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  1. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in Regin360 - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm sorry to say this but Kypari is right. If he can't follow a simple rule then he should receive a punishment, even if it seems too harsh for you. It's evident that you're not a super professional English speaker, vac [and neither am I] but you speak as much English as possible and anyone else should try the same. Why'd we even have rules if we don't enforce them?
  2. Disagree
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Regin360 - Team Fortress 2   
    Regin is Very active in our server. he is from colombia. he doesn´t understand english very well. he only know few words.
    he knows the rules because he read the spanish version of rules also he is trying his best to don´t speak spanish. He spoke spanish today beacuse he saw a guy with a golden frypan . if you see regin chat log. he speak spanish very few Times.. he´s trying to talk in english .. but he can´t T_T
    and is sad...
    Regin chat Log Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers
    This is his second ban..
    His first ban was for spawnkilling. but he didn´t know the rules in that moment.
    I know he broke the rules but.. week ban. that´s tooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!
    Unban regin or reduce his ban :/ +1
  3. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to mrnutty12 in Themimic1   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.

  4. Like
    Vacindak reacted to mrnutty12 in Themimic1   
    Ironic that you of all people should lecture people about patience ;)
    See ya around the servers a lot, and besides being a bit anxious about getting vouches you are pretty cool and nice. +1
  5. RIP
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Themimic1   
    Haaaaaay concha de mono :eek:
    Gyazo - 5e72b3134cdf2fc71062e808dd2355d5.png
    i don´t know.. is it a joke or not?
    i only have one word to describe this...... PLOP!!!
    Sorry for put that conversation here .. But it was totally random say that;before i said don´t beg for vouches.
    you don´t need to beg for getting vouch .. the people knows you .. you are a good person and polite. i know that,because. you got frustrate many times when i killed you However you´ve never disrespected me . basically you recomended me to play with other class or something like that ... it´s a good trait you have . anyone is perfect. just be a little bit patient.
  6. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from Kypari in Themimic1   
    Haaaaaay concha de mono :eek:
    Gyazo - 5e72b3134cdf2fc71062e808dd2355d5.png
    i don´t know.. is it a joke or not?
    i only have one word to describe this...... PLOP!!!
    Sorry for put that conversation here .. But it was totally random say that;before i said don´t beg for vouches.
    you don´t need to beg for getting vouch .. the people knows you .. you are a good person and polite. i know that,because. you got frustrate many times when i killed you However you´ve never disrespected me . basically you recomended me to play with other class or something like that ... it´s a good trait you have . anyone is perfect. just be a little bit patient.
  7. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from Osiris in [xg:scrub] Hξя0 - Team Fortress 2   
    You´re a cool guy who brings fun at Surf Server ,polite a nice person... But Recently you got demoted for inactivity.
    tak tak tak tak ... I don´t know...
    i really want you come back ... but for other side it´s too early .... :(
    i keep this opinion neutral +1-1
  8. Winner
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in Server Request | Dodgeball   
  9. Like
    Vacindak reacted to LemonVolt in Selfie Sunday   
    thought i would join in on the fun!

  10. RIP
    Vacindak reacted to King_Zog in Vacindak Causes Mass Suicide On Surf (circa 1880, Colorized)   
  11. Sad
    Vacindak reacted to Egossi in I'm Done With League Of Legends   
    I've lost interest in managing our tf2 division, playing tf2 and trying to fix the issues we have, therefore I'm stepping down from Division Manager to member, it's been an alright run
    I've made some friends amongst our staff and members, and I won't lose contact with any of them
    I will also be on teamspeak and forums daily as i've always been
    it's also a shame that I have to be a DM+ in order to maintain powers on teamspeak and forums, it was really fun banning people for no reason :(
    also fuck dota @Owl :d
  12. Sad
    Vacindak reacted to mrnutty12 in [xg] I Love Crippling Depression - Team Fortress 2   
    * You must have a minimum of 50 forum posts before you may apply.
    * You must have open communication with a Division Manager or higher before you can apply.
    User did not meet the minimum requirements to apply for staff.
  13. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Setup Sunday   
    @YeEternalTuna 's Leaked Setup

  14. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in The Bad Joke Thread   
  15. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from Skeletal in Sgnikkita   
    Si!! :D Friendly and nice person , it´s funny when nikkita trys to kill nebula with scout PLOP (nebula :i´m 10)
    M: 9
    A : 8
  16. Like
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Selfie Sunday   
    Aw heck you got me @Hades heres a school id picture

  17. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Allow Guide Creators To Have Same "delete" Power As Contributors   
    I noticed when I was added by @Vacindak to help modify his guide that there is a delete option and can allow you to hide paragraphs or completely delete them.
    It to me looks like the powers are backwards; the creator should have delete powers and the contributors should be able to request for a deletion of a paragraph but can hide, edit, all the normal stuff.
    @Aegean @Rhododendron
  18. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  19. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Kypari in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  20. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  21. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Caleb956 in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  22. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Tatost in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  23. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Hugs in Selfie Sunday   
    DAAMMMMNNNNN @Vacindak you handsome mother fucker.
    aalrrighhtyy here goes nothin

  24. RIP
    Vacindak reacted to xBenny in Surf Speed Limit Request   
    I have recently gotten into a conversation with [xG:M] Vacindak. He said that it is no possible to change it, he also said if you change the air accelerarion and acceleration it would be even more difficult. In my opinion I think it is possible to change the limit and keep everthing the same. :3
  25. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Selfie Sunday   
    i nominate @Hugs is your turn now :p
    Tuna your look fresh XD