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So, now that the beta is over (rip), I thought I would make a discussion thread about it.

What did you like? What didn't you like? Do you think it's good? Are you going to buy it? Just stuff like that.

also i got some funny Who I mained jokes, putting them in image links so it doesnt flood this.








sry i couldn't find all the classes

Yeah also you can say what you play as and stuff like that.

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Ah Overwatch. The game is pretty fun, nice graphics, smooth gameplay and so many individual classes to play.

Maps are pretty lit too. I liked it but I doubt I'm gonna buy it since it's pretty expensive and it just doesn't feel unique. My favorite class is probably Soldier 76 and Phara. :D

EDIT: Oh it's only 40€, guess what, Imma buy this shit.

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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Was pretty fun, had a good time and mainly only played with others when I did. Some stuff in it feels a little wonky or perhaps OP but that's bound to happen when there's 20+ classes to play. Also hoping that they add new modes relatively quickly.


Mostly played Mercy and Lucio with the occasional Reinhardt, Bastion, or Torbjorn if someone else was stealing the support role in the group.

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Had a great time playing, I thought it was pretty well made even with the wonky op moments (but that's what beta is for). My favorite 3 were the Junkers + Zenyatta

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I find that my favorite characters are Junkrat, Pharah, Reinahrdt, and Torbiorn.

Overwatch needs more gamemodes though, it gets boring after you play a lot of concecutive games.

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Mei is bae


Mei is bae 100%. I played her so, so much. My friends kept stating that she needs a nerf, but I don't feel that way at all. I feel that she is fine the way she is. She can sustain herself on her own. Mei doesn't need to rely on her teammates for the most part; going on her own adventure and picking at squishy enemies while still being able to wall and defend some things.


D.Va is pretty fun too. Not as tanky as the other tanks.

Lucio seems to be the "go to" support. The healing/speed increase and to add the ability to boost one while it's active for a short duration is great. Lucio's ult is also great for pushing/defending. Zenyatta has good aspects as well. His heal rewards him with healing. The discord orb helps out with offense heroes dishing out damage and Zenyatta's ultimate is great for saving the team, or making a good push.


As far as Overwatch in general goes, they need to do a lot of work. More maps, more gamemodes, and more hats obviously. The game is super fun, but I don't believe it's worth $40 fun. I'd really only purchase it if I had extra money to spend. But I feel as Blizzard is doing great with it and feel as if they're going to take this game in the right direction.


I'm getting Mei withdrawals :(

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I think the game is in a good spot. The game balances itself around a rock-paper-scissors meta. Bastion, Genji, Winston for example.


Bastion destroys Winston.

Genji destroys Bastion.

Winston destroys Genji.


etc etc.


Every hero is good at a thing or two, but some heroes are too strong, and are simply good at everything. Tracer and McCree are some examples. They fit into every single team comp and will always be good, which what makes me say they're overpowered.


As a support player myself, I enjoyed Lucio and Mercy, but Mercy doesn't feel nearly as strong as Lucio. plus, wallriding is stupid fun. Tracer, Widowmaker, Junkrat, and Torb were a few I enjoyed more than I expected to. I'm excited to see where the game will go competitively.


I hope they find some way to "fix" the heroes that are simply not fun to play against (bastion + mei.) the two heroes are fine balance wise, but they're so annoying to counter and fight against.


Edit: Also not a fan of the map design, so far. Tons of choke points and no flanks that needed to be watched. That's something that Valve did perfectly: map design.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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pharah is also like #2 main

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