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  1. Gross
    Vacindak got a reaction from Rabid in Memory Lane   
    I remember when The surf server was death and I used to change the colors of my trails to communicate because I couldn't speak English and when @Sancock used to sing a lot PLOP
  2. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in You Americans have got me saying Vacation instead of Holiday   
    :waving: adios! have fun in your vacation :D
  3. Eggplant
    Vacindak got a reaction from mrnutty12 in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Actually I've never had problems with any donator before. The real problem I've seen very common is They didn't read the donators rules first.
    Most of our donators are valued
    members and they know the rules perfectly Well and they don't want to lose their powers so I think they are going to follow our rules however nothing is perfect, probably someone is going use those powers to break our rules so to avoid confusion we need to record and Give then the last warning in chat and voice chat after the week ban +Removal of powers because they are going to use the excuse of admin abuse and we need proves.
    Put yourself into the donator's shoes they are going to fight for their powers so most of them are going to use the ban protest or in the worst case admin abuse report to give their power back.
    I agree with Bello's protocol we need to think in the future and how they are going to act after losing their powers.
  4. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from Sonic in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  5. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in 1 Week Gone   
    Oh... Have fun in Alaska..
    An other thing...
    What's clubbing? :0 ?????
  6. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from yesstergi in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  7. Furry
    Vacindak got a reaction from Kypari in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  8. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  9. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from virr in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  10. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  11. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Elcark in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  12. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    It was 5:43 Am, I was sleeping so well until something started moving above my head, Sadly for me I have a really fragile dream So I woke up instantly and then I basically Jumped out from my bed O_o ... Scared and confused I turn on the lights,after that I saw it!! A baby crazy lizard in my bed :/ fortunately I didn't Smash him. Them I wanted to grab him but that tiny lizard was so fast after that the crazy lizard went under my bed! and making screeching noises like snake :/ and moving his head up and Down like saying (get retk human) So A bit frustrated for that lizard,I went under my bed and then I finally grab him Plop!
    Silly lizard... Thanks for ruin my bed time : ( I don't like to wake up Early
    Them I went out and I put the lizard in a safe place.

  13. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Spoopy in Hello Anyone Who played JB 2014 - 2016 READ THIS   
    Why am I reading this >:v
    I got click baited.
  14. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from james8470 in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    I didn't know that :0 ... I think we need to put this information into the donators rules to avoid future problems.
  15. Informative
    Vacindak reacted to virr in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    No its not. You are not allowed to color yourself normal while in friendly.
  16. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Same, its such a sudden change o.o I am incredibly impressed!
  17. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to james8470 in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Wait a sec I just checked and it's actually 200% after all. :rolleyes:
  18. Informative
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Schedule Adjustment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
    I have applied to Amazon Logistics and my start date is pending.
    My hours are "most likely" going to be 1:00AM - 6:00AM Sunday - Thursday and on [[saturday I have college (starting September)]]
    My activity should not be affected, but the time frames that I come on might change quite a bit.
    I don't see it affecting how many hours I am on the server.
    Just wanting to put this out there so it doesn't seem like I dropped off the face of the earth again because I probably won't be on the servers as late as I have been normally and usually more people are on later times.

    Higher-ups : If need be, delete this thread and just keep this info noted. I just didn't know if I should of made a thread for this or not, so what happens to this thread is fully up to you. @Rhododendron @Aegean @virr @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @Bello
  19. Ding!
    Vacindak reacted to Spoopy in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Bello has tag you for for Punishing Donor Abuse....
    You scared the shit out of me thinking I lost my Donor doing something I haven't done... yet :3
  20. Like
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Damn Vac I've never seen such a well written post from you! (y) (y) (y)
  21. Winner
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    There has been a lot of confusion on how to deal with Donator abuse, so the TF2 higher ups have discussed this subject and we came up with a little something:

    What counts as Donator abuse?

    Breaking our guidelines/rules on Donator powers that can be found here: Donator Information | Xeno Gamers
    Someone purposely misusing Donator powers is not allowed, an example would be killing people with noclip.
    However, I expect our staff to use common sense to determine whether something was intentional or accidental. Let's say someone buys über Donator and wants to test out his powers. They use /kartme and accidentally bump into another person. In situations like these, where someone was obviously just having an accident, it is not necessary to punish them. Try to explain the command to them to prevent this from happening in the future. Then again, if someone who had Donator powers for quite a while just charges into enemies with /kartme, they should be punished.
    Now let's get to the interesting part:

    How to punish abusive Donators:

    The protocol in these cases is:
    Warn -> Kick -> Day Ban
    Kick -> Week Ban + Removal of powers
    If they're abusing for the first time, give them a warning through chat and tell them what they've done wrong. If they do not listen, kick them. If they come back after a kick, you can ban them for a day. If they come back after a day ban and abuse again, you do not have to warn them again. Jump straight to a kick. If they come back after a kick and do it again, ban them for a week and notify the higher ups so we can remove their powers.

    A few things to add:

    As mentioned earlier, you shouldn't follow this protocol when someone accidentally screws up - it has happened to everyone.
    Additionally, it does not matter if someone has been banned before, this protocol applies for Donators regardless of their ban history (unless they have been banned for abuse before, obviously). To make it more clear, here's an example:
    If someone has a day ban for bodyblocking and abuses their powers, do not kick them and then jump to a week ban.
    [spoiler=Tags]- @Bello
    - @Vexx
    - @mrnutty12
    - @Sesh
    - @Vector
    - @BonfireCentipede
    - @Vacindak
    - @Kyuubey
    - @Elcark
    - @ThunderLimes
    - @YeEternalTuna
    - @Kypari
    - @Bone
    - @Natsu
    - @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot
    - @sick41057
    - @NitNat
    - @Blizzard
    - @shwash
    - @Spoopy
    - @Amylicious
    - @Thunder
    - @Frusty
    - @Tekage
    - @Matteomax
    - @Krampus
  22. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Tatost in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Actually I've never had problems with any donator before. The real problem I've seen very common is They didn't read the donators rules first.
    Most of our donators are valued
    members and they know the rules perfectly Well and they don't want to lose their powers so I think they are going to follow our rules however nothing is perfect, probably someone is going use those powers to break our rules so to avoid confusion we need to record and Give then the last warning in chat and voice chat after the week ban +Removal of powers because they are going to use the excuse of admin abuse and we need proves.
    Put yourself into the donator's shoes they are going to fight for their powers so most of them are going to use the ban protest or in the worst case admin abuse report to give their power back.
    I agree with Bello's protocol we need to think in the future and how they are going to act after losing their powers.
  23. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from Thunder in PSA: Punishing Donator Abuse   
    Actually I've never had problems with any donator before. The real problem I've seen very common is They didn't read the donators rules first.
    Most of our donators are valued
    members and they know the rules perfectly Well and they don't want to lose their powers so I think they are going to follow our rules however nothing is perfect, probably someone is going use those powers to break our rules so to avoid confusion we need to record and Give then the last warning in chat and voice chat after the week ban +Removal of powers because they are going to use the excuse of admin abuse and we need proves.
    Put yourself into the donator's shoes they are going to fight for their powers so most of them are going to use the ban protest or in the worst case admin abuse report to give their power back.
    I agree with Bello's protocol we need to think in the future and how they are going to act after losing their powers.
  24. RIP
    Vacindak reacted to neonref in neonref - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    neonref Identity:

    STEAM_0:0:217863405 Ban Type:

    Server Ban Information:

    micspam:it was my autism not my fault
    avoiding ban:i left cause i was bored
  25. Friendly
    Vacindak reacted to Skeletal in Skelly - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Skelly Identity:

    Steam Community :: Skelly Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    well 38d in game on surf. i have no idea for other Age:

    19 Experience:

    I was an admin for tf2 xenogamers, but i stepped down cause i was attempting to quit the game. Didn't work out. Donated:

    Yes Information:

    I'm back, still spending a lot of time on surf. I'd love to be staff again. This community has become family, I miss it.