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  1. Random
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Mr.LogicToast   
    Hearing what happened with Tuna, I'm gonna go ahead and -1 until it's resolved. This kind of highlights Grape's point of his lack of maturity and responsibility, no?
  2. Ding!
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in TF is nuclear dawn tho   
    I don't think people hate you, I certainly don't. I just think you need to stop spamming because it's kind of annoying
  3. Feels Bad Man
    Kypari reacted to MJP in Mr.LogicToast   
    Ummmm vac, I know you speak good English but you need to work on your grammar xD 
  4. Make xG Great Again
    Kypari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in TF is nuclear dawn tho   
    I thought you weren't going to make anymore threads

  5. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from FrostyBoiGrim in Mr.LogicToast   
    You don't play on surf. He primarily plays on surf. Are you sure you're not just vouching off what you've seen in the past from like what, a year ago?
  6. Friendly
    Kypari got a reaction from Spirit in _ymir   
    Its about time you applied, I see you on the servers all the time. Really active, nice guy, and perfectly represents a great member for xG. +1 From me!
  7. Funny
    Kypari reacted to virr in [applicationformfield_7] - [applicationformfield_6]   
    Memes aside, i have no idea why he does this but we made a deal. Included some more screenshots if you care for those. Last chance


  8. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to pokechu13 in pokechu13   
    In-Game Name
    Pokechu13 Division
    Team Fortress 2 Previous Member
    No Identity
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pokechu13 Age
    21 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    07:54:27h Reason for Joining
    Well, I like to play and talk with all the user's on the [xG] Trade Gaming History tf2 server, making new friends and pretty much have fun. I doubt I'll become a member of [xG] but I'm still having fun with you guys.
  9. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Vacindak in Mr.LogicToast   
    You don't play on surf. He primarily plays on surf. Are you sure you're not just vouching off what you've seen in the past from like what, a year ago?
  10. Informative
    Kypari reacted to hongkongatron in Mr.LogicToast   
    This is speaking for a combination for all of my experiences/interactions with him, spanning from a year ago to as recent as several weeks ago. Your concern is appreciated, but I am vouching based off of relevance of recentness rather than that one time he called me a doofushead 10 years ago. People can change.
  11. Random
    Kypari got a reaction from hongkongatron in Mr.LogicToast   
    You don't play on surf. He primarily plays on surf. Are you sure you're not just vouching off what you've seen in the past from like what, a year ago?
  12. Thinking
    Kypari reacted to hongkongatron in Mr.LogicToast   
    -1 A:9 M:4
    Despite my not playing surf, I can still vouch for his lack of maturity and responsibility when he comes on other servers. I’ve seen little to no demonstration of a wish to help out that I can take seriously, as I feel he’s often floating in the clouds, rather than taking advantage of opportunities to assist the server. Activity doesn’t translate to eligibility. 
  13. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from Tekk in TF is nuclear dawn tho   
    I thought you weren't going to make anymore threads

  14. Like
    Kypari reacted to Dannypicacho in Mr.LogicToast   
    hey guys csgo admin here but uhhhhhhhhhhh
    if this is saying the n word that you're talking about, I don't think this applies at all
    if somebody goes to klan meetings and starts honestly rambling on about how he hates the "inferior race" that's still hate speech...
    obviously you're right about the "everyone does things they regret" and if he said the n word in the past then it's time to let go and everyone else is saying good things about him, but if he IS saying the n word that wouldn't be proper behavior for a staff member
    I get your point frosty, but sometimes they way you put it just isn't quite right.
    Besides that, I don't know anything about this man, just here to bug frosty ?
    Good luck on moderator, Logic!
  15. Feels Bad Man
    Kypari reacted to Tatost in Does anyone hink im decent?   
    that's really toxic man wtf
  16. Informative
    Kypari got a reaction from FrostyBoiGrim in Mr.LogicToast   
    Evidence isn't required for input on staff applications or member applications. They help but aren't mandatory and since logic mostly uses mic, it's not easy to get demos unless you record 24/7 or have shadowplay
  17. Feels Bad Man
    Kypari reacted to Genocide in @Genocide   
    Half of these people who are fucking @ing me don't even know what the fuck it's for, I shouldn't open up the forums and have fucking 25+ notifications from this damn post and my profile, i'm going to commit toaster bath if this doesn't stop ? 
  18. Disagree
    Kypari got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Sniper   
    I find medics more frustrating by far. You are essentially fighting 2 people if the medic is not actively healing them after giving them overheal, and it also negates a lot of what all of the classes give because of it. The regen as well as overheal that medic brings with his medi gun unbalances teams so much if the other team doesn't have one to the point I'd rather leave than play sometimes unless I'm in a mood where I'm just moping around
  19. Thinking
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in Mr.LogicToast   
    Evidence isn't required for input on staff applications or member applications. They help but aren't mandatory and since logic mostly uses mic, it's not easy to get demos unless you record 24/7 or have shadowplay
  20. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Vacindak in Mr.LogicToast   
    Meh, proof helps but isn't mandatory. The say of one of our members or staff is good enough input really. I haven't vouched yet :3
  21. Informative
    Kypari got a reaction from Vacindak in Mr.LogicToast   
    Evidence isn't required for input on staff applications or member applications. They help but aren't mandatory and since logic mostly uses mic, it's not easy to get demos unless you record 24/7 or have shadowplay
  22. Got It
    Kypari got a reaction from MJP in Mr.LogicToast   
    Meh, proof helps but isn't mandatory. The say of one of our members or staff is good enough input really. I haven't vouched yet :3
  23. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to Red in Mr.LogicToast   
    Can you provide proof of him saying the nword? Maybe chatlogs or dem of him saying it on mic and if he says it all the time. He's only gotten gagged twice back in 2017 and muted for staff disrespect i don't see anything about racism and if you claim he does maybe get others to vouch who have seen him say anything racist.
    Cause your just making false accusations and making yourself look bad.
    I'll keep my vouch neutral since i don't know him. 
  24. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from QueenOfHearts in Mr.LogicToast   
    I think that's implied with what queen said, could be wrong but
  25. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Vacindak in Mr.LogicToast   
    Hello Everyone.
    ..... tak tak tak tak tak tak ? ... i don't really like to make a huge writing about this topic but i feel  need to express my idea and my honest opinion about it.
    well let's start. 
    I know logic for almost 3 years now.
    He was playing at the surf server quite long , even i can say  he is One of the oldie's group here in surf.
    As normal and regular Member who wants to help our community, Logic at the past wanted to Apply for mod in january 22 , 2017 but his methods were quite desperate.
    i'm not going to enter in details because the past is in past and we need to focus at the present now. 
    He is fair active on the server now , He improve so much , Now He is more respectful and mature.
    I know that, I saw his improvement all the time and i'm completly sure this time he is not deseparte to get staff anymore. 
    Other point i want to mention is about drugs.
    I know.... People have diferent opinions.
    I don't want to make PEOPLE argue about it,
    RESPECT OTHER OPINIONS AND IDEAS, If you don't agree with me is ok, But please!!! , always with respect. 
    People are free, In my honest opinion , i don't see any problem about it.  You can not judge him because of that, He can do whatever he want always respecting the rules and not hurting anyone on the process. 
    Logic smokes weeb and i saw him high in the server , However . i've seen him being respectful and kind in that condition Even More than Other members. I've never seem him abusing his donator powers or being Extremly mad because someone kill him many times on game. Apart from that, he is helping our staff members, saying who is spawnkilling or telling staff if there are building at spawn. 
    he already has showed us his maturity and capacity to resolve problems.
    I think ..............sorry This is not the appropiate word ... Ok let's do it again.
    Just give him one chance , for the love of snakes ,We are going to lose this oportunity to get him as a mod Jesus. ?
    And no.... I've never heard him saying that.
    Even he is extremly becareful seleting his words, so you are comfusing him for other person. Plop!
    Good luck LOGICO :D  +1