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So is CS:S div dead or what

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Only reason I didnt bring up TF2 was because this was under CS Discussion so i tried to keep it between those two. I checked the members submissions and its majority of tf2 with some css sprinkled in, but then i look at the tf2 boards and see a few posts about inactivity and what not. I came to the conclusion that because it is a free game we get a surplus of member submissions for people who play on the servers but don't want to put in the time commitment. I don't really know how to fix this other than advertising the clan or providing member only benefits


edit: forums OP too much usage

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@@Rhododendron You are the leader of xG, you aren't the leader of TF2 alone. You're supposed to support ALL the divisions. People on CSS don't care if you help with TF2(or any other divisions for that matter) as it is still a part of xG, what we do care about is the fact you are completely disregarding CSS because its getting less populated. Hub wouldn't fix ALL our problems with CSS, not at all, but when hub went down, CSS started dying. If you added it back population would pick up, with more people comes more ideas and more new players to keep us going. Nobody is telling you to only work on CSS, but do SOMETHING for it other than watch it die, because you promoted the DL who cant code very much, and demoted the DL that could. I was on the SlideRace server when it had hub testing on it, it didn't seem very far from done, with the exclusion of you adding new stuff like bombs and casino etc. to it. If you had at least released the hats and trails, colors tracers etc. that you already had complete it'd be better than nothing. And now you're apparently working on a TF2 hub, which pisses people off even more, yet you don't give a single shit about it.

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@@Rhododendron You are the leader of xG, you aren't the leader of TF2 alone. You're supposed to support ALL the divisions. People on CSS don't care if you help with TF2(or any other divisions for that matter) as it is still a part of xG, what we do care about is the fact you are completely disregarding CSS because its getting less populated. Hub wouldn't fix ALL our problems with CSS, not at all, but when hub went down, CSS started dying. If you added it back population would pick up, with more people comes more ideas and more new players to keep us going. Nobody is telling you to only work on CSS, but do SOMETHING for it other than watch it die, because you promoted the DL who cant code very much, and demoted the DL that could. I was on the SlideRace server when it had hub testing on it, it didn't seem very far from done, with the exclusion of you adding new stuff like bombs and casino etc. to it. If you had at least released the hats and trails, colors tracers etc. that you already had complete it'd be better than nothing. And now you're apparently working on a TF2 hub, which pisses people off even more, yet you don't give a single shit about it.

Hub is a native thing for all source engine games so apparently you have no idea what you're talking about.

Hub was removed around the same time as CS:GO was released so you cannot prove that there is correlation. It could have been a million things. While I will take responsibility for the dying population of CS:S, that alone is not the single reason why it's dying. Stop thinking that there is a simple solution to this, because there isn't.

What DL did I demote that could code? Chrono? If so....


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The tf2 division is prospering because the game is constantly being updated with new items and it's free to play. The community is shit though. I never have an enjoyable time while on the servers because there is no staff on to regulate the rules and it's filled to the brim with kids 12 and under making up their own shit as they play. The cs:s division may not be as prosperous but it is still hell of a lot of fun to play.

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There is no simple solution, almost all of our divs are going through the same exact problems seen before in CSGO. We have a substantial amount of staff, but when it comes to the game itself, it's just not interesting. I'm not trying to play pin the blame on the Silence, so lets just say that the problems incurred a result of loss of innovation. You see, when CSGO died, we had staff trying to populate, we had a few dedicated players. That wasn't the problem. While the problem is simple (the game is boring as JB is after a while with nothing new), the solution isn't so much. We saw a pretty good amount of players influx after LQ was unbanned, you know why? He's fun! While an idiot, he's fun! You need what the core of the game is to get population, you need ENTERTAINMENT. Popularity of a server may be correlated with Hub or staff, but at the end, it's caused by the entertainment factor of a server. If a new player joins and sees that the server gives satisfaction, then he will continue to play for that satisfaction. SO, like I said, the problem is rather simple. The solution is a difficult one. My suggestion (which could very well be wrong, I'm open to disagreement) is to look to make the server fun and INNOVATIVE. Give the players something they haven't seen or something interesting, intriguing. If that entails Hub or whatever you think will bring that, so be it, but the main point I'm trying to drive across is for all of you to look not for a way to populate a server, but ways to make it FUN.

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There is no simple solution, almost all of our divs are going through the same exact problems seen before in CSGO. We have a substantial amount of staff, but when it comes to the game itself, it's just not interesting. I'm not trying to play pin the blame on the Silence, so lets just say that the problems incurred a result of loss of innovation. You see, when CSGO died, we had staff trying to populate, we had a few dedicated players. That wasn't the problem. While the problem is simple (the game is boring as JB is after a while with nothing new), the solution isn't so much. We saw a pretty good amount of players influx after LQ was unbanned, you know why? He's fun! While an idiot, he's fun! You need what the core of the game is to get population, you need ENTERTAINMENT. Popularity of a server may be correlated with Hub or staff, but at the end, it's caused by the entertainment factor of a server. If a new player joins and sees that the server gives satisfaction, then he will continue to play for that satisfaction. SO, like I said, the problem is rather simple. The solution is a difficult one. My suggestion (which could very well be wrong, I'm open to disagreement) is to look to make the server fun and INNOVATIVE. Give the players something they haven't seen or something interesting, intriguing. If that entails Hub or whatever you think will bring that, so be it, but the main point I'm trying to drive across is for all of you to look not for a way to populate a server, but ways to make it FUN.

We're NOT unbanning LQ again though. He used his chance, and had a good run. But unlike others before me, I don't give infinite chances to people like him. #neteX2.0

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Sounds to me like somebody's afraid of some hard work.


Populating servers is not an easy task. If it were, all clans would be populated. We need something that keeps players coming back, something that makes our servers actually rewarding. The ranking system helps, but fails in comparison to store. With hub, plenty of players had something to look forward to, and the clan actually cared about features. Now, the CS:S servers are mostly bland that nearly everyone could copy. No unique maps, very little custom plugins, no custom skins, etc. If we had some sort of gimmick, something that encouraged playing, then we would be more successful.


Most people still play CS:GO. Hub will only become more popular. Many of the features that work for CS:S work for CS:GO. If you don't want a game that a majority of the community wants, then you lose members of the community. For small games such as Killing Floor and other small games, if the population died down, many wouldn't care. However, when you removed one of the big four then you lose members. I tried to salvage what was left of CS:GO by giving them TF2 mod, and hoping they would wait it out.


So, don't stop developing hub for CS:S because you don't think it will work out. That sounds like a sorry excuse. If you have school stuff and other issues that's fine, but don't tell us it's because you're afraid "I'll be wasting my time." You might be the leader, but we're the community, and although you have a greater say to what has to be done, doesn't mean there won't be members leaving.


Oh, and another thing. What happened to hub being out early Spring 2013? Summer 2013? We're still waiting.



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Seriously, just give us some hats, tracers, and trails thats honestly all we need, it brings some spunk and something to aim for. When i first joined the Jailbreak server what caught me was

A) fun people

B) Trails, Hats, Tracers, etc

those gave the people and new players something to look forward to and made the time spent in worth it.

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Seriously, just give us some hats, tracers, and trails thats honestly all we need, it brings some spunk and something to aim for. When i first joined the Jailbreak server what caught me was

A) fun people

B) Trails, Hats, Tracers, etc

those gave the people and new players something to look forward to and made the time spent in worth it.

This is the stuff that makes servers FUN and INNOVATIVE, which brings players in!

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I dont understand why silence is so hesitant to put hub back, "Its a dying game" the reason its slowly dieing is because hub was removed. and you have been making excuses ever sense not to put it back why not take my suggestion and make a goal for people to donate to if the community wants it they will donate for it and they dont they wont or actually put some time and effort into it and code it yourself I'm tired of hearing your bullshit excuses for not putting hub back. and I think I talk for the community when I say that.

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