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  1. Winner
    bagggel got a reaction from Sora_ in How did you make your username?   
    i like bagels
  2. Not Funny
    bagggel reacted to Tatost in YeEternalTuna   
    They don't need to record, they could literally just take a picture of some messages in discord, or give an example of poop he's started. I know that people don't always record stuff, I gave you plenty of examples on how they could provide evidence that shouldn't be that hard to find if he's done all these things.
    Someone's word on a subject like this shouldn't be all they need, especially if they're just going to say "he is immature and caused controversy." Staff privileges shouldn't be held lightly, so don't you think that you should at least prove your argument on why he shouldn't be staff?
    I may not be highly educated on this, but I just have the slightest feeling that people bandwagoning since one person in their friend group doesn't like Tuna. I know full well what goes on in private discords, and it constantly leads to people ganging up on the person one person doesn't like. This all originates from one person saying in their private discord "grr I hate player X," so everyone in that discord decides they hate them as well.
    I only suspect it's just bandwagoning because Kypari, Elcark, Grape, Segal, and Manlyduck are all in the exact same discord. This is a discord I've been in, and I've seen people talk poop.
  3. Like
    bagggel reacted to Tatost in wowie he's turning over a new leaf   
    So, over the last year or so I've been growing steadily bitter, which quite a few people have already pointed out to me. I've been starting to show my face a lot more on the servers and such after a few months of almost never playing. I've had a few conversations with people I was friends with for a while and was disappointed, to say the least when they called me things such as "a bloodsucking demon," or "an absolute dick." I can't disagree with these statements since my behavior both on and off the xG servers has essentially deteriorated from what it was back in 2016 when I started playing, but no one wants to be remembered by their friends as some savage.
    Recently, I've been trying to clean up my act, but it's still kind of hard since a lot of people still look upon with obvious disdain. I'll use this thread as a general apology to the entire community while also apologizing to specific individuals.
    So, to the entire community, I'm sorry. Over the last year and a half or so, I've constantly been poopposting, most recently the "I'm so sorry" joke that kind of led me to leave the xG discord for about a month or so (wasn't really keeping count).
    I've caused quite a bit of trouble for @virr with my poop posting, so for that, I'm incredibly sorry.
    @BonfireCentiped I know I had already apologized for going off on you especially hard in discord, but I thought I would apologize again. At the time I was incredibly stressed out for personal reasons and vented my frustrations out on you.
    So I don't really know anyone else who I should apologize to specifically. So, if you feel like you actually deserve an apology or there is something you need to talk to me about, you can message me on discord, since I'd rather not have people add me on steam.
  4. Friendly
    bagggel got a reaction from Deko in Deko's Introduction   

  5. Sad
    bagggel reacted to Bone in It's time   
    So I'm leaving xG. I bet a lot of you are thinking "Oh boy, here comes some juicy drama", well then prepare for disappointment.
    For about a year now, I've felt weird. I felt like something was off whenever I joined and played (what little I could) and I just couldn't pin down what it was. Today, it suddenly came to me, it's not 2013/2014 anymore. The community just doesn't feel like it did when I first started playing, or even when I came back in 2015. A lot of people would argue that xG used to be better. Some would say xG is better now than it's ever been. I just say it's different. It's not any better, it's not any worse, just different. Players and Staff have essentially rotated and have been replaced with newer people, and along with the rotation so has the general attitude on the servers. While that's not a bad thing, it's just not what I grew accustomed to.
    For a while now, I've attempted to keep what little of the xG I knew intact, by trying to keep rules the same, revert things to how they were, but realized that I'm the only one who wants it that way. Everyone says they remember when xG was at it's peak, but they'll all give you a different answer on when that was. For me it was when I first started playing, back when there was a specific group of us who would play on VSH. Problem is, the majority of those people are gone now, and due to that I've been becoming increasingly bitter towards the community because "it's not old xG, not how I remember it".
    But it wasn't really so much xG changing as it was me refusing to go along with it and clinging to how it was nearly 5 years ago with a completely different group of people. The biggest issue for me though was when @Bello stepped down from DL. Someone who was Staff for as long as I could remember, and someone I considered one of the best Higher-ups we'd ever had in the TF2 Division. For some reason I felt like because of that the community would start going to hell with all these strange new Staff members wanting to come in and ruin the community. This almost made me feel contempt for the community, simply because they wanted to change a few things or acted differently. I couldn't even read half of the discussions on Discord without feeling like I was gonna have an aneurysm. Again, this was essentially me fabricating problems and overreacting to small amounts of drama I'd see unfold, becoming unnecessarily disappointed with our new Higher-up roster for really no reason.
    It wasn't until earlier today when I reacted to a post in a way I don't feel I normally would. It doesn't really help the fact that I was also wrong. After re-reading a lot of what I wrote, I realized I was reacting in a way I didn't like, based on the fact I didn't like the Higher-up because we had small issues before and because he's new to his position. So I came to the conclusion that I should simply remove myself from the community before I cause any real issues or divisions. 
    I really don't want to leave, since I consider xG to be a bit of a home for myself, as dysfunctional as it may be sometimes, but I can't really have a home I feel borderline disdain for.
    I'd like to apologize to @Elcark for essentially telling him that he's not fit for his position while simultaneously being horribly incorrect myself.
    I'd also like to thank @virr and @Aegean for just being helpful in general and pulling the TF2 Division out of some tight spots sometimes. For anyone else who may have viewed me as a friend during my time in the community, thank you.
    I don't know if I'll ever return to xG, but if I do, I'd hope you guys would welcome me without pitchforks and torches.
  6. Like
    bagggel reacted to Egossi in Selfie Sunday   
    might delete soon but I felt cute in this pic ????

  7. Like
    bagggel reacted to virr in Selfie Sunday   
    obligatory weeb pose

  8. Like
    bagggel got a reaction from Red in Anime Merch   
    Not much at the moment, but I'm planning on getting the full manga set as well as more merch soon during the summer! I'm also planning on getting some merch from different series as well (Jojo, Overlord etc.), but the statues/figures that I'm after are pretty expensive, so I'm gonna build up on that collection a lot slower than my Ika Musume one.

  9. Agree
    bagggel reacted to Kypari in Vacation Notice!   
    I'm jealous! Have fun dude! ?
  10. Friendly
    bagggel got a reaction from Donakonda in Anime Merch   
    Not much at the moment, but I'm planning on getting the full manga set as well as more merch soon during the summer! I'm also planning on getting some merch from different series as well (Jojo, Overlord etc.), but the statues/figures that I'm after are pretty expensive, so I'm gonna build up on that collection a lot slower than my Ika Musume one.

  11. Friendly
    bagggel got a reaction from Haruka in Anime Merch   
    Not much at the moment, but I'm planning on getting the full manga set as well as more merch soon during the summer! I'm also planning on getting some merch from different series as well (Jojo, Overlord etc.), but the statues/figures that I'm after are pretty expensive, so I'm gonna build up on that collection a lot slower than my Ika Musume one.

  12. Like
    bagggel reacted to BonfireCentipede in FF2 Boss/Music Request   
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=196846  (Aya syameimaru, Koishi Komeiji, Fujiwara no Mokou)
    for Koishi don't use the 2nd remix since it's just a meme song
  13. Sad
    bagggel reacted to Egossi in Im out   
    After several years of checking the forums everyday for no good reason, over the past few weeks /months i just kinda stopped doing that as well, which was the only thing i had been doing related to xG for the longest time, therefore its safe to say im outta this clan for a while if not for good (unless i gain interest in tf2 again or if csgo becomes stably active which doesnt seem likely), but this place will always have a special place in my heart no matter what, so many memories have been had.
    But relax n*gga its not like im dead, if you wanna hang out with me you can find me on a gmod cinema server by the name of "swamp cinema" formerly known as "Cereal Box Cinema" as i now spend a huge portion of my time there, feel free to hmu on steam too, not discord though miss me with that gay shit
  14. Eggplant
    bagggel reacted to Caleb956 in My Application!   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    Caleb956 Identity
    you have it Position
    Sand Leader Time Active on Servers
    Too long Information Hello yes, it is I, Caleb956! I am here to apply for Sand Leader of the xG TF2 Division! I know I am very new to community but I like server!  Please consider me to become this very prestigious rank! Sand means a lot to me personally, and I want to show that appreciation by taking it a step further... it would mean a lot!! Thank you everybody!!!! :DD

  15. Losing It
    bagggel got a reaction from hongkongatron in FF2 Boss/Music Request   
    EDIT: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=283948 (Dr. Eggman, Morshu and Mr. Game and Watch)
  16. Like
    bagggel got a reaction from hongkongatron in FF2 Boss/Music Request   
    I know that a post similar to this has been made before in the past but it's pretty old so I'm making this one since our Freak Fortress server has been getting populated the past few days, so feel free to post your own requests!
    Anyways, I found a couple of cool bosses and think these should be added to the server:
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=196846 (Aya Shameimaru)
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=263780 (Peacock) (All other bosses are cringy as fuck just ignore them)
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=305492 (All of these, they're amazing)
  17. Like
    bagggel got a reaction from Kypari in FF2 Boss/Music Request   
    I know that a post similar to this has been made before in the past but it's pretty old so I'm making this one since our Freak Fortress server has been getting populated the past few days, so feel free to post your own requests!
    Anyways, I found a couple of cool bosses and think these should be added to the server:
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=196846 (Aya Shameimaru)
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=263780 (Peacock) (All other bosses are cringy as fuck just ignore them)
    https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=305492 (All of these, they're amazing)
  18. Feels Bad Man
    bagggel reacted to Ms.Spooks in Goodbye xG.   
    I'm leaving xg for good. This is my only and last formal goodbye. In case you didn't know what happened I'll sum it up. 7 months ago now I took a break from being staff for personal reasons that I chose to keep to myself. Tf2 wasn't fun for me at the time. The drama in xg was unbearable at that point. There were several decisions being made that in my opinion weren't in the best interest of the clan. No I'm not going to go into detail about them because I can't be bothered.
    I came back roughly a month later 2 weeks after pyro update dropped and it took a lot of time an mulling over to forgive tf2. At this point I was hearing a lot from community members that missed me being staff(not just other staff) and eventually I was convinced to come back to staff. Now since I stepped down quietly I was expecting the process to be easy. It was not. Instead of resuming my position as staff I'm put unfairly into a probationary role solely because of 1 higher up's bias against me. I was being punished for no good reason.
    I was assured that it's no big deal I'll most likely get admin back as long as I keep staffing well. I got mod quickly and ended up staying mod for the last 5 months. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. In fact multiple times I even considered just giving up entirely, but I decided to stay for the people in the community who actually appreciate what I do. I stayed because the servers liked having me.
    I don't know what the accused hold up is now and quiet frankly I'm over hearing lies and excuses like I have since I first got staff. From the beginning it was "who the fuck is ms. spooks?" "You need to be more established with the community" "you need to do more." "I never see her online so I can't make a good opinion on her" etc. Now keep in mind since I was considerably new staff at the time it wasn't a big deal. However time started passing by and I've watch many staff (you know who you are) go from member to admin before me, and now they're dms before I've even gotten admin back. I kept asking what am I doing wrong and keep getting the same run around. "Nothing, why?" just to be followed up later with some half attempted accuse "Oh you just need to do more." As time went on that clearly didn't end up being the full truth getting comments like "If you did more you'd already be admin" "You're not entitled to admin" "You're too passive" etc. It's not fair that I do the same amount of work as an admin, spend more time than a majority of the mods, and have been an established community member for 2 years without even a blemish.
    Now some of you will take this as an outcry because I didn't get a rank that's just slightly better than mod, however my problems run deeper than that. It's not fair that I had to harder than other staff the entirety of my time of being staff. It's not fair that I keep getting pushed aside for other staff who are better at sucking off the higher ups than I am. I'm done playing the charade of "work a little harder" "Do a little more" Because even with the backing of multiple staff and plenty of recommends it clearly doesn't mean jack to you. It's incredibly disrespectful not only to me but other people who have gotten this treatment to string us along like a grunt. I'm not your lackey. I didn't become staff to do your job, and I most certainly don't see anywhere that says I'm supposed to suck you guys off in order to even get looked at. It's beyond hurtful to continue to be punished for things out of my control and more importantly I didn't do.
    This is my only request of all of you staff. If you're not my friend and you're only friends with me soley because I'm staff. Get the F U C K off my friends list. Get out of my servers. Get out of my life. I have enough garbage I have to deal with in my life and I don't need more fake people around who don't care about my feelings. Stop pretending to care about what I have to say then just doing the same garbage I'm complaining about. I have rooted for and defended most if not a majority of you even if we haven't been the best of friends. I've stood up for you and I tried to be there when you're down. It's funny to me how people forget the people who rooted for them when they get power.
    I have been mulling over for the last couple days what all I'm going to say when inevitably I say goodbye after being shafted again for no good reason. So I'm going to finish this with a list of what xG should improve on.
    1. Staff are volunteers not lackeys
    This "do more" mentality and backwards logic of having more mods than admins is part of a huge issue that doesn't respect your staff equally. despite all staff volunteering their time and efforts to improve the servers and the community. Treating admin as some mystical, magical, special role that's Juuust out of reach feels really really shitty for all the mods who have to work harder than other staff to prove themselves.
    2. Stop using probationary for no reason.
    This is a punishment role. It's used for staff who don't deserve a full demotion but still want to make things right as staff. Likewise It's used for people who have a dirty history. Stop slinging it around for every person who you don't feel like fits the personality mold even when they've done nothing to deserve it. Stop using it as a compromise because 1 higher up doesn't like the person. It should be used to establish wrong doings not "We just trust you a little less."
    3. Majority matters.
    It's been a huge problem for a while where higher ups have to make unanimous decisions. What this means for all the other staff is that if 1 higher up disagrees despite everyone else agreeing on said thing. It won't go through. The voice of one is too strong in this community specially for higher ups who don't go on servers enough to see what is going on or that just choose to disregard the intent of the community and more importantly the other staff. To fix this, it should be that majority rules. It should be that the community or staff vote count for 1 higher up in of themselves, because giving the people no say is what's going to kill the community.
    4. Be transparent.
    All decisions should be clear, concise, and have good *valid* reasons. It should be your goal to be as unbiased, well informed, and clear as possible. This under the table garbage that's been going on is just sleazy. You don't want your real opinions out there and you don't want to be held accountable which quite frankly is an embarrassment to your role. Be open and honest with your staff and not just string them along with excuses everyone knows are lies. If you make a decision you're accountable to that decision. Don't just keep letting everyone else have to figure it out.
    5. Stop only caring about people in your respective group.
    This is a big clan with large divisions and even in tf2 large sub divisions. Its been an issue for a while that surf staff only favor surf staff and tgh staff only like tgh staff. Unfortunately it has even gone as high as the higherups. Just because you haven't played on the servers (which isn't a good idea anyways) doesn't mean you should give only people in your respective server the special treatment. If you want to be taken seriously you have to take others seriously as well. It's ok to get more information to form your own opinion, but it's not ok to say it's not your problem because it's not your server.
    6. Witnesses matter.
    I'm all for innocent until proven guilty, but some of you take this as an opportunity to ignore issues all together because no tangible evidence. Staff witnesses have just as much say as a normal witness, none. It doesn't matter how many people say a person did an action because without proof you're never going to confront the issue. You make no effort to gather more information. It doesn't help when you expect people to be recording EVERYTHING that goes on, and to be honest if you are wanting people who record everything just to nail one person it's a pretty sucky, bandwagony mentality.
    7. Stop treating other staff like dirt.
    This is to all staff. Stop staffing over each other when someone else has it handled. I'm not talking about you both get on at the same time or accidentally warn at the same time. I'm talking that another staff handled the call, they're already trying to resolve the issue, and you jump in gung hoe and start shafting them. It's not acceptable. Trust the staff members to do their job. Unless you have to make a decision that involves perms only you have as staff it should not be happening that staff are stepping on each others toes. Likewise, Mods are volunteers. Means they donate their time and energy into the servers just like you. Stop talking down to staff who are a lower rank and stop kicking them around because you can. Stop rubbing your rank in their face. They get it. It's not acceptable to disregard another staff as a whole just because they're a lower rank.
    8. Share the interest of the community not just yourself.
    There has been many times where higher ups have made decisions under the table that are looked at negatively by the community or ultimately effected them negatively. Yes we get you like this one plugin idea and the other higher ups are all for it, but when you implement it out of nowhere and it effects the players to the point of complaining about it that's not in the interests of them. Part of making the community a better place is by making it unified, and when you keep making decisions that effect a mass in the community you create division.
    With all of that in mind I want nothing to do with this community anymore. If you're really my friend you'll accept that. I'm not going to keep getting a run around, doing your jobs, and investing time and energy into a clan who doesn't care about me back. I'm not looking for a debate here. I'm not justifying any of my points. I'm not going to bother responding so don't bother baiting for a response. No I'm not changing my mind. I don't know if I'll ever come back to xg after all that it's put me through. I don't want your excuses so don't bother sending them to me. I may still come on the servers once in a while but you're not going to get much out of me here. Goodbye xg.
  19. Furry
    bagggel reacted to Caleb956 in Selfie Sunday   
    It's not Sunday but I'll forget if I don't do it today. I'm bad at taking pictures

  20. Random
    bagggel got a reaction from Kypari in I wrote a song thing   
  21. Eggplant
    bagggel got a reaction from BonfireCentipede in I wrote a song thing   
  22. Furry
    bagggel reacted to Tatost in The Return of Spookcoop   
    Good thing I left
  23. Thinking
    bagggel got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Sesh - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't want to be the one to stir up a storm, but could you just for once think before your actions? You're taking this out of context for no reason at all and all you're doing is affecting Sesh's application by making both him and yourself look bad. Anyways, you've been a real pain in the ass for a lot of people a couple months ago, but I've seen the new leafed that you've turned over and I think so far that you've done a pretty good job improving yourself. In my opinion I think it's a little too early to apply but I can definitely see you doing great as staff again, since you're active and I know that you can be a really nice and friendly person when you want to. So for now I'm going to stay neutral. Good luck on the application!
  24. Feels Bad Man
    bagggel reacted to virr in Oh Honey   
    No one wins in this thread. sigh
  25. Winner
    bagggel reacted to Dethman in Oh Honey   
    Getting angry over minecraft lol