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Lucaschlo - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:


Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Server Ban


I was spawn killing for a bit on the surf server because I was bored, but then Supreme warned me that if I kept doing it, then I would get banned, so I stopped. Later on, everyone was dancing in spawn, when I saw someone hitting my teammate, so I hit him once, to get him to stop, then it turns out that my teammate getting hit was Supreme, he then grabbed me, let the guy kill me, then he banned me for spawnkilling, when I didn't kill anybody.

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I have warned you many times before, to be honest I probably given you more warnings then I should have (in accumulative not in same day), yet if you keep doing it cause you don’t read the chat or my warnings, thats not my problem... Ive used @all chat, I’m also pretty sure I’ve used /msay to get your attention. Yet you ignore.




"when I saw someone hitting my teammate, so I hit him once, to get him to stop,”

If you are in the enemy teams spawn, they are allowed to attack you. It doesn’t count as spawn-killing.


There is no reason to just hit someone in spawn.




"then it turns out that my teammate getting hit was Supreme”


Yeah umm.... If I was no-clipped and in the air, how was I being hit?




Yes I did grab you, I wasn’t trying to let the guy kill you. I was trying to get you away so I could talk to you. but the person killed you.






After I banned you, a few minutes later you rejoin with an alternate account. (Evading Ban) which is also against the rules.







@BelloWaldi @Goblins

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First off, spawn killing isn't allowed on the surf server. If you read the motd (like you should of done), you would of been aware of consequences that would follow.

Secondly, you evaded a ban? That's a big no-no. Evading punishment results in a ban.


Currently you're banned for a day. If you would of listened in the first place, you wouldn't be in this situation. You could of just waited out the day ban, but I feel that the ban should be extended since you evaded. A 2 day ban seems like it would work fine. Thoughts on this @BelloWaldi?

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LOOOOL , sorry but it´s too funny to read ... by the way .. You broke the rules and then you made a Ban protest..da Faq .-. ... Take it easy ... it´s only a 1 day ban ....

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