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Status Updates posted by Tekk

  1. The new Super Smash Bros came out in the UK. I main Palutena ^^
    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Swift


      flame shields up, but seriously
    3. SireScumbo


      Alright alright, let's stop this argument, play what you want. I may have escalated shit, and I'm sorry. Lets not get into a fight over stupid shit.
    4. Swift


      im sorry too, that's why i wanted to discuss this somewhere else
  2. What would you do if three 13 year-olds were licking and throwing candy at you and your girlfriend?
    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Dethman


      shit wrong link. Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNn4KyPy1B0
    3. Tekk
    4. Dethman


      http://youtu.be/luAucPEL-78?t=7s My all time favorite quote
  3. Got my dream unusual! Ha, I beat you to it @[51642:@Hachi] .3.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tekk


      Well I like it so
    3. SupremeWolf


      You brits and bad tastes
    4. BonfireCentipede


      Yeah, blizzardy storm would look better, i have it. Buy it plz.
  4. Cooking with Tekage @[106409:@FoRgE] @[106569:@Christian]
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tekk


      @[106409:@FoRgE] (And his Bible) @[106441:@Yuuki] @[106787:@RinAoi] @[2889:@kbraszzz]
    3. RinAoi


      We were the best mystery crew, we may have died in like 2 minutes... but we still were the best o_O
    4. Tekk


  5. I think I have been cured from Weebitis; I don't watch anime anymore at all and I have taken down my anime posters and everything <3
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tekk


      I NEED a Panda poster now ;-;
    3. StarmiX


      You have gone one step closer to achieve happiness my child.
    4. Tekk
  6. Anyone got snapchat? Send usernames :coffee:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arnude



    3. Tekk


      is it? no issues so far lmao

    4. Precious


      cieheart8, I'm not super active but bleh

  7. Aho!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kypari


      Holy shit wtf do you watch XD
    3. Tekk


      What the fuck did I just watch? XD
    4. Ohstopyou


      I don't even know, lol.
  8. #FreeKypari
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SupremeWolf


      Honestly Kypari should stay banned. From what I heard he's been startin flame wars.
    3. Dethman


      he started stuff with flareon but flareon continued the argument with pointless insults and. Kypari really needs to stop starting flame wars but he was not the only one in the wrong.
    4. Kypari


      Wow, you guys are huge scrubs, talking about me all the time.
  9. xG smells
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kypari


      Jingle bells, xG smells, ___________________________
    3. realBelloWaldi


      Ok I'm posting it later
    4. Tekk


      Smelly Butts
  10. > Makes a ban request because someone said Hitler was right for killing gays > Gets threatened to be banned for no reason. GG 10/10 - IGN
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dethman


      I did not threaten to ban you, i stated something i felt should be done if he will be banned.
    3. Kypari


      You can't prove we did anything. Plus, I was already banned once for disrespect. That pretty much means I start fresh, which I'm trying to do. You also made up things. When did I ever say anything about nuking people? That is the last thing I'd ever say, and I probably haven't even said nuke for a year.
    4. Goblin
  11. TF2 Division is going downhill, in my opinion.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dethman


      Chicken panda is right, you just see the bad side of things
    3. Tekk


      Maybe. It's also Trade Gaming and I used to play that all of the time but now that's dead
    4. Fink


      you just realized that now?
  12. If I can sum up everything that has happened here up until now it would be: Fuck.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tekk
    3. Swift


      why would that be? i dont get it
    4. Tekk


      Just shitstorms are constantly occurring and Bonfire and Kitty were the first people I met properly on xG
  13. You know you're cheap when you download a TF2 mod to make your non-australiums looks australium
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tekk


      I did it for my old Vintage Pro Killstreak Axtinguisher XD
    3. Forge
    4. BonfireCentipede


      Ouch, right in the austrailiums.
  14. My school is really fucking stupid.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tekk


      I found out what grades I'm getting today, and despite getting a B in my Music exam, it got changed to a D because we did another exam which we weren't told was an exam nor did anything like it before
    3. Kittylicious


      I hate surprise exams although I usually get A's
    4. Tekk


      I would usually get A's and A*/A+s. but apparently today is not the day. I'm just glad it's not my final exam
  15. Everyone is leaving :c
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tekk


      Yeah, red flag :/
    3. April


      The Tactical Noot is Incoming... *Noot Noot...*
    4. Fwutters


      ^ noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot, pingu, pingu?
  16. For Halloween, me and Kypari went as each other. I'm not even joking.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tekk


      Actually we did. I wore my hair like Kypari and Kypari wore his hair like me and we wore each other's hoodies and stuff. It was actually perfect <:
    3. Egossi


      but you are twins, i thought twins dressed up like each other and wore their hair like each other all the time :/ nice to hear you guys had a fun time doe, we don't have halloween in turkey sadly :c
    4. Kypari


      We barely celebrate halloween in England, we just had a party because parties are fun. Twins don't dress up like each other purposefully unless they're doing it for fun or a picture, hence why you'd see pictures of twins wearing the same clothes (etc)
  17. Slit the throat of reason and reality Cut myself and scream for their insanity Wake up to this nightmare that will never end ♫
    1. Tsuchikure
    2. Tekk


      It is pretty edgy to be honest ;-;
    3. Egossi


      Slit the throatneck of reason and reality overused memes are funny amirite
  18. Just reached 2000 kills on my Flame Thrower without being W+M1 Pyro. Proud of myself .3.
    1. Barmithian


      That's what they all say
    2. Tekk
    3. Ohstopyou


      Tekage is my peero bruber c:
  19. Fuck you life. Go kill yourself... ʷᵃᶦᵗ
    1. Haruka
    2. Dethman


      hold on, i am getting the gun ;c (not really <3)
    3. April


      ʷᵃᶦᵗ... Go fudge yourself life. You kill
  20. I sure hope @[51642:@Hachi] likes @[51891:@SupremeWolf] 's throat down her throat
    1. SupremeWolf


      Maybe I should make another alias on top of my alias.
    2. Tekk
    3. Haruka
  21. I sold my dream unusual for unusual overpay :c
    1. Nomulous


      gimme some:3
    2. Ohstopyou
    3. Tekk


      It's disgusting but Kypari forced me :c
  22. I built the yellow submarine on xG Minecraft but then the map got reset. I wrote the entire song on the wall. #Wealldiedinayellowsubmarine
    1. April


      Live in a Yellow Submarine, Life is a Submarine. It has its Cracks and Dints. but you eventually get there.
    2. Haruka


      Its ok tekky I can provide any colored wool you need and we can make another in my water city when I get to building it.
    3. April


  23. If you try to eat me, I will eat you first.
    1. Swift


      imma bite your butt
    2. SupremeWolf


      I'll slap yo shit. No Vore in my house!