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  1. Like
    Tatost reacted to Hype in Wyv's Map Review: Clocktown[tgh Map]   
    Actually the reason why you can't get into the garden/ Zelda's garden, is because the monoclues boss is bugged, it may be the map version we have, but I found a version on a different server that had the boss working, but it had little moons in spawn that would take them somewhere else close to their spawn to avoid spawncamp, and I think people would get angry over the tele spawns since you can't spawn camp those (Cause of tele-spawn camp rule). Still a nice through review
  2. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Forest in User-friendliness   
    So, this is just a thought on the matter (and it never really occurred to me before), though I feel that it would be an improvement of sorts. This thread really only pertains to Players who have a grievance or are otherwise looking to report or are experiencing issues with anything xG related.
    With that in mind, consider the following:
    Imagine you are a disgruntled player. You're experiencing issues with the Server, or you've noticed that a function on the Server isn't entirely working properly. For the intents and purposes of this thread, lets just say that the typical gamer will either do one of three things:
    1) Approach a Staff Member on the Server
    2) Start a discussion or comment on Xeno Gamers' official Steam Group
    3) Head to www.xenogamers.com for assistance in troubleshooting
    Now, both 1 and 2 are incredibly straight forward, ask the Staff Member for help or comment (post a discussion) on the Steam Group, the latter being laid-out in a relatively easy to understand way. However, I've noticed that our site isn't exactly user-friendly. Let's say that I'm unfamiliar with the site; I've never used it before and this is the first time I've accessed it. First and foremost, there is a lot of information to take in upon first loading up the site that I guarantee the average new player would not be interested in.
    Generally speaking, a new player will [typically] come to the site for one of two things: to become a Member, or to report a problem or issue they are having.
    For users who are looking for Membership, it's a given that their first click (assuming they're registered) will most likely be in accessing the 'Applications' section, so this isn't a major problem. However, for a user experiencing problems, there isn't much else.
    The first thing that I (both personally and as a "new Member" with a problem) would be comfortable seeing is a simple means of communication, a way to quickly inquire about something. Namely, the Shout box. Unfortunately, this is no where to be seen until the user accesses the 'Forums' section of the site, so that's no longer an option; and with no way of knowing it exists, the experience becomes a rather negative one. The second thing I would look for, would be some sort of Troubleshooting heading, link, or what-have-you. Again, this is no where to be seen. At this point, the user is left with a very diverse (and somewhat intimidating) home-landing page. That being said, some players will post the problems they are having in the General section, though I honestly feel that there should be a section strictly for General Troubleshooting or Problem Areas as it would make things considerably easier for new users to navigate. On top of that, Higher-Ups could Sticky 'common issues' for particular Divisions/Servers for players to refer to.
    As someone who regularly deals with user-friendly environments (literally part of what I do at work), I feel that something could be improved here. With that said, I do have a few suggestions that I believe may improve the user-friendly aspect of the forums.
    [spoiler=1. Tutorial]
    Yes, I quite literally mean a tutorial in the form of a video. A short but detailed video can greatly improve a new user's experience on the site. This could be in any shape or form, something that prompts immediately when someone who is unregistered (or otherwise not logged in) accesses the site. The video could potentially consist of a simple image of the landing that progresses through a brief description for each heading/section (IE. pop-out 'Applications', include caption: Includes forms for Member/Staff Submission as well as reports for Abusive Staff or Members). It doesn't even have to be a video, this is completely up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    [spoiler=2. Reorganization]
    A reorganization of the forums that includes the Shoutbox to appear on the landing page. Alternatively, reorganizing the 'Applications' section into two separate headers; one labelled 'Applications' the other labelled 'Problem Reports'. Needless to say, Applications would consist of Member Submission, Staff Submission, etc. Problem Reports would consist of forms for Member Protest, Report Abuse, etc. Naming conventions would be up to the Higher-Ups.
    This is merely a concern from my perspective and as such should only be treated as an opinion. Though I would like to see if anyone else feels that the forums (or at the least, the landing page) could be laid out in a more user-friendly way (not implying it isn't, just that it could be improved on).
    Thoughts? Concerns? Suggestions? Leave em' below. :coffee:
    This stupidly long post is brought to you by Forest, the nagging collective of nature.
  3. Like
    Tatost reacted to Ms.Spooks in Wyv's Map Review: Clocktown[tgh Map]   
    Yes, hi, and hello.
    Xg has a lot of maps and an even longer history of them. I think it's about time that we talk about what makes or breaks a good map.
    What better to start off with then the closest map to 24/7 we have Clocktown.

    So, right off the bat let's talk about spawncamping. Love it or hate it. It is a part of xg. A lot of this map has been simplified to "It's a good map if you're on red team." Which for the common server drop in sounds like enough. I am going to say a very unpopular opinion on this. It's easy to camp blu, but it's easy to break out. The problem I see a lot on this map isn't the camp itself, but the players who refuse to break it. I have seen blu camped with nothing more than 1 medic, 1 demo, and one gunslinger engy. Blu refused to break out of it. This doesn't happen all the time but it is commonplace. People want to go on a trade server to relax and not feel pressured to participate in spawncamping/breaking out. That's what the !friendly command is for and all it's glitchy glory. To the next side of things when people complain it's too hard to break out. Which is silly. Rtd is a tool that any single player can use to break out of a nest. Likewise defaulting to spy then leaving a single chokepoint is going to get you killed. Pick a power class like solly, demo, or heavy. If your team already has one go medic. There has only been one time in which I've seen a spawn camp literally be unbreakable on this map. All blu went friendly except one player against 3 sentries, a vac medic, and a heavy, and he refused to use rtd. Needless to say I don't think spawncamping is really an issue with this map as prevalent as it may be.
    With that out of the way let's talk about the nitty gritty of the map quality.

    This map is fairly well made. The glitches are minimal and the environment is fairly accurate to the actual game Majora's Mask.
    There are a few complaints that I have. For one the area where you face skull kid and link's garden are inaccessible without noclip. An easy fix would have been to open up the areas during the last day at midnight. The skybox is inaccessible as well without noclip but that is fairly common.for maps. The next issue that I have with the map is that the buildings are incomplete.

    To be fair, this was an issue caused with porting a game that had no intention of elaborate jumps in these areas. As tf2 is significantly more vertically accessible than Majora's mask. So I can give a light pass on this problem.
    This map has a few fun things to do like usable ocarina buttons and secret areas for you to play with including the credits room and observatory. The map is plenty spacious and grants open areas, tight corridors, and of course secret areas. This map doesn't particularly favor any class and can be enjoyed by most anyone. However there is an elephant in the room. It's played way too often. This map as good as it is gets tiring as the interesting things you have access to starts to become nothing new. Unfortunately I think this is what causes players to default to spawncamping for enjoyment. I think that this map in moderation can be very enjoyable. Anything played too much starts to become boring and saturated.
    Overall I like this map. I would just like to see it less often. I know that many of you won't share the same opinion so feel free to share what you like/dislike about the map.
    Spawncamping happens.The map is good in quality, but is extremely overused.

  4. Useful
    Tatost got a reaction from virr in Projectx   
    -1 Argues with staff and <- this
    A: 7/10
  5. Like
    Tatost reacted to Vacindak in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
  6. Friendly
    Tatost got a reaction from Hype in Screenshot Of The Month #6 | Voting   
    Thunder tbh man.
    Edit: mfw there was a format for this >:[[[
    VOTE : ENTRY #2 Thunder
  7. Bad Spelling
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Screenshot Of The Month #6 | Voting   
    Thunder tbh man.
    Edit: mfw there was a format for this >:[[[
    VOTE : ENTRY #2 Thunder
  8. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Supremefennekin - Minecraft   
    +1 Despite the hours as of now, he is still a good moderator on our TF2 division and doesn't need to sound like a chipmunk every time he hits his mic key.:giggle:
  9. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Surf Speed Limit Request   
    Well going to spew my opinion.
    -1 I do not find there to be any reason to change it. If you can gain enough speed to make it to the end, then there is no reason for anything higher. Keep it as is.
  10. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to Skeletal in Surf Speed Limit Request   
    yes please. that would be amazing and I'd be on there a lot if we can make this happen. Maybe take down zombie fortress?
  11. Like
    Tatost reacted to Egossi in Egossi - Minecraft   
    forgot to mention that i am currently the #1 swordsman and acrobat in our MCMMO rank, so you know im very cool :emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses::emoji_sunglasses:
    (cooler than @Chrono)
  12. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to Dethman in Supremefennekin - Minecraft   
    Was meaning to retract my statement but i had to leave, it was my bad
  13. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Forest in Chronosknight - Minecraft   
    There's a special place in hell for people like you
  14. Boring
    Tatost reacted to gryfons in Gryfons - Minecraft   

    Minecraft In-Game Name:

    gryfons Identity:

    gryfons????? for minecraft???? Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    IDK, many minutes Age:

    16 Experience:

    Helped out with the 1st start up, was mod for that 1 day. idk Donated:

    No Information:

    U guys know everything about me already.
    Bag pipes out
  15. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Yeorgie in Gustavo_top_kek   
    Respectful and follows rules, makes too many accounts :rolleyes:
  16. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Yeorgie in Gustavo_top_kek   
  17. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Yeorgie in Gustavo_top_kek   
    Crap I'm sorry I'm new to this I thought the other two comments didn't upload xD
  18. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Sancock in Selfie Sunday   
    Rick roll?
  19. Like
    Tatost reacted to Hype in Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Ii: The Sith Lords   
    Game Name: Star wars: KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords
    Platform: Xbox, PC (Steam)
    Time Spent: 54 Hours
    Do I recommend it? Yes
    Thoughts: When I first played this game it was hard, I had no idea what to do as I was a 10 year old kid that skipped all the dialogue. But after getting a game guide the game was very fun and I still enjoy the game today back when I was 10.
    Pros: Deep characters, alot of your companions throughout the game are hiding something behind your back weither they are hiding secrets about killing and hunting Jedi or learning about a their pass that they are not proud of and its entirely your choice and your relationship with those characters where you can teach them the ways of the Jedi or the Sith. The writing, I love this game'swriting, its very serious, funny at time with your companions depending who you bring having certain reactions to the choices you make. You also have HK-47 who is literally the best character in both games with his humorus dialogue and mocking of KOTOR 1 characters. The story is also a good part of the game, depending on your Dark side or light side route, its either a gather or a revenge story with one of my favorite plot-twist in any game I've played
    Cons: Limited leveling, the game has a level cap at 30 but this is one those games where there is a set number of enemies within the entire game, most creatures and thugs can be fought automatically but to maximaze the leveling before the final area you have to do most sidequest, kill innocent people if you are doing a dark-side play through, bring one of the 2 companions that have high hacking, and repairing skills to maximaze xp gained from such. Missing content, Obsidian was very pushed by Lucas Arts to finish this game, there are entire areas cut out, they kill off a character to avoid a planet visit to find her, a entire factory quest for HK-47 was taken out and other scenes and dialogue being cut out. But there is a restoration mod on Steam's workshop that brings alot of it back
    Final Thoughts: This is one of the few RPG games I played that I throughly enjoyed weither its the dialogue the fun and somewhat deep combat mechanics. The game is on steam for 10$, with achievements and workshop.
  20. Like
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Pokémon Sun And Moon Edition   
    Sun version has a real-time day and night cycle, meanwhile Moon is reverted, so night time in-game is day time in real life. Sun and Moon also have version exclusives Pokémon. This also includes previous generation Pokémon and this generation.
  21. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Hype in Pokémon Sun And Moon Edition   
    @Hype Mainly just sun/moon exclusives. I believe some item differences, etc.
  22. Winner
    Tatost reacted to Rejects in Amylicious   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.

  23. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to CorruptedCobalt in Corruptedcobalt   
    In-Game Name:

    CorruptedCobalt Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    76561198150769878 Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    Three months. [Around 30-60 minutes per day] Age:

    17 Reasons for Joining:

    Well to start off, I've really enjoyed a specific XenoGamer Team Fortress 2 server. During my first visit to this Haven, I stayed only because of the unlimited voice commands. However, as I spent more time exploring, I began to chat more often and got noticed by many players (higher and lower ranked than me.) Now these days I come online nearly every single day. I often share experiences or laugh and add on to other conversations made by many other players. Either way, the server and it's community has now changed me entirely. It's one of my favorite server too, and I would love to apply for a Member rank. Even if its a simple tag, I'd adore it and would feel like I contributed to everything. I promise to keep on staying loyal and to continue following server guidelines. In addition, I'll also start to be more active on the Teamspeak. Thank you for reading my application. If you have any questions, you could send a message on Steam and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can delay everything as long as you want. Thanks again for listening to me, and make sure to have a fantastic day. -CorruptedCobalt
  24. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Foxx in Foxx   
    +1 I see him around a lot nowadays, still haven't seen a problem with him.
    A: 9
    M: 8
    gl my guy.
  25. Like
    Tatost reacted to Reiki in Tf2 Highlander Event!   
    Name: Reiki
    Class Roles: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Sniper.