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  1. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    I think you can still vouch since at the end of the day it's a higherup decision. Even if you're not a member your opinion still helps :coffee:
  2. Winner
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    :shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd: CLARURO COLURO!!! :o
    :rip::rip::rip:ESSSEEE SKELETOO QUE VIVE DENTRO DE TU ARMARIO!!! :rip::rip::rip:...casi rompo la mesa,haaay concha de mono! /almost break my table! :o ...
    Para celebrar tu retorno tomare mis bebidas prohibidas/To celebrate your return , I´m going to drink my forbidden drinks!


    firma oficial de vacindak (+1)
    To express it like@Bello
    Yes yes NIT NAT
    NitNat essen Kätzchen. Sie ist sehr schlecht in Team Fortress 2 surfen. Ich scherze natürlich, sie würde eine gute mod machen.:british:
    1,2,3,4! Tiririririririririririr tritirtirtirtrii ESO ESO ESO!! :afro:
    TUNA WHAT TIME IS IT?:johncena:
  3. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to Dylanm345 in What Made You Join Xg   
    My friend showed me the surf server(tf2) and its really the only server i play on anymore. I met all the normal players who are staff on the servers like vacindak, and then I wanted to be like him, a nice mod who everyone loves. So im just trying to live up to that and have been here ever since.
  4. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Sancock in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    My best song ever :afro:
    +1 7w7
  5. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Egossi in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    :shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd: CLARURO COLURO!!! :o
    :rip::rip::rip:ESSSEEE SKELETOO QUE VIVE DENTRO DE TU ARMARIO!!! :rip::rip::rip:...casi rompo la mesa,haaay concha de mono! /almost break my table! :o ...
    Para celebrar tu retorno tomare mis bebidas prohibidas/To celebrate your return , I´m going to drink my forbidden drinks!


    firma oficial de vacindak (+1)
    To express it like@Bello
    Yes yes NIT NAT
    NitNat essen Kätzchen. Sie ist sehr schlecht in Team Fortress 2 surfen. Ich scherze natürlich, sie würde eine gute mod machen.:british:
    1,2,3,4! Tiririririririririririr tritirtirtirtrii ESO ESO ESO!! :afro:
    TUNA WHAT TIME IS IT?:johncena:
  6. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to yesstergi in Selfie Sunday   
    sexy beast
  7. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    Picture of soon to be vac

  8. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    :shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd: CLARURO COLURO!!! :o
    :rip::rip::rip:ESSSEEE SKELETOO QUE VIVE DENTRO DE TU ARMARIO!!! :rip::rip::rip:...casi rompo la mesa,haaay concha de mono! /almost break my table! :o ...
    Para celebrar tu retorno tomare mis bebidas prohibidas/To celebrate your return , I´m going to drink my forbidden drinks!


    firma oficial de vacindak (+1)
    To express it like@Bello
    Yes yes NIT NAT
    NitNat essen Kätzchen. Sie ist sehr schlecht in Team Fortress 2 surfen. Ich scherze natürlich, sie würde eine gute mod machen.:british:
    1,2,3,4! Tiririririririririririr tritirtirtirtrii ESO ESO ESO!! :afro:
    TUNA WHAT TIME IS IT?:johncena:
  9. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Aegean in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   
    :shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd::shrekd: CLARURO COLURO!!! :o
    :rip::rip::rip:ESSSEEE SKELETOO QUE VIVE DENTRO DE TU ARMARIO!!! :rip::rip::rip:...casi rompo la mesa,haaay concha de mono! /almost break my table! :o ...
    Para celebrar tu retorno tomare mis bebidas prohibidas/To celebrate your return , I´m going to drink my forbidden drinks!


    firma oficial de vacindak (+1)
    To express it like@Bello
    Yes yes NIT NAT
    NitNat essen Kätzchen. Sie ist sehr schlecht in Team Fortress 2 surfen. Ich scherze natürlich, sie würde eine gute mod machen.:british:
    1,2,3,4! Tiririririririririririr tritirtirtirtrii ESO ESO ESO!! :afro:
    TUNA WHAT TIME IS IT?:johncena:
  10. Like
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in Nitnat - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    NitNat Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:86302719 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    3ish years Age:

    17 Experience:

    used to be a mod/stepped down because I knew I'd be inactive as frick Donated:

    Yes Information:

    Came back a while ago after leaving xG before summer started. Been active once again for a decent length in time so I'd want to make use in that and reapply as a staff member
  11. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to yesstergi in Selfie Sunday   
    @virr >:)
  12. Useful
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thunder in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    I think she should be a mod because there are few staff especially in Deathrun and other servers SO it´s a EXTREMLY good idea
  13. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Inactivity Notice   
    Ohhh no!!! :( That's not good
    That's too painful T_T
    I hope your back feel better very soon.
  14. Like
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in ♥ Aღy ♥ - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't think he's screaming favoritism and throwing a fit. He has a point and it's related to this application. I think we should remove the age requirement for TF2.
    ThunderLimes's and Kitty's apps prove that it's not helping and a lot of "underage" people should be able to post a mod applications, since they do not have to meet any age requirements when we manually pick them either.
    But yes, anyways, I'll take this up to the admin forums to discuss it any further.
    Good luck on your application, Kitty. I personally haven't seen you enough to judge , since I play a lot on surf.
    EDIT: fixed the tons of typos lmao
  15. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thorax_ in Inactivity Notice   
    Ohhh no!!! :( That's not good
    That's too painful T_T
    I hope your back feel better very soon.
  16. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Dethman in Selfie Sunday   
    this will be you in 10 years
  17. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Salad in Portrait Of [xg] Link   
    I made it earlier this month, but thought I should probably post it on here. I've recently been drawing similar pieces for several friends who want them, and would enjoy some feedback. :D It's of their TF2 Loadout btw. This has been a major improvement to my shading recently, and I'd consider this my first legitimately decent work since I only started using this tablet back in January, and only very rarely.
  18. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from LemonVolt in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  19. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to LemonVolt in Selfie Sunday   
    rock on everybody!

  20. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to Spoopy in Spoopy - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Spoopy Identity:

    Steam Community :: Spoopy Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    Since Bone was singing in Saxton Hale Age:

    18 Experience:

    Getting abuse by other mods :D (Its ok i allowed it) Donated:

    Yes Information:

    How long xg has grown. Indeed it has. Well I wanna contribute more to the servers and help out on other servers. Also I've been in XG tf2 community servers for a long time ( Not pulling a Donakonda ) and I didn't apply because you guys already had good mods that you didn't need me. But since people get buzy with life and other situations, The Xg staff community has been losing some good people. I hope to continue contributing to this great community further more.
  21. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from Spoopy in Spoopy - Team Fortress 2   
    OHHH SIIIII!!!!! SIIIIIIII!!! SIIIIIIII!!! (i really screamed that :D)
    this person is a really nice guy and a good friend , He plays this game for spend a good time with us , He is extremly funny , kind and polite , I´ve never seen him breaking any single rule.apart from that, He is very active and Mature. actually i don´t need to tell more about spoopy everybody know him very well . I really want to see him as mod.
    Firma oficial de Vacindak (+1)
  22. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Dylanm345   
    He is a cool guy who wants to surf and back stab me :D
    M : 8
    A: 9
  23. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  24. Informative
    Vacindak got a reaction from Moosty in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  25. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from virr in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR