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Permission to rebel hunt?

Remove "Permission to rebel hunt is required" rule?  

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  1. 1. Remove "Permission to rebel hunt is required" rule?

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Basically, it's retarded. If there are 4 T's unstacked shoulder to shoulder out of the 5 living ones, you know there's a rebel.

If there is a CT not with T's, and all the T's are accounted for, slay the offending CT. It's that simple, and alot of people hate this ridiculous rule.

Please remove it <3






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I'm not sure where I stand here. I would love to +1 this but, it's pretty stupid when you're rebelling and a CT who's just derping around stumbles across you. Sometimes the T in that situation doesn't have a gun because they didn't make it to armory or whatever the reason is. I do however like the idea of not needing permission to rebel hunt when I know there is a rebel.


Decision, -1. Too many derps just walking around otherwise. I know the point is to rebel and it shouldn't be easy but, some maps are already hard enough to rebel on without a CT spotting you. Having the CT's just roaming around looking for you anyways just sucks.

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Too many derps just walking around otherwise. I know the point is to rebel and it shouldn't be easy but, some maps are already hard enough to rebel on without a CT spotting you. Having the CT's just roaming around looking for you anyways just sucks.

you seem to have completely missed the point. they still have to have a valid reason to hunt for rebels.


the only valid reasons are:

  • seeing a person rebel
  • Ts are unstacked and you count one missing
  • you trust a T who says there is a rebel (you have to be stupid to do this.)

right now the staff seems to think that "you have to have a valid reason/permission to rebel hunt" means that you can only do it if you have object number 1 happen and that is it.


no clue how the fuck it went from the normal good and challenging way for all to that without changing really anything.


Basically you new kids are making rules because you think things are too unfair for one side. there are abouty 1-2.5 or 1-3 CTs-Ts at any given time. that is already un fair in favor of the Ts get off your high horses and if you die rebelling suck it up and stop being a little bitch about it trying to make all these new rules because you physically suck at playing the game mode you are supposed to be moderating.

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I don't see how I missed the point... anyways. It was my understanding that you couldn't rebel hunt even if they were unstacked and you could see a rebel. You still had to ask to rebel hunt.


Admin "Rule changing"


That's the link to the thread that involves rebel hunting as it stands right now. A little over half way down Forest posted about it, tagging all staff members.

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It was my understanding that you couldn't rebel hunt even if they were unstacked and you could see a rebel. You still had to ask to rebel hunt.

that was a lot of you "new" mods understanding for some reason you went from the standard (how aaron and i phrase it) to having to ask to rebel hunt no matter what out of nowhere it was confirmed for you as well that it was never a rule nor was it ever said you had to ask to rebel hunt. the discussion was whether or not you should have to say you are specifically rebel hunting which is still stupid.


let us remember this is jailbreak RP and let us liken it to what it is modeled off of. a jail, you see a prisoner trying to escape do you run up to the warden of the prison on the other side of the establishment and ask him if you can go subdue him, or do you subdue him?

you notice that someone is not where they were supposed to be, they should have been in the mess hall for lunch but are not, what do you do? go to your warden again other side of the prison, or do you go check his cell?


in both cases you would not go directly ask your warden you would instead pass the message along while you yourself go and deal with the prisoner in question, going to the warden would be counter productive. the only difference between CSS and real prison is you can pass your message directly to the warden while doing it because there is no dynamic locale voice. (PR Mumble/ ACRE for Ace mod on TS for ARMA2)


TL;DR you thought wrong, these were never rules in the first place when this whole having to ask to hunt rebels business got started and now you made it a rule to have to ask to rebel hunt (when you have no valid reason) but you are pushing that on to also just rebel hunting when you have a valid reason because you new mods are too bad at rebelling yourself. get better. quit complaining. stop trying to change/add more rules to the game that are un-needed, we were running fine with full servers without any of these stupid shit rules you guys forge and then forced on the populus. at around this same time. why do we not have that now?

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Chrono, as the Division Leader of CS:GO I thought you'd know the MOTD a little better. Also, I like to think I play the game pretty well anyways. Please go read the MOTD once more.

Quoted STRAIGHT FROM THE CS:S MOTD "You MUST ASK THE WARDEN to go hunt rebels unless you PHYSICALLY SEE THEM REBEL." Also, I'm an admin. Not a mod. I know the MOTD pretty amazingly. Next time, try not to attack people in your posts. It makes you look like a pompous asshole.


Edit: I only punish people for what's in the MOTD. Forest said it was a rule that we must physically see them rebel as we were ALL TAGGED IN THE POST.

Edit 2: I'd also like to clarify. I wasn't complaining about anything here. I pointed out that having CT's just immediately go rebel hunt as soon as the round starts is sort of...dumb. I rebel pretty well, so don't assume. It makes an ass out of you and me. You shouldn't generalize. Your attitude on here is getting pretty ridiculous. Try being friendly to people rather than shoving your opinion onto someone and thinking you are right. You have a "higher than thou" attitude and it gets rather old. Note: This isn't personally attacking you, I feel that you saying that all the new mods and players suck is sort of disrespectful. As I have stated so many times you seem to have a problem with anyone who is new to the clan, I don't exactly see why. You aren't more important or better than anyone here.


@@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@PiNoYPsYcHo

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Try being friendly to people rather than shoving your opinion onto someone and thinking you are right. You have a "higher than thou" attitude and it gets rather old.


@@Chrono He's right. Just calm down.

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like i said "you guys are adding these new rules in that are completely un needed", and we were doing fine if not better with the same game but on less specific rules, it was understood when people are hunting and not.


the reason there are seperate rules for css and csgo is because you guys (referring to the newer staff) kept changing things around so those rules are modeled mostly off the old rules. with the exceptions being map specific and some games with models added in csgo.


I don't make my players ask to go rebel hunt when there is obviously a rebel, it is rather pointless.


while i am at the adding to my post game:


I want it to where you have to SEE a rebel to rebel hunt.

notice he says I want it to... these different things are wanted by you guys (referring to people in the next couple lines)

the guys who rebel and they are found. you think that it is unfair someone was out looking for you and they had no way of knowing there was a rebel, what was happening in the round before? most likely some sort of game involving the Ts being seperated from stacking on eachother be it FR/LR or some sort of map game like 4v4 soccer jump rope (the one with stands) etc. where you can easily count out how many Ts are there as opposed to how many there are in total.

granted in the current case you have to ask to go hunt them when you know it, but that should not be the case as this op is asking,

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Rebelling isn't near as fun without a challenge. Plus with the removal of the needing permission to rebel hint rule. We don't have to listen to people whine about wanting to rebel hunt!

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+1 for removal, one of the dumbest rules ive ever seen applied to jailbreak, and this ORIGINALLY was NOT a rule, it was just added what, a month or two ago? A few months before that i was inactive, and when i came back it wasnt in motd since i had to completely reread due to some changes, so unless it was added when i was gone, then was off again when i came back, it was never there and one of those rules that were not REAL rules that get enforced.

And as @@Chrono said, this is based off of real jail, if you knew a prisoner escaped by counting them, you wouldn't ask warden if you can, AND this gives the warden power to say "No you cant rebel hunt"(as far as these rules go, you would still be able to hunt if seeing the T, even if warden says no), so he leaves you there playing with yourself as you all get killed.

Now, this was discussed in that other thread, so i honestly see higher ups (DM+) just closing this saying was already discussed. Also, yeah i may not be a good rebel, but this is just the people who can barely rebel or just want to make it easier for themselves to rebel.


Basically, gives rebelling Ts and warden too much power, needs removal, and those who think they should only have to see and cant ask, should just not play jailbreak anymore since they clearly can't rebel.

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Never liked it. Forest hypnotized me.

I see how it is. I SEE.


So, what the lot of you here are saying (in a very angry and aggressive manner) is that people are abusing the ability to Rebel Hunt?


Also, technically speaking, yes, if this were 'real life jail', I'm almost certain that before leaving your position to pursue someone who may or may not be hostile you would let your superiors/fellow guards know.. But then again, I've never had that experience, so I'm not 100% sure on that.

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