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ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

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Back on the subject of fairness. @@Forest again, you want to go with "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN"? fine. smite @all is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, yet warrior only got demoted from moderator to admin, and had his banned moved from perm to 1 month to 1 day.


Why does aaron go from Admin to Member? That right there is a prime example of not being fair.


IMO Aaron even did his job MUCH better than Warrior did.

Implying I was a Co at the time and that Poncher didn't give two shits. Why are you pulling me back in here you nig, I don't even think I got the chance to give my opinion on that mess.

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Implying I was a Co at the time and that Poncher didn't give two shits. Why are you pulling me back in here you nig, I don't even think I got the chance to give my opinion on that mess.

So do the right thing. Give Aaron at minimum his mod back, or make up for his time lost and just give him admin back. I've given 2 prime examples of how unfair his demotion was, and one of them being your "strictly forbidden" example. regardless of whether you were Co then or not, In the case of Aaron, he is being treated unfairly.


None of this "we have to start somewhere so it might as well be here" bullshit. If you got this special treatment, it was probably because you are friends with the div leaders or something, and treating someone who isn't necessarily best friends with them and likes to call it how they see it differently is way too unfair. by "friends" i mean, you sit there and suck their dicks (you too warrior)

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Back on the subject of fairness. @@Forest again, you want to go with "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN"? fine. smite @all is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, yet warrior only got demoted from moderator to admin, and had his banned moved from perm to 1 month to 1 day.


Why does aaron go from Admin to Member? That right there is a prime example of not being fair.


IMO Aaron even did his job MUCH better than Warrior did.


You say back on the subject yet you bring my ban up again. You are stupid and ignorant (Atleast xg wise your cool outside of it)

We have already delt with this and it cannot be changed, do not discuss it here.



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warrior only got demoted from moderator to admin, and had his banned moved from perm to 1 month to 1 day..


It's because he's friends with more of the higher ups. If I'd smote @all I imagine I wouldve been demoted to member permanently for that too

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So do the right thing. Give Aaron at minimum his mod back, or make up for his time lost and just give him admin back. I've given 2 prime examples of how unfair his demotion was, and one of them being your "strictly forbidden" example. regardless of whether you were Co then or not, In the case of Aaron, he is being treated unfairly.


None of this "we have to start somewhere so it might as well be here" bullshit. If you got this special treatment, it was probably because you are friends with the div leaders or something, and treating someone who isn't necessarily best friends with them and likes to call it how they see it differently is way too unfair. by "friends" i mean, you sit there and suck their dicks (you too warrior)

I'v already said that his demotion was already agreed on by Higher-Ups, including Silence. During the time, ban @ all was severely disrupting the game (it was used at least 3-4 times consecutively, and if I'm not mistaken was used the day before as well). We decided to crack down on it, and it was established that anyone caught using the command would receive an immediate demotion to Member, no exceptions. It could have been anyone else, and I would still stand by it because that is what we established was the punishment.


You can't compare this sort of event to a different one as they are two completely different situations. If you want to use Warrior's as an example, his reasoning was that he believed it was the right course of action. Whether or not he's lying is impossible to tell, maybe he does have a small IQ (<3) and thought smite @ all would be the best solution. Point is, he did it in order to maintain the Server and do his job. Aaron, although giving a vote to see if the server was in agreeance, did a ban @ all when a couple days before it was, as I mentioned earlier, it was agreed on that ban @ all would warrant a demotion. Like I said, it could have been anyone else, but during the time of that whole ordeal, it was frustratingly annoying to have to go through all this trouble just to find the person who thought it would be funny to do it a bunch of times; so you can at least imagine how riled up the Higher-Ups were. No leniency was given during that time.


In terms of Aaron being eligible to receive a Staff position again, I honestly have no grievances with it. Simply put, what he did (although was agreed on by the Server) still warranted a demotion back then, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to earn his position back.

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You say back on the subject yet you bring my ban up again. You are stupid and ignorant (Atleast xg wise your cool outside of it)

We have already delt with this and it cannot be changed, do not discuss it here.



I say back on the subject of fairness and your case as well as others are examples in the subject.

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He should be given mod back because overall he was a great mod* and messed up, got demoted and now he's back and won't do it again. *stares at Aaron*


*I use mod in the general sense of Moderator of the game regardless of actual rank.

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@@Forest, how could anyone comprehend that freesmiting 10+ people would be beneficial towards the server? I was there, he did it because he got killed just before the invalid wasd freeday was called and got bored (which he also did without consulting any of the other staff members on at the time, myself included). Anyone with half of a brain would know just to call an invalid freeday and possibly slay the warden for giving invalid orders. You can try to sugarcoat up the obvious favoritism towards warrior (a staff member who rarely gets on the division he's supposed to be monitoring mind you) and the whole situation regarding his freesmiting, but we can all see the deep layers of pure bullshit underneath.

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@@diabeetus I agree with 100% as for the warrior subject.

I was there as well, he said NOTHING before hand asking anyone, and was just mad about the day, he knew he wouldn't get in trouble because of his "connections" I guess you could call them. If he honestly did it because the day was wrong he wouldn't have said "My cat stepped on my keyboard", he would have gone straight to saying that it wasn't a fair day (still would be shit reasoning since he could've said "this isn't allowed" and called a freeday.) Some people say since CTs were killing Ts they weren't freeslays (Even though at the time there was no rule restricting the day, and was changed after the situation occurred), but you can't exclude the Ts who were slayed for it as well.

Anyways, back to topic.

Aaron did ban @all, which is considerably worse, especially when it had occurred multiple times, and when silence had restricted it COMPLETELY with the risk of demoting to member.

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@@Forest, how could anyone comprehend that freesmiting 10+ people would be beneficial towards the server? I was there, he did it because he got killed just before the invalid wasd freeday was called and got bored (which he also did without consulting any of the other staff members on at the time, myself included). Anyone with half of a brain would know just to call an invalid freeday and possibly slay the warden for giving invalid orders. You can try to sugarcoat up the obvious favoritism towards warrior (a staff member who rarely gets on the division he's supposed to be monitoring mind you) and the whole situation regarding his freesmiting, but we can all see the deep layers of pure bullshit underneath.

For one, it wasn't 10+ people (7-8, I think you meant 10+ people complaining). Two, he simply dealt with the situation poorly. There were a large amount of people complaining about the day which was then restricted in the motd later that day. I brought it up with higher ups but nothing was done because not enough complaints have gone through. People thought it was hilarious at first, then it started happening frequently (then it became a problem). You should stop trying to make him look bad, it's just making you look stupid in front of all the people who were actually there.

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For one, it wasn't 10+ people (7-8, I think you meant 10+ people complaining). Two, he simply dealt with the situation poorly. There were a large amount of people complaining about the day which was then restricted in the motd later that day. I brought it up with higher ups but nothing was done because not enough complaints have gone through. People thought it was hilarious at first, then it started happening frequently (then it became a problem). You should stop trying to make him look bad, it's just making you look stupid in front of all the people who were actually there.

Funny thing is, I was there when it happened. I'm sorry that I can't remember the situation with crystal clear accuracy like you seem to be able to, however, freesmiting 7-8 people is still abuse, just slapping on the excuse of "he was handling the situation as he saw fit" or "he handled it poorly" does not in any way nullify the fact that he still abused by freesmiting 7-8 people. There is no justifiable reason that I can think of that would excuse why any T was smited on that day, the problem that occured was entirely the fault of the warden and any other CT's that may have freekilled due to the warden's invalid orders. Personally, I find it incredibly unfair when we demote people for abuse that I personally don't find as severe, while we give incredible amounts of leniency when someone screws up on how to handle a situation with the result intentionally freesmiting 7-8 people in order to end a day that was boring.

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For one, it wasn't 10+ people (7-8, I think you meant 10+ people complaining). Two, he simply dealt with the situation poorly. There were a large amount of people complaining about the day which was then restricted in the motd later that day. I brought it up with higher ups but nothing was done because not enough complaints have gone through. People thought it was hilarious at first, then it started happening frequently (then it became a problem). You should stop trying to make him look bad, it's just making you look stupid in front of all the people who were actually there.

He was there. So was I. We were both in game.

The only one making themselves look stupid here, is you. Your attitude is the only problem anywhere you post.


The get down to it fact of the matter is:


Warrior was in server, there was a situation, he handled it very wrongly (beyond outside of the realm of what he should have done to handle the situation [slay warden, all chat invalid freeday etc.] rather) by smiting all. In continuation of this, I am not disagreeing that the intentions were good, but when you put it down in black and white, the bottom line is it was abuse and it was such in a way of doing something strictly forbidden. Our argument here (regardless of you not being Co at the time) is that the way the "higher ups" (darkwolf was a "higher up in this case as well", and is in this case) did not handle it correctly. the punishment for something strictly forbidden is demotion immediately to member as well as depending on the issue, potentially permanent bans. however instead of following that, we are pointing out that it was overlooked and rather than demoted from Admin to Member (or non member in the case of a perm ban) he was demoted only from Admin to Mod (which is a joke since there is literally no difference, "oh no I can't make votes that I get in trouble for anyway by the nazi regime ruling over fun") and my initial permanent ban given to him through source bans (as that was the standard) got reduced by serbian to a month, and then later removed by poncher after 24 hrs from initial time of ban. There is really only 1 thing that really stands out in this case as opposed to Aaron's case.

Warrior is on a very friendly standing with the "higher ups" (namely darkwolf [reference to my thread in admin discussion here]) where as Aaron (the other culprit of this "strictly forbidden" abuse) is punished to the almost full extent (I say almost because he wasn't perm banned, only demoted to member) which is still way more severe than warrior's case.


All these statements in this thread are points about favoritism, and how unfair the "higher ups" are being, and it is a point I have been pushing for a long time now as something that needs to be looked at, we are taking baby steps, but there are still more cases that come up along the way which push us back.


@@Forest if you would like to have a more in depth discussion and not clog this thread up, please by all means, log on steam. then message me. where I could also provide links etc to some things.

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He was there. So was I. We were both in game.

The only one making themselves look stupid here, is you. Your attitude is the only problem anywhere you post.


The get down to it fact of the matter is:


Warrior was in server, there was a situation, he handled it very wrongly (beyond outside of the realm of what he should have done to handle the situation [slay warden, all chat invalid freeday etc.] rather) by smiting all. In continuation of this, I am not disagreeing that the intentions were good, but when you put it down in black and white, the bottom line is it was abuse and it was such in a way of doing something strictly forbidden. Our argument here (regardless of you not being Co at the time) is that the way the "higher ups" (darkwolf was a "higher up in this case as well", and is in this case) did not handle it correctly. the punishment for something strictly forbidden is demotion immediately to member as well as depending on the issue, potentially permanent bans. however instead of following that, we are pointing out that it was overlooked and rather than demoted from Admin to Member (or non member in the case of a perm ban) he was demoted only from Admin to Mod (which is a joke since there is literally no difference, "oh no I can't make votes that I get in trouble for anyway by the nazi regime ruling over fun") and my initial permanent ban given to him through source bans (as that was the standard) got reduced by serbian to a month, and then later removed by poncher after 24 hrs from initial time of ban. There is really only 1 thing that really stands out in this case as opposed to Aaron's case.

Warrior is on a very friendly standing with the "higher ups" (namely darkwolf [reference to my thread in admin discussion here]) where as Aaron (the other culprit of this "strictly forbidden" abuse) is punished to the almost full extent (I say almost because he wasn't perm banned, only demoted to member) which is still way more severe than warrior's case.


All these statements in this thread are points about favoritism, and how unfair the "higher ups" are being, and it is a point I have been pushing for a long time now as something that needs to be looked at, we are taking baby steps, but there are still more cases that come up along the way which push us back.


@@Forest if you would like to have a more in depth discussion and not clog this thread up, please by all means, log on steam. then message me. where I could also provide links etc to some things.

Regardless of what you think, bottom line is slaying @all to poorly fix a bad situation is a big difference from banning @all because it's late at night. If anyone should be punished, it should every single person who abused their powers for fun on "late night jailbreak."

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