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CT Ban Request for Enforcer

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I request a ct ban for Enforcer. However long that may be is up to you (if he gets punished at all).


[TRG] Enforcer: STEAM_1:1:50697559

Clamb: STEAM_1:1:42360627



Be aware this is CS:GO.



In-game, the warden Clamb made us play deathrun with 3 people? As far as I remember that's illegal. I told him it was illegal but of course Clamb ignored me. I will point out that Clamb does not know how to warden and did break rules quite often (I do not have those rounds recordded).


Then, once I won LR, Enforcer free killed me. I didn't record the next round, but he refused to slay himself. And that is why I am here posting this.


Enforcer breaking rules. This comes as no suprise to me. In the past, Enforcer has consistently broken rules. Free Killing, Free Shooting and I always see him get swapped by admins.


I hope that something is done about this event.


As always I provide evidence of my claims, as it is required.



-[xG:N] Scub


PS. Let me know what will happen.

Oh, and Clamb free killed Josh twice(didn't get that recorded but just so u know why he's mad)


Here's the video of proof:


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death run with 3 people is not illegal, and I can't ct ban enforcer just because he freekilled once, that's a slay, I'm afraid i'll have to close this, make another thread when you have enough proof.


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