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Everything posted by maf427

  1. idiot caught cheating again! i know you're long gone from xenogamers, but be sure to unlink your alias-cleared steam account from a forum account that people know you by before you embarrass yourself again on the internet! get destroyed retard ?



    (\__/) (>’.’<) ~ ? (")_(")



    Minx SteamID is STEAM_0:0:224378380, 204 previous names. Other ids [U:1:448756760] 76561198409022488


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Goblins


      Why are you even taking so much effort to keep track of this chick, man? Just let it go and stop being such a brain dead turd.

    3. virr


      How 2 close profile posts

    4. SegFault


      To clarify-

      A: This is not appropriate behavior, there is no need to hunt her down and be toxic. 

      B: "Kitty wasn't even banned for cheating here so idk what you mean by "again"  @Tatost She has in fact been caught hacking multiple times on our servers under various alts.

      edit: if anybody needs further clarification please message me on here, steam or discord (Seg Fault#7046) 

  2. just like most other people think, pichu is stupidly powerful. pichu can lead combos very easily which can wipe out many fighters using deadly finishers like dair (meteor smash) and down b (thunder). plus, pichu is so small that a lot of fighters can't even up tilt/smash pichu at very close distances. in layman's terms, be careful when fighting pichu; he/she can take down one whole stock if you make the wrong move
  3. no worries, i can just laser it
  4. the cat is vibrating on me earlier the cat was dancing on me D2559D5E-FE83-4581-9A91-C1EAD03011AF.MOV
  5. good as new (mustache excluded)
  6. i’m sorry please don’t hurt me
  7. no worries, the fidget spinner will do it for me
  8. well it's really funny because regardless of the fact that it was purely unintentional i still hear it be enforced
  9. well obviously we wouldn’t want to hear it all of the time but don’t overexaggerate. not only that, micspam is usually individual. i’m sure that multiple people wouldn’t mean to do it with intention
  10. latency only takes place at the start of people talking. to somebody, they can say said person talked before the other, and to another person, they heard it as if they were both talking at the same time. not everyone on the internet is respectful
  11. this rule is absolutely and indubitably pathetic and retarded, especially when it occurs in a populous server (surf and tgh at this point). it disappoints me when everybody talks at once and many of staff go apepoop, and as time passes it gets crazier. it happens all of the time when a discussion is currently taking place. either everybody talking at once comes to the epiphany that they're all talking over each other and they all hesistate, which stops the talking, or the people will commence the talking, and in this case, it wreaks havoc. better to not have it as a server rule to give people more freedom while talking on the mic, which brings a more social and friendly atmosphere, and to further shun the staff from having such a hard time with the ongoing issue. it occurs almost every single day i come on surf, but i'm not sure about tgh regarding the issue. a rule where people are not allowed to talk over each other only makes things worse. let them talk, regardless of the amount of people talking. i don't want to hear "don't talk over people" every minute, which not only pisses people off, but it also delays most of the conversations that the server has, this delay being (x) admin giving a poop and talking in (y) tone that talking over people is not allowed. imagine going to a huge party. you hear everybody around you talk, the music is loud, and everybody is having a fun time. you're hearing all of this noise, and if people are going to complain about people talking over each other, then maybe you should go outside. some others can view this controversial topic as a "lack of respect" for talking over somebody about to say something, but in a video game, latency exists, and it can't be compensated for when people are talking. this "lack of respect" can be intentional and non-intentional, and i'm sure the most of you guys can tell whether it was on purpose or completely on accident. otherwise, the victim is just being sarcastic. i understand that servers have their own rules and it's equivalent to going to a night club or any other local area with a myriad of people, but i've never been to any other server that enforces that rule, and if i see any reason being because the server is more unique that way, i'm going to cry.
  12. no worries, another grotesque picture of me is coming up!
  13. https://gyazo.com/8c7b1587b71ae83e26de77fcb0553962
  14. well, it isn't easy to suggest a boss with balanced abilities. many are overpowered, and on the other hand, some others are underpowered. his chain lightning can have its bad and good moments, but nobody seems to play the boss i agree. his health should be reduced by at most 15%
  15. i agree with buzz lightyear. mlg sniper probably needs to get nerfed too
  16. maf427


    okay. revealed or not, it doesn't matter. seems to be the cosmetics that gets everybody's attention.
  17. maf427


    i spoke in vc after having seg unveil me. he told everybody that the link to my main account was on my alternate's bio.
  18. maf427


    adding on to my previous reply (can't edit anymore due to the length between og post and edit), i could have recorded footage myself, but without knowing i'd get banned, i have no footage for this session.
  19. maf427


    i'm the cause, and the effect varies. i'll have you know i play on the surf server almost every single day, and the day i play on without cosmetics without unveiling any sort of magical, spooky snippet that i'm, well, maf, i get banned. in layman's terms, i'm saying that this would've never happened if i wore cosmetics. yes, thanks for pointing out that demos cause this issue. i made a minor mistake in my part, but then again, the people viewing the demos won't be able to view the same things that were being recorded during that time. maybe any recording software like obs/shadowplay would have helped a ton.
  20. maf427


    i didn't display any sort of enjoyment when i was being called a cheater. it's a little bit unorthodox too, because when you realized it was me playing on the alt, you were making this uncanny-esque laugh while telling me to "fudge off".