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Reputation Activity

  1. Funny
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Spydyr_Byte in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
  2. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Osiris in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Server: Pokemon Trade and Trade Gaming History
    Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion
    What is your bug/suggestion?: [TF2] Trade Requests - AlliedModders
  3. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Squid in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
    i have no knowledge about macs but i dont think scoot used mspaint to make his "leprachaun" picture
  4. Not Funny
    Thorax_ reacted to Doggy in Teamspeak Bot   
    Who let the dogs out lenny
  5. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Egossi in Xeno Gamers | Contest Links   
    I like the concept of this thread, I'll participate when I get back home
  6. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Scootaloo in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
    I really only have one question about all this...
  7. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Scootaloo in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
    I never thought this would be my 1000th post.
    Enjoy it you filthy animals. #1000thPost

  8. Bad Spelling
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Squid in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
    @Scootaloo o-o
  9. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to mrnutty12 in Samualo   
    Neato guy who is pretty darn friendly. Would be a good member indeed. +1
  10. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to Thunder in Thunder   
    this was joke but ok.
    I honestly wanted -1s
  11. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Kypari in Scootaloo's School Shooting Photograph   
    @Scootaloo o-o
  12. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from RuBid1uM in Spydyr_byte   
    I would keep it open. Ask other members in the server to vouch for you. Im sure some would be willing to vouch. ;)
  13. Informative
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Forest in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    I only have the ability to put 10 questions in one survey. I will be looking for other survey programs if necessary.
    I also will consider making your suggested changes.
  14. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Spydyr_Byte in Spydyr_byte   
  15. Disagree
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    As much as I dislike the map itself, it's very very popular on TGH, so we have to consider the reaction that the removal of the map would get. I doubt it would be anything crazy but it's definitely something to keep in mind.
    Otherwise it's way too bright and has reportedly caused people to leave the server while I have been on and has no relation to Gaming History whatsoever. I see no reason for it to be on the map rotation.
    So if this vouch counts towards anything then +1
  16. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Forest in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    For future reference (and just as a suggestion), you may want to consider a section that caters to a specific Division for more accurate results.
    For example:
    Question - Which of the following Divisions do you spend the most time in? *This will apply to any specific questions regarding Division following this question.
    - TF2
    - CSGO
    - Gmod
    - Nuclear Dawn
    - Minecraft
    It will help narrow down the problem areas instead of a general opinion on the entirety of Servers since a large portion of our Players/Members tend to stick to one particular Division. It will also give the Higher-Ups an easier time to determine/address the problem areas directly.
    I'd also suggest including a "Not Applicable" option for some of these questions so that those who take the survey can select the proper option and the results will not give any false positives; meaning that if a user is not familiar with any of the provided options, they can opt out of the question by selecting Not Applicable.
  17. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Aczel in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    I have created the survey out of curiosity,
    All responses will be shared between @Rhododendron , @Aegean and I.
    Click here to take the survey
    -->Xeno Gamers Official Community Feedback Survey <--
    EDIT: Survey has been moved from SurveyMonkey to Google Forms.
  18. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Forest in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    I have created the survey out of curiosity,
    All responses will be shared between @Rhododendron , @Aegean and I.
    Click here to take the survey
    -->Xeno Gamers Official Community Feedback Survey <--
    EDIT: Survey has been moved from SurveyMonkey to Google Forms.
  19. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Aegean in Xenogamers Community Feedback Survey   
    I have created the survey out of curiosity,
    All responses will be shared between @Rhododendron , @Aegean and I.
    Click here to take the survey
    -->Xeno Gamers Official Community Feedback Survey <--
    EDIT: Survey has been moved from SurveyMonkey to Google Forms.
  20. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to SnowyMinion in I Bought A Collector's Sticky Jumper, What Should I Name It?   
    Sticks and stones may break my bones
    But self-damage ain't doing shit to me
  21. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Bone in I Bought A Collector's Sticky Jumper, What Should I Name It?   
    "Collector's Crutch" :^)
    But seriously, maybe something like:
    "Alcoholic Aviation"
    "Boozed Bounder"
    "Plastered Explosives"
    "Jump Drunk"
    I could go on but you get the idea...
  22. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    The plugin was removed!
  23. Ding!
    Thorax_ reacted to shwash in I Bought A Collector's Sticky Jumper, What Should I Name It?   
    I was thinking something like
    "On the Wings of Alcoholism"
    Make a suggestion or whatever if you want.
    Thanks in advanced!
  24. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from shwash in I Bought A Collector's Sticky Jumper, What Should I Name It?   
    Name : When getting drunk isn't enough
    Desc : I use this to get high
  25. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to X_AR in Buh-bye   
    I, Just want to share with everyone my view of the server so they know how I feel every time I join
    me: HEY GUYS
    People on the server: FUCKING KYS
    Its really offending and I don't understand why I can't make anyone nice.
    I try to I mean I really try to cheer some people up but then they start dragging me down and Its very depressing
    XenoGamers, Was my very first Jailbreak and minigames server, I loved it till i got a mic, After I got a mic I would take and fuck words up. Then I would get bullied for that. Also recently I was muted for "singling a player out" When whenever i join People fucking Singling me out but the mods don't do shit, When i was banned i was banned for trolling panda, I SWEAR TO YOU, if anyone else did that the mods would've left.
    I try to get a new start and drift away from my past but this server doesn't let me.
    Btw i wont be joining, so im just going to say this