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@@DeathGod I know that you wouldn't perm someone, im not that dumb to think that, wasn't meant to get you in trouble, just showing how Darkwolf did nothing about it when not afk

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G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^)

What exactly is the point of that screenshot? DeathGod saying the next person to freekill him is being permed? @@DeathGod


I believe he posted it because of the racism, just showing that nothing was done about it. Obviously people are going to argue that its not racist, but would you say it in a public setting? Most likely not, still racism although more tolerated on the servers.

where i live if you say nigga or nigger in a public place no one cares. just how it is and i type how i talk.

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What exactly is the point of that screenshot? DeathGod saying the next person to freekill him is being permed? @@DeathGod


I believe he posted it because of the racism, just showing that nothing was done about it. Obviously people are going to argue that its not racist, but would you say it in a public setting? Most likely not, still racism although more tolerated on the servers.

where i live if you say nigga or nigger in a public place no one cares. just how it is and i type how i talk.


We're not saying that you did anything wrong, you're fine. Where I'm from it is, and im just clarifying what shadow was using that screenshot for... at least what i took from it

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Btw your evidence is shit.

As a div leader I would expect you to know what it takes to get demoted...

read the thread. not trying to get him demoted. this is a wake up call, for the like 4th time, and my evidence is perfectly fine in showing how he does not do his job properly. and is very biased.

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Btw your evidence is shit.

As a div leader I would expect you to know what it takes to get demoted...

read the thread. not trying to get him demoted. this is a wake up call, for the like 4th time, and my evidence is perfectly fine in showing how he does not do his job properly. and is very biased.


Hold on lemme make my paragraph.

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<14:53:00> "DarkWolf6052": Ugh

<14:53:17> "DarkWolf6052": Diabeetus, Shadowspy, and HidingMaster are autistic

<14:55:05> "DarkWolf6052": Serbian is offline

<14:56:11> "DarkWolf6052": If I get in trouble for this stupid thread I'm leaving xG

<14:56:21> "IAmLegend": dun be gay dark

<14:56:39> "DarkWolf6052": No I've had enough of shadowspy, diabeetus, chrono and hiding

<14:57:00> "IAmLegend": eh that's 4 people out of a whole community

<14:57:10> "DarkWolf6052": That continuously want me demoted

<14:57:25> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": 3 of thoes 4 faggot fuckers are still analy bleeding cuz they didnt get TEMP dm

<14:57:51> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": and can be delt with easly i.e just demote if they continue arguing with higher ups

<14:58:04> "DarkWolf6052": Forest doesn't want them demoted

<14:58:15> "IAmLegend": dark, there are always going to be people who don't agree with you

<14:58:22> "DarkWolf6052": For ALL the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

<14:58:26> "IAmLegend": like me and poncher

<14:58:27> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": idc what forest wants if they continue i say go to serbian

<14:58:32> "DarkWolf6052": Look

<14:58:37> "Rpx": go to SuperMaddud

<14:58:39> "Rpx": DL

<14:58:39> "DarkWolf6052": For all the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

<14:58:42> "Rpx": lol

<14:58:46> "DarkWolf6052": He was only warned

<14:59:12> "IAmLegend": and you're butthurt over the fact that you most likely will NOT get demoted for gagging chrono

<14:59:45> "DarkWolf6052": Chrono is one of those people who hangs out in Warriors room, he'll just ass kiss Serbian into demoting me

<14:59:54> "IAmLegend": nah

<14:59:55> "DarkWolf6052": This just isn't worth it


Again, @@DarkWolf6052 , I have friends too, nice to know me @@diabeetus @@Hidingmaster and @@Chrono are autistic.

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@@DeathGod I know that you wouldn't perm someone, im not that dumb to think that, wasn't meant to get you in trouble, just showing how Darkwolf did nothing about it when not afk

I was in Teamspeak with him at the time. Unlike you. I know DeathGod wouldn't do it. You brought him into the conversation.

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I'm still laughing at the fact that you and your group of friends just downrate every one of my posts in some kind of sad attempt to make it look like I'm stupid or something (Lemons and orangejuice, you guys must really want a promotion bad lol). Look in the general server rules yourself DarkWolf, you'll see that my points are valid and that the rules I'm quoting are accurate. I know it is kind of beating a dead horse when I say this, but let this be your wakeup call Darkwolf, and realize that without a bid attitude change that a demotion is coming your way. Personal events/stress is not an excuse, if you're feeling too stressed out get someone else to go in-game for you. Inb4 lemons and orangejuice downvote this post.

EDIT: the fact that I really just saw what Shadowspy posted is ridiculous. Your attitude is getting increasingly childish as this sitaution continues. You clearly cannot handle stress and easily let your emotions get the better of you". I would suggest a temporary demotion until Darkwolf gets himself together.

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I'm still laughing at the fact that you and your group of friends just downrate every one of my posts in some kind of sad attempt to make it look like I'm stupid or something (Lemons and orangejuice, you guys must really want a promotion bad lol). Look in the general server rules yourself DarkWolf, you'll see that my points are valid and that the rules I'm quoting are accurate. I know it is kind of beating a dead horse when I say this, but let this be your wakeup call Darkwolf, and realize that without a bid attitude change that a demotion is coming your way. Personal events/stress is not an excuse, if you're feeling too stressed out get someone else to go in-game for you. Inb4 lemons and orangejuice downvote this post.

Oh and you're not rating all my posts down?

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No it doesn't mean he is demoted or not because of an abuse report. there are plenty that are stern talking tos, and a demote if they don't change.


Also I was not aware we demoted people for thinking differently from you.

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@@DarkWolf6052 The only reason we're doing it is because of your friends (id say something else right here but ill go easy, lol) are downs-voting everyone not on your side

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<14:53:00> "DarkWolf6052": Ugh

<14:53:17> "DarkWolf6052": Diabeetus, Shadowspy, and HidingMaster are autistic

<14:55:05> "DarkWolf6052": Serbian is offline

<14:56:11> "DarkWolf6052": If I get in trouble for this stupid thread I'm leaving xG

<14:56:21> "IAmLegend": dun be gay dark

<14:56:39> "DarkWolf6052": No I've had enough of shadowspy, diabeetus, chrono and hiding

<14:57:00> "IAmLegend": eh that's 4 people out of a whole community

<14:57:10> "DarkWolf6052": That continuously want me demoted

<14:57:25> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": 3 of thoes 4 faggot fuckers are still analy bleeding cuz they didnt get TEMP dm

<14:57:51> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": and can be delt with easly i.e just demote if they continue arguing with higher ups

<14:58:04> "DarkWolf6052": Forest doesn't want them demoted

<14:58:15> "IAmLegend": dark, there are always going to be people who don't agree with you

<14:58:22> "DarkWolf6052": For ALL the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

<14:58:26> "IAmLegend": like me and poncher

<14:58:27> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": idc what forest wants if they continue i say go to serbian

<14:58:32> "DarkWolf6052": Look

<14:58:37> "Rpx": go to SuperMaddud

<14:58:39> "Rpx": DL

<14:58:39> "DarkWolf6052": For all the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on

<14:58:42> "Rpx": lol

<14:58:46> "DarkWolf6052": He was only warned

<14:59:12> "IAmLegend": and you're butthurt over the fact that you most likely will NOT get demoted for gagging chrono

<14:59:45> "DarkWolf6052": Chrono is one of those people who hangs out in Warriors room, he'll just ass kiss Serbian into demoting me

<14:59:54> "IAmLegend": nah

<14:59:55> "DarkWolf6052": This just isn't worth it


Again, @@DarkWolf6052 , I have friends too, nice to know me @@diabeetus @@Hidingmaster and @@Chrono are autistic.


Are you kidding me? You all are gonna talk behind our backs? Thanks for making all look like pieces of shit. I am simply stating my opinions here, NOT ONCE DID I SAY I WANT YOU DEMOTED, but rather bring awareness to the issue. I was never in the spot for getting temp DM, I was thought about, but there were other more deserving people at the time. And dont be bringing in "well shadow did this earlier and look what he got", that doesn't fly its just an excuse to ignore an issue. Dark, I hope you realize I think you are a good DM, but really going behind my back and telling people this stuff. What else have you said?


Let me get this straight: I AM STATING COMPLETELY TRUE OPINIONS to help people figure out the entire situation. Go ahead and call me autistic, a faggot, stupid. We've been playing together for a long time, its really hurts to see this happen. Thanks.

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