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  1. Losing It
    james8470 reacted to Vector in Egossi   
    -1 nah man. shit was mentioned before. i can't help but believe that people +1 this shit. disrespectful, trolling, etc, etc, proceeds to shit post me after his ban was put back on. i want people who +1 to REALLY think long and hard. This guy made a disrespectful vote with his donator powers because he was upset on pokemon and i had to actually explain to him why that's not okay.
  2. Sad
    james8470 reacted to Egossi in Egossi   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Egossi Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Egossi Banned:

    Yes Previously in xG:

    Yes Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Age:

    15 Further Information:

    hey guys, miss me? ^^
    Tbh I think I spend too much time on xG servers, well, too much for a non-member.
    If you know me you probably also know that I know the rules, and obey them.
    ..Well, at least try to obey them.
    Last time I made a member submission I was actually a skrub beginner on the internet, I didn't even know how the forums worked lel ^^.
    Before posting anything, keep in mind that if you are going to -1 me, I'm ok with that. I'm doing this to either get back in xG or fail and see who does not want me in xG.
    For those people who think I'm immature all the time, I was being like "ohh yeah, smoke weed everyday" because I thought it was funny, and I stopped because a lot of people disagreed with me on that. So I'm sorry if I bothered you by doing that etc.
    I hope you can realize that I've changed, and not gonna act stupid like that again.
    inb4 @John_Madden Madden said: fuck no -1
    inb4 @TwoZeroFour said: no thanks -1
    inb4 @Hachi said: FUCK OFF ASSHOLE -1
    inb4 @Izanagi said: Oh my god, no please -1
  3. Ding!
    james8470 reacted to Egossi in Egossi   
    +1 I agree with egossi, this guy called egossi has been doing stuff a member should not be doing for a long time. No respect for anyone as well, we don't need canc3r in xG. lets ban this motherfucking faggot
  4. Funny
    james8470 reacted to Egossi in Egossi   
    Member's Name:

    Egossi Member's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: [xG]Egossi Information:

    Has no respect for anyone, everybody hates him.
    I don't think anyone needs or wants him to be in xG.
  5. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Egossi in Egossi   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Egossi Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Eghosty Banned:

    No Previously in xG:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Age:

  6. Feels Bad Man
    james8470 got a reaction from CappyCappy in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    +1 in short I fucked up
    EDIT: really I made a mistake!! I should've let the server be tested by the staff more, not just for like 2 days. It should've been postponed for another week, it would've been worth it.
  7. Disagree
    james8470 got a reaction from MineCrack in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    +1 in short I fucked up
    EDIT: really I made a mistake!! I should've let the server be tested by the staff more, not just for like 2 days. It should've been postponed for another week, it would've been worth it.
  8. Disagree
    james8470 got a reaction from hongkongatron in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    +1 in short I fucked up
    EDIT: really I made a mistake!! I should've let the server be tested by the staff more, not just for like 2 days. It should've been postponed for another week, it would've been worth it.
  9. Disagree
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding Current raiding conditions   
    +1 in short I fucked up
    EDIT: really I made a mistake!! I should've let the server be tested by the staff more, not just for like 2 days. It should've been postponed for another week, it would've been worth it.
  10. Losing It
    james8470 got a reaction from CappyCappy in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Ban this exploiter!
    (Just kidding)
    Also this might've been a better place for this? Minecraft Bug Report! | Xeno Gamers
  11. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Kyoko in xG Factions   
    are we gunna start advertising factions sooner or later, it's kinda boring being one of the only people on. >_>
  12. Funny
    james8470 reacted to WhyJewMad in OMG abuse on the MC server!!   
    Contrary to the title, that's not what is happening. They are not abusing, they are just really good. Even when I think they are abusing, Warrior man's up and tells me EXACTLY what happened. So quit QQing and play the game. It's factions, shit happens.
  13. Disagree
    james8470 reacted to GoldenWrapper in Cracked server??   
    Buy. The. Damn. Game. I doubt Silence will start a server for people who are too cheap to buy the game.
  14. Disagree
    james8470 reacted to Heisenberg in Cracked server??   
    Christ its only 15 dollars lol
  15. Smelly
    james8470 reacted to doublebuttass in Cracked server??   
    our clan does not want to be a clan for homeless people. unless they are rich but does not have a house.
  16. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Rhododendron in Server Messed Up   
    We didn't lose anything but something broke the server. I'll fix it tomorrow and hopefully this will all be resolved!
  17. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Owl in this thing on   
    pls make division ty ill do it if i have to gahdamn
  18. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to CappyCappy in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Fear me, the proud owner of the only humanSkeleton spawnegg in existence.
    In all seriousness somehow I broke this.
  19. Informative
    james8470 reacted to Sora_ in Xenoblade Chronicles 2   
    lmao it's definitely got those kinds of things. Quick TL;DR of the entire game is pretty straightforward: main character meets/gets special thing and the entire story develops around special thing. Companions made as the story progresses. Ultimate goal is to essentially reach "Elysium."
    It's pretty predictable, but I still enjoyed it.
  20. Losing It
    james8470 reacted to CappyCappy in Doki Doki Literature Club   
    Do not search up anything related to the game if you wish to get the full experience.
    Game Name: Doki Doki Literature club
    Platform: PC/Mac
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    10/10 will play again
    Hey guys, I'm here with another review. For those of you who didn't run away because of the picture or the title anyways. At first glance, this game may look like your typical Japanese anime schoolgirl dating sim or something of that sort anyways. But I really shouldn't go in depth explaining the game because the story is everything. Let's let the game explain itself first. (It's a visual novel type of stuff btw)
    [spoiler=STEAM DESC]
    Hi, Monika here
    [spoiler=STEAM DESC]
    Welcome to the Literature Club! It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of the things I love. Now that you're a club member, you can help me make that dream come true in this cute game!
    Every day is full of chit-chat and fun activities with all of my adorable and unique club members:
    Sayori, the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most;
    Natsuki, the deceivingly cute girl who packs an assertive punch;
    Yuri, the timid and mysterious one who finds comfort in the world of books;
    ...And, of course, Monika, the leader of the club! That's me!
    I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the Literature Club become a more intimate place for all my members. But I can tell already that you're a sweetheart—will you promise to spend the most time with me? ♥
    Alright, there's the official description. However, this game's true nature is hidden under the deceiving facade. I won't explain the whole backstory or anything like a normal game but expect to be surprised. This is probably one of the most unique games I've played.
    -Four unique girls with unique personalities that you woo with poems!
    -Anime styled graphics!
    -A spectacular and colorful storyline with different endings!
    -Innovative design(You'll see)
    This isn't exactly an easy game to review as the experience is EASILY ruined with spoilers. It is very different from a dating sim, and I encourage everyone to try it(not a weeb in any way, I don't even watch anime). One of the most innovative games I've ever played, it is quite small and free on steam. Great experience.
  21. Like
    james8470 reacted to MineCrack in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Hello, not sure who is doing the server stuff now but I just want to make suggestions and point out issues.

    Featherboard is currently disabled/broken. I created a config for fb+deluxe chat to display information on active auctions. Since fb is disabled, whenever an auction is started only the item is announced in chat but no information. This should be fixed as Silence paid for the plugin (and it is really nice). If the config isn't on the server, me or owl can send you a backup.
    You currently cannot TNT factions while the members are offline. I haven't been able to thoroughly test this if its for online factions as well. This should be changed because it ruins raiding and removes the need for investing into obsidian vaults for protecting loot.
    The nether should be enabled. From what I have been told, the nether+end is disabled for future "quests" that are not ready and progression. I can understand the end being disabled because of loot you can get+xp farms (obviously it should be enabled eventually). However, the nether should not as it just removes a lot of content from the game (various blocks and potion requirements).
    The /bal and /pay commands are currently broken.
    Guests should have access to commands such as /tpa and /sethome (afaik they cannot tpa, not able to test /sethome). It's just inconvenient not having it, my friend was complaining when he joined the server. Other incentives should be given to members (money, kits, cosmetics, etc..) instead as the member rank is the only way you have access to teleport commands.

    I had other things on my mind but I forgot, will post anything else if I remember.
  22. Feels Bad Man
    james8470 got a reaction from Egossi in Stepping Down   
    As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.
    Here's why:
    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.
    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.
    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.
    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).
    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.
    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.
    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.
  23. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in Mr.LogicToast - Team Fortress 2   
    How on earth is that stupid? Any way for someone to try and get a hold of a staff member or address a legitimate issue is perfectly fine so long as they themselves aren't breaking any rules. Not everyone is going to be aware of even how to tell if staff are on, but likely will know of the calladmin command and will resort to it or may not know that staff are on but want to call something out subtly without announcing it to everyone on the server. In that such a case, there are plenty of people who know of the calladmin command and what it does but aren't aware of admin chat.
    Regardless of all these possibilities and situations, it makes no sense to punish someone for trying to call out an actual occurring problem because they didn't do so in the most refined possible way. Banning people for the use of abusing calladmin is reserved for when it is not being used appropriately such as falsely reporting someone for no reason or anything that can be described as trolling. It's not for when the use of a calladmin is not the most appropriate way to handle a situation, as it's potentially always an appropriate way.
    +1 for unban, logic did not misuse the plugin and did not deserve to be banned for reporting someone. (Sorry if any of this was poorly written, waking up hurts)
  24. Winner
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Towny World Download   
    As promised, the old towny world with everything you've built in your town can be downloaded right here: [MEDIA=googledrive]1VFgaVHE_SSvUEliqLJbCY7066NU4_olS[/MEDIA]
    Some things to note:
    1) The file is big
    2) The download link might not last forever, but probably for at least 10 months (reasons).
  25. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Towny World Download   
    As promised, the old towny world with everything you've built in your town can be downloaded right here: [MEDIA=googledrive]1VFgaVHE_SSvUEliqLJbCY7066NU4_olS[/MEDIA]
    Some things to note:
    1) The file is big
    2) The download link might not last forever, but probably for at least 10 months (reasons).