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Whyte last won the day on August 24 2016

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About Whyte

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  1. How is my reputation positive

    1. ProjectXenome


      Because you're a good boy


    2. Frusty


      How am I even still here?

  2. Omg is that my guy Caleb. Go Caleb. Damn this promo/demo is a throwback Wonder if me posting is also that ?
  3. Lol the only thread I still get email notifications on. Back to being a ghost now.
  4. #STEPDOWNSQUAD One of us...... One of us.....
  5. I'm Whyte, and also white. HAHA. Kill me.
    1. Thorax_


      Well, look who's back. Welcome back @[107149:@Whyte]. How have you been?
  6. #LGBTHistory month over
  7. You do realize that you have vouched already, correct?
  8. I understand what you mean by this, and I completely agree with the idea people change. Adults definitely have a lesser chance, but they surely can. When I wrote what I did regarding this submission, I was thinking about his previous mod. behavior and how well he managed the position. I know its a very small detail, and something probably he didn't mean poorly, but even seeing, under age, either 20 or 21, kinda set me off. These applications for me, and staff especially, are meant to be more formal, I'm completely aware that this is for a gaming community of a lot of memers. But applying for power, if its serious, should be kept clean and to the point. ^again this is super my opinion whether higher ups agree with that view of formality and professionalism is by them^ Sorry, just wanted to write a bit more clarification, I wrote my first thing at around 5 AM without sleep, so it might be a bit messy.
  9. The reason was withheld, because this was when the current xG DMs/DLs, were being pushed to start not necessarily having to see someone abuse to be demoted from mod/admin, it was a test run to see how unaware people would react to this new way of demotion, so people who weren't fit for the position and needed time or a better attitude could be demoted, Flareon had his abuses reported to him multiple times by dams, fellow staff members, etc. so along with that he fit into the private reason, he abused random staff commands which you wouldn't think could be abused, like I believe one of them was friendly, he would constantly bait non friendly people to go after him, along with other stuff used on randoms he was demoted. Now on to my vouch something that regards this thread more. -1 I'd like to believe people change like a lot of people in this thread. However, I find people have an easier time changing when it is only one small thing, and Flareon, or Red Eevee now, has many that bother me when considering him for staff. He was very immature, constantly being rude or sassy towards people who wouldn't give him his ideal scenario, for example back when I put up a ban request on Jolteon for scamming, I went into the teamspeak to instantly hear the unaware of my presence florin, trashing me to my friends, calling me a C**T, because I, arguably, was the reason his friend was banned. So going back to the abuse, that was a serious problem, and it took way too many warnings to get him demoted in the first place, he got warning after warning yet continued to abuse to the point of demotion. As a fellow staff member at the time, it was very annoying to have regulars messaging me to ask him not to do this and that, to complain multiple times to higher ups and ask other staff members why he was still mod. Also on that, because he was unfit to be a mod in the first place at the time, he never made admin, he was mod for a couple months, but couldn't pass the training threshold to become one. Personally it is my understanding, that mods are supposed to be admins in training, obviously some will be demoted sooner and given reconsideration at another point, but it was so quick as that. If Flareon doesn't have the mental capacity or ability to succeed as an admin, he shouldn't be a Mod. On a positive side he was a quite active mod, except for when he had to be constantly kicked off of Pokemon for AFK farming hours, and taking up a spot from another player, which he was also on multiple occasions was told to stop. He was good with responding to Calladmins, how fulfilled those calladmins were I can't say. I can't speak for his current activity, because of me now returning to TF2, but judging the +1s he's received, he obviously has shown his face on servers quite a bit. I'm sorry yet again, for my continued bluntness and brutal honesty, but I will stop myself for now, because I assume my point and opinion/view has been expressed. I wish you the best of luck on your submission TL:DR -1 I believe he would not be fit for position, and strongly view against this for consideration.
  10. Maybe I'll get active again, idk, yet.
  11. Not to encourage you but spamming twice isn't very
  12. Throwback to JOLTEON. And yes he was a MEMBER who also scammed outside but scamming is still scamming, if you do it outside our servers, what guarantees our community that we won't have a future problem with you scamming one of the other players on xG servers. Also am I this only one who thinks this ban protest is wayyyyy too sus? Like not even reasons just like an "unban me plez" like pretty sure batting your eyes and saying please doesn't make us cave in too well ;)
  13. OVERWATCH kills me I just want Mac support and/or a pc
  14. Well fuck we only had the servers the time scootaloo took to write this promo demo but I think we had a good run. Better then mine craft amirite? Rip runescape
  15. this was my stripper name #tb