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  1. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to YeEternalTuna in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Getting free items from the bot is literally like getting a regular drop from the game itself. You shouldn't have to be upset because you weren't able to profit at least 1 scrap from it. It's free items for gods sake, if you don't like it there's an in-game option where you right click the item in your backpack and delete it. NOT that hard
  2. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Simply add an option to not participate in giveaways and we're fine?
  3. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to Ms.Spooks in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Most of us understand you put a lot of effort into it, but in its current state it just floods chat. It still has some bugs to be worked out. I don't even mind the whole free item bit. I can just see it being an issue of afk farming and regulating item names and whatnot. On top of that imo most people are going to use it as a glorified garbage bin for their junk. It does affect players by having to talk over the servers normal spam and now this bot. Specially since staff have to give an in chat warning which will be buried atm. We appreciate the thought but like I said it needed more time before being released.
  4. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from bagggel in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now.
  5. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You are missing the point here. You are complaining about not making a profit off a donation bot. You are honestly sounding like an asshole. People gave these items to be gifted and you are calling them "dogshit" and "worthless"
  6. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Caleb956 in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I can understand not wanting crates and such, but like people have said, it's not like you're paying anything to get these items, its literally just for playing on the server, I guess no one can be pleased these days lol. And if its an uncraftable spec ks then maybe USE it like it's meant to be instead of instantly trying to flip a profit, eh? Oh well, I like the idea personally of the plugin.
  7. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Plus, once again, the more players linked = higher tier items. Cheap items do not have to be an absolute.
  8. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You are missing the point here. You are complaining about not making a profit off a donation bot. You are honestly sounding like an asshole. People gave these items to be gifted and you are calling them "dogshit" and "worthless"
  9. Salty
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Sigh. Once again I'm the person who voices it despite so much confusion on the servers and in discord servers and I get bashed down for it.
    Firstly, why would I have a mental breakdown other this? I'm just annoyed because this is a pretty neat idea which isn't executed well. Obviously it deserves credit but it's still frustrating.
    Secondly, I can't craft it since it's uncraftable, otherwise I'd be OK with the prize. I know you probably don't understand since as far as I know you don't play a lot of TF2, but uncraftable specialized killstreak weapons are dogshit and as worthless as a crate. Why would anyone be interested in joining the forums over a giveaway where all you win is something as bad as this?
    That's the main issue here. People are interested in winning things that are cool and worth winning, even if it's something like a hat in game or as much as an unusual (which is like a knife), not something like this. We won't gain much from winning items such as this. I could just go out and buy something like this right now because I have the in-game money so it's not that big of a deal that I won something like this and I'm annoyed I didn't get something worth it, but doesn't it defeat the purpose of trying to attract people to the forums if you're shooting yourself in the foot with items like this?
  10. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Vexx in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I personally don't mind the giveaway plugin, as long as it works properly. I did have to initially remove it from TGH the night it was added because it was causing the server to constantly crash, but the plugin was soon fixed afterwards. As long as the plugin continues to be developed and worked on, I really see no problem. One option I do hope to see though, is an option to disable the messages from the giveaways/choose to opt out, as I am an individual who does not need nor want any free items or credits and would like someone else to have them. I do know an option like this was discussed so hopefully we can see that soon. Though in the future, please use the testing server we have for testing new versions of said plugin before putting it on one of our populated servers, we have plenty of staff who would gladly help test it.
  11. Got It
    TBOHB got a reaction from Sora_ in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Ahh one of the best and one of my top favorite games of all time. I can honestly say that I agree with everything you said. Nice job on the review dude. With my 300+ hours I still have a blast with it.
  12. Ding!
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    I believe adding an opt-out feature is what we were discussing earlier, or to have it auto opt-out and you can opt-in if you'd like. One or the other.
  13. Ding!
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Maybe @Rhododendron can add an opt-out feature to where you don’t get a message about it in chat and won’t be chosen as a possible winner.
    That way those who are content and grateful about it can be happy with it.
  14. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    @Kypari I really don't know what your issue is lol, you're getting an extra drop from the bot that someone else didn't want for absolutely free just for being on the server, why are you having such a mental breakdown? You can literally scrap the items if you don't want them or delete them from your inventory or just don't accept them, like am I reading your posts right?
    The bot is a work in progress, we are not outright removing it as @Rhododendron has spent a lot of time coding it from scratch, and we are happy to take feedback to help improve it. That being said, your rage towards us taking people's items that they don't want, and redistributing it back to our community instead of profiting off of it is very odd.

  15. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Sora_ in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Game Name:
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    Nintendo Switch
    Time Spent:
    ~90 hours
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game:
    Initial Thoughts:
    The beginning of the game was like opening a mystery crate; it was mysterious, the controls weren’t all unlocked yet, everything was interesting and it just kept revealing new things to me. The gameplay was easy enough to pick up and the starting enemies were perfect for easing the player into the flow of battle and also basic mechanics. What really kept amazing me was the scenery-- it never failed to amaze me.

    Gameplay and Story:
    Admittedly, the story wasn’t too important or in depth. It was the typical ‘Ganon is evil and did a bunch of evil things and you gotta save Zelda.’ But, the sheer amount of gameplay and features in Breath of the Wild compensated. There were many hidden mechanics that aren’t explicitly taught (i.e. crouching dashes, shield surfing, and mounting certain enemies). Finding them or learning of them made the game interesting and more in depth as compared to previous Zelda games. In my opinion, one of the best parts about Breath of the Wild is the ability to be creative in whatever you do. For example, there’s always more than one way to take on an enemy; you could sneak strike them from behind, you could rain arrows on them or you could use a Korok leaf to blow remote bombs on them. There’s just so many different methods of doing things. That said, as a player, I constantly found new items, methods and little easter eggs scattered about the gigantic map.

    There are so many points of interest in the game that honestly, I would have expected more quests for them. This brings me to my other point: quests. You have your Main Quests such as “Defeat Ganon,” Shrine Quests, and Sidequests. Although some quests are the same (i.e. Defeat x!, Gather these items!, or Find x!), some are genuinely interesting to play through. One quest that stands out in my mind relates to the construction of an entire town from the ground up (Literally named From the Ground Up). It’s the longest quest in the game, but playing through it was fun and interesting in my opinion.
    The backstory to this game is essentially the basis and catalyst for all the game's events. To summarize, everything that happened in the past with Ganon and all has a direct effect on the present in which the game is playable. Some characters are the ancestors of characters of the past that may or may not hate you for your actions or lack of action. Overall, I'd say the backstory does well to support the main story, but the story as a whole falls short of other games.
    Scenery (Probably the best part about playing the game is just looking over after climbing a mountain and enjoying the view.)

    Fluid, Adaptable gameplay that evolves as you learn

    Lots of Content and Easter Eggs (Like Mr. Iwata/Botrick here.)

    Exploration/Map Size and Good Difficulty Curve

    DLC and Future Updates Planned

    After beating the game, it gets difficult to find new things to do.
    Many quests or goals are very tedious and require a lot of resources, time and patience.
    You can find many weapons, but there are no permanent weapons other than the Master Sword.
    Travelling to places without fast travel points is tedious and having a horse around isn’t always guaranteed.
    Resources are always limited, so grinding for enough or just peace of mind is inevitable.
    Final Thoughts:
    Breath of the Wild, in my personal opinion, was a brave new step in the right direction for the franchise. It’s open world exploration and mechanics were very interesting to play through and provided many countless hours of playing. I usually get bored fairly easily, but this game kept showing me new things to do and new places to check out-- I haven’t even finished all the quests and shrines yet. And because DLC is on the horizon, the game is guaranteed to provide even more content. Anyone can pick up the game and start playing; you don’t have to be a fan of the series already, which is one feature I like about it.
  16. Useful
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    If you want to get down to it, the point of the bot is to encourage users to get on the forum. The free stuff is just a bonus.
  17. Creative
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Yeah I think to appease to the rest of the crowed who don't want the item given to them for free, there maybe could be an option to take credits. If there is a thread where people don't want free shit from donations is pretty sad, but it'll be better to have an option for credits in the long run.
  18. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Um...I don't think you know what you're talking about, no offense. Nearly every single person I'm in a discord with is against it. That's at least 15 people, and that doesn't include the masses of people I meet on the server that's against it.
  19. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Yeah I think to appease to the rest of the crowed who don't want the item given to them for free, there maybe could be an option to take credits. If there is a thread where people don't want free shit from donations is pretty sad, but it'll be better to have an option for credits in the long run.
  20. Ding!
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You know the bot does need work, but it's honestly hurtful people saying to scrap it all together. As it was coded, it gives out better items the more linked players are on and if you think I should just wait until more players are on so I can feel justified doing a giveaway for items that some people want, I'm ok with that. I could even code in something where it asks you if you rather get credits instead of the item upon winning and you can choose from there. But I honestly don't understand why people are against something that does not really change any aspect of the game.
  21. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    It’s not dumb giveaways, you are getting something for free. Period.
    I don’t see why you get so shook about it. be it a crate or a weapon. Free is Free, be happy with that.
  22. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.
  23. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Honestly at the end of the day this is probably the most first world thread I have ever seen. People complaining that the virtual items they are receiving for free aren't worth enough. My god.
  24. Winner
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
  25. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Krampus in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.