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  1. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in ProjectXenome   
    No, you are, you wouldn't have brought it up if you weren't.
    Good, but you shouldn't ever say something as stupid as "GET GOOD / GET LMAOBOX" on our servers. Literally just promoting hacks, even if you're joking.

  2. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in ProjectXenome   
    I'm not triggered. I know I should be responsible over what I message and I acknowledge that multiple times. I just feel like your timing with the emotes was weird.
  3. Salty
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in ProjectXenome   
    What is there to be explained? They're messages sent during specific circumstances spaced out pretty far away from each other. I don't even remember when it was sent but it was never to insult or be toxic, it's just dumb memes that I've heard from almost everyone and almost never was a problem. I was just trying to be funny. If I'm expected to hold a higher responsibility in how I talk on both voice and text chat then I will do it. Saying dumb stuff just something I do a lot of the time, kinda to cope with that I'm pretty much socially retarded.
    But I also want you to explain why you decided to put a bunch of negative emotes on my posts. Is it to lower my forum reputation? You put a "Are you insane?!" emote over my reply regarding the death of A XenoGamers member. I found that extremely disrespectful and I was genuinely mourning the death of someone who despite I never got to know; who was so close to the community I interact with. Death in general just depresses me.
  4. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Populate jailbreak?   
    It really just comes down to personal preference. I've been on CS JB multiple times and I didn't find it very fun compared to TF2 JB.
  5. Got It
    Tatost got a reaction from Arnude in ProjectXenome   
    -1 this guy is pretty immature

    I know I'm cherry-picking the fudge out of these logs, but the rest of them are pretty much just commands and two binds that he uses every few minutes.
  6. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in ProjectXenome   
    I know, sorry. It was ment to be more general. I figured you might have not been in the surf. Sorry.
  7. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in New Xenome Design   
    I was thinking about changing Xenome, I made a previous post about it. I asked a friend about it and he actually drawn me a reference for a new design for Xenome. I wondered what you guys think. I will try to replicate this the best I can.

  8. RIP
    Tatost reacted to YeEternalTuna in RIP to one of our first members   
    Rest in peace my fine sir. Never knew him but I thank him for helping and contributing to the foundation of XenoGamers. Please send my condolences to his girlfriend and family. 
  9. RIP
    Tatost reacted to virr in RIP to one of our first members   
    He hasnt been in xG for a while, still a very important member and was one of the founders of the clan
    Rest in peace ❤️
  10. Are You Insane
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in RIP to one of our first members   
    Was he someone who played on the surf server? That's sad to hear.
  11. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to ProjectXenome in Selfie Sunday   
    Peak human perfection.
  12. Like
    Tatost reacted to james8470 in ProjectXenome   
    No no, that's not what I meant when I said I haven't seen you in-game. The real reason I haven't seen you is because I rarely ever go on the surf server. Like @Kypari said, your activity is fine ?
  13. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in ProjectXenome   
    -1 this guy is pretty immature

    I know I'm cherry-picking the fudge out of these logs, but the rest of them are pretty much just commands and two binds that he uses every few minutes.
  14. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from Caleb956 in ProjectXenome   
    -1 this guy is pretty immature

    I know I'm cherry-picking the fudge out of these logs, but the rest of them are pretty much just commands and two binds that he uses every few minutes.
  15. Useful
    Tatost got a reaction from Kypari in ProjectXenome   
    -1 this guy is pretty immature

    I know I'm cherry-picking the fudge out of these logs, but the rest of them are pretty much just commands and two binds that he uses every few minutes.
  16. Winner
    Tatost reacted to Bone in It's time   
    Well that's... not good. I'm actually just a really nervous and shy person, so talking to people is something I'm not really good at. That's even something I'm working on irl.
    When I became staff I tried to stray away from being in any kind of group or clique, since I didn't feel it was appropriate to only care about the welfare of one group and not an entire division, and since I feel it supports bias to do so. I've joked a lot about not having friends, but that's kinda how it is. I tried to treat everyone the same, so the only time I really communicated with people was while I was on the servers with 'em, and a bit in Discord. 
    So I apologize if it seemed like I was purposefully trying to avoid anyone, it's just that my conversation skills are abysmal. 
  17. Bad Spelling
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in Populate jailbreak?   
    I agree with a lot of this and when we've done these population nights on more then one occasion it did get good population for a few of those days, at first. The last part i mentioned is important though. There aren't enough of those dedicated regulars like there used to be, and those that are left are just too few and too unwilling to put in the effort neccissary to make something like this consistent. It always goes downhill quickly and dies out because of that.
    When a few other things clear up I do want to try and see a more regular population event of sorts going on if we can make it work, but one that rotates focus and isn't for jailbreak alone (make zombie fortress great again).
  18. Thinking
    Tatost reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in ProjectXenome   
    +1 Xenome is a genuinely nice person who i see on surf all the time and tries to be the best person he can. He's not the most PC person, but I've heard worse much worse from most staff (including or more specifically myself). He is responsible but doubts himself too much. With some help, he could make fantastic server staff
  19. Friendly
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Meetup?   
    which one of us is the killer
    it's a joke > : (
  20. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Preferred cuisine   
    When I cook, I usually do Mexican or Italian. I'm also pretty good with ribs, burgers, hot dogs, brats, steaks (flank steak is the best ?).
    Baking is the poop tbh. @YeEternalTuna knows what I mean. A flourless chocolate cake is a dessert for kings.
  21. Winner
    Tatost got a reaction from Goblins in Preferred cuisine   
  22. Make xG Great Again
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Populate jailbreak?   
    Pretty sure they stopped populating it because the people organizing the events left. People did come on, but having the event only once a week is not going to populate the server again. Since pretty much everyone is out of school now people should start trying to populate the dead servers (this has already been happening for FF2, but I'm not in the discord anymore so I don't know what is going on anymore.)
    If you guys can actually populate JB almost daily, I believe that you can keep the TF2 division from dying off. JB was probably the best server that I played on, and it sucked to see it die not long after I joined xG after getting my joke of a permanent ban removed. Pretty sure I married @WubbaLubbaDubDu on JB, but couldn't figure out how the fudge giving the ring worked.
    For me, at least, the peak of the division was when I first joined. I was actually somewhat cool back then. Can you believe that? The overall mood of the servers back then was much more suitable to my preferences than it is now, which is part of the reason why I kind of dislike the servers.
  23. Random
    Tatost got a reaction from Kypari in ProjectXenome   
    While I agree that a demo would be useful, it doesn't exactly matter to me since I don't really play anymore. Another option would be to tag some others who have witnessed this if you have any you can think of.
  24. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in ProjectXenome   
    While I agree that a demo would be useful, it doesn't exactly matter to me since I don't really play anymore. Another option would be to tag some others who have witnessed this if you have any you can think of.
  25. Random
    Tatost got a reaction from Elcark in ProjectXenome   
    While I agree that a demo would be useful, it doesn't exactly matter to me since I don't really play anymore. Another option would be to tag some others who have witnessed this if you have any you can think of.