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  1. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in time 4 xG to throw a party   
    have fun my dude! hope everything goes well! See ya around! :llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama:
  2. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Amymaniac in DankFishMan   
    Your membership application has been accepted and you are now a member of Xeno Gamers!
    You can now add the [xG] tag to your in-game name!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed below. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get more involved in the community and qualify for Staff?
    Here's how!
    1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link !
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to keep yourself informed on things happening within the community and for your voice to be heard!
    3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here.
    For a list of our server rules and guides, click on the appropriate division:
    [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]
    Note: n/a

  3. Useful
    TBOHB got a reaction from Elcark in Osmo   
    They want your steam 64id btw.
    You can find that here:
    Steam ID Finder
  4. Useful
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Osmo   
    They want your steam 64id btw.
    You can find that here:
    Steam ID Finder
  5. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    i forgot about something
    50 shades of oof
  6. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    fucking same tbh
  7. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    It's pretty obvious man, he needed to get rid of his AIDS
  8. Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    This guy isn't a scammer but I thought it was kinda funny. Also he never stated the real reason why he added me.

  9. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Sancock in Ur favorite cock is alive again!   
    Im back after 205 days for giving you more "EARGASM" for ur succulent body. :cool:
    Probably some players are going to get confused about my Vac Ban, i'm going to be clear, some of you probably will think i'm used hacks in the game , however . that's not true
    The real cause of my vac ban was My stupid old Pc.
    When Vacindak got admin. We tried to celebrated with Explosions, hammers, hookers and cocaine XD .
    we joined to Jail break when the server was empty and then
    My Old shit pc technically Explode. with only 2 nukes :c.
    My game Freeze and then my pc Turn off.
    then My pc wasn't normal again, for example. only for watching youtube videos My Pc restart without any reason :c.
    one day playing Tf2 ,My pc Crashed again after that i Noticed i got a message in my steam.
    Currently i have a new PC GAMER and a cool headset :cool:.
    i made another Steam account with a diferent Cell phone number.
    i bought like 35 keys for my return , apart from that .
    i'm learning english too.so you can hear me a little bit better now.
    thanks everybody in XG for giving me That motivation to return at TF2 and letting me know , nothing is lost.
    We still have our Funny Surf server with cool and kind people there. :,) .
    And especially thanks to My Friend Vacindak who tried Multiples ways to revome my vac ban.
    Now i'm going to be active once again! in Surf and Deathrun servers. :D
    pst: I want my deathrun server alive again!!!
    pst: DO YA KNOW DA WEY
  10. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    remember when saxton hale was populated
    remember when jb2 existed
    remember balloon race
    remember the oftenly populated jb
    remember forum v8
    remember when i was bump
    remember mlcastle_v9
    remember that one cramped prison map from hl2 in saxton hale
    remember facingworlds in saxton hale
    remember when sewer medic was loud
    remember the glitchy fnaf bosses
    remember scootaloo
    remember ohstopyou
    good times
  11. Creative
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Holy Grail Dueling Banjo   
    item has been sold. sorry to the nobody who was interested
  12. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in What server would this fall under?   
    It would probably best fit on uber upgrades.
  13. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Xeno Gamers Quizizz Tournaments   
    I've used Quizizz at school before. Its pretty neat. This doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. Curious to see what others have to say about it.
  14. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    yeah me too. If its the days where FF2 was populated then totally.
  15. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Tgh Map Requests   
    I was shown this map by a friend of mine who's a map maker. He had told me that there is a lot of walls you can clip into and a lot of clipping issues in general. I'll talk to him again but I'm pretty sure this map is a bit underdeveloped.
    EDIT: So I looked at the map myself, there seems to be no issues with it. Should be fine to add it, I'll try to add it sometime tonight.
    EDIT2: Finally talked with that map maker. He said "You should've never added it in the first place" and I can see why. After adding it, map had many problems, a lot of spots where you could just straight up walk out of bounds. Red spawn could be easily shot into. Removed the map, sorry!
  16. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Osiris in Tgh Map Requests   
    Been awhile since a new recommendation in this thread, so I'm just gonna propose another map: Pinna Park.
    It's another Super Mario Sunshine map, from the same game as Delfino Plaza and Delfino Airstrip. It's of comparable size to dm_mariokart2_b3 or trade_smsdelfinoplaza_a4, albeit a little smaller. I think it would be a fun map reminiscent of the SMS game I enjoy that doesn't elicit a server-wide groan whenever we switch to it (like the Delfinos sometimes do).
    I couldn't find a Gamebanana link, but here's a straight map download instead.

  17. Optimistic
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 ive seen him before and he is a super chill dude and always enforces rules. would be a good addition to the staff roster.
  18. Optimistic
    TBOHB got a reaction from Osiris in Hero - Team Fortress 2   
    going to stay neutral on this. I don't see you a whole lot on the servers, but I have seen you. I haven't seen you talk much even when you are on the servers. I Still know you can be a mod again and would love to have you back, but I would like to see a little more activity.
  19. Disagree
    TBOHB reacted to Krampus in Remove Mascc   
    Except for the fact that like no one ever really uses them unless a staff member/uber donator purposefully goes through the effort of starting them up since only they can do it
  20. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Remove Mascc   
    Two areas of the map are related to gaming, a really small Minecraft part, and a Mario Kart area.

    I don't necessarily understand how this is a problem, there are plenty of maps with the spawns "right next to eachother"

    Abusing this room is already against the rules, as it allows normal users to exploit the map in a way that is not intended for them.

    @Aegean got specific permission from the MassCC owner to use the MassCC map, as long as it is an older version of the map and not their current version.
  21. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 ive seen him before and he is a super chill dude and always enforces rules. would be a good addition to the staff roster.
  22. Dislike
    TBOHB reacted to Amymaniac in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    I agree offline raiding should be a thing and I will fix that indefinitely.
    I also don't want obsidian to be indestructible in a sense, I will review what to do with it with the others but the last thing I want to see is everyone using obsidian+water in their bases, it looks ugly. We will either change the value for which obsidian breaks or configure a magic spell which can be used to break it if possible.
  23. RIP
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    Ang shwash ay nakumpirma ng diyablo!
    Also, I have one of my own from waaaaaaayyyyy back. Credit goes to @Elcark for warning me about him, and sure enough a week later (I guess? it was a long time ago) I get added by him. He is truly the stupidest scammer I've ever had the pleasure of (not) dealing with.

  24. Like
    TBOHB reacted to CappyCappy in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    Im afraid to say that obsidian+water is the core defense of a base, destructible or not. Indestructible obsidian is easy eaten by Withers.
  25. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    So my latest gag was a request! Whilst on xG's Trade Gaming History server, I was added by this gentleman that has absolutely no connections that would result in me adding him. Upon receiving this request, I asked the server what impersonation should I take. I got a couple good requests, but one of them was "instead of offering items, offer used cars." I could NOT say no to such a genius idea. *Forewarning: I am many things, but I am not a person who knows a lot about cars. Please forgive my poor impersonation.*

    So it starts out with this gentleman following the "Random-add scammer phrase checklist" such as asking if I am a trader AFTER adding me and offering unusuals from another person's account.
    Although I would not really call myself a trader, for the purposes of this charade, I have decided to masquerade as one. I play my role to a T, and he does the unthinkable, HE DOES NOT ASK FOR MY UNUSUAL. Now I have been doing this for a long time, but I have never EVER had someone ask for anything but my Unusual Stovepipe. He did ask for austrailiums, but that wasn't going to be my initial offer, no no no. I start him off on some of my more mediocre wares. I have had this Kia Spectra for a while*, and it was cluttering my garage**. I was okay with letting it go. I go on to immediately regret that and backpedal a bit to a different car.
    *I do not have that car
    **My garage is filled with tools that I rarely use, not cars

    At first, he is confused. Does he not know how the barter of automobiles is performed? What an amatuer. So he goes on to speak Filipino, and I shamelessly open a tab in Google Translate. He opens with obscenities, and proceeds to call me a devil. I give the obvious response. I mean, car salesmen are stereotyped to be sleazy ass droplets, but it does not mean I am under that same, smelly umbrella. He keeps this up for a bit, so I (professionally) request him to gather himself so we can continue negotiating. I give him a few minutes, and ask him if negotiations can continue. He does not respond. I give him a countdown to respond so I can gauge his interest. I already wasted to much time on him. A busy car salesman*** such as myself shouldn't be wasting his valuable seconds on people who aren't willing to conduct business. The clock runs fully, and I am still met with silence. A bit nettled, I say a backhanded statement and proceed to block and unfriend him. I probably wasn't going to go through with it anyways. If he lived in the Philippines, the paperwork and fees to send that car over would be to costly.
    ***I am not a salesman, I hope no one thinks I am
    Well, that's the end. See you next time, and I promise, there will be a next time.