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  1. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from Bone in Second Language Advice   
    Learn other language it's hard and takes too much time. If you don't practice a lot,probably you will forget the grammar and the vocabulary.:(
    When I started coming to the surf server I didn't know any single word of English,I used to change the colors of my trails to comunicate, I got ban once for bad understand the rules Since I used To traslate the rules by Google Translatetor ( DO NOT TRUST GOOGLE ) ....PLOP , look at me now! thanks for the Constant practice at the Surf server ,i can speak and understand english. if the surf server weren't exist , i would NOT speak English right now.Personally, I recommend you spanish in your case because You are living and working in Texas now, there are people who speak Spanish So you could practice Spanish with those people to improve your language quickly like me with my english.(y)
    ¡Concha de mono!....Este párrafo me tomo como una hora.. Plop! y me olvide hacer mi tarea de ingles.
  2. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Second Language Advice   
    Learn other language it's hard and takes too much time. If you don't practice a lot,probably you will forget the grammar and the vocabulary.:(
    When I started coming to the surf server I didn't know any single word of English,I used to change the colors of my trails to comunicate, I got ban once for bad understand the rules Since I used To traslate the rules by Google Translatetor ( DO NOT TRUST GOOGLE ) ....PLOP , look at me now! thanks for the Constant practice at the Surf server ,i can speak and understand english. if the surf server weren't exist , i would NOT speak English right now.Personally, I recommend you spanish in your case because You are living and working in Texas now, there are people who speak Spanish So you could practice Spanish with those people to improve your language quickly like me with my english.(y)
    ¡Concha de mono!....Este párrafo me tomo como una hora.. Plop! y me olvide hacer mi tarea de ingles.
  3. Like
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Second Language Advice   
    Learn other language it's hard and takes too much time. If you don't practice a lot,probably you will forget the grammar and the vocabulary.:(
    When I started coming to the surf server I didn't know any single word of English,I used to change the colors of my trails to comunicate, I got ban once for bad understand the rules Since I used To traslate the rules by Google Translatetor ( DO NOT TRUST GOOGLE ) ....PLOP , look at me now! thanks for the Constant practice at the Surf server ,i can speak and understand english. if the surf server weren't exist , i would NOT speak English right now.Personally, I recommend you spanish in your case because You are living and working in Texas now, there are people who speak Spanish So you could practice Spanish with those people to improve your language quickly like me with my english.(y)
    ¡Concha de mono!....Este párrafo me tomo como una hora.. Plop! y me olvide hacer mi tarea de ingles.
  4. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Second Language Advice   
    Well I know 2 languages and learning 1 rn and I recommend Portuguese (Brazilian one, definitely not biased) but its similar to Spanish due to being one of the Romance languages. The reason why I recommend it is that there are more and more Brazilians moving here (due to Brazil being corrupt af) and I don't know if its just my area being witness to this but I'm just going to guess they're moving not just here but more places around the USA. I mean in your case I would learn Spanish but if you're looking for something else (thats similar?) I would 100% recommend the Brazilian Portuguese. Also fun fact Portuguese was my first language and I knew it better than English when I was a kid but due to being born in the USA I had to start learning English (this was all around at a tender young age) so you can still kinda struggle with my sentence structure xd
  5. Winner
    Vacindak reacted to Vexx in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Guys I know that people say things about other people when they're not around to listen. I know people do this to me all the time, I personally do not care. I take shit constantly, 99% of the time I ignore it because there's no reason to acknowledge people who do this, giving attention only makes it worse. Yes, I understand it is disrespect, but I personally don't care since people don't even bother to tell me the criticisms they have to my face. If you have witnessed him doing this, it is a valid reason to -1 as it does impact how you feel about his maturity. I personally am going to keep myself at neutral, even though I know what Septik says about me.
  6. Winner
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Joyle   
    ESE JOY!!!! ALFIN!!
    I know him perfectly well , He is in our server For a loOoOong time , the first time he came in our server was the last year in june or july (actually don´t remember, it was long time ago).He is basically the person who only wants to spend a good time doing unusual things. Launching medics with his demo charge, Be part of my JOYA CLASS(sycn-manrobics),Droping his weapons to play in civilian mode, playing medic with Regin ,Salad , Gustavo and sometimes with Nutty to make the longest chain of Uber, ETC ETC ETC , He showed us a good lesson ," Is not necessary being tryhard Or take seriously the game to get fun ". He is a nice guy, cool ,Mature,Good medic, Chill, Polite and extremly Kind ,He helped me with my English and showed our rules to new players .........SO!!!
    A: 9
    M: 10
    Firma Oficial De Vacindak (+1)
  7. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Creating New Emoji's/ratings   
    Hey gamer's!! This was created this in order to have people post emojis/ratings that they want added onto the XenoGamers forums.In order for this to happen you need a good image for your emoji/rating for when they resize the image it doesn't look bad. You also need a name for it. Also for ratings add if it would be positive/neutral/negative. [Optional] Add a reason to it for people to know when to use it or why you want it added! Hope your emoji/rating gets added! (of course that's only when the community approves of it).
  8. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in Post Xg Manly Men Singing Here   
    It's going to be 90% sancock
    BUT I do have 2
  9. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from NitNat in Post Xg Manly Men Singing Here   
    Singer: Sancock
    Map: Surf_japan_V1
    Recorder by Gustavo/Mama bord
    WARNING : if your ears are sensitive, do not see this video,
    It cause intense climax in your body and probably your nipples will explode.
  10. Optimistic
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Inactivity Notice   
    My activity shall resume tomorrow.
  11. Funny
    Vacindak got a reaction from virr in Post Xg Manly Men Singing Here   
    Singer: Sancock
    Map: Surf_japan_V1
    Recorder by Gustavo/Mama bord
    WARNING : if your ears are sensitive, do not see this video,
    It cause intense climax in your body and probably your nipples will explode.
  12. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in Zacthegod   
  13. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Zacthegod - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 From what i've seen from the others I honestly don't think you deserve to ever be unbanned especially since you've made different accounts to avoid punishment. It shows that you truly aren't sorry and are probably going to continue to break the rulees.
  14. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Aegean in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hey @yellowrock, I gave you the Content Creator title to commemorate your map, hope you enjoy your stay in our community :)
  15. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Bone in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hey there. I think I already met you earlier on Surf, but either way, welcome to the community.
  16. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Ese yellow
    Welcome!!! :D To our Surf Server
    Hope you enjoy your stay in our community
  17. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Hello, I'm Yellowrock   
    Hope you're enjoying our community on surf! Things kinda get wild sometimes in there but its fun.
  18. Sad
    Vacindak got a reaction from TBOHB in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    I don´t have words.:cry::(:unsure: :S:shifty: >:|
  19. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Vexx in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    Also, after checking the bans under your IP, I figured something out:

    You didn't come on just once to use hacks. You came on twice. You will stay permanent banned, I am closing this thread.
  20. Agree
    Vacindak got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    I don´t have words.:cry::(:unsure: :S:shifty: >:|
  21. Sad
    Vacindak got a reaction from Dylanm345 in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    I don´t have words.:cry::(:unsure: :S:shifty: >:|
  22. Sad
    Vacindak got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    I don´t have words.:cry::(:unsure: :S:shifty: >:|
  23. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Dylanm345 - Team Fortress 2   
    Dylan I'm quite surprised and disappointed that you would do such a thing on our servers. You seemed like the type of member to always follow the rules, not break them. Seeing this kinda makes me upset especially since this protest won't get you unbanned. I still think we need a demo of you hacking but I don't think that matters since you're admitting that you were hacking. You can do one of the challenges to get unbanned (Look at Kypari's comment above). But honestly dude like WHY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!?!?
  24. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to YeEternalTuna in Roblox   
    Please for the love of God NO!!!! We already have something similar to Roblox and thats minecraft so just play on that
  25. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to virr in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
    i don't have a favorite