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Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

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@@DarkWolf6052 I rated one of your posts 'Downs' and two of of them 'Disagree' (which is a neutral vote I believe, but I could be mistaken). That is nowhere near the amount you, lemons and orangejuice have, and far less than all of your replies to this thread.

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@@Chrono My thread SHOULD have been a wake-up call for him, this SHOULD lead him to a demotion, unless it turns into a 3 strike thing, this being his second.

(Ill post this again) @@DarkWolf6052 The only reason we're doing it is because of your friends (id say something else right here but ill go easy, lol) are downs-voting everyone not on your side

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This is-

I just-

I can smell the stank this thread is emitting all the way from the General section, my god. What happened to the civility of people? The amount of roids-rage is ludicrous. For the sake of myself, I'm going to be posting on what this Report Abuse thread is about (disregarding everything else, solely because it has all been mentioned enough times that I'm sure Darkwolf gets the picture) and that's it. I won't be replying to anyone or anything, should they choose to reply to my post. Alright, without further ado, here we go:


"Refuses to acknowledge why he gags and or slays people."

  • Fair enough. This is something all of our Staff Members should be thorough in. No matter how frivolous or ridiculous it is, the rules we abide by state that we must give a reason as to why the gag/slay/kick/ban was dealt, whether it be before the punishment is dealt or after (preferably after).
  • Regardless of the rank of the player/member being punished, a reason should always be given. It's perfectly understandable that Chrono should know what to expect (even though I don't entirely see the problem with saying it in Admin Chat if no one is offended).

"Threatens players when they question him. 'Recording demo whole time, dare you to fight it'."

  • As Staff Members, we have no need to threaten members/players with a demo if they are disobeying. We have the ability to target all of our Staff for the sole purpose of keeping the peace and being able to punish those who aren't listening. In no way should we ever have to threaten with a demo, and if a demo is being recorded, it should not be used as a threat ingame to gain leverage into what you're saying. If you're recording a demo, then keep recording, don't feed the fire by saying something like this during your demo.

"Wrongly gagged me."

  • Given that the derogatory term "nigger" has been flung around everywhere in TeamSpeak and even been used by the Member in question is enough to not warrant any form of action, especially if it was uttered in Admin Chat. By no means should a Staff Member !gag another Staff Member for saying it in Admin Chat if it is being used as a joke or just playing around (however if a Staff Member is taking offence to it, do not continue and stop), especially if that Staff Member says it all the time out-of-game. The only reason it is given leniency in Admin Chat is because there is only a handful of Staff on at any given point, and more than likely they can take it as a joke. The use of this derogatory term in Public chat however; may insult or offend one of the many players who are on. Chrono used it via Admin Chat in a joking manner (from what I've heard). Should he had spammed admin chat with it, then an appropriate course of action should have been taken.

Pretty long, but I'm pretty sure that covers everything based on the OP of this Report Abuse. Given the circumstances however, I will state that both Darkwolf and I were stressed and pressured the other night from the over abundance of complaints we received. Darkwolf did not have a level-head at the time, and yes, was easily provoked into immediate action. I can testify that he was not in a calm state of mind and may have acted rashly, but yes, this is not an acceptable means of "venting" and some rules were broken as an Admin. With that in mind, I strongly suggest to any Staff Member who has built up stress to log off and vent before getting back on. This will prevent you from making any substantial damage by breaking rules or skipping steps, and will also keep threads like this to a minimum.


TL;DR - Sorry guys, going to have to read it if you want to know.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

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Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.



I realize this, which is what I stated in my first post. It was a perfectly fine abuse report, but once threats started to happen people became defensive. There was no reason for darkwolf to comment like that behind our back, thats not something that should have been done.


And if this was an abuse thread for me, shadow, or really anybody not a DM then it wouldnt be an issue of growing up. I came in here to state a legitimate opinion, and get shot down for trying to say it.

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Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect

Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up

But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where

I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk.


@@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.

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Alright, from this point on, no more bickering at each other guys. Try your best to keep this thread on topic (meaning toward the Report Abuse OP and Darkwolf). Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and as such, should not be shot down for stating their end of the story.


Any further posts from this point on that are specifically targeted at "Group A" or "Group B" will be removed. I'm not intentionally trying to threaten anyone, but if anyone has a discrepancy with someone else who isn't Darkwolf, either keep it to yourself or talk it out elsewhere. This is a Report Abuse thread for Darkwolf, not for his pals or buds.

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Alright, from this point on, no more bickering at each other guys. Try your best to keep this thread on topic (meaning toward the Report Abuse OP and Darkwolf). Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and as such, should not be shot down for stating their end of the story.


Any further posts from this point on that are specifically targeted at "Group A" or "Group B" will be removed. I'm not intentionally trying to threaten anyone, but if anyone has a discrepancy with someone else who isn't Darkwolf, either keep it to yourself or talk it out elsewhere. This is a Report Abuse thread for Darkwolf, not for his pals or buds.

yeah that forest guy is a fgt. wanna see nudes? lol jk


I agree, the petty arguments are getting annoying in the thread, I just do my best to respond to points I find worthy of responding.

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Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect

Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up

But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where

I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk.


@@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.



You(@@xShadowSpyx) need to stop saying that everything he does is wrong, because it's not... he does quite well for a DM, He is ALWAYS asking around for input about rules and "abuse" and other things... and you need to stop being so aggressivly hostile in your posts towards him


@@DarkWolf6052 you being the DM you need to help solve the problem that is spreading among the CS:S Div, which is that the staff are split into 2-4 little "cliques" because one of the worst things for staff is for them to be in competition with each other and be trying to take each other down rather than lift each other up.


@@Chrono you need to stop being such a troll that doesn't even lift! Even when I was trying to talk seriously to you the other day all you kept saying was something like nigr nigr nigr...


@therestofyou need to stop with the flaming and give some helpful criticism and feedback that will actually HELP rather than just threats and insults.



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Here we go.


Few notes beforehand. (I'll put them in bold so you guys know!)


* I am in NO WAY being biased for Darkwolf what so ever. My honest opinion will be here and if he or anyone els hates me for it let it be.

* Just because Serbian stays in my room because we are FRIENDS does not mean we get PRIORITY over other people WHAT SO EVER. If you use this argument you are dumb witted and have proven NOTHING. Just because he is in the room to play with his FRIENDS does not mean his FRIENDS will not be punished. Want an example? My demotion (Do not bring up my past problems in this thread it is not about me)


===My opinion on Darkwolfs position===

I see him as the only fit person for that rank at this moment. Every other admin has SOME sort of problem that they SHOULD NOT be leading with. I understand everyone makes mistakes but they should not make obvious ones. If there WAS a person with perfect traits I would not ACTIVELY work to get him replaced I would +1 it if the opportunity came along.


The ONLY biased trait I do infact see with darkwolf is with DEMOTIONS (Not promotions) if we are on the topic of say *FOR EXAMPLE* demoting TurdWig for, oh lets just say being a nigger (hue) He has no problem discussing it but if it comes to someone that MIGHT (Cannot confirm) be his friend he tends to SLIDE off the topic.


That is why I DO NOT (AT THIS PERIOD IN TIME) demoted.

Let me make this clear again, if someone BETTER came along i would be all for that other person to take his position. But there is NO ONE better.




Now for chrono...


You say he is being BIASED in THIS photo:






I see NOTHING biased about this.

All I see is you DISRESPECTING by calling him a nigger. We have had this discussion before with YOU AND SERBIAN in the same room. The use of the word "Nigger" that is DIRECTED TOWARDS ANYONE can be considered disrespect by said person it is directed at.

What els do I see?

You calling all the CS:S STAFF (@@Hidingmaster, @@diabeetus, @@xShadowSpyx)

Scared to call others on their mistakes. Which if im correct is the whole purpose of their position as staff.





What the fuck is this?

Oh wait seems I missed a little bit, my bad!




just you disrespecting some more! What a surprise.


And just a little thing I found funny:



So out of this I have gotten:

Nothing on darkwolf.

More on you.

Me finding out you are bad at getting proof.



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Here we go.


Few notes beforehand. (I'll put them in bold so you guys know!)


* I am in NO WAY being biased for Darkwolf what so ever. My honest opinion will be here and if he or anyone els hates me for it let it be.

* Just because Serbian stays in my room because we are FRIENDS does not mean we get PRIORITY over other people WHAT SO EVER. If you use this argument you are dumb witted and have proven NOTHING. Just because he is in the room to play with his FRIENDS does not mean his FRIENDS will not be punished. Want an example? My demotion (Do not bring up my past problems in this thread it is not about me)


===My opinion on Darkwolfs position===

I see him as the only fit person for that rank at this moment. Every other admin has SOME sort of problem that they SHOULD NOT be leading with. I understand everyone makes mistakes but they should not make obvious ones. If there WAS a person with perfect traits I would not ACTIVELY work to get him replaced I would +1 it if the opportunity came along.


The ONLY biased trait I do infact see with darkwolf is with DEMOTIONS (Not promotions) if we are on the topic of say *FOR EXAMPLE* demoting TurdWig for, oh lets just say being a nigger (hue) He has no problem discussing it but if it comes to someone that MIGHT (Cannot confirm) be his friend he tends to SLIDE off the topic.


That is why I DO NOT (AT THIS PERIOD IN TIME) demoted.

Let me make this clear again, if someone BETTER came along i would be all for that other person to take his position. But there is NO ONE better.




Now for chrono...


You say he is being BIASED in THIS photo:






I see NOTHING biased about this.

All I see is you DISRESPECTING by calling him a nigger. We have had this discussion before with YOU AND SERBIAN in the same room. The use of the word "Nigger" that is DIRECTED TOWARDS ANYONE can be considered disrespect by said person it is directed at.

What els do I see?

You calling all the CS:S STAFF (@@Hidingmaster, @@diabeetus, @@xShadowSpyx)

Scared to call others on their mistakes. Which if im correct is the whole purpose of their position as staff.





What the fuck is this?

Oh wait seems I missed a little bit, my bad!




just you disrespecting some more! What a surprise.


And just a little thing I found funny:



So out of this I have gotten:

Nothing on darkwolf.

More on you.

Me finding out you are bad at getting proof.




>Can be disrespectful, already determined it wasnt deemed as such.

>Point wasnt to show biased, but rather lack of acknowledgment

>Point of position is to control server and deal with rule breakers

>Fear of demotion if calling anyone out, or at least being ridiculed

>Threatening a demo is not a big threat, but something that should not be done because it creates a rift between everyone

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Here we go.


Few notes beforehand. (I'll put them in bold so you guys know!)


* I am in NO WAY being biased for Darkwolf what so ever. My honest opinion will be here and if he or anyone els hates me for it let it be.

* Just because Serbian stays in my room because we are FRIENDS does not mean we get PRIORITY over other people WHAT SO EVER. If you use this argument you are dumb witted and have proven NOTHING. Just because he is in the room to play with his FRIENDS does not mean his FRIENDS will not be punished. Want an example? My demotion (Do not bring up my past problems in this thread it is not about me)


===My opinion on Darkwolfs position===

I see him as the only fit person for that rank at this moment. Every other admin has SOME sort of problem that they SHOULD NOT be leading with. I understand everyone makes mistakes but they should not make obvious ones. If there WAS a person with perfect traits I would not ACTIVELY work to get him replaced I would +1 it if the opportunity came along.


The ONLY biased trait I do infact see with darkwolf is with DEMOTIONS (Not promotions) if we are on the topic of say *FOR EXAMPLE* demoting TurdWig for, oh lets just say being a nigger (hue) He has no problem discussing it but if it comes to someone that MIGHT (Cannot confirm) be his friend he tends to SLIDE off the topic.


That is why I DO NOT (AT THIS PERIOD IN TIME) demoted.

Let me make this clear again, if someone BETTER came along i would be all for that other person to take his position. But there is NO ONE better.




Now for chrono...


You say he is being BIASED in THIS photo:






I see NOTHING biased about this.

All I see is you DISRESPECTING by calling him a nigger. We have had this discussion before with YOU AND SERBIAN in the same room. The use of the word "Nigger" that is DIRECTED TOWARDS ANYONE can be considered disrespect by said person it is directed at.

What els do I see?

You calling all the CS:S STAFF (@@Hidingmaster, @@diabeetus, @@xShadowSpyx)

Scared to call others on their mistakes. Which if im correct is the whole purpose of their position as staff.





What the fuck is this?

Oh wait seems I missed a little bit, my bad!




just you disrespecting some more! What a surprise.


And just a little thing I found funny:



So out of this I have gotten:

Nothing on darkwolf.

More on you.

Me finding out you are bad at getting proof.



LOL. Rainbow seemed to not take offense to it, again, had he taken it offensively then he it would be considered disrespect. same with "Nigger" the me saying he is biased, came later in the thread, where you so gracefully neglected to include the image where deathgod said "Nigga" a shorter version of the same word and darkwolf did nothing, however when i did it the night before, I as someone who clearly there is an issue between he gags and deems it disrespectful.


Please, when you try to respond trying to make my statements contradictory, try harder.


I'm "bad at getting proof" because unlike you (and darkwolf from his statements) don't join servers to SPECIFICALLY gather proof to get someone demoted. I join to have fun and when something happens to me, I will find the wrongs in there (usually when someone threatens me) and get those. I don't have personal agendas against other staff and don't hunt them out.

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