Background music - (Free Download)
    [spoiler= "Video Link"]

    Whenever I add something new I'm going to post it here

    Thanks to @FoRgE for helping
  8. Sad
    Shadower reacted to DemonicDisaster in Regarding Recent Disrespectful Behaviour   
    I've been informed that people are talking about me but they won't tell me who exactly.
    So I just avoid TS and other staff as a whole most of the time. I'm not really trying to, but it's not like it's going to change anyway.
  9. Friendly
    Shadower reacted to realBelloWaldi in Regarding Recent Disrespectful Behaviour   
    Good Morning TF2 Division, your designated Führer here with a special announcement regarding recent events.
    It seems that over the recent weeks there has been a growing increase of targeted bullying, whether it is behind peoples backs or directly to them, I want to make this clear that bullying in any form is unacceptable in XenoGamers, and the Upper Staff will NOT be so lenient if this has been reported, if staff is found to be a part of this bullying they will risk immediate demotion, this is a serious matter and there will be zero tolerance.
    People lose their trust in our staff, this shall not happen.
    Regarding these recent events, anyone with evidence of disrespectful behaviour on the servers or forums is encouraged to come forward to the Staff, alternatively, they can create a Ban Request, Member Protest or message one of us higher ups directly!
    This has been brought up because of similar cases over the recent months, but for the sake of the members, they will not be named.
    All tf2 staff members will be tagged, however, this applies for every member as well.:
    @Fiery8022 @Diamonde @lik202 @XHina_sanX @Matsi @NitNat @ArminArmout @PyroBunny @TacoSmasher47 @matthewbt @Blizzard @Janal @Nutty @Thunder @Tekage @TheSupremePatriot @gaming.dylan @Goblins
    Special credits to @FoRgE for overhauling this thread.
  10. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Hushpuppy in Who Do You Think Will Win The 2016 Us Election   
    Trump is the closest margin, but it still has Bernie winning by like 4 points. The thing is people will most likely come out to vote just so Trump doesn't get elected.
  11. Disagree
    Shadower reacted to Hushpuppy in Who Do You Think Will Win The 2016 Us Election   
    If Bernie beats Clinton in the primaries, then he's basically guaranteed a win against any Republican according to polls, so that's what I'm hoping for.
  12. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Barmithian in Dasmowski - Forum   
    As I recall, we had some issues with you and your "friend" in the past. He did a lot more than barely anything, and demanding him to be unbanned is not a good start if you want to fix that. Not sure what I think about this yet.
    @kbraszzz @icantrememberwhoisclnow
  13. Drunk
    Shadower reacted to DasMowski in Dasmowski - Forum   

    Forum In-Game Name:

    Johnson Steam ID:

    Not Necessary Ban Type:

    Communications Ban Information:

    My dear friend was banned for alt account trolling, but the thing is, it was his main. Besides he barely did anything. So unban him immediately.
  14. F!$k Off
    Shadower reacted to Tomahawk in Facebook Coverphoto   
    add a character relating to league and tell them that it's reserved for CL's
  15. F!$k Off
    Shadower reacted to ChickenPanda in Facebook Coverphoto   
    The only issue I have with the current one is it has games in it that we don't even have divisions for. If people come to the page for the first time and see the worgen and are like, "Sweet! I can get involved with a WoW guild!" they'll come to the site and be disappointed at the lack of the game featured in the cover photo.
    However, that's just my opinion. I also agree with the whole color scheme thing being off, but I'm not horribly OCD about it.
  16. Like
    Shadower reacted to Forge in Who Do You Think Will Win The 2016 Us Election   
    I never understood the American train of thought really, we have free college for anyone under the age of 19, so it's fairly normal over here, plus the only time we ever really care about votes is to avoid the Scottish National Party getting into Parliament. ;) @Rejects
    But from what I can see in terms of American Politics, I hope Bernie Sanders wins, just because his promises actually make sense.
    Trumps an idealistic half-wit who clearly can't see that he will not 'build a wall and make Mexico pay for it'.
  17. Like
    Shadower reacted to Dethman in Dasmowski - Forum   
  18. RIP
    Shadower reacted to ArminArmout in The Cringe Thead!   
  19. Like
    Shadower reacted to Matsi in My New 3d Printer   
    Just got a 3d printer, it's awesome fun to use, tho it takes hours to print anything... Here's in progress pictures of the case I am printing for my Galaxy S6 Edge
    The Filiment is a purple and it changes to pink when it heats up. so like if my phone gets hot or I am holding it those areas will turn pink! Pretty cool stuff! :)
    Dropbox - phone case printing



  20. F!$k Off
    Shadower reacted to OneGlove in [redacted]   
    i swear im just here for the dank memes and pizza
  21. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Egossi in [redacted]   
    There he is, there he goes again! The whole mighty canadian railroadman is once again out the clan! Have fun wrestling with bears while playing hockey, cya in 2 weeks with your "IM BACK" thread, or should I say "IM BACH" thread hahaha (get it???)
    End my misery
  22. Optimistic
    Shadower reacted to Bach in [redacted]   
    Be back one day bbys.
    Keep my membership cause you never know.
  23. Agree
    Shadower reacted to Fiery8022 in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    Ok time for my two cents. We all know that he abused recently and while I don't think it was a good example for how people should use their powers I do believe that what he did (while a little overkill) was in the wrong his intention was pure. With that I would +1 on the fact that he acted to stop rule breaker. I'm by no means saying donators should abuse instead of calling staff or just recording it to punish the rule breaker when staff comes online. I would say that if he understands what he did wrong and is willing to grow from it i would love to see him get mod (or at least probation like janal). There is no reason in my mind that he shouldn't be given the chance to show that he is mature enough to be a mod.
  24. Funny
    Shadower reacted to Scootaloo in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    Absolutely powerless to do anything, except...I dunno...use the calladmin bot, or message me on Steam to come handle it, because I was on at the same time. But no, instead it was decided to take matters into your own hands and abuse the donator system in order to punish a wrongdoer. Sorry m8o, but that's not our M.O. around here.
    Toma's a great guy and everything, but I can't stand behind making him a mod just yet. The reaction I received when I was forced to remove his donator powers was "lolworthit". I'm not sure that's someone I can fully trust with running our servers, but then again, I haven't really seen much of him since then. I mean, he may have matured and grown out of it. Hell if I know.
    Not going to +1 or -1 on this one. I'll remain neutral and see how the others feel. Like I said, Toma's a great guy, but I feel like the power abuse thing could be an issue. I'll see what others think and reflect on their input before making a final decision.
    (Not a personal attack. Just my perspective.)
  25. Drunk
    Shadower reacted to Avenger in [xg] Avenger - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    [xG] Avenger Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:108211387 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    17 days Age:

    15 Experience:

    Only a member Information:

    I have been playing on the xG Servers for awhile, I joined xG in the past to have a title for myself in the servers, I have been very supportive to new members. And telling them how the rules work, I want to apply because i have been motivated by other moderators and admins to take a lead in the TF2 Server.